module SpatialFeatures module ActMethod def has_spatial_features(options = {}) extend ClassMethods include InstanceMethods has_many :features, lambda { extending FeaturesAssociationExtensions }, :as => :spatial_model, :dependent => :delete_all scope :with_features, lambda { joins(:features).uniq } scope :without_features, lambda { joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN features ON features.spatial_model_type = '#{name}' AND features.spatial_model_id = #{table_name}.id").where(" IS NULL") } has_many :spatial_cache, :as => :spatial_model, :dependent => :delete_all has_many :model_a_spatial_proximities, :as => :model_a, :class_name => 'SpatialProximity', :dependent => :delete_all has_many :model_b_spatial_proximities, :as => :model_b, :class_name => 'SpatialProximity', :dependent => :delete_all after_save :update_features_area, :if => :features_hash_changed? if has_features_area? && has_spatial_features_hash? delegate :has_spatial_features_hash?, :has_features_area?, :to => self end end module ClassMethods # Add methods to generate cache keys for a record or all records of this class # NOTE: features are never updated, only deleted and created, therefore we can # tell if they have changed by finding the maximum id and count instead of needing timestamps def features_cache_key max_id, count = features.pluck("MAX(id), COUNT(*)").first "#{name}/#{max_id}-#{count}" end def intersecting(other, options = {}) within_buffer(other, 0, options) end def within_buffer(other, buffer_in_meters = 0, options = {}) return none if other.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) && other.new_record? # Cache only works on single records, not scopes. # This is because the cached intersection_area doesn't account for overlaps between the features in the scope. if options[:cache] != false && other.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) # Don't use the cache if it doesn't exist return all.extending(UncachedRelation) unless other.spatial_cache_for?(class_for(self), buffer_in_meters) scope = cached_spatial_join(other).select("#{table_name}.*") scope = scope.where("spatial_proximities.distance_in_meters <= ?", buffer_in_meters) if buffer_in_meters scope ="spatial_proximities.distance_in_meters") if options[:distance] scope ="spatial_proximities.intersection_area_in_square_meters") if options[:intersection_area] else # NON-CACHED scope = joins_features_for(other).select("#{table_name}.*").group("#{table_name}.#{primary_key}") scope = scope.where('ST_DWithin(features_for.geom, features_for_other.geom, ?)', buffer_in_meters) if buffer_in_meters scope ="MIN(ST_Distance(features_for.geom, features_for_other.geom)) AS distance_in_meters") if options[:distance] scope ="ST_Area(ST_Intersection(ST_UNION(features_for.geom), ST_UNION(features_for_other.geom))) AS intersection_area_in_square_meters") if options[:intersection_area] end return scope end def covering(other) scope = joins_features_for(other).select("#{table_name}.*").group("#{table_name}.#{primary_key}") scope = scope.where('ST_Covers(features_for.geom, features_for_other.geom)') return scope end def polygons features.polygons end def lines features.lines end def points features.points end def features if all == unscoped.all Feature.where(:spatial_model_type => self) else Feature.where(:spatial_model_type => self, :spatial_model_id => all) end end # Returns a scope that includes the features for this record as the table_alias and the features for other as #{table_alias}_other # Can be used to perform spatial calculations on the relationship between the two sets of features def joins_features_for(other, table_alias = 'features_for') joins_features(table_alias) .joins_features("#{table_alias}_other", class_for(other), spatial_model_id = ids_sql_for(other)) end # Returns a scope that includes the features for this record as the table_alias # Default arguments can be overridden to include features for a different set of records def joins_features(table_alias = 'features_for', spatial_model_type = name, spatial_model_id = "#{table_name}.id") joins %Q(INNER JOIN features "#{table_alias}" ON "#{table_alias}".spatial_model_type = '#{spatial_model_type}' AND "#{table_alias}".spatial_model_id IN (#{spatial_model_id})) end # Returns true if the model stores a hash of the features so we don't need to process the features if they haven't changed def has_spatial_features_hash? column_names.include? 'features_hash' end # Returns true if the model stores a cache of the features area def has_features_area? column_names.include? 'features_area' end private def cached_spatial_join(other) other_class = class_for(other) raise "Cannot use cached spatial join for the same class" if self == other_class other_column = < ? :model_a : :model_b self_column = other_column == :model_a ? :model_b : :model_a joins("INNER JOIN spatial_proximities ON spatial_proximities.#{self_column}_type = '#{self}' AND spatial_proximities.#{self_column}_id = #{table_name}.id AND spatial_proximities.#{other_column}_type = '#{other_class}' AND spatial_proximities.#{other_column}_id IN (#{ids_sql_for(other)})") end # Returns the class for the given, class, scope, or record def class_for(other) case other when ActiveRecord::Base other.class when ActiveRecord::Relation other.klass else other end end def ids_sql_for(other) if other.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) || '0' else other.unscope(:select).select(:id).to_sql end end end module InstanceMethods def has_spatial_features? true end def features_cache_key max_id, count = features.pluck("MAX(id), COUNT(*)").first "#{}/#{}-#{max_id}-#{count}" end def polygons? !features.polygons.empty? end def lines? !features.lines.empty? end def points? !features.points.empty? end def features? features.present? end def covers?(other) self.class.covering(other).exists?(self) end def intersects?(other) self.class.intersecting(other).exists?(self) end def total_intersection_area_percentage(klass) return 0.0 unless features_area_in_square_meters > 0 ((total_intersection_area_in_square_meters(klass) / features_area_in_square_meters) * 100).round(1) end def features_area_in_square_meters @features_area_in_square_meters ||= features.area end def total_intersection_area_in_square_meters(klass, options = {}) self.class .select(%Q(ST_Area(ST_Intersection(ST_Union(features_for.geog_lowres::geometry), ST_Union(features_for_other.geog_lowres::geometry))::geography) AS intersection_area_in_square_meters)) .joins_features_for(klass) .where(:id => .where('ST_DWithin(features_for.geog_lowres, features_for_other.geog_lowres, 0)') .group("#{self.class.table_name}.id") .first .try(:intersection_area_in_square_meters) || 0 end def spatial_cache_for?(klass, buffer_in_meters) if cache = spatial_cache_for(klass) return cache.intersection_cache_distance.nil? if buffer_in_meters.nil? # cache must be total if no buffer_in_meters return false if cache.stale? # cache must be for current features return true if cache.intersection_cache_distance.nil? # always good if cache is total return buffer_in_meters <= cache.intersection_cache_distance else return false end end def spatial_cache_for(klass) spatial_cache.where(:intersection_model_type => klass).first end def update_features_area update_column :features_area, features.area(:cache => false) end end module FeaturesAssociationExtensions def area(options = {}) if options[:cache] == false || !proxy_association.owner.class.has_features_area? connection.select_value('ST_Area(ST_UNION(geom))')).try(:to_f) else proxy_association.owner.features_area end end end end