module ApiResource module Conditions class AbstractCondition include Enumerable # @!attribute [r] association # @return [Boolean] Are we an association? attr_reader :association # @!attribute [r] conditions # @return [Hash] Hash of conditions attr_reader :conditions # @!attribute [r] included_objects # @return [Array] List of associations to eager load attr_reader :included_objects # @!attribute [r] internal_object # @return [Array] Underlying objects we found attr_reader :internal_object # @!attribute [r] klass # @return [Class] Owner class attr_reader :klass # @!attribute [r] remote_path # @return [String] Path to hit when we find stuff attr_reader :remote_path # TODO: add the other load forcing methods here for collections delegate :[], :[]=, :<<, :first, :second, :last, :blank?, :nil?, :include?, :push, :pop, :+, :concat, :flatten, :flatten!, :compact, :compact!, :empty?, :fetch, :map, :reject, :reject!, :reverse, :select, :select!, :size, :sort, :sort!, :uniq, :uniq!, :to_a, :sample, :slice, :slice!, :count, :present?, :delete_if, :to => :internal_object # need to figure out what to do with args in the subclass, # parent is the set of scopes we have right now def initialize(args, klass) @klass = klass @conditions = args.with_indifferent_access @klass.load_resource_definition end def all(*args) if args.blank? self.internal_object else self.find(*([:all] + args)) end end # # Is this a find without any conditions # # @return [Boolean] def blank_conditions? self.conditions.blank? end # # Accessor for the current page if we # are paginated. Returns 1 if we are not # paginated or have an invalid page # # @return [Fixnum] [description] def current_page return 1 unless self.paginated? return 1 if @conditions[:page].to_i < 1 return @conditions[:page].to_i end def each(&block) self.internal_object.each(&block) end # # Are we set up to eager load associations? # # @return [Boolean] def eager_load? self.included_objects.present? end def expires_in(time), time) end # implement find that accepts an optional # condition object def find(*args) self.klass.find(*(args + [self])) end def included_objects Array.wrap(@included_objects) end def internal_object return @internal_object if @loaded @internal_object = self.instantiate_finder @internal_object.load @loaded = true @internal_object end # TODO: review the hierarchy that makes this necessary # consider changing it to alias method def load self.internal_object end def loaded? @loaded == true end # TODO: Remove the bang, this doesn't modify anything def merge!(cond) # merge included objects @included_objects = self.included_objects | cond.included_objects # handle pagination if cond.paginated? @paginated = true end # merge conditions @conditions = @conditions.merge(cond.to_hash) # handle associations if cond.association @association = true end # handle remote path copying @remote_path ||= cond.remote_path return self end # # The offset we are currently at in our query # Returns 0 if we are not paginated # # @return [Fixnum] def offset return 0 unless self.paginated? prev_page = self.current_page.to_i - 1 prev_page * self.per_page end # # Reader for whether or not we are paginated # # @return [Boolean] def paginated? @paginated end # # Number of records per page if paginated # Returns 1 if number is out of range or if pagination # is not enabled # # @return [Fixnum] def per_page return 1 unless self.paginated? return 1 if @conditions["per_page"].to_i < 1 return @conditions["per_page"].to_i end def reload if instance_variable_defined?(:@internal_object) remove_instance_variable(:@internal_object) end @loaded = false end def to_query CGI.unescape(to_query_safe_hash(self.to_hash).to_query) end def to_hash self.conditions.to_hash end # # Total number of records found in the collection # if it is paginated # # @return [Fixnum] def total_entries self.internal_object.total_entries end # # The total number of pages in our collection # or 1 if it is not paginated # # @return [Fixnum] def total_pages return 1 unless self.paginated? return (self.total_entries / self.per_page.to_f).ceil end protected # # Proxy all calls to the base finder class # @param sym [Symbol] Method name # @param *args [Array] Args # @param &block [Proc] Block # # @return [Mixed] def method_missing(sym, *args, &block) result = @klass.send(sym, *args, &block) if result.is_a?(ApiResource::Conditions::AbstractCondition) return self.dup.merge!(result) else return result end end def instantiate_finder, self) end def to_query_safe_hash(hash) hash.each_pair do |k,v| hash[k] = to_query_safe_hash(v) if v.is_a?(Hash) hash[k] = true if v == {} end return hash end end end end