require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') require 'gherkin/parser/tag_expression' module Gherkin module Parser describe TagExpression do context "no tags" do before(:each) do @e =[]) end it "should match @foo" do @e.eval(['@foo']).should == true end it "should match empty tags" do @e.eval([]).should == true end end context "@foo" do before(:each) do @e =['@foo']) end it "should match @foo" do @e.eval(['@foo']).should == true end it "should not match @bar" do @e.eval(['@bar']).should == false end it "should not match no tags" do @e.eval([]).should == false end end context "!@foo" do before(:each) do @e =['~@foo']) end it "should match @bar" do @e.eval(['@bar']).should == true end it "should not match @foo" do @e.eval(['@foo']).should == false end end context "@foo || @bar" do before(:each) do @e =['@foo,@bar']) end it "should match @foo" do @e.eval(['@foo']).should == true end it "should match @bar" do @e.eval(['@bar']).should == true end it "should not match @zap" do @e.eval(['@zap']).should == false end end context "(@foo || @bar) && !@zap" do before(:each) do @e =['@foo,@bar', '~@zap']) end it "should match @foo" do @e.eval(['@foo']).should == true end it "should not match @foo @zap" do @e.eval(['@foo', '@zap']).should == false end end context "(@foo:3 || !@bar:4) && @zap:5" do before(:each) do @e =['@foo:3,~@bar','@zap:5']) end it "should count tags for positive tags" do rubify_hash(@e.limits).should == {'@foo' => 3, '@zap' => 5} end it "should match @foo @zap" do @e.eval(['@foo', '@zap']).should == true end end context "Parsing '@foo:3,~@bar', '@zap:5'" do before(:each) do @e =[' @foo:3 , ~@bar ', ' @zap:5 ']) end unless defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) it "should split and trim (ruby implementation detail)" do @e.__send__(:ruby_expression).should == "(!vars['@bar']||vars['@foo'])&&(vars['@zap'])" end end it "should have limits" do rubify_hash(@e.limits).should == {"@zap"=>5, "@foo"=>3} end end end end end