# # All the tiny core stuff # # @module # @Joosy = # # Core modules container # Modules: {} # # Resources container # Resource: {} # # Templaters container # Templaters: {} # # If enabled Joosy will log to console a lot of 'in progress' stuff # debug: false # # Registeres anything inside specified namespace (objects chain starting from `window`) # # @example Basic usage # Joosy.namespace 'foobar', -> # class @RealThing # # foo = new foobar.RealThing # # @param [String] name Namespace keyword # @param [Boolean] generator Namespace content # namespace: (name, generator=false) -> name = name.split '.' space = window for part in name space = space[part] ?= {} if generator generator = generator.apply space for key, klass of space if space.hasOwnProperty(key) && Joosy.Module.hasAncestor klass, Joosy.Module klass.__namespace__ = name # # Registeres given methods as a helpers inside a given set # # @param [String] name Helpers set keyword # @param [Boolean] generator Helpers content # helpers: (name, generator) -> Joosy.namespace "Joosy.Helpers.#{name}", generator # # Scary `hello world` # test: -> text = "Hi :). I'm Joosy. And everything is just fine!" if console console.log text else alert text # # Generates UUID # uuid: -> 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace /[xy]/g, (c) -> r = Math.random() * 16 | 0 v = if c is 'x' then r else r & 3 | 8 v.toString 16 .toUpperCase() # # Preloads sets of images then runs callback # # @param [Array] images Images paths # @param [Function] callback Action to run when every picture was loaded (or triggered an error) # preloadImages: (images, callback) -> unless Object.isArray(images) images = [images] if images.length == 0 callback() ticks = images.length result = [] checker = -> if (ticks -= 1) == 0 callback?() for p in images result.push $('').load(checker).error(checker).attr('src', p) result # # Basic URI builder. Joins base path with params hash # # @param [String] url Base url # @param [Hash] params Parameters to join # # @example Basic usage # Joosy.buildUrl 'http://joosy.ws/#!/test', {foo: 'bar'} # http://joosy.ws/?foo=bar#!/test # buildUrl: (url, params) -> paramsString = [] Object.each params, (key, value) -> paramsString.push "#{key}=#{value}" hash = url.match(/(\#.*)?$/)[0] url = url.replace /\#.*$/, '' if !paramsString.isEmpty() && !url.has(/\?/) url = url + "?" paramsString = paramsString.join '&' if !paramsString.isBlank() && url.last() != '?' paramsString = '&' + paramsString url + paramsString + hash