# frozen_string_literal: true require_dependency "decidim/components/namer" Decidim.register_component(:awesome_map) do |component| component.engine = Decidim::DecidimAwesome::MapComponent::Engine # component.admin_engine = Decidim::DecidimAwesome::AdminMapEngine component.icon = "decidim/meetings/icon.svg" # TODO: create a Icon component.permissions_class_name = "Decidim::DecidimAwesome::Permissions" # These actions permissions can be configured in the admin panel # component.actions = %w() component.settings(:global) do |settings| # Add your global settings # Available types: :integer, :boolean settings.attribute :announcement, type: :text, translated: true, editor: true settings.attribute :map_height, type: :integer, default: 700 settings.attribute :map_center, type: :string, default: "" settings.attribute :map_zoom, type: :integer, default: 8 settings.attribute :truncate, type: :integer, default: 255 settings.attribute :collapse, type: :boolean, default: false settings.attribute :menu_amendments, type: :boolean, default: true settings.attribute :menu_meetings, type: :boolean, default: true settings.attribute :menu_hashtags, type: :boolean, default: true end component.settings(:step) do |settings| # Add your settings per step settings.attribute :announcement, type: :text, translated: true, editor: true settings.attribute :show_not_answered, type: :boolean, default: true settings.attribute :show_evaluating, type: :boolean, default: true settings.attribute :show_accepted, type: :boolean, default: true # Not possible yet (needs graphql update): settings.attribute :show_rejected, type: :boolean, default: false settings.attribute :show_withdrawn, type: :boolean, default: false end # component.register_stat :some_stat do |context, start_at, end_at| # # Register some stat number to the application # end component.seeds do |participatory_space| # Create a Map and a few geolocated proposals admin_user = Decidim::User.find_by( organization: participatory_space.organization, email: "admin@example.org" ) params = { name: Decidim::Components::Namer.new(participatory_space.organization.available_locales, :awesome_map).i18n_name, manifest_name: :awesome_map, published_at: Time.current, participatory_space: participatory_space, settings: { announcement: { en: Faker::Lorem.paragraphs(2).join("\n") } } } component = Decidim.traceability.perform_action!( "publish", Decidim::Component, admin_user, visibility: "all" ) do Decidim::Component.create!(params) end # Tweak proposals in Assemblies to geolocate them next unless participatory_space.manifest.name == :assemblies participatory_space.components.each do |comp| next unless comp.manifest.name == :proposals comp.attributes["settings"]["global"]["geocoding_enabled"] = true comp.save! Decidim::Proposals::Proposal.where(component: comp).each do |proposal| proposal.address = "#{Faker::Address.street_address} #{Faker::Address.zip} #{Faker::Address.city}" proposal.latitude = Faker::Address.latitude proposal.longitude = Faker::Address.longitude proposal.save! end end end end