# This file is part of Metasm, the Ruby assembly manipulation suite # Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Yoann GUILLOT # # Licence is LGPL, see LICENCE in the top-level directory require 'metasm/main' require 'metasm/preprocessor' module Metasm # c parser # inspired from http://www.math.grin.edu/~stone/courses/languages/C-syntax.xhtml module C Keyword = %w[struct union enum if else for while do switch goto register extern auto static typedef const volatile void int float double char signed unsigned long short case continue break return default __attribute__ asm __asm __asm__ sizeof typeof __declspec __cdecl __stdcall __fastcall __noreturn inline __inline __inline__ __volatile__ __int8 __int16 __int32 __int64 __builtin_offsetof ].inject({}) { |h, w| h.update w => true } class Statement end module Typed # allows quick testing whether an object is an CExpr or a Variable end class Block < Statement attr_accessor :symbol # hash name => Type/Variable/enum value attr_accessor :struct # hash name => Struct/Union/Enum attr_accessor :outer # parent block attr_accessor :statements # array of Statement/Declaration attr_accessor :anonymous_enums # array of anonymous Enum def initialize(outer, statements=[], symbol={}, struct={}) @outer = outer @statements = statements @symbol = symbol @struct = struct end def struct_ancestors @outer ? @outer.struct_ancestors.merge(@struct) : @struct end def symbol_ancestors @outer ? @outer.symbol_ancestors.merge(@symbol) : @symbol end end module Attributes attr_accessor :attributes DECLSPECS = %w[cdecl stdcall fastcall inline naked thiscall noreturn] # parses a sequence of __attribute__((anything)) into self.attributes (array of string) def parse_attributes(parser, allow_declspec = false) while tok = parser.skipspaces and tok.type == :string case keyword = tok.raw when '__attribute__', '__declspec' # synonymous: __attribute__((foo)) == __declspec(foo) raise tok || parser if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '(' raise tok || parser if keyword == '__attribute__' and (not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '(') nest = 0 attrib = '' loop do raise parser if not tok = parser.skipspaces if tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == ')' if nest == 0 raise tok || parser if keyword == '__attribute__' and (not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ')') break else nest -= 1 end elsif tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '(' nest += 1 elsif nest == 0 and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == ',' raise tok || parser if not allow_declspec and DECLSPECS.include? attrib add_attribute attrib attrib = '' next end attrib << tok.raw end raise tok || parser, "attr #{attrib.inspect} not allowed here" if not allow_declspec and DECLSPECS.include? attrib else if allow_declspec and DECLSPECS.include? keyword.gsub('_', '') attrib = keyword.gsub('_', '') else break end end add_attribute(attrib) end parser.unreadtok tok end # checks if the object has an attribute in its attribute list def has_attribute(attr) attributes.to_a.include? attr end # adds an attribute to the object attribute list if it is not already in it def add_attribute(attr) (@attributes ||= []) << attr if not has_attribute(attr) end # checks if the object has an attributes a la __attribute__((attr(stuff))), returns 'stuff' (raw, no split on ',' or anything) def has_attribute_var(attr) $1 if attributes.to_a.find { |a| a =~ /^#{attr}\((.*)\)$/ } end end class Type include Attributes attr_accessor :qualifier # const volatile def pointer? ; false end def arithmetic? ; false end def integral? ; false end def float? ; false end def void? ; false end def base ; self end def untypedef ; self end def parse_initializer(parser, scope) raise parser, 'expr expected' if not ret = CExpression.parse(parser, scope, false) p, i = pointer?, integral? r = ret.reduce(parser) if p or i if (not p and not i) or (i and not r.kind_of? ::Integer) or (p and r != 0) parser.check_compatible_type(parser, ret.type, self) end ret end def parse_initializer_designator(parser, scope, value, idx, root=true) if not root and (not nt = parser.skipspaces or nt.type != :punct or nt.raw != '=') raise nt || parser, '"=" expected' end value[idx] = parse_initializer(parser, scope) idx + 1 end end class BaseType < Type attr_accessor :name # :int :long :longlong :short :double :longdouble :float :char :void :__int8/16/32/64 attr_accessor :specifier # sign specifier only def arithmetic? ; @name != :void end def integral? ; [:char, :short, :int, :long, :longlong, :ptr, :__int8, :__int16, :__int32, :__int64].include? @name end def signed? ; specifier != :unsigned end def float? ; [:float, :double, :longdouble].include? @name end def void? ; @name == :void end def align(parser) @name == :double ? 4 : parser.typesize[@name] end def initialize(name, *specs) @name = name specs.each { |s| case s when :const, :volatile; (@qualifier ||= []) << s when :signed, :unsigned; @specifier = s when nil else raise "internal error, got #{name.inspect} #{specs.inspect}" end } end def ==(o) o.object_id == self.object_id or (o.class == self.class and o.name == self.name and o.specifier == self.specifier and o.attributes == self.attributes) end end class TypeDef < Type attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :backtrace def initialize(name, type, backtrace) @name, @type, @backtrace = name, type, backtrace end def parse_initializer(parser, scope) @type.parse_initializer(parser, scope) end def pointer? ; @type.pointer? end def arithmetic? ; @type.arithmetic? end def integral? ; @type.integral? end def signed? ; @type.signed? end # relevant only if integral? returns true def float? ; @type.float? end def void? ; @type.void? end def untypedef ; @type.untypedef end def align(parser) @type.align(parser) end # XXX __attribute__ ? def pointed ; @type.pointed end end class Function < Type attr_accessor :type # return type attr_accessor :args # [name, Variable] attr_accessor :varargs # true/false def initialize(type=nil, args=nil) @type = type @args = args if args end def base ; @type.base ; end end class Union < Type attr_accessor :members # [Variable] attr_accessor :bits # [bits] or nil attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :backtrace attr_accessor :fldoffset, :fldbitoffset, :fldlist def align(parser) @members.to_a.map { |m| m.type.align(parser) }.max end # there is only one instance of a given named struct per parser # so we just compare struct names here # for comparison between parsers, see #compare_deep def ==(o) o.object_id == self.object_id or (o.class == self.class and o.name == self.name and ((o.name and true) or compare_deep(o))) end # compare to another structure, comparing members recursively (names and type) # returns true if the self is same as o def compare_deep(o, seen = []) return true if o.object_id == self.object_id return if o.class != self.class or o.name != self.name or o.attributes != self.attributes o.members.to_a.zip(self.members.to_a).each { |om, sm| return if om.name != sm.name return if om.type != sm.type if om.type.pointer? ot = om.type st = sm.type 500.times { # limit for selfpointers (shouldnt happen) break if not ot.pointer? ot = ot.pointed.untypedef st = st.pointed.untypedef } if ot.kind_of?(C::Union) and ot.name and not seen.include?(ot) return if not st.compare_deep(ot, seen+[ot]) end end } true end def findmember(name, igncase=false) raise parser, 'undefined structure' if not @members return @fldlist[name] if fldlist and @fldlist[name] name = name.downcase if igncase if m = @members.find { |m_| (n = m_.name) and (igncase ? n.downcase : n) == name } return m else @members.each { |m_| if t = m_.type.untypedef and t.kind_of? Union and mm = t.findmember(name, igncase) return mm end } end nil end def offsetof(parser, name) raise parser, 'undefined structure' if not @members update_member_cache(parser) if not fldlist return 0 if @fldlist[name] if name.kind_of?(Variable) return 0 if @members.include? name raise ParseError, 'unknown union member' end raise parser, 'unknown union member' if not findmember(name) @members.find { |m| m.type.untypedef.kind_of? Union and m.type.untypedef.findmember(name) }.type.untypedef.offsetof(parser, name) end def bitoffsetof(parser, name) raise parser, 'undefined structure' if not @members update_member_cache(parser) if not fldlist return if @fldlist[name] or @members.include?(name) raise parser, 'undefined union' if not @members raise parser, 'unknown union member' if not findmember(name) @members.find { |m| m.type.untypedef.kind_of? Union and m.type.untypedef.findmember(name) }.type.untypedef.bitoffsetof(parser, name) end def parse_members(parser, scope) @fldlist = nil if fldlist # invalidate fld offset cache @members = [] # parse struct/union members in definition loop do raise parser if not tok = parser.skipspaces break if tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '}' parser.unreadtok tok raise tok, 'invalid struct member type' if not basetype = Variable.parse_type(parser, scope) loop do member = basetype.dup member.parse_declarator(parser, scope) member.type.length ||= 0 if member.type.kind_of?(Array) # struct { char blarg[]; }; raise member.backtrace, 'member redefinition' if member.name and @members.find { |m| m.name == member.name } @members << member raise tok || parser if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct if tok.raw == ':' # bits raise tok, 'bad type for bitslice' if not member.type.integral? bits = nil raise tok, "bad bit count #{bits.inspect}" if not bits = CExpression.parse(parser, scope, false) or not bits.constant? or !(bits = bits.reduce(parser)).kind_of? ::Integer #raise tok, 'need more bits' if bits > 8*parser.sizeof(member) # WORD wReserved:17; => yay windows.h (@bits ||= [])[@members.length-1] = bits raise tok || parser, '"," or ";" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct end case tok.raw when ';'; break when ',' when '}'; parser.unreadtok(tok); break else raise tok, '"," or ";" expected' end end end parse_attributes(parser) end # updates the @fldoffset / @fldbitoffset hash storing the offset of members def update_member_cache(parser) @fldlist = {} @members.to_a.each { |m| @fldlist[m.name] = m if m.name } end def parse_initializer(parser, scope) if tok = parser.skipspaces and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '{' # struct x toto = { 1, .4, .member[0][6].bla = 12 }; raise tok, 'undefined struct' if not @members ret = [] if tok = parser.skipspaces and (tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '}') parser.unreadtok tok idx = 0 loop do idx = parse_initializer_designator(parser, scope, ret, idx, true) raise tok || parser, '"," or "}" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or (tok.raw != '}' and tok.raw != ',') break if tok.raw == '}' raise tok, 'struct is smaller than that' if idx >= @members.length end end ret else parser.unreadtok tok super(parser, scope) end end # parses a designator+initializer eg '.toto = 4' or '.tutu[42][12].bla = 16' or (root ? '4' : '=4') def parse_initializer_designator(parser, scope, value, idx, root=true) if nt = parser.skipspaces and nt.type == :punct and nt.raw == '.' and nnt = parser.skipspaces and nnt.type == :string and findmember(nnt.raw) raise nnt, 'unhandled indirect initializer' if not nidx = @members.index(@members.find { |m| m.name == nnt.raw }) # TODO if not root value[idx] ||= [] # AryRecorder may change [] to AryRec.new, can't do v = v[i] ||= [] value = value[idx] end idx = nidx @members[idx].type.untypedef.parse_initializer_designator(parser, scope, value, idx, false) else parser.unreadtok nnt if root parser.unreadtok nt value[idx] = @members[idx].type.parse_initializer(parser, scope) else raise nt || parser, '"=" expected' if not nt or nt.type != :punct or nt.raw != '=' value[idx] = parse_initializer(parser, scope) end end idx + 1 end end class Struct < Union attr_accessor :pack def align(parser) [@members.to_a.map { |m| m.type.align(parser) }.max || 1, (pack || 8)].min end def offsetof(parser, name) raise parser, 'undefined structure' if not @members update_member_cache(parser) if not fldlist return @fldoffset[name] if @fldoffset[name] # this is almost never reached, only for <struct>.offsetof(anonymoussubstructmembername) raise parser, 'unknown structure member' if (name.kind_of?(::String) ? !findmember(name) : !@members.include?(name)) indirect = true if name.kind_of?(::String) and not @fldlist[name] al = align(parser) off = 0 bit_off = 0 isz = nil @members.each_with_index { |m, i| if bits and b = @bits[i] if not isz mal = [m.type.align(parser), al].min off = (off + mal - 1) / mal * mal end isz = parser.sizeof(m) if b == 0 or (bit_off > 0 and bit_off + b > 8*isz) bit_off = 0 mal = [m.type.align(parser), al].min off = (off + isz + mal - 1) / mal * mal end break if m.name == name or m == name bit_off += b else if isz off += isz bit_off = 0 isz = nil end mal = [m.type.align(parser), al].min off = (off + mal - 1) / mal * mal if m.name == name or m == name break elsif indirect and m.type.untypedef.kind_of? Union and m.type.untypedef.findmember(name) off += m.type.untypedef.offsetof(parser, name) break else off += parser.sizeof(m) end end } off end # returns the [bitoffset, bitlength] of the field if it is a bitfield # this should be added to the offsetof(field) def bitoffsetof(parser, name) raise parser, 'undefined structure' if not @members update_member_cache(parser) if not fldlist return @fldbitoffset[name] if fldbitoffset and @fldbitoffset[name] return if @fldlist[name] or @members.include?(name) raise parser, 'undefined union' if not @members raise parser, 'unknown union member' if not findmember(name) @members.find { |m| m.type.untypedef.kind_of? Union and m.type.untypedef.findmember(name) }.type.untypedef.bitoffsetof(parser, name) end def parse_members(parser, scope) super(parser, scope) if has_attribute 'packed' @pack = 1 elsif p = has_attribute_var('pack') @pack = p[/\d+/].to_i raise parser, "illegal struct pack(#{p})" if @pack == 0 end end # updates the @fldoffset / @fldbitoffset hash storing the offset of members def update_member_cache(parser) super(parser) @fldoffset = {} @fldbitoffset = {} if fldbitoffset al = align(parser) off = 0 bit_off = 0 isz = nil @members.each_with_index { |m, i| if bits and b = @bits[i] if not isz mal = [m.type.align(parser), al].min off = (off + mal - 1) / mal * mal end isz = parser.sizeof(m) if b == 0 or (bit_off > 0 and bit_off + b > 8*isz) bit_off = 0 mal = [m.type.align(parser), al].min off = (off + isz + mal - 1) / mal * mal end if m.name @fldoffset[m.name] = off @fldbitoffset ||= {} @fldbitoffset[m.name] = [bit_off, b] end bit_off += b else if isz off += isz bit_off = 0 isz = nil end mal = [m.type.align(parser), al].min off = (off + mal - 1) / mal * mal @fldoffset[m.name] = off if m.name off += parser.sizeof(m) end } end end class Enum < Type # name => value attr_accessor :members attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :backtrace def align(parser) BaseType.new(:int).align(parser) end def arithmetic?; true end def integral?; true end def signed?; false end def parse_members(parser, scope) val = -1 @members = {} loop do raise parser if not tok = parser.skipspaces break if tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '}' name = tok.raw raise tok, 'bad enum name' if tok.type != :string or Keyword[name] or (?0..?9).include?(name[0]) raise parser if not tok = parser.skipspaces if tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '=' raise tok || parser if not val = CExpression.parse(parser, scope, false) or not val = val.reduce(parser) or not tok = parser.skipspaces else val += 1 end raise tok, "enum value #{name} redefinition" if scope.symbol[name] and scope.symbol[name] != val @members[name] = val scope.symbol[name] = val if tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '}' break elsif tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == ',' else raise tok, '"," or "}" expected' end end parse_attributes(parser) end end class Pointer < Type attr_accessor :type def initialize(type=nil) @type = type end def pointer? ; true ; end def arithmetic? ; true ; end def base ; @type.base ; end def align(parser) BaseType.new(:ptr).align(parser) end def pointed ; @type end def ==(o) o.class == self.class and o.type == self.type end end class Array < Pointer attr_accessor :length def initialize(type=nil, length=nil) super(type) @length = length if length end def align(parser) @type.align(parser) end def parse_initializer(parser, scope) raise parser, 'cannot initialize dynamic array' if @length.kind_of? CExpression if tok = parser.skipspaces and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '{' # struct x foo[] = { { 4 }, [12].tutu = 2 }; ret = [] if tok = parser.skipspaces and (tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '}') parser.unreadtok tok idx = 0 loop do idx = parse_initializer_designator(parser, scope, ret, idx, true) raise tok || parser, '"," or "}" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or (tok.raw != '}' and tok.raw != ',') break if tok.raw == '}' # allow int x[] = {1, 2, 3, }; break if tok = parser.skipspaces and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '}' parser.unreadtok tok raise tok, 'array is smaller than that' if length and idx >= @length end end ret else parser.unreadtok tok i = super(parser, scope) if i.kind_of? CExpression and not i.op and i.rexpr.kind_of? String and @length and i.rexpr.length > @length puts tok.exception("initializer is too long (#{i.rexpr.length} for #@length)").message if $VERBOSE i.rexpr = i.rexpr[0, @length] end i end end # this class is a hack to support [1 ... 4] array initializer # it stores the effects of subsequent initializers (eg [1 ... 4].toto[48].bla[2 ... 57] = 12) # which are later played back on the range class AryRecorder attr_accessor :log def initialize @log = [] end def []=(idx, val) val = self.class.new if val == [] @log[idx] = val end def [](idx) @log[idx] end def playback_idx(i) case v = @log[i] when self.class; v.playback else v end end def playback(ary=[]) @log.each_with_index { |v, i| ary[i] = playback_idx(i) } ary end end # parses a designator+initializer eg '[12] = 4' or '[42].bla = 16' or '[3 ... 8] = 28' def parse_initializer_designator(parser, scope, value, idx, root=true) # root = true for 1st invocation (x = { 4 }) => immediate value allowed # or false for recursive invocations (x = { .y = 4 }) => need '=' sign before immediate if nt = parser.skipspaces and nt.type == :punct and nt.raw == '[' if not root value[idx] ||= [] # AryRecorder may change [] to AryRec.new, can't do v = v[i] ||= [] value = value[idx] end raise nt, 'const expected' if not idx = CExpression.parse(parser, scope) or not idx.constant? or not idx = idx.reduce(parser) or not idx.kind_of? ::Integer nt = parser.skipspaces if nt and nt.type == :punct and nt.raw == '.' # range raise nt || parser, '".." expected' if not nt = parser.skipspaces or nt.type != :punct or nt.raw != '.' raise nt || parser, '"." expected' if not nt = parser.skipspaces or nt.type != :punct or nt.raw != '.' raise nt, 'const expected' if not eidx = CExpression.parse(parser, scope) or not eidx.constant? or not eidx = eidx.reduce(parser) or not eidx.kind_of? ::Integer raise nt, 'bad range' if eidx < idx nt = parser.skipspaces realvalue = value value = AryRecorder.new end raise nt || parser, '"]" expected' if not nt or nt.type != :punct or nt.raw != ']' raise nt, 'array is smaller than that' if length and (eidx||idx) >= @length @type.untypedef.parse_initializer_designator(parser, scope, value, idx, false) if eidx (idx..eidx).each { |i| realvalue[i] = value.playback_idx(idx) } idx = eidx # next default value = eidx+1 (eg int x[] = { [1 ... 3] = 4, 5 } => x[4] = 5) end else if root parser.unreadtok nt value[idx] = @type.parse_initializer(parser, scope) else raise nt || parser, '"=" expected' if not nt or nt.type != :punct or nt.raw != '=' value[idx] = parse_initializer(parser, scope) end end idx + 1 end end class Variable include Attributes include Typed attr_accessor :type attr_accessor :initializer # CExpr / Block (for Functions) attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :storage # auto register static extern typedef attr_accessor :backtrace # definition backtrace info (the name token) def initialize(name=nil, type=nil) @name, @type = name, type end end # found in a block's Statements, used to know the initialization order # eg { int i; i = 4; struct foo { int k; } toto = {i}; } class Declaration attr_accessor :var def initialize(var) @var = var end end class If < Statement attr_accessor :test # expression attr_accessor :bthen, :belse # statements def initialize(test, bthen, belse=nil) @test = test @bthen = bthen @belse = belse if belse end def self.parse(parser, scope, nest) tok = nil raise tok || self, '"(" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '(' raise tok, 'expr expected' if not expr = CExpression.parse(parser, scope) or not expr.type.arithmetic? raise tok || self, '")" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ')' bthen = parser.parse_statement scope, nest if tok = parser.skipspaces and tok.type == :string and tok.raw == 'else' belse = parser.parse_statement scope, nest else parser.unreadtok tok end new expr, bthen, belse end end class For < Statement attr_accessor :init, :test, :iter # CExpressions, init may be Block attr_accessor :body def initialize(init, test, iter, body) @init, @test, @iter, @body = init, test, iter, body end def self.parse(parser, scope, nest) tok = nil raise tok || parser, '"(" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '(' init = forscope = Block.new(scope) if not parser.parse_definition(forscope) forscope = scope init = CExpression.parse(parser, forscope) raise tok || parser, '";" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ';' end test = CExpression.parse(parser, forscope) raise tok || parser, '";" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ';' raise tok, 'bad test expression in for loop' if test and not test.type.arithmetic? iter = CExpression.parse(parser, forscope) raise tok || parser, '")" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ')' new init, test, iter, parser.parse_statement(forscope, nest + [:loop]) end end class While < Statement attr_accessor :test attr_accessor :body def initialize(test, body) @test = test @body = body end def self.parse(parser, scope, nest) tok = nil raise tok || parser, '"(" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '(' raise tok, 'expr expected' if not expr = CExpression.parse(parser, scope) or not expr.type.arithmetic? raise tok || parser, '")" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ')' new expr, parser.parse_statement(scope, nest + [:loop]) end end class DoWhile < While def self.parse(parser, scope, nest) body = parser.parse_statement(scope, nest + [:loop]) tok = nil raise tok || parser, '"while" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :string or tok.raw != 'while' raise tok || parser, '"(" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '(' raise tok, 'expr expected' if not expr = CExpression.parse(parser, scope) or not expr.type.arithmetic? raise tok || parser, '")" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ')' parser.checkstatementend(tok) new expr, body end end class Switch < Statement attr_accessor :test, :body def initialize(test, body) @test = test @body = body end def self.parse(parser, scope, nest) raise tok || parser, '"(" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '(' raise tok, 'expr expected' if not expr = CExpression.parse(parser, scope) or not expr.type.integral? raise tok || parser, '")" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ')' new expr, parser.parse_statement(scope, nest + [:switch]) end end class Continue < Statement end class Break < Statement end class Goto < Statement attr_accessor :target def initialize(target) @target = target end end class Return < Statement attr_accessor :value def initialize(value) @value = value end end class Label < Statement attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :statement def initialize(name, statement=nil) @name, @statement = name, statement end end class Case < Label attr_accessor :expr, :exprup # exprup if range, expr may be 'default' def initialize(expr, exprup, statement) @expr, @statement = expr, statement @exprup = exprup if exprup end def self.parse(parser, scope, nest) raise parser, 'invalid case' if not expr = CExpression.parse(parser, scope) or not expr.constant? or not expr.type.integral? raise tok || parser, '":" or "..." expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or (tok.raw != ':' and tok.raw != '.') if tok.raw == '.' raise tok || parser, '".." expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '.' raise tok || parser, '"." expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '.' raise tok, 'invalid case range' if not exprup = CExpression.parse(parser, scope) or not exprup.constant? or not exprup.type.integral? raise tok || parser, '":" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ':' end body = parser.parse_statement scope, nest new expr, exprup, body end end # inline asm statement class Asm < Statement include Attributes attr_accessor :body # asm source (::String) attr_accessor :output, :input, :clobber # I/O, gcc-style (::Array) attr_accessor :backtrace # body Token attr_accessor :volatile def initialize(body, backtrace, output=nil, input=nil, clobber=nil, volatile=nil) @body, @backtrace, @output, @input, @clobber, @volatile = body, backtrace, output, input, clobber, volatile end def self.parse(parser, scope) if tok = parser.skipspaces and tok.type == :string and (tok.raw == 'volatile' or tok.raw == '__volatile__') volatile = true tok = parser.skipspaces end if not tok or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '(' # detect MS-style inline asm: "__asm .* __asm .*" or "asm { [\s.]* }" ftok = tok body = '' if tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '{' loop do raise ftok, 'unterminated asm block' if not tok = parser.lexer.readtok break if tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '}' case tok.type when :space; body << ' ' when :eol; body << "\n" when :punct; body << tok.raw when :quoted; body << tok.value.inspect # concat adjacent c strings when :string body << \ case tok.raw when 'asm', '__asm', '__asm__'; "\n" when '_emit'; 'db' else tok.raw end end end # allow shell-style heredoc: asm <<EOS\n<asm>\nEOS elsif tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '<' raise ftok, 'bad asm heredoc' if not tok = parser.lexer.readtok or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '<' delimiter = parser.lexer.readtok if delimiter.type == :punct and delimiter.raw == '-' skipspc = true delimiter = parser.lexer.readtok end raise ftok, 'bad asm heredoc delim' if delimiter.type != :string or not tok = parser.lexer.readtok or tok.type != :eol nl = true loop do raise ftok, 'unterminated heredoc' if not tok = parser.lexer.readtok break if nl and tok.raw == delimiter.raw raw = tok.raw raw = "\n" if skipspc and tok.type == :eol body << raw nl = (tok.type == :eol and (raw[-1] == ?\n or raw[-1] == ?\r)) end # MS single-instr: asm inc eax; # also allow asm "foo bar\nbaz"; else parser.lexer.unreadtok tok loop do break if not tok = parser.lexer.readtok or tok.type == :eol case tok.type when :space; body << ' ' when :punct case tok.raw when '}' parser.lexer.unreadtok tok break else body << tok.raw end when :quoted; body << (body.empty? ? tok.value : tok.value.inspect) # asm "pop\nret" VS asm add al, 'z' when :string body << \ case tok.raw when 'asm', '__asm', '__asm__'; "\n" when '_emit'; 'db' else tok.raw end end end end return new(body, ftok, nil, nil, nil, volatile) end raise tok || parser, '"(" expected' if not tok or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '(' raise tok || parser, 'qstring expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :quoted body = tok ret = new body.value, body tok = parser.skipspaces raise tok || parser, '":" or ")" expected' if not tok or tok.type != :punct or (tok.raw != ':' and tok.raw != ')') if tok.raw == ':' ret.output = [] raise parser if not tok = parser.skipspaces while tok.type == :quoted type = tok.value raise tok, 'expr expected' if not var = CExpression.parse_value(parser, scope) ret.output << [type, var] raise tok || parser, '":" or "," or ")" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or (tok.raw != ',' and tok.raw != ')' and tok.raw != ':') break if tok.raw == ':' or tok.raw == ')' raise tok || parser, 'qstring expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :quoted end end if tok.raw == ':' ret.input = [] raise parser if not tok = parser.skipspaces while tok.type == :quoted type = tok.value raise tok, 'expr expected' if not var = CExpression.parse_value(parser, scope) ret.input << [type, var] raise tok || parser, '":" or "," or ")" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or (tok.raw != ',' and tok.raw != ')' and tok.raw != ':') break if tok.raw == ':' or tok.raw == ')' raise tok || parser, 'qstring expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :quoted end end if tok.raw == ':' ret.clobber = [] raise parser if not tok = parser.skipspaces while tok.type == :quoted ret.clobber << tok.value raise tok || parser, '"," or ")" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or (tok.raw != ',' and tok.raw != ')') break if tok.raw == ')' raise tok || parser, 'qstring expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :quoted end end raise tok || parser, '")" expected' if not tok or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ')' ret.parse_attributes(parser) parser.checkstatementend(tok) ret end end class CExpression < Statement include Typed # may be :,, :., :'->', :funcall (function, [arglist]), :[] (array indexing), nil (cast) attr_accessor :op # nil/CExpr/Variable/Label/::String( = :quoted/struct member name)/::Integer/::Float/Block attr_accessor :lexpr, :rexpr # a Type attr_accessor :type def initialize(l, o, r, t) raise "invalid CExpr #{[l, o, r, t].inspect}" if (o and not o.kind_of? ::Symbol) or not t.kind_of? Type @lexpr, @op, @rexpr, @type = l, o, r, t end # overwrites @lexpr @op @rexpr @type from the arg def replace(o) @lexpr, @op, @rexpr, @type = o.lexpr, o.op, o.rexpr, o.type self end # deep copy of the object # recurses only within CExpressions, anything else is copied by reference def deep_dup n = dup n.lexpr = n.lexpr.deep_dup if n.lexpr.kind_of? CExpression n.rexpr = n.rexpr.deep_dup if n.rexpr.kind_of? CExpression n.rexpr = n.rexpr.map { |e| e.kind_of?(CExpression) ? e.deep_dup : e } if n.rexpr.kind_of? ::Array n end # recursive constructor with automatic type inference # e.g. CExpression[foo, :+, [:*, bar]] # assumes root args are correctly typed (eg *foo => foo must be a pointer) # take care to use [int] with immediates, e.g. CExpression[foo, :+, [2]] # CExpr[some_cexpr] returns some_cexpr def self.[](*args) # sub-arrays in args are to be passed to self.[] recursively (syntaxic sugar) splat = lambda { |e| e.kind_of?(::Array) ? self[*e] : e } args.shift while args.first == nil # CExpr[nil, :&, bla] => CExpr[:&, bla] case args.length when 4 op = args[1] if op == :funcall or op == :'?:' x2 = args[2].map { |a| splat[a] } if args[2] else x2 = splat[args[2]] end new(splat[args[0]], op, x2, args[3]) when 3 op = args[1] x1 = splat[args[0]] if op == :funcall or op == :'?:' x2 = args[2].map { |a| splat[a] } if args[2] else x2 = splat[args[2]] end case op when :funcall rt = x1.type.untypedef rt = rt.type.untypedef if rt.pointer? new(x1, op, x2, rt.type) when :[]; new(x1, op, x2, x1.type.untypedef.type) when :+; new(x1, op, x2, (x2.type.pointer? ? x2.type : x1.type)) when :-; new(x1, op, x2, ((x1.type.pointer? and x2.type.pointer?) ? BaseType.new(:int) : x2.type.pointer? ? x2.type : x1.type)) when :'&&', :'||', :==, :'!=', :>, :<, :<=, :>=; new(x1, op, x2, BaseType.new(:int)) when :'.', :'->' t = x1.type.untypedef t = t.type.untypedef if op == :'->' and x1.type.pointer? raise "parse error: #{t} has no member #{x2}" if not t.kind_of? Union or not m = t.findmember(x2) new(x1, op, x2, m.type) when :'?:'; new(x1, op, x2, x2[0].type) when :','; new(x1, op, x2, x2.type) else new(x1, op, x2, x1.type) end when 2 x0 = splat[args[0]] x1 = splat[args[1]] x0, x1 = x1, x0 if x0.kind_of? Type if x1.kind_of? Type; new(nil, nil, x0, x1) # (cast)r elsif x0 == :*; new(nil, x0, x1, x1.type.untypedef.type) # *r elsif x0 == :& and x1.kind_of? CExpression and x1.type.kind_of? C::Array; new(nil, nil, x1, Pointer.new(x1.type.type)) elsif x0 == :&; new(nil, x0, x1, Pointer.new(x1.type)) # &r elsif x0 == :'!'; new(nil, x0, x1, BaseType.new(:int)) # &r elsif x1.kind_of? ::Symbol; new(x0, x1, nil, x0.type) # l++ else new(nil, x0, x1, x1.type) # +r end when 1 x = splat[args[0]] case x when CExpression; x when ::Integer; new(nil, nil, x, BaseType.new(:int)) # XXX range => __int64 ? when ::Float; new(nil, nil, x, BaseType.new(:double)) when ::String; new(nil, nil, x, Pointer.new(BaseType.new(:char))) else new(nil, nil, x, x.type) end else raise "parse error CExpr[*#{args.inspect}]" end end end class Parser # creates a new CParser, parses all top-level statements def self.parse(text) new.parse text end # parses the current lexer content (or the text arg) for toplevel definitions def parse(text=nil, filename='<unk>', lineno=1) @lexer.feed text, filename, lineno if text nil while not @lexer.eos? and (parse_definition(@toplevel) or parse_toplevel_statement(@toplevel)) raise @lexer.readtok || self, 'invalid definition' if not @lexer.eos? sanity_checks self end # parses a C file def parse_file(file) parse(File.read(file), file) end attr_accessor :lexer, :toplevel, :typesize, :pragma_pack attr_accessor :endianness attr_accessor :allow_bad_c # allowed arguments: ExeFormat, CPU, Preprocessor, Symbol (for the data model) def initialize(*args) model = args.grep(Symbol).first || :ilp32 lexer = args.grep(Preprocessor).first || Preprocessor.new exe = args.grep(ExeFormat).first cpu = args.grep(CPU).first cpu ||= exe.cpu if exe @lexer = lexer @prev_pragma_callback = @lexer.pragma_callback @lexer.pragma_callback = lambda { |tok| parse_pragma_callback(tok) } @toplevel = Block.new(nil) @unreadtoks = [] @endianness = cpu ? cpu.endianness : :big @typesize = { :void => 1, :__int8 => 1, :__int16 => 2, :__int32 => 4, :__int64 => 8, :char => 1, :float => 4, :double => 8, :longdouble => 12 } send model cpu.tune_cparser(self) if cpu exe.tune_cparser(self) if exe end def ilp16 @typesize.update :short => 2, :ptr => 2, :int => 2, :long => 4, :longlong => 4 end def lp32 @typesize.update :short => 2, :ptr => 4, :int => 2, :long => 4, :longlong => 8 end def ilp32 @typesize.update :short => 2, :ptr => 4, :int => 4, :long => 4, :longlong => 8 end def llp64 @typesize.update :short => 2, :ptr => 8, :int => 4, :long => 4, :longlong => 8 end def lp64 @typesize.update :short => 2, :ptr => 8, :int => 4, :long => 8, :longlong => 8 end def ilp64 @typesize.update :short => 2, :ptr => 8, :int => 8, :long => 8, :longlong => 8 end def parse_pragma_callback(otok) case otok.raw when 'pack' nil while lp = @lexer.readtok and lp.type == :space nil while rp = @lexer.readtok and rp.type == :space if not rp or rp.type != :punct or rp.raw != ')' v1 = rp nil while rp = @lexer.readtok and rp.type == :space end if rp and rp.type == :punct and rp.raw == ',' nil while v2 = @lexer.readtok and v2.type == :space nil while rp = @lexer.readtok and rp.type == :space end raise otok if not rp or lp.type != :punct or rp.type != :punct or lp.raw != '(' or rp.raw != ')' raise otok if (v1 and v1.type != :string) or (v2 and (v2.type != :string or v2.raw =~ /[^\d]/)) if not v1 @pragma_pack = nil elsif v1.raw == 'push' @pragma_pack_stack ||= [] @pragma_pack_stack << pragma_pack @pragma_pack = v2.raw.to_i if v2 raise v2, 'bad pack value' if pragma_pack == 0 elsif v1.raw == 'pop' @pragma_pack_stack ||= [] raise v1, 'pack stack empty' if @pragma_pack_stack.empty? @pragma_pack = @pragma_pack_stack.pop @pragma_pack = v2.raw.to_i if v2 and v2.raw # #pragma pack(pop, 4) => pop stack, but use 4 as pack value (imho) raise v2, 'bad pack value' if @pragma_pack == 0 elsif v1.raw =~ /^\d+$/ raise v2, '2nd arg unexpected' if v2 @pragma_pack = v1.raw.to_i raise v1, 'bad pack value' if @pragma_pack == 0 else raise otok end # the caller checks for :eol when 'warning' if $DEBUG @prev_pragma_callback[otok] else # silent discard nil while tok = @lexer.readtok_nopp and tok.type != :eol @lexer.unreadtok tok end when 'prepare_visualstudio' prepare_visualstudio when 'prepare_gcc' prepare_gcc when 'data_model' # XXX use carefully, should be the very first thing parsed nil while lp = @lexer.readtok and lp.type == :space if lp.type != :string or lp.raw !~ /^s?[il]?lp(16|32|64)$/ or not respond_to? lp.raw raise lp, "invalid data model (use lp32/lp64/llp64/ilp64)" else send lp.raw end else @prev_pragma_callback[otok] end end def prepare_visualstudio @lexer.define_weak('_WIN32') @lexer.define_weak('_WIN32_WINNT', 0x500) @lexer.define_weak('_INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS', 64) @lexer.define_weak('__w64') @lexer.define_weak('_cdecl', '__cdecl') # typo ? seen in winreg.h @lexer.define_weak('_fastcall', '__fastcall') # typo ? seen in ntddk.h @lexer.define_weak('_MSC_VER', 1300) # handle '#pragma once' and _declspec(noreturn) @lexer.define_weak('__forceinline', '__inline') @lexer.define_weak('__ptr32') # needed with msc_ver 1300, don't understand their use @lexer.define_weak('__ptr64') end def prepare_gcc @lexer.define_weak('__GNUC__', 2) # otherwise __attribute__ is defined to void.. @lexer.define_weak('__STDC__') @lexer.define_weak('__const', 'const') @lexer.define_weak('__signed', 'signed') @lexer.define_weak('__signed__', 'signed') @lexer.define_weak('__volatile', 'volatile') if not @lexer.definition['__builtin_constant_p'] # magic macro to check if its arg is an immediate value @lexer.define_weak('__builtin_constant_p', '0') @lexer.definition['__builtin_constant_p'].args = [Preprocessor::Token.new([])] end @lexer.nodefine_strong('alloca') # TODO __builtin_alloca @lexer.hooked_include['stddef.h'] = <<EOH /* simplified, define all at first invocation. may break things... */ #undef __need_ptrdiff_t #undef __need_size_t #undef __need_wint_t #undef __need_wchar_t #undef __need_NULL #undef NULL #if !defined (_STDDEF_H) #define _STDDEF_H #define __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ long int typedef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ ptrdiff_t; #define __SIZE_TYPE__ long unsigned int typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t; #define __WINT_TYPE__ unsigned int typedef __WINT_TYPE__ wint_t; #define __WCHAR_TYPE__ int typedef __WCHAR_TYPE__ wchar_t; #define NULL 0 #define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) __builtin_offsetof (TYPE, MEMBER) #endif EOH # TODO va_args @lexer.hooked_include['stdarg.h'] = <<EOH // TODO typedef void* __gnuc_va_list; /* typedef void* va_list; #define va_start(v, l) #define va_end(v) #define va_arg(v, l) #define va_copy(d, s) */ EOH @lexer.hooked_include['limits.h'] = <<EOH #define CHAR_BIT 8 #define SCHAR_MIN (-128) #define SCHAR_MAX 127 #define UCHAR_MAX 255 #ifdef __CHAR_UNSIGNED__ # define CHAR_MIN 0 # define CHAR_MAX UCHAR_MAX #else # define CHAR_MIN SCHAR_MIN # define CHAR_MAX SCHAR_MAX #endif #define UINT_MAX #{(1 << (8*@typesize[:int]))-1}U #define INT_MAX (UINT_MAX >> 1) #define INT_MIN (-INT_MAX - 1) #define ULONG_MAX #{(1 << (8*@typesize[:long]))-1}UL #define LONG_MAX (ULONG_MAX >> 1L) #define LONG_MIN (-LONG_MAX - 1L) EOH end # C sanity checks def sanity_checks return if not $VERBOSE # TODO end # checks that the types are compatible (variable predeclaration, function argument..) # strict = false for func call/assignment (eg char compatible with int -- but int is incompatible with char) # output warnings only def check_compatible_type(tok, oldtype, newtype, strict = false, checked = []) return if not $VERBOSE oldtype = oldtype.untypedef newtype = newtype.untypedef oldtype = BaseType.new(:int) if oldtype.kind_of? Enum newtype = BaseType.new(:int) if newtype.kind_of? Enum puts tok.exception('type qualifier mismatch').message if oldtype.qualifier.to_a.uniq.length > newtype.qualifier.to_a.uniq.length # avoid infinite recursion return if checked.include? oldtype checked = checked + [oldtype] begin case newtype when Function raise tok, 'type error' if not oldtype.kind_of? Function check_compatible_type tok, oldtype.type, newtype.type, strict, checked if oldtype.args and newtype.args if oldtype.args.length != newtype.args.length or oldtype.varargs != newtype.varargs raise tok, 'type error' end oldtype.args.zip(newtype.args) { |oa, na| # begin ; rescue ParseError: raise $!.message + "in parameter #{oa.name}" end check_compatible_type tok, oa.type, na.type, strict, checked } end when Pointer if oldtype.kind_of? BaseType and oldtype.integral? puts tok.exception('making pointer from integer without a cast').message return end raise tok, 'type error' if not oldtype.kind_of? Pointer hasvoid = true if (t = newtype.type.untypedef).kind_of? BaseType and t.name == :void hasvoid = true if (t = oldtype.type.untypedef).kind_of? BaseType and t.name == :void # struct foo *f = NULL; if strict and not hasvoid check_compatible_type tok, oldtype.type, newtype.type, strict, checked end when Union raise tok, 'type error' if not oldtype.class == newtype.class if oldtype.members and newtype.members if oldtype.members.length != newtype.members.length raise tok, 'bad member count' end oldtype.members.zip(newtype.members) { |om, nm| # raise tok if om.name and nm.name and om.name != nm.name # don't care check_compatible_type tok, om.type, nm.type, strict, checked } end when BaseType raise tok, 'type error' if not oldtype.kind_of? BaseType if strict if oldtype.name != newtype.name or oldtype.specifier != newtype.specifier raise tok, 'type error' end else raise tok, 'type error' if @typesize[newtype.name] == 0 and @typesize[oldtype.name] > 0 puts tok.exception('type size mismatch, may lose bits').message if @typesize[oldtype.name] > @typesize[newtype.name] puts tok.exception('sign mismatch').message if oldtype.specifier != newtype.specifier and @typesize[newtype.name] == @typesize[oldtype.name] end end rescue ParseError raise $! if checked.length != 1 # bubble up oname = (oldtype.to_s rescue oldtype.class.name) nname = (newtype.to_s rescue newtype.class.name) puts $!.message + " incompatible type #{oname} to #{nname}" end end # allows 'raise self' def exception(msg='EOF unexpected') @lexer.exception msg end # reads a token, convert 'L"foo"' to a :quoted def readtok_longstr if t = @lexer.readtok and t.type == :string and t.raw == 'L' and nt = @lexer.readtok and nt.type == :quoted and nt.raw[0] == ?" nt.raw[0, 0] = 'L' nt elsif t and t.type == :punct and t.raw == '/' and # nt has not been read nt = @lexer.readtok and nt.type == :punct and nt.raw == '/' # windows.h has a #define some_type_name /##/, and VS interprets this as a comment.. puts @lexer.exception('#defined //').message if $VERBOSE t = @lexer.readtok while t and t.type != :eol t else @lexer.unreadtok nt t end end private :readtok_longstr # reads a token from self.lexer # concatenates strings, merges spaces/eol to ' ', handles wchar strings, allows $@_ in :string def readtok if not t = @unreadtoks.pop return if not t = readtok_longstr case t.type when :space, :eol # merge consecutive :space/:eol t = t.dup t.type = :space t.raw = ' ' nil while nt = @lexer.readtok and (nt.type == :eol or nt.type == :space) @lexer.unreadtok nt when :quoted # merge consecutive :quoted t = t.dup while nt = readtok_longstr case nt.type when :quoted if t.raw[0] == ?" and nt.raw[0, 2] == 'L"' # ensure wide prefix is set t.raw[0, 0] = 'L' end t.raw << ' ' << nt.raw t.value << nt.value when :space, :eol else break end end @lexer.unreadtok nt else if (t.type == :punct and (t.raw == '_' or t.raw == '@' or t.raw == '$')) or t.type == :string t = t.dup t.type = :string nt = nil t.raw << nt.raw while nt = @lexer.readtok and ((nt.type == :punct and (nt.raw == '_' or nt.raw == '@' or nt.raw == '$')) or nt.type == :string) @lexer.unreadtok nt end end end t end def eos? @unreadtoks.empty? and @lexer.eos? end def unreadtok(tok) @unreadtoks << tok if tok end # returns the next non-space/non-eol token def skipspaces nil while t = readtok and t.type == :space t end # checks that we are at the end of a statement, ie an ';' character (consumed), or a '}' (not consumed) # otherwise, raise either the given token or self. def checkstatementend(tok=nil) raise tok || self, '";" expected' if not tok = skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or (tok.raw != ';' and tok.raw != '}') unreadtok tok if tok.raw == '}' end # returns the size of a type in bytes def sizeof(var, type=nil) var, type = nil, var if var.kind_of? Type and not type type ||= var.type # XXX double-check class apparition order ('when' checks inheritance) case type when Array case type.length when nil if var.kind_of? CExpression and not var.lexpr and not var.op and var.rexpr.kind_of? Variable var = var.rexpr end raise self, 'unknown array size' if not var.kind_of? Variable or not var.initializer init = var.initializer init = init.rexpr if init.kind_of? C::CExpression and not init.op and init.rexpr.kind_of? ::String case init when ::String; sizeof(nil, type.type) * (init.length + 1) when ::Array v = init.compact.first v ? (sizeof(nil, type.type) * init.length) : 0 else sizeof(init) end when ::Integer; type.length * sizeof(type.type) when CExpression len = type.length.reduce(self) raise self, 'unknown array size' if not len.kind_of? ::Integer len * sizeof(type) else raise self, 'unknown array size' end when Pointer if var.kind_of? CExpression and not var.op and var.rexpr.kind_of? ::String # sizeof("lolz") => 5 sizeof(nil, type.type) * (var.rexpr.length + 1) else @typesize[:ptr] end when Function # raise 1 # gcc when BaseType @typesize[type.name] when Enum @typesize[:int] when Struct raise self, "unknown structure size #{type.name}" if not type.members al = type.align(self) lm = type.members.last lm ? (type.offsetof(self, lm) + sizeof(lm) + al - 1) / al * al : 0 when Union raise self, "unknown structure size #{type.name}" if not type.members type.members.map { |m| sizeof(m) }.max || 0 when TypeDef sizeof(var, type.type) end end # parses variable/function definition/declaration/initialization # populates scope.symbols and scope.struct # raises on redefinitions # returns false if no definition found def parse_definition(scope) return false if not basetype = Variable.parse_type(self, scope, true) # check struct predeclaration tok = skipspaces if tok and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == ';' and basetype.type and (basetype.type.kind_of? Union or basetype.type.kind_of? Enum) return true else unreadtok tok end nofunc = false loop do var = basetype.dup var.parse_declarator(self, scope) raise var.backtrace if not var.name # barrel roll if prev = scope.symbol[var.name] if prev.kind_of? TypeDef and var.storage == :typedef check_compatible_type(var.backtrace, prev.type, var.type, true) # windows.h redefines many typedefs with the same definition puts "redefining typedef #{var.name}" if $VERBOSE var = prev elsif not prev.kind_of?(Variable) or prev.initializer or (prev.storage != :extern and prev.storage != var.storage) or (scope != @toplevel and prev.storage != :static) if prev.kind_of? ::Integer # enum value prev = (scope.struct.values.grep(Enum) + scope.anonymous_enums.to_a).find { |e| e.members.index(prev) } end raise var.backtrace, "redefinition, previous is #{prev.backtrace.exception(nil).message rescue :unknown}" else check_compatible_type var.backtrace, prev.type, var.type, true (var.attributes ||= []).concat prev.attributes if prev.attributes end elsif var.storage == :typedef attrs = var.attributes var = TypeDef.new var.name, var.type, var.backtrace var.attributes = attrs if attrs end scope.statements << Declaration.new(var) unless var.kind_of? TypeDef raise tok || self, 'punctuation expected' if not tok = skipspaces or (tok.type != :punct and not %w[asm __asm __asm__].include? tok.raw) case tok.raw when '{' # function body raise tok if nofunc or not var.kind_of? Variable or not var.type.kind_of? Function scope.symbol[var.name] = var body = var.initializer = Block.new(scope) var.type.args ||= [] var.type.args.each { |v| # put func parameters in func body scope # arg redefinition is checked in parse_declarator if not v.name puts "unnamed argument in definition of #{var.name}" if $DEBUG next # should raise to be compliant end body.symbol[v.name] = v # XXX will need special check in stack allocator } loop do raise tok || self, var.backtrace.exception('"}" expected for end of function') if not tok = skipspaces break if tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '}' unreadtok tok if not parse_definition(body) body.statements << parse_statement(body, [var.type.type]) end end if $VERBOSE and not body.statements.last.kind_of? Return and not body.statements.last.kind_of? Asm puts tok.exception('missing function return value').message if not var.type.type.untypedef.kind_of? BaseType or var.type.type.untypedef.name != :void end break when 'asm', '__asm', '__asm__' # GCC function redirection # void foo(void) __asm__("bar"); => when code uses 'foo', silently redirect to 'bar' instead raise tok if nofunc or not var.kind_of? Variable or not var.type.kind_of? Function # most of the time, 'bar' is not defined anywhere, so we support it only # to allow parsing of headers using it, hoping noone will actually use them unused = Asm.parse(self, scope) puts "unsupported gcc-style __asm__ function redirect #{var.name.inspect} => #{unused.body.inspect}" if $VERBOSE break when '=' # variable initialization raise tok, '"{" or ";" expected' if var.type.kind_of? Function raise tok, 'cannot initialize extern variable' if var.storage == :extern scope.symbol[var.name] = var # allow initializer to reference var, eg 'void *ptr = &ptr;' var.initializer = var.type.parse_initializer(self, scope) if var.initializer.kind_of?(CExpression) and (scope == @toplevel or var.storage == :static) raise tok, "initializer for static #{var.name} is not constant" if not var.initializer.constant? end reference_value = lambda { |e, v| found = false case e when Variable; found = true if e == v when CExpression; e.walk { |ee| found ||= reference_value[ee, v] } if e.op != :& or e.lexpr end found } raise tok, "initializer for #{var.name} is not constant (selfreference)" if reference_value[var.initializer, var] raise tok || self, '"," or ";" expected' if not tok = skipspaces or tok.type != :punct else scope.symbol[var.name] = var end case tok.raw when ','; nofunc = true when ';'; break when '}'; unreadtok(tok); break else raise tok, '";" or "," expected' end end true end # parses toplevel statements, return nil if none found # toplevel statements are ';' and 'asm <..>' def parse_toplevel_statement(scope) if tok = skipspaces and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == ';' true elsif tok and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '{' raise tok || self, '"}" expected' if not tok = skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '}' true elsif tok and tok.type == :string and %w[asm __asm __asm__].include? tok.raw scope.statements << Asm.parse(self, scope) true end end # returns a statement or raise def parse_statement(scope, nest) raise self, 'statement expected' if not tok = skipspaces if tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '{' body = Block.new scope loop do raise tok || self, '"}" expected' if not tok = skipspaces break if tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '}' unreadtok tok if not parse_definition(body) body.statements << parse_statement(body, nest) end end return body elsif tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == ';' return Block.new(scope) elsif tok.type != :string unreadtok tok raise tok, 'expr expected' if not expr = CExpression.parse(self, scope) checkstatementend(tok) if $VERBOSE and not nest.include?(:expression) and (expr.op or not expr.type.untypedef.kind_of? BaseType or expr.type.untypedef.name != :void) and CExpression.constant?(expr) puts tok.exception("statement with no effect : #{expr}").message end return expr end case tok.raw when 'if' If.parse self, scope, nest when 'while' While.parse self, scope, nest when 'do' DoWhile.parse self, scope, nest when 'for' For.parse self, scope, nest when 'switch' Switch.parse self, scope, nest when 'goto' raise tok || self, 'label expected' if not tok = skipspaces or tok.type != :string name = tok.raw checkstatementend(tok) Goto.new name when 'return' expr = CExpression.parse(self, scope) # nil allowed p, i = nest[0].pointer?, nest[0].integral? if expr r = expr.reduce(self) if p or i if (not p and not i) or (i and not r.kind_of? ::Integer) or (p and r != 0) check_compatible_type(tok, (expr ? expr.type : BaseType.new(:void)), nest[0]) end checkstatementend(tok) Return.new expr when 'case' raise tok, 'case out of switch' if not nest.include? :switch Case.parse self, scope, nest when 'default' raise tok || self, '":" expected' if not tok = skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ':' raise tok, 'case out of switch' if not nest.include? :switch Case.new 'default', nil, parse_statement(scope, nest) when 'continue' checkstatementend(tok) raise tok, 'continue out of loop' if not nest.include? :loop Continue.new when 'break' checkstatementend(tok) raise tok, 'break out of loop' if not nest.include? :loop and not nest.include? :switch Break.new when 'asm', '__asm', '__asm__' Asm.parse self, scope else if ntok = skipspaces and ntok.type == :punct and ntok.raw == ':' begin st = parse_statement(scope, nest) rescue ParseError puts "label without statement, #{$!.message}" if $VERBOSE end Label.new tok.raw, st else unreadtok ntok unreadtok tok raise tok, 'expr expected' if not expr = CExpression.parse(self, scope) checkstatementend(tok) if $VERBOSE and not nest.include?(:expression) and (expr.op or not expr.type.untypedef.kind_of? BaseType or expr.type.untypedef.name != :void) and CExpression.constant?(expr) puts tok.exception("statement with no effect : #{expr}").message end expr end end end # check if a macro definition has a numeric value # returns this value or nil def macro_numeric(m) d = @lexer.definition[m] return if not d.kind_of? Preprocessor::Macro or d.args or d.varargs # filter metasm-defined vars (eg __PE__ / _M_IX86) return if not d.name or not bt = d.name.backtrace or (bt[0][0] != ?" and bt[0][0] != ?<) raise 'cannot macro_numeric with unparsed data' if not eos? @lexer.feed m if e = CExpression.parse(self, Block.new(@toplevel)) and eos? v = e.reduce(self) return v if v.kind_of? ::Numeric end readtok until eos? nil rescue ParseError readtok until eos? nil end # returns all numeric constants defined with their value, either macros or enums def numeric_constants ret = [] # macros @lexer.definition.each_key { |k| if v = macro_numeric(k) ret << [k, v] end } # enums @toplevel.symbol.each { |k, v| ret << [k, v] if v.kind_of? ::Numeric } ret end end class Variable # parses a variable basetype/qualifier/(storage if allow_value), returns a new variable of this type # populates scope.struct def self.parse_type(parser, scope, allow_value = false) var = new qualifier = [] tok = nil loop do var.parse_attributes(parser, true) break if not tok = parser.skipspaces if tok.type != :string parser.unreadtok tok break end case tok.raw when 'const', 'volatile' qualifier << tok.raw.to_sym next when 'register', 'auto', 'static', 'typedef', 'extern' raise tok, 'storage specifier not allowed here' if not allow_value raise tok, 'multiple storage class' if var.storage var.storage = tok.raw.to_sym next when 'struct' var.type = Struct.new var.type.pack = parser.pragma_pack if parser.pragma_pack var.parse_type_struct(parser, scope) when 'union' var.type = Union.new var.parse_type_struct(parser, scope) when 'enum' var.type = Enum.new var.parse_type_struct(parser, scope) when 'typeof' if ntok = parser.skipspaces and ntok.type == :punct and ntok.raw == '(' # check type if v = parse_type(parser, scope) v.parse_declarator(parser, scope) raise tok if v.name != false raise tok if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ')' else raise tok, 'expr expected' if not v = CExpression.parse(parser, scope) raise tok if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ')' end else parser.unreadtok ntok raise tok, 'expr expected' if not v = CExpression.parse_value(parser, scope) end var.type = v.type # TypeDef.new('typeof', v.type, tok) when 'long', 'short', 'signed', 'unsigned', 'int', 'char', 'float', 'double', 'void', '__int8', '__int16', '__int32', '__int64', 'intptr_t', 'uintptr_t' parser.unreadtok tok var.parse_type_base(parser, scope) else if type = scope.symbol_ancestors[tok.raw] and type.kind_of? TypeDef var.type = type.dup else parser.unreadtok tok end end break end if not var.type raise tok || parser, 'bad type name' if not qualifier.empty? or var.storage nil else var.type.qualifier = var.type.qualifier.to_a | qualifier if not qualifier.empty? var.type.parse_attributes(parser, true) var end end # parses a structure/union/enum declaration def parse_type_struct(parser, scope) @type.parse_attributes(parser) if tok = parser.skipspaces and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '{' # anonymous struct, ok @type.backtrace = tok if @type.kind_of? Enum (scope.anonymous_enums ||= []) << @type end elsif tok and tok.type == :string name = tok.raw raise tok, 'bad struct name' if Keyword[name] or (?0..?9).include?(name[0]) @type.backtrace = tok @type.name = name @type.parse_attributes(parser) raise parser if not ntok = parser.skipspaces if ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != '{' raise tok, "struct/union confusion" if scope.struct[name] and scope.struct[name].class != @type.class # variable declaration parser.unreadtok ntok if ntok.type == :punct and ntok.raw == ';' # struct predeclaration # allow redefinition @type = scope.struct[name] ||= @type else # check that the structure exists struct = scope.struct_ancestors[name] # allow incomplete types, usage as var type will raise later struct = scope.struct[name] = @type if not struct raise tok, 'unknown struct' if struct.class != @type.class (struct.attributes ||= []).concat @type.attributes if @type.attributes (struct.qualifier ||= []).concat @type.qualifier if @type.qualifier # XXX const struct foo bar => bar is const, not foo... @type = struct end return end if scope.struct[name] and scope.struct[name].members # redefinition of an existing struct, save for later comparison oldstruct = scope.struct[name] raise tok, "struct/union confusion" if oldstruct.class != @type.class elsif struct = scope.struct[name] raise tok, "struct/union confusion" if struct.class != @type.class (struct.attributes ||= []).concat @type.attributes if @type.attributes (struct.qualifier ||= []).concat @type.qualifier if @type.qualifier struct.backtrace = @type.backtrace struct.name = @type.name @type = struct else scope.struct[name] = @type end else raise tok || parser, 'struct name or "{" expected' end @type.parse_members(parser, scope) if oldstruct if not @type.compare_deep(oldstruct) raise tok, "conflicting struct redefinition (old at #{oldstruct.backtrace.exception(nil).message rescue :unknown})" end @type = oldstruct end end # parses int/long int/long long/double etc def parse_type_base(parser, scope) specifier = [] qualifier = [] name = :int tok = nil loop do raise parser if not tok = parser.skipspaces if tok.type != :string parser.unreadtok tok break end case tok.raw when 'const', 'volatile' qualifier << tok.raw.to_sym when 'long', 'short', 'signed', 'unsigned' specifier << tok.raw.to_sym when 'int', 'char', 'void', 'float', 'double', '__int8', '__int16', '__int32', '__int64' name = tok.raw.to_sym break when 'intptr_t', 'uintptr_t' name = :ptr specifier << :unsigned if tok.raw == 'uintptr_t' break else parser.unreadtok tok break end end case name when :double # long double if specifier == [:long] name = :longdouble specifier.clear elsif not specifier.empty? raise tok || parser, 'invalid specifier list' end when :int # short, long, long long X signed, unsigned # Array#count not available on old ruby (eg 1.8.4), so use ary.len - (ary-stuff).len specifier = specifier - [:long] + [:longlong] if specifier.length - (specifier-[:long]).length == 2 if specifier.length - (specifier-[:signed, :unsigned]).length > 1 or specifier.length - (specifier-[:short, :long, :longlong]).length > 1 raise tok || parser, 'invalid specifier list' else name = (specifier & [:longlong, :long, :short])[0] || :int specifier -= [:longlong, :long, :short] end specifier.delete :signed # default when :char # signed, unsigned # signed char != char and unsigned char != char if (specifier & [:signed, :unsigned]).length > 1 or (specifier & [:short, :long]).length > 0 raise tok || parser, 'invalid specifier list' end when :__int8, :__int16, :__int32, :__int64, :ptr if (specifier & [:signed, :unsigned]).length > 1 or (specifier & [:short, :long]).length > 0 raise tok || parser, 'invalid specifier list' end specifier.delete :signed # default else # none raise tok || parser, 'invalid type' if not specifier.empty? end @type = BaseType.new(name, *specifier) @type.qualifier = qualifier if not qualifier.empty? end # updates @type and @name, parses pointer/arrays/function declarations # parses anonymous declarators (@name will be false) # the caller is responsible for detecting redefinitions # scope used only in CExpression.parse for array sizes and function prototype argument types # rec for internal use only def parse_declarator(parser, scope, rec = false) parse_attributes(parser, true) tok = parser.skipspaces # read upto name if tok and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '*' ptr = Pointer.new ptr.parse_attributes(parser) while ntok = parser.skipspaces and ntok.type == :string case ntok.raw when 'const', 'volatile' (ptr.qualifier ||= []) << ntok.raw.to_sym ptr.parse_attributes(parser) else break end end parser.unreadtok ntok parse_declarator(parser, scope, true) t = self t = t.type while t.type and (t.type.kind_of?(Pointer) or t.type.kind_of?(Function)) ptr.type = t.type t.type = ptr if t.kind_of? Function and ptr.attributes @attributes ||= [] @attributes |= ptr.attributes ptr.attributes = nil end return elsif tok and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '(' parse_declarator(parser, scope, true) raise tok || parser, '")" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ')' elsif tok and tok.type == :string case tok.raw when 'const', 'volatile' (@type.qualifier ||= []) << tok.raw.to_sym return parse_declarator(parser, scope, rec) when 'register', 'auto', 'static', 'typedef', 'extern' raise tok, 'multiple storage class' if storage @storage = tok.raw.to_sym puts tok.exception('misplaced storage specifier').message if $VERBOSE return parse_declarator(parser, scope, rec) end raise tok if name or name == false raise tok, 'bad var name' if Keyword[tok.raw] or (?0..?9).include?(tok.raw[0]) @name = tok.raw @backtrace = tok parse_attributes(parser, true) else # unnamed raise tok || parser if name or name == false @name = false @backtrace = tok parser.unreadtok tok parse_attributes(parser, true) end parse_declarator_postfix(parser, scope) if not rec raise @backtrace, 'void type is invalid' if name and (t = @type.untypedef).kind_of? BaseType and t.name == :void and storage != :typedef raise @backtrace, "incomplete type #{@type.name}" if (@type.kind_of? Union or @type.kind_of? Enum) and not @type.members and storage != :typedef and storage != :extern # gcc uses an undefined extern struct just to cast it later (_IO_FILE_plus) end end # parses array/function type def parse_declarator_postfix(parser, scope) if tok = parser.skipspaces and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '[' # array indexing idx = CExpression.parse(parser, scope) # may be nil if idx and (scope == parser.toplevel or storage == :static) raise tok, 'array size is not constant' if not idx.constant? idx = idx.reduce(parser) elsif idx and nidx = idx.reduce(parser) and nidx.kind_of? ::Integer idx = nidx end t = self t = t.type while t.type and (t.type.kind_of?(Pointer) or t.type.kind_of?(Function)) t.type = Array.new t.type t.type.length = idx raise tok || parser, '"]" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ']' parse_attributes(parser) # should be type.attrs, but this is should be more compiler-compatible elsif tok and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '(' # function prototype # void __attribute__((noreturn)) func() => attribute belongs to func if @type and @type.attributes @attributes ||= [] @attributes |= @type.attributes @type.attributes = nil end t = self t = t.type while t.type and (t.type.kind_of?(Pointer) or t.type.kind_of?(Function)) t.type = Function.new t.type if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ')' parser.unreadtok tok t.type.args = [] oldstyle = false # int func(a, b) int a; double b; { stuff; } loop do raise parser if not tok = parser.skipspaces if tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == '.' # variadic function raise parser, '".." expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '.' raise parser, '"." expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '.' raise parser, '")" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ')' t.type.varargs = true break elsif tok.type == :string and tok.raw == 'register' storage = :register else parser.unreadtok tok end if oldstyle or not v = Variable.parse_type(parser, scope) raise tok if not @name # no oldstyle in casts tok = parser.skipspaces oldstyle ||= [tok] # arg to raise() later oldstyle << tok.raw else v.storage = storage if storage v.parse_declarator(parser, scope) v.type = Pointer.new(v.type.type) if v.type.kind_of? Array v.type = Pointer.new(v.type) if v.type.kind_of? Function t.type.args << v if not v.type.untypedef.kind_of? BaseType or v.type.untypedef.name != :void end if tok = parser.skipspaces and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == ',' raise tok, '")" expected' if v and t.type.args.last != v # last arg of type :void elsif tok and tok.type == :punct and tok.raw == ')' break else raise tok || parser, '"," or ")" expected' end end if oldstyle parse_attributes(parser, true) ra = oldstyle.shift while t.type.args.compact.length != oldstyle.length raise ra, "invalid prototype" if not vb = Variable.parse_type(parser, scope) loop do v = vb.dup v.parse_declarator(parser, scope) v.type = Pointer.new(v.type.type) if v.type.kind_of? Array v.type = Pointer.new(v.type) if v.type.kind_of? Function raise parser, "unknown arg #{v.name.inspect}" if not i = oldstyle.index(v.name) t.type.args[i] = v raise parser, '"," or ";" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or (tok.raw != ';' and tok.raw != ',') break if tok.raw == ';' end end parse_attributes(parser, true) raise parser, '"{" expected' if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != '{' parser.unreadtok tok end namedargs = t.type.args.map { |a| a.name }.compact - [false] raise tok, "duplicate argument name #{namedargs.find { |a| namedargs.index(a) != namedargs.rindex(a) }.inspect}" if namedargs.length != namedargs.uniq.length end parse_attributes(parser, true) # should be type.attrs, but this should be more existing-compiler-compatible else parser.unreadtok tok return end parse_declarator_postfix(parser, scope) end end class Variable def ===(o) self == o or (o.class == CExpression and not o.op and o.rexpr == self) end end class CExpression def self.lvalue?(e) e.kind_of?(self) ? e.lvalue? : (e.kind_of? Variable and e.name) end def lvalue? case @op when :*; true if not @lexpr when :'[]', :'.', :'->'; true when nil # cast CExpression.lvalue?(@rexpr) else false end end def self.constant?(e) e.kind_of?(self) ? e.constant? : true end def constant? # gcc considers '1, 2' not constant if [:',', :funcall, :'=', :'--', :'++', :'+=', :'-=', :'*=', :'/=', :'>>=', :'<<=', :'&=', :'|=', :'^=', :'%=', :'->', :'[]'].include?(@op) false elsif @op == :'*' and not @lexpr; false elsif not @lexpr and not @op and @rexpr.kind_of? Block; false else out = true walk { |e| break out = false if not CExpression.constant?(e) } out end end def self.reduce(parser, e) e.kind_of?(self) ? e.reduce(parser) : e end def reduce(parser) # parser used for arithmetic overflows (need basic type sizes) case @op when :'&&' case l = CExpression.reduce(parser, @lexpr) when 0; 0 when ::Integer case r = CExpression.reduce(parser, @rexpr) when 0; 0 when ::Integer; 1 else CExpression.new(l, @op, r, @type) end else CExpression.new(l, @op, @rexpr, @type) end when :'||' case l = CExpression.reduce(parser, @lexpr) when 0 case r = CExpression.reduce(parser, @rexpr) when 0; 0 when ::Integer; 1 else CExpression.new(l, @op, r, @type) end when ::Integer; 1 else CExpression.new(l, @op, @rexpr, @type) end when :'!' case r = CExpression.reduce(parser, @rexpr) when 0; 1 when ::Integer; 0 else CExpression.new(nil, @op, r, @type) end when :'!=', :'==', :'<', :'>', :'>=', :'<=' l = CExpression.reduce(parser, @lexpr) r = CExpression.reduce(parser, @rexpr) if l.kind_of?(::Integer) and r.kind_of?(::Integer) if @op == :'!='; l != r ? 1 : 0 else l.send(@op, r) ? 1 : 0 end else l = CExpression.new(nil, nil, l, BaseType.new(:int)) if l.kind_of? ::Integer r = CExpression.new(nil, nil, r, BaseType.new(:int)) if r.kind_of? ::Integer CExpression.new(l, @op, r, @type) end when :'.' le = CExpression.reduce(parser, @lexpr) if le.kind_of? Variable and le.initializer.kind_of? ::Array midx = le.type.members.index(le.type.findmember(@rexpr)) CExpression.reduce(parser, le.initializer[midx] || 0) else CExpression.new(le, @op, @rexpr, @type) end when :'?:' case c = CExpression.reduce(parser, @lexpr) when 0; CExpression.reduce(parser, @rexpr[0]) when ::Integer; CExpression.reduce(parser, @rexpr[1]) else CExpression.new(c, @op, @rexpr, @type) end when :'+', :'-', :'*', :'/', :'^', :'%', :'&', :'|', :'>>', :'<<', :'~', nil t = @type.untypedef case t when BaseType when Pointer; return self if @op else return @rexpr if not @op and not @lexpr and @rexpr.kind_of? Variable and @rexpr.type == @type return self # raise parser, 'not arithmetic type' end # compute value r = CExpression.reduce(parser, @rexpr) ret = \ if not @lexpr # unary case @op when :'+', nil, :'-', :'~' return CExpression.new(nil, @op, r, @type) if not r.kind_of? ::Numeric case @op when :'-'; -r when :'~'; ~r else r end else return CExpression.new(nil, @op, r, @type) end else l = CExpression.reduce(parser, @lexpr) if not l.kind_of?(::Numeric) or not r.kind_of?(::Numeric) l = CExpression.new(nil, nil, l, BaseType.new(:int)) if l.kind_of? ::Integer r = CExpression.new(nil, nil, r, BaseType.new(:int)) if r.kind_of? ::Integer return CExpression.new(l, @op, r, @type) end l.send(@op, r) end # overflow tn = (t.pointer? ? :ptr : t.name) case tn when :char, :short, :int, :long, :ptr, :longlong, :__int8, :__int16, :__int32, :__int64 max = 1 << (8*parser.typesize[tn]) ret = ret.to_i & (max-1) if not t.pointer? and t.specifier != :unsigned and (ret & (max >> 1)) > 0 # char == unsigned char ret - max else ret end when :float, :double, :longdouble ret.to_f # TODO end when :funcall l = CExpression.reduce(parser, @lexpr) r = @rexpr.map { |rr| rr = CExpression.reduce(parser, rr) rr = CExpression.new(nil, nil, rr, BaseType.new(:int)) if rr.kind_of? ::Integer rr } CExpression.new(l, @op, r, @type) else l = CExpression.reduce(parser, @lexpr) if @lexpr r = CExpression.reduce(parser, @rexpr) if @rexpr l = CExpression.new(nil, nil, l, BaseType.new(:int)) if l.kind_of? ::Integer r = CExpression.new(nil, nil, r, BaseType.new(:int)) if r.kind_of? ::Integer CExpression.new(l, @op, r, @type) end end def ==(o) o.object_id == self.object_id or (self.class == o.class and op == o.op and lexpr == o.lexpr and rexpr == o.rexpr) end def ===(o) (self.class == o.class and op == o.op and lexpr === o.lexpr and rexpr === o.rexpr) or (o.class == Variable and not @op and @rexpr == o) end NegateOp = { :== => :'!=', :'!=' => :==, :> => :<=, :>= => :<, :< => :>=, :<= => :> } # returns a CExpr negating this one (eg 'x' => '!x', 'a > b' => 'a <= b'...) def self.negate(e) e.kind_of?(self) ? e.negate : CExpression[:'!', e] end def negate if @op == :'!' CExpression[@rexpr] elsif nop = NegateOp[@op] if nop == :== and @rexpr.kind_of? CExpression and not @rexpr.op and @rexpr.rexpr == 0 and @lexpr.kind_of? CExpression and [:==, :'!=', :>, :<, :>=, :<=, :'!'].include? @lexpr.op # (a > b) != 0 => (a > b) CExpression[@lexpr] else CExpression.new(@lexpr, nop, @rexpr, @type) end elsif nop = { :'||' => :'&&', :'&&' => :'||' }[@op] CExpression.new(CExpression.negate(@lexpr), nop, CExpression.negate(@rexpr), @type) else CExpression[:'!', self] end end def walk case @op when :funcall, :'?:' yield @lexpr @rexpr.each { |arg| yield arg } when :'->', :'.' yield @lexpr else yield @lexpr if @lexpr yield @rexpr if @rexpr end end def complexity cx = 1 walk { |e| cx += e.complexity if e.kind_of?(CExpression) } cx end RIGHTASSOC = [:'=', :'+=', :'-=', :'*=', :'/=', :'%=', :'&=', :'|=', :'^=', :'<<=', :'>>=', :'?:' ].inject({}) { |h, op| h.update op => true } # key = operator, value = hash regrouping operators of lower precedence # funcall/array index/member dereference/sizeof are handled in parse_value OP_PRIO = [[:','], [:'?:'], [:'=', :'+=', :'-=', :'*=', :'/=', :'%=', :'&=', :'|=', :'^=', :'<<=', :'>>='], [:'||'], [:'&&'], [:|], [:^], [:&], [:'==', :'!='], [:'<', :'>', :'<=', :'>='], [:<<, :>>], [:+, :-], [:*, :/, :%], ].inject({}) { |h, oplist| lessprio = h.keys.inject({}) { |hh, op| hh.update op => true } oplist.each { |op| lessprio.update op => true } if RIGHTASSOC[oplist.first] oplist.each { |op| h[op] = lessprio } h } class << self # reads a binary operator from the parser, returns the corresponding symbol or nil def readop(parser) if not op = parser.skipspaces or op.type != :punct parser.unreadtok op return end case op.raw when '>', '<', '|', '&' # << >> || && if ntok = parser.readtok and ntok.type == :punct and ntok.raw == op.raw op.raw << ntok.raw else parser.unreadtok ntok end when '!' # != (mandatory) if not ntok = parser.readtok or ntok.type != :punct and ntok.raw != '=' parser.unreadtok op return end op.raw << ntok.raw when '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '^', '=', ',', '?', ':', '>>', '<<', '||', '&&', '+=','-=','*=','/=','%=','^=','==','&=','|=','!=' # ok else # bad parser.unreadtok op return end # may be followed by '=' case op.raw when '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '^', '&', '|', '>>', '<<', '<', '>', '=' if ntok = parser.readtok and ntok.type == :punct and ntok.raw == '=' op.raw << ntok.raw else parser.unreadtok ntok end end op.value = op.raw.to_sym op end # parse sizeof offsetof float immediate etc into tok.value def parse_intfloat(parser, scope, tok) if tok.type == :string and not tok.value case tok.raw when 'sizeof' if ntok = parser.skipspaces and ntok.type == :punct and ntok.raw == '(' # check type if v = Variable.parse_type(parser, scope) v.parse_declarator(parser, scope) raise tok if v.name != false raise tok if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ')' else raise tok, 'expr expected' if not v = parse(parser, scope) raise tok if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ')' end else parser.unreadtok ntok raise tok, 'expr expected' if not v = parse_value(parser, scope) end tok.value = parser.sizeof(v) return when '__builtin_offsetof' raise tok if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != '(' raise tok if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :string or ntok.raw != 'struct' raise tok if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :string raise tok, 'unknown structure' if not struct = scope.struct_ancestors[ntok.raw] or not struct.kind_of? Union or not struct.members raise tok if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ',' raise tok if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :string tok.value = struct.offsetof(parser, ntok.raw) raise tok if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ')' return end end Expression.parse_num_value(parser, tok) end # returns the next value from parser (parenthesised expression, immediate, variable, unary operators) def parse_value(parser, scope) return if not tok = parser.skipspaces case tok.type when :string parse_intfloat(parser, scope, tok) val = tok.value || tok.raw if val.kind_of? ::String raise tok, 'undefined variable' if not val = scope.symbol_ancestors[val] end case val when Type raise tok, 'invalid variable' when Variable val = parse_value_postfix(parser, scope, val) when ::Float # parse suffix type = :double if (?0..?9).include?(tok.raw[0]) case tok.raw.downcase[-1] when ?l; type = :longdouble when ?f; type = :float end end val = CExpression[val, BaseType.new(type)] when ::Integer # parse suffix # XXX 010h ? type = :int specifier = [] if (?0..?9).include?(tok.raw[0]) suffix = tok.raw.downcase[-3, 3] || tok.raw.downcase[-2, 2] || tok.raw.downcase[-1, 1] # short string specifier << :unsigned if suffix.include?('u') # XXX or tok.raw.downcase[1] == ?x type = :longlong if suffix.count('l') == 2 type = :long if suffix.count('l') == 1 end val = CExpression[val, BaseType.new(type, *specifier)] else raise parser, "internal error #{val.inspect}" end when :quoted if tok.raw[0] == ?' raise tok, 'invalid character constant' if not [1, 2, 4, 8].include? tok.value.length # TODO 0fill val = CExpression[Expression.decode_imm(tok.value, tok.value.length, :big), BaseType.new(:int)] else val = CExpression[tok.value, Pointer.new(BaseType.new(tok.raw[0, 2] == 'L"' ? :short : :char))] val = parse_value_postfix(parser, scope, val) end when :punct case tok.raw when '(' ntok = nil # check type casting if v = Variable.parse_type(parser, scope) v.parse_declarator(parser, scope) (v.type.attributes ||= []).concat v.attributes if v.attributes raise tok, 'bad cast' if v.name != false raise ntok || tok, 'no ")" found' if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ')' raise ntok, 'expr expected' if not val = parse_value(parser, scope) # parses postfix too #raise ntok, 'unable to cast a struct' if val.type.untypedef.kind_of? Union val = CExpression[[val], v.type] # check compound statement expression elsif ntok = parser.skipspaces and ntok.type == :punct and ntok.raw == '{' parser.unreadtok ntok blk = parser.parse_statement(scope, [:expression]) # XXX nesting ? raise ntok || tok, 'no ")" found' if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ')' type = blk.statements.last.kind_of?(CExpression) ? blk.statements.last.type : BaseType.new(:void) val = CExpression[blk, type] else parser.unreadtok ntok if not val = parse(parser, scope) parser.unreadtok tok return end raise ntok || tok, 'no ")" found' if not ntok = parser.readtok or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ')' val = parse_value_postfix(parser, scope, val) end when '.' # float parse_intfloat(parser, scope, tok) if not tok.value parser.unreadtok tok return end val = tok.value || tok.raw type = :double case tok.raw.downcase[-1] when ?l; type = :longdouble when ?f; type = :float end val = CExpression.new[val, BaseType.new(type)] when '+', '-', '&', '!', '~', '*', '--', '++', '&&' # unary prefix # may have been read ahead raise parser if not ntok = parser.readtok # check for -- ++ && if ntok.type == :punct and ntok.raw == tok.raw and %w[+ - &].include?(tok.raw) tok.raw << ntok.raw else parser.unreadtok ntok end case tok.raw when '&' val = parse_value(parser, scope) if val.kind_of? CExpression and val.op == :& and not val.lexpr and (val.rexpr.kind_of? Variable or val.rexpr.kind_of? CExpression) and val.rexpr.type.kind_of? Function # &&function == &function elsif (val.kind_of? CExpression or val.kind_of? Variable) and val.type.kind_of? Array # &ary = ary else raise parser, "invalid lvalue #{val}" if not CExpression.lvalue?(val) and not parser.allow_bad_c raise val.backtrace, 'cannot take addr of register' if val.kind_of? Variable and val.storage == :register and not parser.allow_bad_c val = CExpression.new(nil, tok.raw.to_sym, val, Pointer.new(val.type)) end when '++', '--' val = parse_value(parser, scope) raise parser, "invalid lvalue #{val}" if not CExpression.lvalue?(val) and not parser.allow_bad_c val = CExpression.new(nil, tok.raw.to_sym, val, val.type) when '&&' raise tok, 'label name expected' if not val = parser.skipspaces or val.type != :string val = CExpression.new(nil, nil, Label.new(val.raw, nil), Pointer.new(BaseType.new(:void))) when '*' raise tok, 'expr expected' if not val = parse_value(parser, scope) raise tok, 'not a pointer' if not val.type.pointer? and not parser.allow_bad_c newtype = val.type.pointer? ? val.type.pointed : BaseType.new(:int) if not newtype.untypedef.kind_of? Function # *fptr == fptr val = CExpression.new(nil, tok.raw.to_sym, val, newtype) end when '~', '!', '+', '-' raise tok, 'expr expected' if not val = parse_value(parser, scope) raise tok, 'type not arithmetic' if not val.type.arithmetic? and not parser.allow_bad_c val = CExpression.new(nil, tok.raw.to_sym, val, val.type) val.type = BaseType.new(:int) if tok.raw == '!' else raise tok, 'internal error' end else parser.unreadtok tok return end else parser.unreadtok tok return end if val.kind_of? Variable and val.type.kind_of? Function # void (*bla)() = printf; => ...= &printf; val = CExpression[:&, val] end val end # parse postfix forms (postincrement, array index, struct member dereference) def parse_value_postfix(parser, scope, val) tok = parser.skipspaces nval = \ if tok and tok.type == :punct case tok.raw when '+', '++', '-', '--', '->' ntok = parser.readtok if (tok.raw == '+' or tok.raw == '-') and ntok and ntok.type == :punct and (ntok.raw == tok.raw or (tok.raw == '-' and ntok.raw == '>')) tok.raw << ntok.raw else parser.unreadtok ntok end case tok.raw when '+', '-' nil when '++', '--' raise parser, "#{val}: invalid lvalue" if not CExpression.lvalue?(val) CExpression.new(val, tok.raw.to_sym, nil, val.type) when '->' # XXX allow_bad_c.. raise tok, "#{val}: not a pointer" if not val.type.pointer? type = val.type.pointed.untypedef raise tok, "#{val}: bad pointer" if not type.kind_of? Union raise tok, "#{val}: incomplete type" if not type.members raise tok, "#{val}: invalid member" if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :string or not m = type.findmember(tok.raw) CExpression.new(val, :'->', tok.raw, m.type) end when '.' type = val.type.untypedef if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :string or not type.kind_of? Union parser.unreadtok ntok nil else raise ntok, "#{val}: incomplete type" if not type.members raise ntok, "#{val}: invalid member" if not m = type.findmember(ntok.raw) CExpression.new(val, :'.', ntok.raw, m.type) end when '[' raise tok, "#{val}: index expected" if not idx = parse(parser, scope) val, idx = idx, val if not val.type.pointer? # fake support of "4[tab]" raise tok, "#{val}: not a pointer" if not val.type.pointer? raise tok, "#{val}: invalid index" if not idx.type.integral? raise tok, "#{val}: get perpendicular ! (elsewhere)" if idx.kind_of?(CExpression) and idx.op == :',' raise tok || parser, "']' expected" if not tok = parser.skipspaces or tok.type != :punct or tok.raw != ']' type = val.type.untypedef.type # TODO boundscheck (and become king of the universe) CExpression.new(val, :'[]', idx, type) when '(' type = val.type.untypedef type = type.type.untypedef if type.kind_of? Pointer raise tok, "#{val}: not a function" if not type.kind_of? Function args = [] loop do a = parse(parser, scope, false) break if not a args << a if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ',' parser.unreadtok ntok break end end raise ntok || parser, "#{val}: ')' expected" if not ntok = parser.skipspaces or ntok.type != :punct or ntok.raw != ')' type.args ||= [] raise tok, "#{val}: bad argument count: #{args.length} for #{type.args.length}" if (type.varargs ? (args.length < type.args.length) : (args.length != type.args.length)) type.args.zip(args) { |ta, a| p, i = ta.type.pointer?, ta.type.integral? r = a.reduce(parser) if p or i if (not p and not i) or (i and not r.kind_of? ::Integer) or (p and r != 0) tok = tok.dup ; tok.raw = a.to_s parser.check_compatible_type(tok, a.type, ta.type) end } CExpression.new(val, :funcall, args, type.type) end end if nval parse_value_postfix(parser, scope, nval) else parser.unreadtok tok val end end def parse(parser, scope, allow_coma = true) opstack = [] stack = [] popstack = lambda { r, l = stack.pop, stack.pop case op = opstack.pop when :'?:' stack << CExpression.new(stack.pop, op, [l, r], l.type) when :',' stack << CExpression.new(l, op, r, r.type) when :'=' parser.check_compatible_type(parser, r.type, l.type) stack << CExpression.new(l, op, r, l.type) when :'&&', :'||' stack << CExpression.new(l, op, r, BaseType.new(:int)) else # XXX struct == struct ? raise parser, "invalid type #{l.type} #{l} for #{op.inspect}" if not l.type.arithmetic? and not parser.allow_bad_c raise parser, "invalid type #{r.type} #{r} for #{op.inspect}" if not r.type.arithmetic? and not parser.allow_bad_c if l.type.pointer? and r.type.pointer? type = \ case op when :'-'; BaseType.new(:long) # addr_t or sumthin ? when :'-='; l.type when :'>', :'>=', :'<', :'<=', :'==', :'!='; BaseType.new(:long) else raise parser, "cannot do #{op.inspect} on pointers" unless parser.allow_bad_c ; l.type end elsif l.type.pointer? or r.type.pointer? puts parser.exception("should not #{op.inspect} a pointer").message if $VERBOSE and not [:'+', :'-', :'=', :'+=', :'-=', :==, :'!='].include? op type = l.type.pointer? ? l.type : r.type else # yay integer promotion lt = l.type.untypedef rt = r.type.untypedef if (t = lt).name == :longdouble or (t = rt).name == :longdouble or (t = lt).name == :double or (t = rt).name == :double or (t = lt).name == :float or (t = rt).name == :float # long double > double > float ... type = t elsif true # custom integer rules based on type sizes lts = parser.typesize[lt.name] rts = parser.typesize[rt.name] its = parser.typesize[:int] if not lts or not rts type = BaseType.new(:int) elsif lts > rts and lts >= its type = lt elsif rts > lts and rts >= its type = rt elsif lts == rts and lts >= its type = lt type = rt if rt.specifier == :unsigned else type = BaseType.new(:int) end # end of custom rules elsif ((t = lt).name == :long and t.specifier == :unsigned) or ((t = rt).name == :long and t.specifier == :unsigned) # ... ulong ... type = t elsif (lt.name == :long and rt.name == :int and rt.specifier == :unsigned) or (rt.name == :long and lt.name == :int and lt.specifier == :unsigned) # long+uint => ulong type = BaseType.new(:long, :unsigned) elsif (t = lt).name == :long or (t = rt).name == :long or ((t = lt).name == :int and t.specifier == :unsigned) or ((t = rt).name == :int and t.specifier == :unsigned) # ... long > uint ... type = t else # int type = BaseType.new(:int) end end case op when :'>', :'>=', :'<', :'<=', :'==', :'!=' # cast both sides l = CExpression[l, type] if l.type != type r = CExpression[r, type] if r.type != type stack << CExpression.new(l, op, r, BaseType.new(:int)) else # promote result stack << CExpression.new(l, op, r, type) end end } return if not e = parse_value(parser, scope) stack << e while op = readop(parser) case op.value when :'?' # a, b ? c, d : e, f == a, (b ? (c, d) : e), f until opstack.empty? or OP_PRIO[opstack.last][:'?:'] popstack[] end stack << parse(parser, scope) raise op || parser, '":" expected' if not op = readop(parser) or op.value != :':' op = op.dup op.value = :'?:' when :':' parser.unreadtok op break else if not allow_coma and op.value == :',' parser.unreadtok op break end until opstack.empty? or OP_PRIO[op.value][opstack.last] popstack[] end end raise op, 'need rhs' if not e = parse_value(parser, scope) stack << e opstack << op.value end until opstack.empty? popstack[] end CExpression[stack.first] end end end # # AllocCStruct: ruby interpreter memory-mapped structure # # this maps a C structure from a C parser to a ruby String # struct members are accessed through obj['fldname'] # obj.fldname is an alias class AllocCStruct # str is a reference to the underlying ruby String # stroff is the offset from the start of this string (non-nul for nested structs) # cp is a reference to the C::Parser # struct to the C::Union/Struct/Array # sizeof is the byte size of the C struct attr_accessor :str, :stroff, :cp, :struct attr_writer :sizeof def initialize(cp, struct, str=nil, stroff=0) @cp, @struct = cp, struct @str = str || [0].pack('C')*sizeof @stroff = stroff end def sizeof @sizeof ||= @cp.sizeof(@struct) end def [](*a) if @struct.kind_of? C::Array and a.length == 1 and @struct.length and a[0].kind_of? Integer i = a[0] raise "#{i} out of bounds 0...#{@struct.length}" if i < 0 or i >= @struct.length off = @stroff + i*@cp.sizeof(@struct.type) return @cp.decode_c_value(@str, @struct.type, off) end return @str[@stroff..-1][*a] if a.length != 1 a = a.first return @str[@stroff..-1][a] if not a.kind_of? Symbol and not a.kind_of? String and not a.kind_of? C::Variable f = a raise "#{a.inspect} not a member" if not f.kind_of? C::Variable and not f = @struct.findmember(a.to_s, true) a = f.name || f off = @stroff + @struct.offsetof(@cp, a) if bf = @struct.bitoffsetof(@cp, a) ft = C::BaseType.new((bf[0] + bf[1] > 32) ? :__int64 : :__int32) v = @cp.decode_c_value(@str, ft, off) (v >> bf[0]) & ((1 << bf[1])-1) else @cp.decode_c_value(@str, f, off) end end def []=(*a) if @struct.kind_of? C::Array and a.length == 2 and @struct.length and a[0].kind_of? Integer i = a[0] raise "#{i} out of bounds 0...#{@struct.length}" if i < 0 or i >= @struct.length off = @stroff + i*@cp.sizeof(@struct.type) val = @cp.encode_c_value(@struct.type, a[1]) @str[off, val.length] = val return end if not a.first.kind_of? Symbol and not a.first.kind_of? String and not a.first.kind_of? C::Variable # patch @str[@stroff..-1] like a string # so we must find the intended start offset, and add @stroff to it if @stroff != 0 case a.first when Range if a.first.begin >= 0 a[0] = ::Range.new(a[0].begin+@stroff, a[0].end+@stroff, a[0].exclude_end?) else raise 'no can do, use positive index' end when Integer if a.first >= 0 a[0] += @stroff else raise 'no can do, use positive index' end else raise 'no can do' end end return @str.send(:'[]=', *a) # XXX *should* work... end a, val = a raise "#{a.inspect} not a struct member" if not a.kind_of? C::Variable and not f = @struct.findmember(a.to_s, true) a = f.name if a.kind_of? String or a.kind_of? Symbol val = sizeof if val == :size off = @stroff + @struct.offsetof(@cp, a) if bf = @struct.bitoffsetof(@cp, a) raise "only Integers supported in bitfield #{a}, got #{val.inspect}" if not val.kind_of?(::Integer) # struct { int i:8; }; => size 8 or 32 ? ft = C::BaseType.new((bf[0] + bf[1] > 32) ? :__int64 : :__int32) mask = ((1 << bf[1]) - 1) << bf[0] preval = @cp.decode_c_value(@str, ft, off) val = (preval & ~mask) | ((val << bf[0]) & mask) f = ft end val = @cp.encode_c_value(f, val) @str[off, val.length] = val end # virtual accessors to members # struct.foo is aliased to struct['foo'], # struct.foo = 42 aliased to struct['foo'] = 42 def method_missing(on, *a) n = on.to_s if n[-1] == ?= send :[]=, n[0...-1], *a else super(on, *a) if not @struct.kind_of?(C::Union) or not @struct.findmember(n, true) send :[], n, *a end end def to_s(off=nil, maxdepth=500) return '{ /* ... */ }' if maxdepth <= 0 str = [''] if @struct.kind_of?(C::Array) str.last << "#{@struct.type} x[#{@struct.length}] = " if not off mlist = (0...@struct.length) fldoff = mlist.inject({}) { |h, i| h.update i => i*@cp.sizeof(@struct.type) } elsif @struct.kind_of?(C::Struct) str.last << "struct #{@struct.name || '_'} x = " if not off @struct.update_member_cache(@cp) if not @struct.fldlist fldoff = @struct.fldoffset fbo = @struct.fldbitoffset || {} mlist = @struct.members.map { |m| m.name || m } else str.last << "union #{@struct.name || '_'} x = " if not off mlist = @struct.members.map { |m| m.name || m } end str.last << '{' mlist.each { |k| if k.kind_of? Variable # anonymous member curoff = off.to_i + @struct.offsetof(@cp, k) val = self[k] k = '?' else curoff = off.to_i + (fldoff ? fldoff[k].to_i : 0) val = self[k] end if val.kind_of?(::Integer) if val >= 0x100 val = '0x%X, // +%x' % [val, curoff] elsif val <= -0x100 val = '-0x%X, // +%x' % [-val, curoff] else val = '%d, // +%x' % [val, curoff] end elsif val.kind_of? AllocCStruct val = val.to_s(curoff, maxdepth-1) elsif not val val = 'NULL, // +%x' % curoff # pointer with NULL value else val = val.to_s.sub(/$/, ', // +%x' % curoff) end val = val.gsub("\n", "\n\t") str << "\t#{k.kind_of?(::Integer) ? "[#{k}]" : ".#{k}"} = #{val}" } str << '}' str.last << (off ? ',' : ';') str.join("\n") end def to_array raise NoMethodError, "Not an Array" if not @struct.kind_of?(C::Array) ary = [] @struct.length.times { |i| ary << self[i] } ary end def to_strz raise NoMethodError, "Not an Array" if not @struct.kind_of?(C::Array) a = to_array a[a.index(0)..-1] = [] if a.index(0) a.pack('C*') end end class Parser # find a Struct/Union object from a struct name/typedef name # raises if it cant find it def find_c_struct(structname) structname = structname.to_s if structname.kind_of?(::Symbol) if structname.kind_of?(::String) and not struct = @toplevel.struct[structname] struct = @toplevel.symbol[structname] raise "unknown struct #{structname.inspect}" if not struct struct = struct.type.untypedef struct = struct.pointed while struct.pointer? raise "unknown struct #{structname.inspect}" if not struct.kind_of? C::Union end struct = structname if structname.kind_of? C::Union raise "unknown struct #{structname.inspect}" if not struct.kind_of? C::Union struct end # find a C::Type (struct/union/typedef/basetype) from a string def find_c_type(typename) typename = typename.to_s if typename.kind_of? ::Symbol if typename.kind_of?(::String) and not type = @toplevel.struct[typename] if type = @toplevel.symbol[typename] type = type.type.untypedef else begin lexer.feed(typename) b = C::Block.new(@toplevel) var = Variable.parse_type(self, b) var.parse_declarator(self, b) type = var.type rescue end end end type = typename if typename.kind_of?(C::Type) raise "unknown type #{typename.inspect}" if not type.kind_of? C::Type type end # allocate a new AllocCStruct from the struct/struct typedef name of the current toplevel # optionally populate the fields using the 'values' hash def alloc_c_struct(structname, values=nil) struct = find_c_struct(structname) st = AllocCStruct.new(self, struct) values.each { |k, v| st[k] = v } if values st end # parse a given String as an AllocCStruct # offset is an optionnal offset from the string start # modification to the structure will modify the underlying string def decode_c_struct(structname, str, offset=0) struct = find_c_struct(structname) AllocCStruct.new(self, struct, str, offset) end # allocate an array of types # init is either the length of the array, or an array of initial values def alloc_c_ary(typename, init=1) type = find_c_type(typename) len = init.kind_of?(Integer) ? init : init.length struct = C::Array.new(type, len) st = AllocCStruct.new(self, struct) if init.kind_of?(::Array) init.each_with_index { |v, i| st[i] = v } end st end # "cast" a string to C::Array def decode_c_ary(typename, len, str, offset=0) type = find_c_type(typename) struct = C::Array.new(type, len) AllocCStruct.new(self, struct, str, offset) end # convert (pack) a ruby value into a C buffer # packs integers, converts Strings to their C pointer (using DynLdr) def encode_c_value(type, val) type = type.type if type.kind_of? Variable case val when nil; val = 0 when ::Integer when ::String val = DynLdr.str_ptr(val) when ::Hash type = type.pointed while type.pointer? raise "need a struct ptr for #{type} #{val.inspect}" if not type.kind_of? Union buf = alloc_c_struct(type, val) val.instance_variable_set('@rb2c', buf) # GC trick val = buf when ::Proc val = DynLdr.convert_rb2c(type, val) # allocate a DynLdr callback when AllocCStruct val = DynLdr.str_ptr(val.str) + val.stroff #when ::Float # TODO else raise "TODO #{val.inspect}" end val = Expression.encode_immediate(val, sizeof(type), @endianness) if val.kind_of?(::Integer) val end def decode_c_value(str, type, off=0) type = type.type if type.kind_of? Variable type = type.untypedef if type.kind_of? C::Union or type.kind_of? C::Array return AllocCStruct.new(self, type, str, off) end val = Expression.decode_immediate(str, sizeof(type), @endianness, off) val = Expression.make_signed(val, sizeof(type)*8) if type.integral? and type.signed? val = nil if val == 0 and type.pointer? val end end # # Dumper : objects => C source # class Parser # returns a big string containing all definitions from headers used in the source (including macros) def factorize(*a) factorize_init parse(*a) raise @lexer.readtok || self, 'eof expected' if not @lexer.eos? factorize_final end def factorize_init @lexer.traced_macros = [] end def factorize_final # now find all types/defs not coming from the standard headers # all all = @toplevel.struct.values + @toplevel.symbol.values all -= all.grep(::Integer) # Enum values # list of definitions of user-defined objects userdefined = all.find_all { |t| t.backtrace.backtrace.grep(::String).grep(/^</).empty? } @toplevel.statements.clear # don't want all Declarations # a macro is fine too @lexer.dump_macros(@lexer.traced_macros, false) + "\n\n" + dump_definitions(userdefined, userdefined) end # returns a big string representing the definitions of all terms appearing in +list+, excluding +exclude+ # includes dependencies def dump_definitions(list, exclude=[]) # recurse all dependencies todo_rndr = {} todo_deps = {} list.each { |t| todo_rndr[t], todo_deps[t] = t.dump_def(@toplevel) } # c.toplevel.anonymous_enums.to_a.each { |t| todo_rndr[t], todo_deps[t] = t.dump_def(c.toplevel) } while !(ar = (todo_deps.values.flatten - todo_deps.keys)).empty? ar.each { |t| todo_rndr[t], todo_deps[t] = t.dump_def(@toplevel) } end exclude.each { |t| todo_deps.delete t ; todo_rndr.delete t } todo_deps.each_key { |t| todo_deps[t] -= exclude } all = @toplevel.struct.values + @toplevel.symbol.values all -= all.grep(::Integer) # Enum values r, dep = @toplevel.dump_reorder(all, todo_rndr, todo_deps) r.join("\n") end # returns a string containing the C definition(s) of toplevel functions, with their dependencies def dump_definition(*funcnames) oldst = @toplevel.statements @toplevel.statements = [] dump_definitions(funcnames.map { |f| @toplevel.symbol[f] }) ensure @toplevel.statements = oldst end def to_s @toplevel.dump(nil)[0].join("\n") end end class Statement def self.dump(e, scope, r=[''], dep=[]) case e when nil; r.last << ';' when Block r.last << ' ' if not r.last.empty? r.last << '{' tr, dep = e.dump(scope, [''], dep) tr.pop if tr.last.empty? r.concat tr.map { |s| Case.dump_indent(s) } (r.last[-1] == ?{ ? r.last : r) << '}' else tr, dep = e.dump(scope, [''], dep) r.concat tr.map { |s| Case.dump_indent(s) } end [r, dep] end def to_s dump(Block.new(nil))[0].join(' ') end end class Block def to_s() dump(nil)[0].join("\n") end # return array of c source lines and array of dependencies (objects) def dump(scp, r=[''], dep=[]) mydefs = @symbol.values.grep(TypeDef) + @struct.values + anonymous_enums.to_a todo_rndr = {} todo_deps = {} mydefs.each { |t| # filter out Enum values todo_rndr[t], todo_deps[t] = t.dump_def(self) } r, dep = dump_reorder(mydefs, todo_rndr, todo_deps, r, dep) dep -= @symbol.values + @struct.values [r, dep] end def dump_reorder(mydefs, todo_rndr, todo_deps, r=[''], dep=[]) val = todo_deps.values.flatten.uniq dep |= val dep -= mydefs | todo_deps.keys todo_deps.each { |k, v| v.delete k } ext = val - mydefs if ext.length > todo_deps.length todo_deps.each_key { |k| todo_deps[k] = todo_deps[k] & mydefs } else ext.each { |k| todo_deps.each_value { |v| v.delete k } } end # predeclare structs involved in cyclic dependencies dep_cycle = lambda { |ary| # sexyness inside (c) deps = todo_deps[ary.last] if deps.include? ary.first; ary elsif (deps-ary).find { |d| deps = dep_cycle[ary + [d]] }; deps end } todo_rndr.keys.grep(Union).find_all { |t| t.name }.sort_by { |t| t.name }.each { |t| oldc = nil while c = dep_cycle[[t]] break if oldc == c r << "#{t.kind_of?(Struct) ? 'struct' : 'union'} #{t.name};" if not oldc oldc = c c.each { |s| # XXX struct z { struct a* }; struct a { void (*foo)(struct z); }; todo_deps[s].delete t unless s.kind_of? Union and s.members.find { |sm| sm.type.untypedef == t } } end } loop do break if todo_rndr.empty? todo_now = todo_deps.keys.find_all { |k| todo_deps[k].empty? } if todo_now.empty? r << '// dependency problem, this may not compile' todo_now = todo_deps.keys end todo_now.sort_by { |k| k.name || '0' }.each { |k| if k.kind_of? Variable and k.type.kind_of? Function and k.initializer r << '' r.concat todo_rndr.delete(k) else r.pop if r.last == '' r.concat todo_rndr.delete(k) r.last << ';' end todo_deps.delete k } todo_deps.each_key { |k| todo_deps[k] -= todo_now } r << '' << '' << '' end @statements.each { |s| r << '' if not r.last.empty? if s.kind_of? Block r, dep = Statement.dump(s, self, r, dep) else r, dep = s.dump(self, r, dep) end } [r, dep] end end class Declaration def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) tr, dep = @var.dump_def(scope, [''], dep) if @var.kind_of? Variable and @var.type.kind_of? Function and @var.initializer r << '' r.concat tr else r.pop if r.last == '' r.concat tr r.last << ';' end [r, dep] end def to_s dump(Block.new(nil))[0].join(' ') end end module Attributes def dump_attributes if attributes (attributes - DECLSPECS).map { |a| " __attribute__((#{a}))" }.join else '' end end def dump_attributes_pre if attributes (attributes & DECLSPECS).map { |a| "__#{a} " }.join else '' end end end class Variable def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) if name dep |= [scope.symbol_ancestors[@name]] r.last << @name end [r, dep] end def dump_def(scope, r=[''], dep=[], skiptype=false) # int a=1, b=2; r.last << dump_attributes_pre if not skiptype r.last << @storage.to_s << ' ' if storage r, dep = @type.base.dump(scope, r, dep) r.last << ' ' if name end r, dep = @type.dump_declarator([(name ? @name.dup : '') << dump_attributes], scope, r, dep) if initializer r.last << ' = ' if not @type.kind_of?(Function) r, dep = @type.dump_initializer(@initializer, scope, r, dep) end [r, dep] end def to_s dump(Block.new(nil))[0].join(' ') end end class Type def dump_initializer(init, scope, r=[''], dep=[]) case init when ::Numeric r.last << init.to_s [r, dep] when ::Array r.last << init.inspect [r, dep] else init.dump_inner(scope, r, dep) end end def dump_declarator(decl, scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << decl.shift r.concat decl [r, dep] end def dump_def(*a) dump(*a) end def dump_cast(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << '(' r.last << dump_attributes_pre if not kind_of? TypeDef r, dep = base.dump(scope, r, dep) r, dep = dump_declarator([kind_of?(TypeDef) ? '' : dump_attributes], scope, r, dep) r.last << ')' [r, dep] end def to_s dump_cast(Block.new(nil))[0].join(' ') end end class Pointer def dump_declarator(decl, scope, r=[''], dep=[]) d = decl[0] decl[0] = '*' decl[0] << ' ' << @qualifier.map { |q| q.to_s }.join(' ') << ' ' if qualifier decl[0] << d if @type.kind_of? Function or @type.kind_of? Array decl[0] = '(' << decl[0] decl.last << ')' end @type.dump_declarator(decl, scope, r, dep) end end class Array def dump_declarator(decl, scope, r=[''], dep=[]) decl.last << '()' if decl.last.empty? decl.last << '[' decl, dep = CExpression.dump(@length, scope, decl, dep) if length decl.last << ']' @type.dump_declarator(decl, scope, r, dep) end def dump_initializer(init, scope, r=[''], dep=[]) return super(init, scope, r, dep) if not init.kind_of? ::Array r.last << '{ ' showname = false init.each_with_index { |v, i| if not v showname = true next end r.last << ', ' if r.last[-2, 2] != '{ ' rt = [''] if showname showname = false rt << "[#{i}] = " end rt, dep = @type.dump_initializer(v, scope, rt, dep) r.last << rt.shift r.concat rt.map { |s| "\t" << s } } r.last << ' }' [r, dep] end end class Function def dump_declarator(decl, scope, r=[''], dep=[]) decl.last << '()' if decl.last.empty? decl.last << '(' if args @args.each { |arg| decl.last << ', ' if decl.last[-1] != ?( decl, dep = arg.dump_def(scope, decl, dep) } if varargs decl.last << ', ' if decl.last[-1] != ?( decl.last << '...' else decl.last << 'void' if @args.empty? end end decl.last << ')' @type.dump_declarator(decl, scope, r, dep) end def dump_initializer(init, scope, r=[''], dep=[]) Statement.dump(init, scope, r << '', dep) end end class BaseType def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << @qualifier.map { |q| q.to_s << ' ' }.join if qualifier r.last << @specifier.to_s << ' ' if specifier and @name != :ptr r.last << case @name when :longlong; 'long long' when :longdouble; 'long double' when :ptr; specifier == :unsigned ? 'uintptr_t' : 'intptr_t' else @name.to_s end [r, dep] end end class TypeDef def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << @qualifier.map { |q| q.to_s << ' ' }.join if qualifier r.last << @name dep |= [scope.symbol_ancestors[@name]] [r, dep] end def dump_def(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << 'typedef ' r.last << dump_attributes_pre r, dep = @type.base.dump(scope, r, dep) r.last << ' ' @type.dump_declarator([(name ? @name.dup : '') << dump_attributes], scope, r, dep) end def dump_initializer(init, scope, r=[''], dep=[]) @type.dump_initializer(init, scope, r, dep) end end class Union def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) if name r.last << @qualifier.map { |q| q.to_s << ' ' }.join if qualifier r.last << self.class.name.downcase[/(?:.*::)?(.*)/, 1] << ' ' << @name dep |= [scope.struct_ancestors[@name]] [r, dep] else dump_def(scope, r, dep) end end def dump_def(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r << '' r.last << @qualifier.map { |q| q.to_s << ' ' }.join if qualifier r.last << self.class.name.downcase[/(?:.*::)?(.*)/, 1] r.last << ' ' << @name if name if members r.last << ' {' @members.each_with_index { |m,i| tr, dep = m.dump_def(scope, [''], dep) tr.last << ':' << @bits[i].to_s if bits and @bits[i] tr.last << ';' r.concat tr.map { |s| "\t" << s } } r << '}' end r.last << dump_attributes [r, dep] end def dump_initializer(init, scope, r=[''], dep=[]) return super(init, scope, r, dep) if not init.kind_of? ::Array r.last << '{ ' showname = false @members.zip(init) { |m, i| if not i showname = true next end r.last << ', ' if r.last[-2, 2] != '{ ' rt = [''] if showname showname = false rt << ".#{m.name} = " end rt, dep = m.type.dump_initializer(i, scope, rt, dep) r.last << rt.shift r.concat rt.map { |s| "\t" << s } } r.last << ' }' [r, dep] end end class Struct def dump_def(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) if pack r, dep = super(scope, r, dep) r.last << if @pack == 1; (has_attribute('packed') or has_attribute_var('pack')) ? '' : " __attribute__((packed))" else has_attribute_var('pack') ? '' : " __attribute__((pack(#@pack)))" end [r, dep] else super(scope, r, dep) end end end class Enum def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) if name r.last << @qualifier.map { |q| q.to_s << ' ' }.join if qualifier r.last << 'enum ' << @name dep |= [scope.struct_ancestors[@name]] [r, dep] else dump_def(scope, r, dep) end end def dump_def(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << @qualifier.map { |q| q.to_s << ' ' }.join if qualifier r.last << 'enum' r.last << ' ' << @name if name if members r.last << ' { ' val = -1 @members.sort_by { |m, v| v }.each { |m, v| r.last << ', ' if r.last[-2, 2] != '{ ' r.last << m if v != (val += 1) val = v r.last << ' = ' << val.to_s end } r.last << ' }' end [r, dep] end def dump_initializer(init, scope, r=[''], dep=[]) if members and ( k = @members.index(init) or (init.kind_of? CExpression and not init.op and k = @members.index(init.rexpr)) ) r.last << k dep |= [scope.struct_ancestors[@name]] [r, dep] else super(init, scope, r, dep) end end end class If def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << 'if (' r, dep = CExpression.dump(@test, scope, r, dep) r.last << ')' r, dep = Statement.dump(@bthen, scope, r, dep) if belse @bthen.kind_of?(Block) ? (r.last << ' else') : (r << 'else') if @belse.kind_of? If # skip indent r.last << ' ' r, dep = @belse.dump(scope, r, dep) else r, dep = Statement.dump(@belse, scope, r, dep) end end [r, dep] end end class For def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << 'for (' if @init.kind_of? Block scope = @init skiptype = false @init.symbol.each_value { |s| r.last << ', ' if skiptype r, dep = s.dump_def(scope, r, dep, skiptype) skiptype = true } else r, dep = CExpression.dump(@init, scope, r, dep) end r.last << ' ' if @init r.last << ';' r.last << ' ' if @test r, dep = CExpression.dump(@test, scope, r, dep) r.last << ' ' if @test r.last << ';' r.last << ' ' if @iter r, dep = CExpression.dump(@iter, scope, r, dep) r.last << ')' Statement.dump(@body, scope, r, dep) end end class While def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << 'while (' r, dep = CExpression.dump(@test, scope, r, dep) r.last << ')' Statement.dump(@body, scope, r, dep) end end class DoWhile def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << 'do' r, dep = Statement.dump(@body, scope, r, dep) @body.kind_of?(Block) ? (r.last << ' while (') : (r << 'while (') r, dep = CExpression.dump(@test, scope, r, dep) r.last << ');' [r, dep] end end class Switch def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << 'switch (' r, dep = CExpression.dump(@test, scope, r, dep) r.last << ')' r.last << ' {' if @body.kind_of? Block tr, dep = @body.dump(scope, [''], dep) r.concat tr.map { |s| Case.dump_indent(s, true) } r << '}' if @body.kind_of? Block [r, dep] end end class Continue def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << 'continue;' [r, dep] end end class Break def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << 'break;' [r, dep] end end class Goto def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << "goto #@target;" [r, dep] end end class Return def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << 'return ' r, dep = CExpression.dump(@value, scope, r, dep) r.last.chop! if r.last[-1] == ?\ # the space character r.last << ';' [r, dep] end end class Case def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) case @expr when 'default' r.last << @expr else r.last << 'case ' r, dep = CExpression.dump(@expr, scope, r, dep) if exprup r.last << ' ... ' r, dep = CExpression.dump(@exprup, scope, r, dep) end end r.last << ':' dump_inner(scope, r, dep) end def self.dump_indent(s, short=false) case s when /^(case|default)\W/; (short ? ' ' : "\t") << s when /^\s+(case|default)\W/; "\t" << s when /:$/; s else "\t" << s end end end class Label def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << @name << ':' dump_inner(scope, r, dep) end def dump_inner(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) if not @statement; [r, dep] elsif @statement.kind_of? Block; Statement.dump(@statement, scope, r, dep) else @statement.dump(scope, r << '', dep) end end end class Asm def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r.last << 'asm ' r.last << 'volatile ' if @volatile r.last << '(' r.last << @body.inspect if @output or @input or @clobber if @output and @output != [] # TODO r << ': /* todo */' elsif (@input and @input != []) or (@clobber and @clobber != []) r.last << ' :' end end if @input or @clobber if @input and @input != [] # TODO r << ': /* todo */' elsif @clobber and @clobber != [] r.last << ' :' end end if @clobber and @clobber != [] r << (': ' << @clobber.map { |c| c.inspect }.join(', ')) end r.last << ');' [r, dep] end end class CExpression def self.dump(e, scope, r=[''], dep=[], brace = false) if $DEBUG brace = false case e when CExpression, Variable r, dep = e.type.dump_cast(scope, r, dep) end r.last << '(' end r, dep = \ case e when ::Numeric; r.last << e.to_s ; [r, dep] when ::String; r.last << e.inspect ; [r, dep] when CExpression; e.dump_inner(scope, r, dep, brace) when Variable; e.dump(scope, r, dep) when nil; [r, dep] else raise 'wtf?' + e.inspect end if $DEBUG r.last << ')' end [r, dep] end def dump(scope, r=[''], dep=[]) r, dep = dump_inner(scope, r, dep) r.last << ';' [r, dep] end def dump_inner(scope, r=[''], dep=[], brace = false) r.last << '(' if brace and @op != :'->' and @op != :'.' and @op != :'[]' and (@op or @rexpr.kind_of? CExpression) if not @lexpr if not @op case @rexpr when ::Numeric if @rexpr < 0 r.last << ?- re = -@rexpr else re = @rexpr end if re >= 0x1000 r.last << ("0x%X" % re) else r.last << re.to_s end if @type.kind_of? BaseType r.last << 'U' if @type.specifier == :unsigned case @type.name when :longlong, :__int64; r.last << 'LL' when :long, :longdouble; r.last << 'L' when :float; r.last << 'F' end end when ::String r.last << 'L' if @type.kind_of? Pointer and @type.type.kind_of? BaseType and @type.type.name == :short r.last << @rexpr.inspect when CExpression # cast r, dep = @type.dump_cast(scope, r, dep) r, dep = CExpression.dump(@rexpr, scope, r, dep, true) when Variable r, dep = @rexpr.dump(scope, r, dep) when Block r.last << '(' r, dep = Statement.dump(@rexpr, scope, r, dep) r.last << ' )' when Label r.last << '&&' << @rexpr.name else raise "wtf? #{inspect}" end else r.last << @op.to_s r, dep = CExpression.dump(@rexpr, scope, r, dep, (@rexpr.kind_of? C::CExpression and @rexpr.lexpr)) end elsif not @rexpr r, dep = CExpression.dump(@lexpr, scope, r, dep) r.last << @op.to_s else case @op when :'->', :'.' r, dep = CExpression.dump(@lexpr, scope, r, dep, true) r.last << @op.to_s << @rexpr when :'[]' r, dep = CExpression.dump(@lexpr, scope, r, dep, true) r.last << '[' l = lexpr if lexpr.kind_of? Variable l = lexpr.lexpr.type.untypedef.findmember(lexpr.rexpr) if lexpr.kind_of? CExpression and lexpr.op == :'.' l = lexpr.lexpr.type.pointed.untypedef.findmember(lexpr.rexpr) if lexpr.kind_of? CExpression and lexpr.op == :'->' # honor __attribute__((indexenum(enumname))) if l and l.attributes and rexpr.kind_of? CExpression and not rexpr.op and rexpr.rexpr.kind_of? ::Integer and n = l.has_attribute_var('indexenum') and enum = scope.struct_ancestors[n] and i = enum.members.index(rexpr.rexpr) r.last << i dep |= [enum] else r, dep = CExpression.dump(@rexpr, scope, r, dep) end r.last << ']' when :funcall r, dep = CExpression.dump(@lexpr, scope, r, dep, true) r.last << '(' @rexpr.each { |arg| r.last << ', ' if r.last[-1] != ?( r, dep = CExpression.dump(arg, scope, r, dep) } r.last << ')' when :'?:' r, dep = CExpression.dump(@lexpr, scope, r, dep, true) r.last << ' ? ' r, dep = CExpression.dump(@rexpr[0], scope, r, dep, true) r.last << ' : ' r, dep = CExpression.dump(@rexpr[1], scope, r, dep, true) else r, dep = CExpression.dump(@lexpr, scope, r, dep, (@lexpr.kind_of? CExpression and @lexpr.lexpr and @lexpr.op != @op)) r.last << ' ' << @op.to_s << ' ' r, dep = CExpression.dump(@rexpr, scope, r, dep, (@rexpr.kind_of? CExpression and @rexpr.lexpr and @rexpr.op != @op and @rexpr.op != :funcall)) end end r.last << ')' if brace and @op != :'->' and @op != :'.' and @op != :'[]' and (@op or @rexpr.kind_of? CExpression) [r, dep] end def to_s dump_inner(Block.new(nil))[0].join(' ') end end end end