describe Moip2::CustomerApi do let(:customer_api) { } describe "#show" do let(:customer_external_id) { "CUS-B6LE6HLFFXKF" } let(:customer) do VCR.use_cassette("get_customer") do end end it { expect( eq customer_external_id } it { expect(customer.own_id).to eq "your_customer_own_id" } it { expect( eq "" } it { expect(customer.funding_instrument).to_not be_nil } it { expect( eq "CRC-OQPJYLGZOY7P" } it { expect(customer.funding_instrument.credit_card.brand).to eq "VISA" } it { expect( be_nil } it { expect(customer.tax_document).to_not be_nil } it { expect(customer.tax_document.type).to eq "CPF" } it { expect(customer.shipping_address).to_not be_nil } it { expect(customer.shipping_address.zip_code).to eq "01234000" } it { expect(customer._links).to_not be_nil } it { expect( customer._links.self.href, ).to eq "" } end describe "#create with funding instrument" do let(:customer_with_funding_instrument) do { ownId: "meu_id_de_cliente", fullname: "Jose Silva", email: "", phone: { areaCode: "11", number: "66778899", }, birthDate: "1988-12-30", taxDocument: { type: "CPF", number: "22222222222", }, shippingAddress: { street: "Avenida Faria Lima", streetNumber: "2927", complement: "8", district: "Itaim", city: "Sao Paulo", state: "SP", country: "BRA", zipCode: "01234000", }, fundingInstrument: { method: "CREDIT_CARD", creditCard: { expirationMonth: 12, expirationYear: 15, number: "4073020000000002", holder: { fullname: "Jose Silva", birthdate: "1988-12-30", taxDocument: { type: "CPF", number: "22222222222", }, phone: { areaCode: "11", number: "66778899", }, }, }, }, } end let(:created_customer_with_funding_instrument) do VCR.use_cassette("create_customer_with_funding_instrument") do customer_api.create customer_with_funding_instrument end end it { expect( eq "CUS-E5CO735TBXTI" } it { expect(created_customer_with_funding_instrument.own_id).to eq "meu_id_de_cliente" } it { expect( eq "" } it { expect(created_customer_with_funding_instrument.funding_instrument).to_not be_nil } it { expect(, ).to eq "CRC-F5DR8SVINCUI" } it { expect( created_customer_with_funding_instrument.funding_instrument.credit_card.brand, ).to eq "VISA" } it { expect( be_nil } it { expect(created_customer_with_funding_instrument.tax_document).to_not be_nil } it { expect(created_customer_with_funding_instrument.tax_document.type).to eq "CPF" } it { expect(created_customer_with_funding_instrument.shipping_address).to_not be_nil } it { expect( created_customer_with_funding_instrument.shipping_address.zip_code, ).to eq "01234000" } it { expect(created_customer_with_funding_instrument._links).to_not be_nil } it { expect( created_customer_with_funding_instrument._links.self.href, ).to eq "" } end describe "#create without funding instrument" do let(:customer) do { ownId: "meu_id_sandbox_1231234", fullname: "Jose Silva", email: "", birthDate: "1988-12-30", taxDocument: { type: "CPF", number: "22222222222", }, phone: { countryCode: "55", areaCode: "11", number: "66778899", }, shippingAddress: { city: "Sao Paulo", complement: "8", district: "Itaim", street: "Avenida Faria Lima", streetNumber: "2927", zipCode: "01234000", state: "SP", country: "BRA", }, } end let(:created_customer) do VCR.use_cassette("create_customer") do customer_api.create customer end end it { expect( eq "CUS-4GESZSOAH7HX" } it { expect(created_customer.own_id).to eq "meu_id_sandbox_1231234" } it { expect( eq "" } it { expect( be_nil } it { expect(created_customer.tax_document).to_not be_nil } it { expect(created_customer.tax_document.type).to eq "CPF" } it { expect(created_customer.shipping_address).to_not be_nil } it { expect(created_customer.shipping_address.zip_code).to eq "01234000" } it { expect(created_customer._links).to_not be_nil } it { expect( created_customer._links.self.href, ).to eq "" } end describe "#create credit card to customer" do let(:credit_card) do { method: "CREDIT_CARD", creditCard: { expirationMonth: "05", expirationYear: "22", number: "5555666677778884", cvc: "123", holder: { fullname: "Jose Portador da Silva", birthdate: "1988-12-30", taxDocument: { type: "CPF", number: "33333333333", }, phone: { countryCode: "55", areaCode: "11", number: "66778899", }, }, }, } end let(:credit_card_added) do VCR.use_cassette("create_credit_card_customer") do customer_api.add_credit_card("CUS-4GESZSOAH7HX", credit_card) end end it { expect( be_nil } it { expect(credit_card_added.credit_card.brand).to eq "MASTERCARD" } it { expect(credit_card_added.credit_card.first6).to eq "555566" } it { expect(credit_card_added.credit_card.last4).to eq "8884" } end describe "#delete a credit card from customer" do context "when credit card exists" do let(:credit_card_deleted) do VCR.use_cassette("delete_credit_card_customer") do customer_api.delete_credit_card!("CRC-920F3Z3CTVN8") end end it { expect(credit_card_deleted).to eq true } end context "when credit card doesn't exist" do let(:credit_card_nonexistent) do VCR.use_cassette("delete_nonexistent_credit_card_customer") do customer_api.delete_credit_card!("CRC-450F3Z4CTVN8") end end it { expect { credit_card_nonexistent }.to raise_error(Moip2::NotFoundError) } end end end