{: rooto:"YARD::CodeObjects::RootObject:@childrenIC:&YARD::CodeObjects::CodeObjectList[o:$YARD::CodeObjects::ModuleObject;IC;[o:#YARD::CodeObjects::ClassObject;IC;[o:$YARD::CodeObjects::MethodObject:@module_functionF: @scope: class:@visibility: public: @pathI" Iqeo::Configuration.version:EF:@parameters[: @files[["lib/iqeo/configuration.rbi:@current_file_has_commentsT: @name: version:@source_type: ruby: @tags[:@docstringIC:YARD::Docstring"*Returns Configuration version number. ;F:@ref_tags[;[: @all"*Returns Configuration version number.: @object@ :@hash_flagF:@line_rangeo: Range: exclF: begini:endi:@docstring_extra0:@docstring_extra_tags0:@namespace@ :@signature"def self.version:@explicitT: @source"#def self.version VERSION end: @dynamicTo; ; F; ;;;;I"Iqeo::Configuration.read;F;[[" string0;[[@i ;T;: read;;;[;IC;"]Creates a new Configuration instance from string. Content should be in Eval DSL format. ;F;[;[;I"]Creates a new Configuration instance from string. Content should be in Eval DSL format.;F;@; F;!o;";#F;$i;%i;&0;'0;(@ ;)"def self.read string;*T;+"Rdef self.read string conf = self.new conf.instance_eval string conf end;,To; ; F; ;;;;I"Iqeo::Configuration.load;F;[[" file0;[[@i*;T;: load;;;[;IC;"qCreates a new Configuration instance from filename or File/IO object. Content should be in Eval DSL format. ;F;[;[;I"qCreates a new Configuration instance from filename or File/IO object. Content should be in Eval DSL format.;F;@); F;!o;";#F;$i&;%i(;&0;'0;(@ ;)"def self.load file;*T;+"ddef self.load file return self.read file.respond_to?(:read) ? file.read : File.read(file) end;,To; ; F; ;;;;I"3Iqeo::Configuration.new_defer_block_for_parent;F;[[" parent0[I" &block;F0;[[@i.;F;:new_defer_block_for_parent;;;[;IC;" ;F;@8: @summary0; F;[;[;I";F;&0;'0;(@ ;)"7def self.new_defer_block_for_parent parent, █*T;+"Gdef self.new_defer_block_for_parent parent, &block conf = Configuration.new conf._parent = parent if block_given? && block.arity == 1 block.call(conf) # this is 'yield self' from the outside else raise "WTF! expected a block with a single parameter" end conf end;,To; ; F; : instance;;;I"#Iqeo::Configuration#initialize;F;[[" default"nil[I" &block;F0;[[@i9;F;:initialize;;;[;IC;" ;F;@H;00; F;[;[o:YARD::Tags::Tag :@tag_nameI" return;F: @textI"$a new instance of Configuration;F;0: @types[I"Configuration;F;@H;I";F;&0;'0;(@ ;)")def initialize default = nil, █*T;+"/def initialize default = nil, &block @_items = case when default.kind_of?( HashWithIndifferentAccess ) then default when default.kind_of?( Configuration ) then default._items else HashWithIndifferentAccess.new end @_parent = nil if block_given? if block.arity == 1 # cannot set parent for yield blocks here as self is wrong !? yield self else if block.binding.eval('self').kind_of?( Configuration ) # for eval block if nested configuration @_parent = block.binding.eval('self') # set parent to make inherited values available end # during block execution instance_eval &block end end end;,To; ; F; ;1;;;I"'Iqeo::Configuration#method_missing;F;[[" name0[I" *values;F0[I" &block;F0;[[@iL;F;:method_missing;;;[;IC;" ;F;@^;00; F;[;[;I";F;&0;'0;(@ ;)"-def method_missing name, *values, █*T;+"œdef method_missing name, *values, &block return @_items.send( name, *values, &block ) if @_items.respond_to? name # @_items methods are highest priority name = name.to_s.chomp('=') if block_given? # block is a nested configuration if block.arity == 1 # yield DSL needs deferred block to set parent without binding return _set name, Configuration.new_defer_block_for_parent( self, &block ) else return _set name, Configuration.new( &block ) # eval DSL can set parent from block binding in initialize end end return _get name if values.empty? # just get item return _set name, values if values.size > 1 # set item to multiple values return _set name, values.first # set item to single value end;,To; ; F; ;1;;;I" Iqeo::Configuration#_parent;F;[;[[@i^;F;: _parent;;;[;IC;"+Returns the value of attribute _parent ;F;@p;00; F;[;[;I"+Returns the value of attribute _parent;F;&0;'0;(@ ;)I"def _parent;F;+I"def _parent @_parent end;F;,To; ; F; ;1;;;I"!Iqeo::Configuration#_parent=;F;[[I" value;F0;[[@i^;F;: _parent=;;;[;IC;"Sets the attribute _parent ;F;@|;00; F;[;[o;3 ;4I" param;F;5I"/the value to set the attribute _parent to.;F;I" value;F;60;@|;I"WSets the attribute _parent @param value the value to set the attribute _parent to.;F;&0;'0;(@ ;)I"def _parent=(value);F;+I"/def _parent=(value) @_parent = value end;F;,To; ; F; ;1;;;I"Iqeo::Configuration#_items;F;[;[[@i^;F;: _items;;;[;IC;"*Returns the value of attribute _items ;F;@‰;00; F;[;[;I"*Returns the value of attribute _items;F;&0;'0;(@ ;)I"def _items;F;+I"def _items @_items end;F;,To; ; F; ;1;;;I" Iqeo::Configuration#_items=;F;[[I" value;F0;[[@i^;F;: _items=;;;[;IC;"Sets the attribute _items ;F;@•;00; F;[;[o;3 ;4I" param;F;5I".the value to set the attribute _items to.;F;I" value;F;60;@•;I"USets the attribute _items @param value the value to set the attribute _items to.;F;&0;'0;(@ ;)I"def _items=(value);F;+I"-def _items=(value) @_items = value end;F;,To; ; F; ;1;;;I"Iqeo::Configuration#_set;F;[["key0[" value0;[[@i`;F;: _set;;;[;IC;" ;F;@§;00; F;[;[;I";F;&0;'0;(@ ;)"def _set key, value;*T;+"8def _set key, value # fix: extend parenting for enumerable with configurations at arbitrary depth case when value.kind_of?( Configuration ) then value._parent = self when value.kind_of?( Enumerable ) then value.each { |v| v._parent = self if v.kind_of? Configuration } end @_items[key] = value end;,To; ; F; ;1;;;I"Iqeo::Configuration#[]=;F;[;[[@ih;F;:[]=;;;[;IC;" ;F;@·;00; F;[;[;I" ;F;!0;&0;'0;(@ ;)@µ;+"8def _set key, value # fix: extend parenting for enumerable with configurations at arbitrary depth case when value.kind_of?( Configuration ) then value._parent = self when value.kind_of?( Enumerable ) then value.each { |v| v._parent = self if v.kind_of? Configuration } end @_items[key] = value end;,To; ; F; ;1;;;I"Iqeo::Configuration#_get;F;[["key0;[[@ip;T;: _get;;;[;IC;"¼Retrieves value for key, indifferent storage permits key to be a string or symbol. If configuration is nested, searches for key recursively up to root. Returns nil if key does not exist. ;F;[;[;I"¼Retrieves value for key, indifferent storage permits key to be a string or symbol. If configuration is nested, searches for key recursively up to root. Returns nil if key does not exist.;F;@Â; F;!o;";#F;$ij;%in;&0;'0;(@ ;)"def _get key;*T;+"}def _get key return @_items[key] unless @_items[key].nil? return @_items[key] if _parent.nil? _parent._get key end;,To; ; F; ;1;;;I"Iqeo::Configuration#[];F;[;[[@iu;F;:[];;;[;IC;"¼Retrieves value for key, indifferent storage permits key to be a string or symbol. If configuration is nested, searches for key recursively up to root. Returns nil if key does not exist. ;F;@Ñ;00; F;[;[;I"½Retrieves value for key, indifferent storage permits key to be a string or symbol. If configuration is nested, searches for key recursively up to root. Returns nil if key does not exist. ;F;!0;&0;'0;(@ ;)@Ï;+"}def _get key return @_items[key] unless @_items[key].nil? return @_items[key] if _parent.nil? _parent._get key end;,To; ; F; ;1;;;I"Iqeo::Configuration#_read;F;[[" string0;[[@iw;F;: _read;;;[;IC;" ;F;@Ü;00; F;[;[;I";F;&0;'0;(@ ;)"def _read string;*T;+"0def _read string instance_eval string end;,To; ; F; ;1;;;I"Iqeo::Configuration#_load;F;[[" file0;[[@i{;F;: _load;;;[;IC;" ;F;@ê;00; F;[;[;I";F;&0;'0;(@ ;)"def _load file;*T;+"Udef _load file _read file.respond_to?(:read) ? file.read : File.read(file) end;,To; ; F; ;1;;;I" Iqeo::Configuration#_merge!;F;[[" other0;[[@i;F;: _merge!;;;[;IC;" ;F;@ø;00; F;[;[;I";F;&0;'0;(@ ;)"def _merge! other;*T;+"?def _merge! other @_items.merge! other._items self end;,To; ; F; ;1;;;I"Iqeo::Configuration#_merge;F;[[" other0;[[@i;F;: _merge;;;[;IC;" ;F;@;00; F;[;[;I";F;&0;'0;(@ ;)"def _merge other;*T;+"2def _merge other self.dup._merge! other end;,To:&YARD::CodeObjects::ConstantObject;[["&lib/iqeo/configuration/version.rbi ;T;: VERSION;;;;;[;IC;"$Current semantic version number ;F;[;[;"$Current semantic version number;@; F;!o;";#F;$i;%i;&0;'0;(@ ;I"!Iqeo::Configuration::VERSION;F;)"VERSION = "0.0.12";+"VERSION = "0.0.12": @value" "0.0.12";,T: @owner@ :@class_mixinsIC;[;G@ :@instance_mixinsIC;[;G@ :@attributesIC:SymbolHash{;IC;K{:@symbolize_valueT;1IC;K{;8IC;K{;-@p: write@|;LT;:IC;K{;-@‰;M@•;LT;LT;LT: @aliases{@·;<@Ñ;>: @groups[;[[@i[@i;T;:Configuration;;;;;[;IC;"BConfiguration class. A DSL representing configuration files. ;F;[;[;I"BConfiguration class. A DSL representing configuration files.;F;@ ; F;!o;";#F;$i;%i;&0;'0;(@;I"Iqeo::Configuration;F:@superclasso:YARD::CodeObjects::Proxy : @imethod0:@origname0:@orignamespace0;: Object;(@: @obj0;,T;G@;HIC;[;G@;IIC;[;G@;JIC;K{;IC;K{;LT;1IC;K{;LT;LT;N{;O[;[[@i[@i;T;: Iqeo;;;;;[;IC;"Iqeo namespace ;F;[;[;"Iqeo namespace;@; F;!o;";#F;$i ;%i ;&0;'0;(@;I" Iqeo;F;G@;HIC;[;G@;IIC;[;G@;JIC;K{;IC;K{;LT;1IC;K{;LT;LT;N{;O[;[;F;;;;;;;[;IC;" ;F;@;00; F;[;[;I";F;&0;'0;(0;I";F;X@:Iqeo::Configuration@ : Iqeo::Configuration.version@ :Iqeo::Configuration.read@:Iqeo::Configuration.load@):3Iqeo::Configuration.new_defer_block_for_parent@8:#Iqeo::Configuration#initialize@H:'Iqeo::Configuration#method_missing@^: Iqeo::Configuration#_parent@p:!Iqeo::Configuration#_parent=@|:Iqeo::Configuration#_items@‰: Iqeo::Configuration#_items=@•:Iqeo::Configuration#_set@§:Iqeo::Configuration#[]=@·:Iqeo::Configuration#_get@Â:Iqeo::Configuration#[]@Ñ:Iqeo::Configuration#_read@Ü:Iqeo::Configuration#_load@ê: Iqeo::Configuration#_merge!@ø:Iqeo::Configuration#_merge@:!Iqeo::Configuration::VERSION@