/* ================================================================= Copyright (C) 2015 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ================================================================= */ #define SP_SCOPE_FIELD_TEST #include "testField.h" #include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/fieldComp.h> class fixture { mutable database* m_db; public: fixture() : m_db(NULL) { nsdatabase::setCheckTablePtr(true); m_db = database::create(); if (!m_db) printf("Error database::create()\n"); } ~fixture() { if (m_db) database::destroy(m_db); } ::database* db() const { return m_db; } }; static bool g_db_created = false; bool canDatatimeTimeStamp(table* tb, short fieldNum) { const fielddef& fd = tb->tableDef()->fieldDefs[fieldNum]; return !tb->tableDef()->isLegacyTimeFormat(fd); } short createTestDataBase(database* db) { if (g_db_created == false) { db->create(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME)); if (db->stat() == STATUS_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR) { db->open(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME)); if (db->stat()) return db->stat(); db->drop(); db->create(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME)); } if (db->stat()) return db->stat(); g_db_created = true; } return 0; } /* Desc of nulltest table timestampNull = true | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra +-------+---------------+------+-----+----------------------+------------------- | id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | | fd1 | int(11) | YES | UNI | NULL | | fd2 | int(11) | YES | | NULL | | fd3 | int(11) | YES | | NULL | | fd4 | int(11) | YES | | NULL | | fd5 | int(11) | YES | | -1 | | fd6 | varchar(16) | YES | | NULL | | fd7 | varbinary(50) | YES | | NULL | | fd8 | timestamp(6) | YES | | NULL | | fd9 | datetime(6) | YES | | NULL | | fd10 | timestamp(6) | YES | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) | fd11 | datetime(6) | YES | | NULL | +-------+---------------+------+-----+----------------------+------------------- CREATE TABLE `nulltest` (`id` INT NOT NULL ,`fd1` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL,`fd2` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL,`fd3` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL,`fd4` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL,`fd5` INT NULL DEFAULT '-1',`fd6` VARCHAR(16) binary NULL DEFAULT '-123456',`fd7` VARBINARY(50) NULL DEFAULT NULL,`fd8` TIMESTAMP(6) NULL DEFAULT NULL,`fd9` DATETIME(2) NULL DEFAULT NULL,`fd10` TIMESTAMP(6) NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6),`fd11` DATETIME(6) NULL DEFAULT NULL, UNIQUE key0(`id`), UNIQUE key1(`fd1`)) ENGINE=InnoDB default charset=utf8 */ short createTestTable(database* db, bool timestampNull = true, bool supportDateTimeTimeStamp = true) { try { openDatabase(db, makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF,TD_OPEN_NORMAL); dbdef* def = db->dbDef(); short tableid = 1; db->dropTable(_T("nulltest")); def->deleteTable(tableid); short fieldnum = 0; insertTable(def, tableid, _T("nulltest"), g_td_charsetIndex); insertField(def, tableid, fieldnum, _T("id"), ft_integer, 4); fielddef* fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("fd1"), ft_integer, 4); fd->setNullable(true); //fd->nullbit = 100; //fd->nullbytes = 30; fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("fd2"), ft_integer, 4); fd->setNullable(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("fd3"), ft_integer, 4); fd->setNullable(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("fd4"), ft_integer, 4); fd->setNullable(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("fd5"), ft_integer, 4); fd->setNullable(timestampNull, false); fd->setDefaultValue(-1LL); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("fd6"), ft_myvarchar, 49); fd->setNullable(true, false); fd->setDefaultValue(_T("-123456")); //fd->setDefaultValue(_T("漢字")); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("fd7"), ft_myvarbinary, 51); fd->setNullable(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("fd8"), ft_mytimestamp, 7); fd->setNullable(timestampNull); fd->decimals = 6; fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("fd9"), ft_mydatetime, 6); fd->setNullable(true); fd->decimals = 2; fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("fd10"), ft_mytimestamp, 7); fd->setNullable(true); fd->decimals = 6; if (timestampNull == false && supportDateTimeTimeStamp) { fd->setDefaultValue(DFV_TIMESTAMP_DEFAULT); fd->setTimeStampOnUpdate(true); } fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("fd11"), ft_mydatetime, 8); fd->setNullable(timestampNull); fd->decimals = 6; if (timestampNull == false && supportDateTimeTimeStamp) fd->setTimeStampOnUpdate(true); fd = insertField(def, tableid, ++fieldnum, _T("fd12"), ft_myyear, 1); fd->setNullable(true); keydef* kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 0); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 0; kd->segments[0].flags.bit8 = 1; // extended key type kd->segments[0].flags.bit1 = 1; // changeable kd->segmentCount = 1; kd = insertKey(def, tableid, 1); kd->segments[0].fieldNum = 1; kd->segments[0].flags.bit8 = 1; // extended key type kd->segments[0].flags.bit1 = 1; // changeable kd->segmentCount = 1; tabledef* td = def->tableDefs(tableid); td->primaryKeyNum = 0; updateTableDef(def, tableid); return 0; } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } return 1; } void testNoSchema(database* db) { db->open(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3)); if (db->stat()==0) db->drop(); db->create(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3)); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(db->stat() == 0, "create stat = " << db->stat()); db->open(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3)); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(db->stat() == 0, "open stat = " << db->stat()); if (db->stat()==0) { db->drop(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(db->stat() == 0, "drop stat = " << db->stat()); } } void testFielddefs(database* db) { short ret = createTestDataBase(db); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(0 == ret, "createTestDataBase stat = " << ret); if (ret) return; ret = createTestTable(db); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(0 == ret, "createTestTable stat = " << ret); if (ret) return; try { short tableid = 1; table_ptr tb = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); //Check nullbit const tabledef* td = tb->tableDef(); const fielddef* fd = &td->fieldDefs[1]; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbit() == 0, "Invalid nullbit = " << (int)fd->nullbit()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbytes() == 2, "Invalid nullbytes = " << (int)fd->nullbytes()); fd = &td->fieldDefs[8]; //fd8 BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbit() == 7, "Invalid nullbit = " << (int)fd->nullbit()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbytes() == 2, "Invalid nullbytes = " << (int)fd->nullbytes()); //fielddefs copy test fielddefs& fds = *fielddefs::create(); fds.addAllFileds(tb->tableDef()); fd = &fds[1]; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbit() == 0, "Invalid nullbit = " << (int)fd->nullbit()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbytes() == 2, "Invalid nullbytes = " << (int)fd->nullbytes()); // Append join field, nullbytes and nullbit specify only append fields. query q; q.select(_T("fd8")); tb->setQuery(&q); fds.addSelectedFields(tb.get()); fd = &fds[(int)fds.size() -1]; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbit() == 0, "Invalid nullbit = " << (int)fd->nullbit()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbytes() == 1, "Invalid nullbytes = " << (int)fd->nullbytes()); //One more join q.reset().select(_T("fd2"), _T("fd3"), _T("fd4"), _T("fd5"), _T("fd6")); tb->setQuery(&q); fds.addSelectedFields(tb.get()); fd = &fds[(int)fds.size() -1]; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbit() == 4, "Invalid nullbit = " << (int)fd->nullbit()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbytes() == 1, "Invalid nullbytes = " << (int)fd->nullbytes()); //One more join q.reset().select(_T("fd1"), _T("fd2"), _T("fd3"), _T("fd4"), _T("fd5"), _T("fd6"), _T("fd7"), _T("fd8")); tb->setQuery(&q); fds.addSelectedFields(tb.get()); fd = &fds[(int)fds.size() -1]; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbit() == 7, "Invalid nullbit = " << (int)fd->nullbit()); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd->nullbytes() == 1, "Invalid nullbytes = " << (int)fd->nullbytes()); fds.release(); } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } } void testFieldValue(database* db) { try { short tableid = 1; table_ptr tb = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); tb->clearBuffer(); for (int i = 1; i < tb->tableDef()->fieldCount; ++i) { tb->setFVNull(i, true); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->getFVNull(i) == true, "Invalid getFVNull i = " << i); tb->setFVNull(i, false); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->getFVNull(i) == false, "Invalid getFVNull i = " << i); } // field 0 is not nullable short index = 0; tb->setFVNull(index, true); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->getFVNull(index) == false, "Invalid getFVNull(0) "); tb->setFVNull(index, false); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->getFVNull(index) == false, "Invalid getFVNull(0) "); } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } } void testWriatbleRecordFieldValue(database* db) { try { activeTable tb(db, _T("nulltest")); writableRecord& wr = tb.getWritableRecord(); wr.clear(); for (int i = 1; i < (int)wr.fieldDefs()->size(); ++i) { wr[i].setNull(true); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].isNull() == true, "Invalid isNull i = " << i); wr[i].setNull(false); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].isNull() == false, "Invalid isNull i = " << i); } // field 0 is not nullable short index = 0; wr[index].setNull(true); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[index].isNull() == false, "Invalid isNull "); wr[index].setNull(false); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[index].isNull() == false, "Invalid isNull "); } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class fixtureStore { mutable database* m_db; public: fixtureStore() : m_db(NULL) { nsdatabase::setCheckTablePtr(true); bool db_created = g_db_created; m_db = database::create(); if (!m_db) printf("Error database::create()\n"); short ret = createTestDataBase(m_db); if (ret) { printf("Error createDataBase\n"); return; } if (!db_created) ret = createTestTable(m_db); else { m_db->open(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, BDFNAME), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF,TD_OPEN_NORMAL); ret = m_db->stat(); } if (ret) printf("Error createTable\n"); } ~fixtureStore() { if (m_db) m_db->release(); } ::database* db() const { return m_db; } }; void testDefaultValue(database* db, bool timestampNull) { try { short tableid = 1; table_ptr tb = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL+TD_OPEN_MASK_MYSQL_NULL); tb->setKeyNum(0); tb->clearBuffer(table::defaultNull); fields& fds = tb->fields(); if (timestampNull) { for (short i = 0 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) { bool v = true; int dv = 0; if (i == 0 || i == 5 || i == 6) v = false; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[i].isNull() == v, "testDefaultValue isNull field num = " << i); if (i == 5) dv = -1; if (i == 6) dv = -123456; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[i].i() == dv, "testDefaultValue defaultValue field num = " << i << " " << fds[i].i()); } }else { int dfs[13] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -123456, 0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0}; for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[i].isNull() == (dfs[i] == 0), "testDefaultValue isNull field num = " << i); if ((dfs[i] < 0) || i == 12) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[i].i() == dfs[i], "testDefaultValue i() field num = " << i); else if ((dfs[i] < 3)) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[i].i64() == 0, "testDefaultValue i64() field num = " << i); } } } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } } void testWRDefaultValue(database* db, bool timestampNull) { try { activeTable tb(db, _T("nulltest")); writableRecord& wr = tb.getWritableRecord(); wr.clear(); if (timestampNull) { for (short i = 0 ;i < (short)wr.size(); ++i) { bool v = true; int dv = 0; if (i == 0 || i == 5 || i == 6) v = false; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].isNull() == v, "testWRDefaultValue isNull field num = " << i); if (i == 5) dv = -1; if (i == 6) dv = -123456; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].i() == dv, "testWRDefaultValue defaultValue field num = " << i << " " << wr[i].i()); } }else { int dfs[13] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -123456, 0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0}; for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)wr.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].isNull() == (dfs[i] == 0), "testWRDefaultValue isNull field num = " << i); if ((dfs[i] < 0)) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].i() == dfs[i], "testWRDefaultValue isNull field num = " << i); else if ((dfs[i] < 3)) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].i64() == 0, "testWRDefaultValue isNull field num = " << i); } } } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } } void testTableStore(database* db) { try { // All null test short tableid = 1; table_ptr tb = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL); tb->setKeyNum(0); tb->clearBuffer(); fields& fds = tb->fields(); fds[(short)0] = 1; for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) { fds[i] = _T("123"); fds[i].setNull(true); } tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->stat() == 0, "testStore insert stat = " << tb->stat()); tb->clearBuffer(); fds[(short)0] = 1; tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->stat() == 0, "testStore seek stat = " << tb->stat()); for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[i].isNull() == true, "testStore isNull field num = " << i); // All not null test tb->clearBuffer(table::defaultNull); fds[(short)0] = 2; for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) fds[i].setNull(false); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->stat() == 0, "testStore insert stat = " << tb->stat()); tb->clearBuffer(table::defaultNull); fds[(short)0] = 2; tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->stat() == 0, "testStore seek stat = " << tb->stat()); for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[i].isNull() == false, "testStore isNull field num = " << i); //Test Default value __int64 dv = 0; if (i == 5) dv = -1; if (i == 6) dv = -123456; if (i != 10) //ignore timestamp BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[i].i64() == dv, "testStore defaultValue field num = " << i << " " << fds[i].i64()); } } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } } void testWRStore(database* db) { try { // All null test activeTable tb(db, _T("nulltest")); writableRecord& wr = tb.getWritableRecord(); wr.clear(); wr[(short)0] = 3; for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)wr.size(); ++i) { wr[i] = _T("123"); wr[i].setNull(true); } wr.save(); wr.clear(); wr[(short)0] = 3; bool ret = wr.read(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(ret == true, "testWRStore read "); for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)wr.size(); ++i) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].isNull() == true, "testWRStore isNull field num = " << i); // All not null test wr.clear(); wr[(short)0] = 4; wr[1] = 2; for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)wr.size(); ++i) wr[i].setNull(false); wr.save(); wr.clear(); wr[(short)0] = 4; ret = wr.read(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(ret == true, "testWRStore read"); for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)wr.size(); ++i) { BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].isNull() == false, "testWRStore isNull field num = " << i); //Test Default value __int64 dv = 0; if (i == 1) dv = 2; if (i == 5) dv = -1; if (i == 6) dv = -123456; if (i != 10) //ignore timestamp BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].i64() == dv, "testWRStore defaultValue field num = " << i << " " << wr[i].i64()); } } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } } void testAutoNotNull(database* db) { activeTable tb(db, _T("nulltest")); writableRecord& wr = tb.getWritableRecord(); wr.clear(); wr[(short)0] = 3; for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)wr.size(); ++i) { wr[i].setNull(true); wr[i] = 1;// setNotNull automaticaly BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(wr[i].isNull() == false, "testAutoNotNull isNull field num = " << i); } } void testSchemaSync(database* db) { try { dbdef* def = db->dbDef(); short tableid = 1; def->pushBackup(tableid); def->deleteField(tableid, 10); updateTableDef(def, tableid); synchronizeSeverSchema(def, tableid); if (def->compAsBackup(tableid)) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(false, "testSchemaSync"); } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("testSchemaSync Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } } void testUnuseSchema(database* db) { try { db->close(); bool ret = db->open(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, DBNAMEV3, _T("")), TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF,TD_OPEN_NORMAL); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(ret == true, "db open stat = " << db->stat()); table_ptr tb = openTable(db, _T("nulltest"), TD_OPEN_NORMAL); tb->setKeyNum(0); tb->clearBuffer(); fields& fds = tb->fields(); fds[(short)0] = 1; tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->stat() == 0, "UnuseSchema seek stat = " << tb->stat()); for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[i].isNull() == true, "UnuseSchema isNull field num = " << i); //open second table table_ptr tb2 = openTable(db, _T("nulltest"), TD_OPEN_NORMAL); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(db->stat() == 0, "UnuseSchema openTable stat = " << db->stat()); //shared tabledef BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(db->dbDef()->tableCount() == 1, "tableCount = " << db->dbDef()->tableCount()); tb2->setKeyNum(0); tb2->clearBuffer(table::defaultNull); //default values fields& fds2 = tb2->fields(); for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) { bool v = true; int dv = 0; if (i == 0 || i == 5 || i == 6) v = false; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds2[i].isNull() == v, "defaultValue isNull field num = " << i); if (i == 5) dv = -1; if (i == 6) dv = -123456; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds2[i].i() == dv, "defaultValue defaultValue field num = " << i << " " << fds2[i].i()); } fds2[(short)0] = 1; tb2->seek(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb2->stat() == 0, "UnuseSchema seek stat = " << tb2->stat()); for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds2.size(); ++i) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds2[i].isNull() == true, "UnuseSchema isNull field num = " << i); db->openTable(_T("abc")); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(db->stat() == STATUS_TABLE_NOTOPEN, "openTable stat = " << db->stat()); } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("testUnuseSchema Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class fixtureTimestamp { mutable database* m_db; bool supportDateTimeTimeStamp; public: fixtureTimestamp() : m_db(NULL) { nsdatabase::setCheckTablePtr(true); m_db = database::create(); if (!m_db) printf("Error database::create()\n"); short ret = createTestDataBase(m_db); if (ret) { printf("Error createDataBase\n"); return; } m_db->connect(makeUri(PROTOCOL, HOSTNAME, _T(""))); if (m_db->stat()) { printf("Error db connect\n"); return; } btrVersions vs; m_db->getBtrVersion(&vs); if (m_db->stat()) { printf("Error getBtrVersion\n"); return; } btrVersion& v = vs.versions[1]; supportDateTimeTimeStamp = v.isSupportDateTimeTimeStamp(); ret = createTestTable(m_db, false, supportDateTimeTimeStamp); if (ret) printf("Error createTable\n"); } ~fixtureTimestamp() { if (m_db) m_db->release(); } ::database* db() const { return m_db; } }; /* Desc of nulltest table timestampNull = false | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra +-------+---------------+------+-----+----------------------+------------------- | id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | | fd1 | int(11) | YES | UNI | NULL | | fd2 | int(11) | YES | | NULL | | fd3 | int(11) | YES | | NULL | | fd4 | int(11) | YES | | NULL | | fd5 | int(11) | NO | | -1 | | fd6 | varchar(16) | YES | | NULL | | fd7 | varbinary(50) | YES | | NULL | | fd8 | timestamp(6) | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) | | fd9 | datetime(6) | YES | | NULL | | fd10 | timestamp(6) | YES | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) | | fd11 | datetime(6) | NO | | NULL | on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) | +-------+---------------+------+-----+----------------------+------------------- */ void testTimestamp(database* db) { try { short tableid = 1; { table_ptr tb = openTable(db, tableid, TD_OPEN_NORMAL+TD_OPEN_MASK_MYSQL_NULL); tb->setKeyNum(0); tb->clearBuffer(); fields& fds = tb->fields(); fds[(short)0] = 1; for (short i = 1 ;i < (short)fds.size(); ++i) fds[i].setNull(true); tb->insert(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->stat() == 0, "testTimestamp insert stat = " << tb->stat()); tb->clearBuffer(); fds[(short)0] = 1; tb->seek(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->stat() == 0, "testTimestamp seek stat = " << tb->stat()); __int64 v = fds[_T("fd8")].i64(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(v != 0, "Timestamp is 0 "); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[_T("fd10")].isNull() == true, "Timestamp2 not null" ); Sleep(1); tb->update(); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(tb->stat() == 0, "testTimestamp update stat = " << tb->stat()); tb->seek(); if (canDatatimeTimeStamp(tb.get(), 8)) BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[_T("fd8")].i64() != v, "Timestamp not udapte "); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fds[_T("fd8")].i64() != 0, "Timestamp is zero "); } } catch (bzs::rtl::exception& e) { _tprintf(_T("Error ! %s\n"), (*getMsg(e)).c_str()); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void testMyDateTimeStore() { __int64 tmp; fielddefs* fds = fielddefs::create(); fielddef f; memset(&f, 0, sizeof(fielddef)); f.len = 8; f.pos = 0; //timestamp f.type = ft_mytimestamp; f.decimals = 6; field fd((unsigned char* )&tmp, f, fds); myTimeStamp dt(f.decimals, true); dt = "2010-10-10 00:00:00.123456"; fd = dt.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dt.i64, "ft_mytimestamp7 value = " << fd.i64()); //Legacy format myTimeStamp dtl(f.decimals, false); dtl = "2010-10-10 00:00:00"; fd = dtl.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dtl.i64, "ft_mytimestamp legacy value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 4; f.len = 7; myTimeStamp dt2(f.decimals, true); dt2 = "2010-10-10 00:00:12.9988"; fd = dt2.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dt2.i64, "ft_mytimestamp6 value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 2; f.len = 6; myTimeStamp dt3(f.decimals, true); dt3 = "2010-10-10 00:00:12.23"; fd = dt3.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dt3.i64, "ft_mytimestamp5 value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 0; f.len = 5; myTimeStamp dt4(f.decimals, true); dt4 = "2010-10-10 00:00:12"; fd = dt4.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dt4.i64, "ft_mytimestamp4 value = " << fd.i64()); //datetime f.decimals = 6; f.len = 8; f.type = ft_mydatetime; myDateTime dt5(f.decimals, true); dt5 = "2015-10-10 00:00:12.445566"; fd = dt5.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dt5.i64, "ft_mydatetime8 value = " << fd.i64()); //Legacy format myDateTime dt5l(f.decimals, true); dt5l = "2015-10-10 00:00:12"; fd = dt5l.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dt5l.i64, "ft_mydatetime Legacy value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 4; f.len = 7; myDateTime dt6(f.decimals, true); dt6 = "2015-10-10 00:00:12.7788"; fd = dt6.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dt6.i64, "ft_mydatetime7 value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 2; f.len = 6; myDateTime dt7(f.decimals, true); dt7 = "2015-10-10 00:00:12.00"; fd = dt7.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dt7.i64, "ft_mydatetime6 value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 0; f.len = 5; myDateTime dt71(f.decimals, true); dt71 = "2015-10-10 00:00:12"; fd = dt71.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dt71.i64, "ft_mydatetime5 value = " << fd.i64()); //mariadb datetime f.setOptions(FIELD_OPTION_MARIADB); f.decimals = 6; f.len = 8; f.type = ft_mydatetime; maDateTime dta(f.decimals, true); dta = "2015-10-10 00:00:12.445566"; fd = dta.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dta.i64, "ft_mydatetime8 maridb value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 4; f.len = 7; maDateTime dta1(f.decimals, true); dta1 = "2015-10-10 00:00:12.7788"; fd = dta1.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dta1.i64, "ft_mydatetime7 maridb value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 2; f.len = 6; maDateTime dta2(f.decimals, true); dta2 = "2015-10-10 00:00:12.00"; fd = dta2.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dta2.i64, "ft_mydatetime6 maridb value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 0; f.len = 5; maDateTime dta20(f.decimals, true); dta20 = "2015-10-10 00:00:12"; fd = dta20.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dta20.i64, "ft_mydatetime6 maridb value = " << fd.i64()); // mariadb time f.decimals = 6; f.len = 6; f.type = ft_mytime; maTime dtma1(f.decimals, true); dtma1 = "00:00:12.123456"; fd = dtma1.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dtma1.i64, "ft_mytime6 maridb value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 4; f.len = 5; maTime dtma2(f.decimals, true); dtma2 = "00:00:12.1234"; fd = dtma2.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dtma2.i64, "ft_mytime5 maridb value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 2; f.len = 4; maTime dta3(f.decimals, true); dta3 = "00:00:12.12"; fd = dta3.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dta3.i64, "ft_mytime4 maridb value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 0; f.len = 3; maTime dta4(f.decimals, true); dta4 = "00:00:12"; fd = dta4.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dta4.i64, "ft_mytime3 maridb value = " << fd.i64()); maTime dta5(f.decimals, false); dta5 = "00:00:12"; fd = dta5.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dta5.i64, "ft_mytime Legacy maridb value = " << fd.i64()); // MySQl time f.setOptions(0); f.decimals = 6; f.len = 6; f.type = ft_mytime; myTime dt10(f.decimals, true); dt10 = "00:00:12.123456"; fd = dt10.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dt10.i64, "ft_mytime6 value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 4; f.len = 5; myTime dt11(f.decimals, true); dt11 = "00:00:12.1234"; fd = dt11.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dt11.i64, "ft_mytime5 value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 2; f.len = 4; myTime dt12(f.decimals, true); dt12 = "00:00:12.12"; fd = dt12.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dt12.i64, "ft_mytime4 value = " << fd.i64()); f.decimals = 0; f.len = 3; myTime dt13(f.decimals, true); dt13 = "00:00:12"; fd = dt13.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dt13.i64, "ft_mytime3 value = " << fd.i64()); myTime dt13l(f.decimals, false); dt13l = "00:00:12"; fd = dt13l.i64; BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.i64() == dt13l.i64, "ft_mytime Legacy value = " << fd.i64()); //print f.type = ft_mydatetime; f.decimals = 6; f.len = 8; fd = _T("2015-10-01 20:50:36.002000"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.c_str() == _tstring(_T("2015-10-01 20:50:36.002000")) , "ft_mydatetime string8 = " << fd.c_str()); f.decimals = 4; f.len = 7; fd = _T("2015-10-01 20:50:36.002000"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.c_str() == _tstring(_T("2015-10-01 20:50:36.0020")) , "ft_mydatetime string7 = " << fd.c_str()); f.decimals = 2; f.len = 6; fd = _T("2015-10-01 20:50:36.052000"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.c_str() == _tstring(_T("2015-10-01 20:50:36.05")) , "ft_mydatetime string6 = " << fd.c_str()); f.decimals = 0; f.len = 5; fd = _T("2015-10-01 20:50:36.002000"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.c_str() == _tstring(_T("2015-10-01 20:50:36")) , "ft_mydatetime string5 = " << fd.c_str()); f.type = ft_mytimestamp; f.decimals = 6; f.len = 7; fd = _T("2015-10-01 20:50:36.052001"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.c_str() == _tstring(_T("2015-10-01 20:50:36.052001")) , "ft_mytimestamp string7 = " << fd.c_str()); f.decimals = 4; f.len = 6; fd = _T("2015-10-01 20:50:36.052001"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.c_str() == _tstring(_T("2015-10-01 20:50:36.0520")) , "ft_mytimestamp string6 = " << fd.c_str()); f.decimals = 2; f.len = 5; fd = _T("2015-10-01 20:50:36.052000"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.c_str() == _tstring(_T("2015-10-01 20:50:36.05")) , "ft_mytimestamp string5 = " << fd.c_str()); f.decimals = 0; f.len = 4; fd = _T("2015-10-01 20:50:36.952000"); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(fd.c_str() == _tstring(_T("2015-10-01 20:50:36")) , "ft_mytimestamp string4 = " << fd.c_str()); fds->release(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(test_v3) BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(noschema, fixture) { testNoSchema(db()); } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(nullbit, fixture) { testFielddefs(db()); testFieldValue(db()); testWriatbleRecordFieldValue(db()); } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(nullstore, fixtureStore) { testDefaultValue(db(), true); testWRDefaultValue(db(), true); testTableStore(db()); testWRStore(db()); testAutoNotNull(db()); testSchemaSync(db()); testUnuseSchema(db()); } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(timestamp, fixtureTimestamp) { testDefaultValue(db(), false); testWRDefaultValue(db(), false); testTimestamp(db()); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(dateTimeStore) { testModeMacro(); testMyDateTimeStore(); } BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(fieldstore, fixtureFieldStore) { testStoreInt(db()); if (isLegacyTimeFormat()) testStoreLegacyTime(db()); else testStoreTime(db(), isMysql56TimeFormat(), isSupportMultiTimeStamp()); test_NOT_HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD(db()); testInMany(db()); testNullValue(db()); testSetEnumBit(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(null_comp) { BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nullComp(true, true, (char)eIsNull), 0); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nullComp(true, true, (char)eIsNotNull), -1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nullComp(true, false, (char)0), -1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nullComp(false, true, (char)eIsNull), 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nullComp(false, true, (char)eIsNotNull), 0); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nullComp(false, false, (char)0), 2); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(field_comp) { testCompInt(); testCompUint(); testCompDouble(); testCompBit(); testCompSet(); testCompEnum(); testCompYear(); testCompDate(); testCompTime(); testCompDateTime(); testCompTimeStamp(); testCompTimeMa(); testCompDateTimeMa(); testCompTimeStampMa(); testCompString(); #ifdef _WIN32 testCompWString(); #endif testCompBlob(); testCompDecimal(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(snapshot) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(snapshot_binlog) { testSnapshotWithbinlog(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END() // ------------------------------------------------------------------------