desc 'Read categories/section/articles from Zendesk and upload resource files to Crowdin' command :'import:sources' do |c| c.desc 'Directory of resource files' c.long_desc <<-EOS.strip_heredoc This is the directory where the project's files will be store. EOS c.default_value 'resources' c.arg_name 'dir' c.flag [:resources_dir] c.action do |global_options, options, args| resources_dir = File.join(File.dirname(global_options[:config]), options[:resources_dir]) unless File.exists?(resources_dir) FileUtils.mkdir(resources_dir) end @cli_config['categories'].each do |category| # Source Category source_category_id = category['zendesk_category'].to_i # Check if Category exists in Zendesk source_category = @zendesk.hc_categories.find(id: source_category_id) raise('No such category') if source_category.nil? || != source_category_id # Get category's sections in Zendesk puts "[Zendesk] Get sections for Category with id #{source_category_id}" sections = source_category.sections sections_builder = [] sections.each do |section| section_xml = build_section_xml(section) unless section_xml.nil? sections_builder << build_section_hash(section).merge({ xml: section_xml }) end end # Get articles for each section articles_builder = [] sections.each do |section| puts "[Zendesk] Get articles for Section with id #{}" articles = section.articles articles.each do |article| article_xml = build_article_xml(article) unless article_xml.nil? articles_builder << build_article_hash(article).merge({ xml: article_xml }) end end end crowdin_project_info = @crowdin.project_info remote_project_tree = get_remote_files_hierarchy(crowdin_project_info['files']) resources_category_dir = File.join(resources_dir, source_category_id.to_s) unless File.exists?(resources_category_dir) FileUtils.mkdir(resources_category_dir) end # Create directory for Category on Crowdin if it does not exist yet unless remote_project_tree[:dirs].include?("/#{source_category_id}") puts "[Crowdin] Create directory `#{source_category_id}`" @crowdin.add_directory(source_category_id.to_s) @crowdin.change_directory(source_category_id.to_s, title: source_category.attributes[:name]) end # Creates xml files for sections and upload to Crowdin sections_builder.each do |section| file_name = "section_#{section[:id]}.xml" o =, file_name), 'w') o.write section[:xml].to_xml o.close files = [ { source: File.join(resources_category_dir, file_name), dest: File.join(source_category_id.to_s, file_name), export_pattert: '/%two_letters_code%/%original_path%/%original_file_name%', title: section[:name] } ] if remote_project_tree[:files].include?("/#{source_category_id}/#{file_name}") puts "[Crowdin] Update section file `#{file_name}`" @crowdin.update_file(files, type: 'webxml') else puts "[Crowdin] Add section file `#{file_name}`" @crowdin.add_file(files, type: 'webxml') end end # Creates xml files for articles and upload to Crowdin articles_builder.each do |article| file_name = "article_#{article[:id]}.xml" o =, file_name), 'w') o.write article[:xml].to_xml o.close files = [ { source: File.join(resources_category_dir, file_name), dest: File.join(source_category_id.to_s, file_name), export_pattert: '/%two_letters_code%/%original_path%/%original_file_name%', title: article[:title] } ] if remote_project_tree[:files].include?("/#{source_category_id}/#{file_name}") puts "[Crowdin] Update article file `#{file_name}`" @crowdin.update_file(files, type: 'webxml') else puts "[Crowdin] Add article file `#{file_name}`" @crowdin.add_file(files, type: 'webxml') end end end # @cli_config['categories'].each end end