# Configure the Rakefile's tasks. ### # Company and SSL Details # Used with the ssl_cert task. ### # The company name - used for SSL certificates, and in srvious other places COMPANY_NAME = "<%= copyright_holder %>" # The Country Name to use for SSL Certificates SSL_COUNTRY_NAME = "US" # The State Name to use for SSL Certificates SSL_STATE_NAME = "Several" # The Locality Name for SSL - typically, the city SSL_LOCALITY_NAME = "Locality" # What department? SSL_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NAME = "Operations" # The SSL contact email address SSL_EMAIL_ADDRESS = "ops@example.com" # License for new Cookbooks # Can be :apachev2 or :none NEW_COOKBOOK_LICENSE = :<%= license %> ### # Useful Extras (which you probably don't need to change) ### # The top of the repository checkout TOPDIR = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..")) # Where to store certificates generated with ssl_cert CADIR = File.expand_path(File.join(TOPDIR, "certificates"))