var descriptors, model, resource, resourceable, stampit; stampit = require('../../vendor/stampit'); require('../../vendor/owl/pluralize'); resource = stampit({ toString: function() { return; } }, { name: 'unknown', scope: null, singular: false }, function() { var _base; if (this.original_reference) { stampit.mixIn(this.original_reference, this); this.original_reference.toString = this.toString; (_base = this.original_reference).param_name || (_base.param_name =; return this.original_reference; } this.param_name || (this.param_name =; return this; }); descriptors = { route: { get: function() { var route; if (typeof this.resource === 'string') { this.resource = { name: this.resource }; } route = '/'; if (this.parent != null) { route += "" + this.parent.route + "/" + this.parent._id + "/"; } if (this.resource.scope != null) { route += this.resource.scope + '/'; } route += this.resource.singular ? : model.pluralize(; return this.route = route; }, configurable: true } }; resourceable = { pluralize: function(word, count, plural) { if (!(word && word.length)) { throw new TypeError("Invalid string passed to pluralize '" + word + "'"); } if (word.indexOf('s') !== word.length - 1) { return owl.pluralize(word, count, plural); } else { return word; } }, singularize: function(word) { if (!(word && word.length)) { throw new TypeError("Invalid string passed to singularize '" + word + "'"); } if (word.lastIndexOf('s') === word.length - 1) { return word.substring(0, word.length - 1); } else { return word; } }, initialize: function() { var resource_definition, _ref; resource_definition = {}; if (typeof this.resource === 'string') { resource_definition = { name: this.resource }; } if (typeof this.resource === 'object') { this.resource.original_reference = this.resource; resource_definition = this.resource; } resource_definition.parent = this.parent_resource; this.resource = resource(resource_definition); return (_ref = this.route) != null ? _ref : Object.defineProperty(this, 'route', descriptors.route); } }; model = window.model; model.mix(function(modelable) { modelable.record.after_initialize.unshift(resourceable.initialize); return modelable.after_mix.unshift(resourceable.initialize); }); model.singularize = resourceable.singularize; model.pluralize = resourceable.pluralize;