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[ x -U, V h 3\ DX$ '06(\B`IDN( HTp `[ `d0 m lu< l  `xxx,|llP0H %.. .Guile 2.2.7adjoinunionintersectionset-differencereduce-initreducesomeeverynotanynoteverycount-iffind-ifmember-ifremove-ifremove-if-notdelete-if!delete-ifdelete-if-not!delete-if-notbutlastbland?or?has-duplicates?pickpick-mappingsuniq6) ice-9/common-list.scm 4w{ Qqq JrT~,j !-'ww "-- )-2#, -, )-2#<. h - . ,%  - ,.  =%  - h]'w[ #- Xk B&<.ww -(,{h<h*, ?&<.ww -(,98<h*,XBjj /- g!-), - ,g!-) < . ? - g+k - g  - g.%,!  - ,g.% .!+ - +w]  -g.%,' ! -,g.% .'+ !- +w] i- g#/ w&9:A i-g'/ w09!:A#i,{Y-i-7J),w<^ =-! =-  X    -f%.0,!  -,f%.0<!. ?   -f1.B+,!  -,f1.B+<!. ? .. {.,. {. i\\X< H*@\6`=DB@HH `O `XH a liT ls } x  x xD|l,l hHH adjoinunionintersectionset-differencereduce-initreducesomeeverynotanynoteverycount-iffind-ifmember-ifremove-ifremove-if-notdelete-if!delete-ifdelete-if-not!delete-if-notbutlastbland?or?has-duplicates?pickpick-mappingsuniqclosureboxargtmpmodulenameunspecifiedelprocvall1l2resultpinitpredrestbound?lsnlstblu64falseargssaccReturn list L, possibly with element E added if it is not already in L.Return a new list that is the union of L1 and L2. Elements that occur in both lists occur only once in the result list.Return a new list that is the intersection of L1 and L2. Only elements that occur in both lists occur in the result list.Return elements from list L1 that are not in list L2.Same as `reduce' except it implicitly inserts INIT at the start of L.Combine all the elements of sequence L using a binary operation P. The combination is left-associative. For example, using +, one can add up all the elements. `reduce' allows you to apply a function which accepts only two arguments to more than 2 objects. Functional programmers usually refer to this as foldl.PRED is a boolean function of as many arguments as there are list arguments to `some', i.e., L plus any optional arguments. PRED is applied to successive elements of the list arguments in order. As soon as one of these applications returns a true value, return that value. If no application returns a true value, return #f. All the lists should have the same length.Return #t iff every application of PRED to L, etc., returns #t. Analogous to `some' except it returns #t if every application of PRED is #t and #f otherwise.Return #t iff every application of PRED to L, etc., returns #f. Analogous to some but returns #t if no application of PRED returns a true value or #f as soon as any one does.Return #t iff there is an application of PRED to L, etc., that returns #f. Analogous to some but returns #t as soon as an application of PRED returns #f, or #f otherwise.Return the number of elements in L for which (PRED element) returns true.Search for the first element in L for which (PRED element) returns true. If found, return that element, otherwise return #f.Return the first sublist of L for whose car PRED is true.Remove all elements from L where (PRED element) is true. Return everything that's left.Remove all elements from L where (PRED element) is #f. Return everything that's left.Destructive version of `remove-if'.Destructive version of `remove-if-not'.Return all but the last N elements of LST.Return #t iff all of ARGS are true.Return #t iff any of ARGS is true.Return #t iff 2 members of LST are equal?, else #f.Apply P to each element of L, returning a list of elts for which P returns a non-#f value.Apply P to each element of L, returning a list of the non-#f return values of P.Return a list containing elements of L, with duplicates removed..guile.procprops.rodata.data.rtl-text.guile.frame-maps.dynamic.strtab.symtab.guile.arities.strtab.guile.arities.guile.docstrs.strtab.guile.docstrs.debug_info.debug_abbrev.debug_str.debug_loc.debug_line.shstrtab