module CucumberAnalytics module World SANITARY_STRING = '___!!!___' STEP_KEYWORD_PATTERN = '\s*(?:Given|When|Then|And|But|\*)\s*' TEST_ELEMENT_START_PATTERN = '\s*(?:@|Background:|Scenario:|(?:Scenario Outline:))' # Returns the left delimiter, which is used to mark the beginning of a step # argument. def self.left_delimiter @left_delimiter || @right_delimiter end # Sets the left delimiter that will be used by default when determining # step arguments. def self.left_delimiter=(new_delimiter) @left_delimiter = new_delimiter end # Returns the right delimiter, which is used to mark the end of a step # argument. def self.right_delimiter @right_delimiter || @left_delimiter end # Sets the right delimiter that will be used by default when determining # step arguments. def self.right_delimiter=(new_delimiter) @right_delimiter = new_delimiter end # Loads the step patterns contained in the given file into the World. def self.load_step_file(file_path) @@defined_expressions ||= [], 'r') do |file| file.readlines.each do |line| if step_def_line?(line) the_reg_ex = extract_regular_expression(line) @@defined_expressions << the_reg_ex end end end end # Returns the step patterns that have been loaded into the World. def self.defined_step_patterns @@defined_expressions end # Returns all tags found in the passed container. def self.tags_in(container) do |accumulated_tags| collect_tags(accumulated_tags, container) end end # Returns all directories found in the passed container. def self.directories_in(container) do |accumulated_directories| collect_directories(accumulated_directories, container) end end # Returns all feature files found in the passed container. def self.files_in(container) do |accumulated_files| collect_files(accumulated_files, container) end end # Returns all features found in the passed container. def self.features_in(container) do |accumulated_features| collect_features(accumulated_features, container) end end # Returns all tests found in the passed container. def self.tests_in(container) do |accumulated_tests| collect_tests(accumulated_tests, container) end end # Returns all steps found in the passed container. def self.steps_in(container) do |accumulated_steps| collect_steps(accumulated_steps, container) end end # Returns all undefined steps found in the passed container. def self.undefined_steps_in(container) all_steps = steps_in(container) { |step| !World.defined_step_patterns.any? { |pattern| step.base =~ } } end # Returns all defined steps found in the passed container. def self.defined_steps_in(container) all_steps = steps_in(container) { |step| World.defined_step_patterns.any? { |pattern| step.base =~ } } end private # Make life easier by ensuring that the only forward slashes in the # regular expression are the important ones. def self.sanitize_line(line) line.gsub('\/', SANITARY_STRING) end # And be sure to restore the line to its original state. def self.desanitize_line(line) line.gsub(SANITARY_STRING, '\/') end # Returns whether or not the passed line is a step pattern. def self.step_def_line?(line) !!(sanitize_line(line) =~ /^#{World::STEP_KEYWORD_PATTERN}\/[^\/]*\//) end # Returns the regular expression portion of a step pattern line. def self.extract_regular_expression(line) desanitize_line(sanitize_line(line).match(/^#{World::STEP_KEYWORD_PATTERN}\/([^\/]*)\//)[1]) end # Recursively gathers all tags found in the passed container. def self.collect_tags(accumulated_tags, container) accumulated_tags.concat container.tags if container.respond_to?(:tags) if container.respond_to?(:contains) container.contains.each do |child_container| collect_tags(accumulated_tags, child_container) end end end # Recursively gathers all directories found in the passed container. def self.collect_directories(accumulated_directories, container) accumulated_directories.concat container.feature_directories if container.respond_to?(:feature_directories) if container.respond_to?(:contains) container.contains.each do |child_container| collect_directories(accumulated_directories, child_container) end end end # Recursively gathers all feature files found in the passed container. def self.collect_files(accumulated_files, container) accumulated_files.concat container.feature_files if container.respond_to?(:feature_files) if container.respond_to?(:contains) container.contains.each do |child_container| collect_files(accumulated_files, child_container) end end end # Recursively gathers all features found in the passed container. def self.collect_features(accumulated_features, container) accumulated_features << container.feature if container.respond_to?(:feature) && container.feature if container.respond_to?(:contains) container.contains.each do |child_container| collect_features(accumulated_features, child_container) end end end # Recursively gathers all tests found in the passed container. def self.collect_tests(accumulated_tests, container) accumulated_tests.concat container.tests if container.respond_to?(:tests) if container.respond_to?(:contains) container.contains.each do |child_container| collect_tests(accumulated_tests, child_container) end end end # Recursively gathers all steps found in the passed container. def self.collect_steps(accumulated_steps, container) accumulated_steps.concat container.steps if container.respond_to?(:steps) if container.respond_to?(:contains) container.contains.each do |child_container| collect_steps(accumulated_steps, child_container) end end end # Returns true if the line is ignored when reading source code, false # otherwise. def self.ignored_line?(line) line =~ /^\s*#/ or !(line =~ /\S/) end end end