begin require 'java' # Add method snake_case to String as early as possible so all classes below can use it class String def snake_case return downcase if match(/\A[A-Z]+\z/) gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2'). downcase end def to_class self.split('::').inject(Kernel) do |mod, class_name| mod.const_get(class_name) end end end # # The Killbill Java APIs imported into that jruby bridge # IMPORT_KILLBILL_APIS = %w( com.ning.billing.account.api.AccountUserApi com.ning.billing.catalog.api.CatalogUserApi com.ning.billing.invoice.api.InvoicePaymentApi com.ning.billing.entitlement.api.EntitlementApi com.ning.billing.entitlement.api.SubscriptionApi com.ning.billing.invoice.api.InvoiceUserApi com.ning.billing.overdue.OverdueUserApi com.ning.billing.payment.api.PaymentApi com.ning.billing.util.api.CustomFieldUserApi com.ning.billing.util.api.TagUserApi javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet ) begin IMPORT_KILLBILL_APIS.each { |api| java_import api } rescue NameError # killbill-api should be provided by the JRuby OSGI bundle. We default to using JBundler for development purposes only begin require 'jbundler' IMPORT_KILLBILL_APIS.each { |api| java_import api } warn 'Using JBundler to load killbill-api (see .jbundler/classpath.rb). This should only happen in development mode!' rescue LoadError => e warn 'Unable to load killbill-api. For development purposes, use JBundler (create the following Jarfile: and run: `bundle install && jbundle install\')' end end # jbundler needs to be loaded first! require 'killbill/jplugin' rescue LoadError => e warn "You need JRuby to run Killbill plugins #{e}" end require 'tzinfo' require 'bigdecimal' require 'killbill/gen/api/require_gen' require 'killbill/gen/plugin-api/require_gen' require 'killbill/notification' require 'killbill/payment' require 'killbill/currency'