# frozen_string_literal: true module Doing class WWID ## ## Adds an entry ## ## @param title [String] The entry title ## @param section [String] The section to add to ## @param opt [Hash] Additional Options ## ## @option opt :date [Date] item start date ## @option opt :note [Note] item note (will be converted if value is String) ## @option opt :back [Date] backdate ## @option opt :timed [Boolean] new item is timed entry, marks previous entry as @done ## @option opt :done [Date] If set, adds a @done tag to new entry ## def add_item(title, section = nil, opt) opt ||= {} section ||= Doing.setting('current_section') @content.add_section(section, log: false) opt[:back] ||= opt[:date] ? opt[:date] : Time.now opt[:date] ||= Time.now note = Note.new opt[:timed] ||= false note.add(opt[:note]) if opt[:note] title = [title.strip.cap_first] title = title.join(' ') if Doing.auto_tag title = autotag(title) title.add_tags!(Doing.setting('default_tags')) if Doing.setting('default_tags').good? end title.compress! entry = Item.new(opt[:back], title.strip, section) if opt[:done] && entry.should_finish? if entry.should_time? finish = opt[:done].is_a?(String) ? opt[:done].chronify(guess: :end, context: :today) : opt[:done] entry.tag('done', value: finish) else entry.tag('done') end end entry.note = note if opt[:timed] last_item = last_entry({ section: section }) if last_item.tags?(['done'], :not) finish_date = verify_duration(last_item.date, opt[:back], title: last_item.title) last_item.tag('done', value: finish_date.strftime('%F %R')) end end Hooks.trigger :pre_entry_add, self, entry @content.push(entry) # logger.count(:added, level: :debug) logger.info('New entry:', %(added "#{entry.date.relative_date}: #{entry.title}" to #{section})) Hooks.trigger :post_entry_added, self, entry entry end # Reset start date to current time, optionally remove # done tag (resume) # # @param item [Item] the item to reset/resume # @param resume [Boolean] removing @done tag if true # def reset_item(item, date: nil, finish_date: nil, resume: false) date ||= Time.now item.date = date if finish_date item.tag('done', remove: true) item.tag('done', value: finish_date.strftime('%F %R')) else item.tag('done', remove: true) if resume end logger.info('Reset:', %(Reset #{resume ? 'and resumed ' : ''} "#{item.title}" in #{item.section})) item end # Duplicate an item and add it as a new item # # @param item [Item] the item to duplicate # @param opt [Hash] additional options # # @option opt :editor [Boolean] open new item in editor # @option opt :date [String] set start date # @option opt :in [String] add new item to section :in # @option opt :note [Note] add note to new item # # @return nothing # def repeat_item(item, opt) opt ||= {} old_item = item.clone if item.unfinished? && item.should_finish? if item.should_time? finish_date = verify_duration(item.date, Time.now, title: item.title) item.title.tag!('done', value: finish_date.strftime('%F %R')) else item.title.tag!('done') end Hooks.trigger :post_entry_updated, self, item, old_item end # Remove @done tag title = item.title.sub(/\s*@done(\(.*?\))?/, '').chomp section = opt[:in].nil? ? item.section : guess_section(opt[:in]) Doing.auto_tag = false note = opt[:note] || Note.new if opt[:editor] start = opt[:date] ? opt[:date] : Time.now to_edit = "#{start.strftime('%F %R')} | #{title}" to_edit += "\n#{note.strip_lines.join("\n")}" unless note.empty? new_item = fork_editor(to_edit) date, title, note = format_input(new_item) opt[:date] = date unless date.nil? if title.nil? || title.empty? logger.warn('Skipped:', 'No content provided') return end end # @content.update_item(original, item) add_item(title, section, { note: note, back: opt[:date], timed: false }) end ## ## Restart the last entry ## ## @param opt [Hash] Additional Options ## def repeat_last(opt) opt ||= {} opt[:section] ||= 'all' opt[:section] = guess_section(opt[:section]) opt[:note] ||= [] opt[:tag] ||= [] opt[:tag_bool] ||= :and last = last_entry(opt) if last.nil? logger.warn('Skipped:', 'No previous entry found') return end repeat_item(last, opt) write(@doing_file) end ## ## Tag the last entry or X entries ## ## @param opt [Hash] Additional Options (see ## #filter_items for filtering ## options) ## ## @see #filter_items ## def tag_last(opt) # hooked opt ||= {} opt[:count] ||= 1 opt[:archive] ||= false opt[:tags] ||= ['done'] opt[:sequential] ||= false opt[:date] ||= false opt[:remove] ||= false opt[:update] ||= false opt[:autotag] ||= false opt[:back] ||= false opt[:unfinished] ||= false opt[:section] = opt[:section] ? guess_section(opt[:section]) : 'All' items = filter_items(Items.new, opt: opt) if opt[:interactive] items = Prompt.choose_from_items(items, include_section: opt[:section] =~ /^all$/i, menu: true, header: '', prompt: 'Select entries to tag > ', multiple: true, sort: true, show_if_single: true) raise NoResults, 'no items selected' if items.empty? end raise NoResults, 'no items matched your search' if items.empty? if opt[:tags].empty? && !opt[:autotag] completions = opt[:remove] ? all_tags(items) : all_tags(@content) if opt[:remove] puts "#{yellow}Available tags: #{boldwhite}#{completions.map(&:add_at).join(', ')}" else puts "#{yellow}Use tab to complete known tags" end opt[:tags] = Doing::Prompt.read_line(prompt: "Enter tag(s) to #{opt[:remove] ? 'remove' : 'add'}", completions: completions, default_response: '').to_tags raise UserCancelled, 'No tags provided' if opt[:tags].empty? end items.each do |item| old_item = item.clone added = [] removed = [] item.date = opt[:start_date] if opt[:start_date] if opt[:autotag] new_title = autotag(item.title) if Doing.auto_tag if new_title == item.title logger.count(:skipped, level: :debug, message: '%count unchaged %items') # logger.debug('Autotag:', 'No changes') else logger.count(:added_tags) logger.write(items.count == 1 ? :info : :debug, 'Tagged:', new_title) item.title = new_title end else if opt[:done_date] done_date = opt[:done_date] elsif opt[:sequential] next_entry = next_item(item) done_date = if next_entry.nil? Time.now else next_entry.date - 60 end else done_date = item.calculate_end_date(opt) end opt[:tags].each do |tag| if tag == 'done' && !item.should_finish? Doing.logger.debug('Skipped:', "Item in never_finish: #{item.title}") logger.count(:skipped, level: :debug) next end tag = tag.strip if tag =~ /^(\S+)\((.*?)\)$/ m = Regexp.last_match tag = m[1] opt[:value] ||= m[2] end if tag =~ /^done$/ && opt[:date] && item.should_time? max_elapsed = Doing.setting('interaction.confirm_longer_than', 0) max_elapsed = max_elapsed.chronify_qty if max_elapsed.is_a?(String) elapsed = done_date - item.date if max_elapsed.positive? && (elapsed > max_elapsed) && !opt[:took] puts boldwhite(item.title) human = elapsed.time_string(format: :natural) res = Prompt.yn(yellow("Did this actually take #{human}"), default_response: true) unless res new_elapsed = Prompt.enter_text('How long did it take?').chronify_qty raise InvalidTimeExpression, 'Unrecognized time span entry' unless new_elapsed > 0 opt[:took] = new_elapsed done_date = item.calculate_end_date(opt) if opt[:took] end end end if opt[:remove] || opt[:rename] || opt[:value] rename_to = nil if opt[:value] rename_to = tag elsif opt[:rename] rename_to = tag tag = opt[:rename] end old_title = item.title.dup force = opt[:value].nil? ? false : true item.title.tag!(tag, remove: opt[:remove], rename_to: rename_to, regex: opt[:regex], value: opt[:value], force: force) if old_title != item.title removed << tag added << rename_to if rename_to else logger.count(:skipped, level: :debug) end else old_title = item.title.dup should_date = opt[:date] && item.should_time? item.title.tag!('done', remove: true) if tag =~ /done/ && (!should_date || opt[:update]) item.title.tag!(tag, value: should_date ? done_date.strftime('%F %R') : nil) added << tag if old_title != item.title end end end logger.log_change(tags_added: added, tags_removed: removed, item: item, single: items.count == 1) item.note.add(opt[:note]) if opt[:note] if opt[:archive] && opt[:section] != 'Archive' && (opt[:count]).positive? item.move_to('Archive', label: true) elsif opt[:archive] && opt[:count].zero? logger.warn('Skipped:', 'Archiving is skipped when operating on all entries') end item.expand_date_tags(Doing.setting('date_tags')) Hooks.trigger :post_entry_updated, self, item, old_item end write(@doing_file) end ## ## Accepts one tag and the raw text of a new item if the ## passed tag is on any item, it's replaced with @done. ## if new_item is not nil, it's tagged with the passed ## tag and inserted. This is for use where only one ## instance of a given tag should exist (@meanwhile) ## ## @param target_tag [String] Tag to replace ## @param opt [Hash] Additional Options ## ## @option opt :section [String] target section ## @option opt :archive [Boolean] archive old item ## @option opt :back [Date] backdate new item ## @option opt :new_item [String] content to use for new item ## @option opt :note [Array] note content for new item def stop_start(target_tag, opt) opt ||= {} tag = target_tag.dup opt[:section] ||= Doing.setting('current_section') opt[:archive] ||= false opt[:back] ||= Time.now opt[:new_item] ||= false opt[:note] ||= false opt[:section] = guess_section(opt[:section]) tag.sub!(/^@/, '') found_items = 0 @content.each_with_index do |item, i| old_item = i.clone next unless item.section == opt[:section] || opt[:section] =~ /all/i next unless item.title =~ /@#{tag}/ item.title.add_tags!([tag, 'done'], remove: true) item.tag('done', value: opt[:back].strftime('%F %R')) found_items += 1 if opt[:archive] && opt[:section] != 'Archive' item.title = item.title.sub(/(?:@from\(.*?\))?(.*)$/, "\\1 @from(#{item.section})") item.move_to('Archive', label: false, log: false) logger.count(:completed_archived) logger.info('Completed/archived:', item.title) else logger.count(:completed) logger.info('Completed:', item.title) end Hooks.trigger :post_entry_updated, self, item, old_item end logger.debug('Skipped:', "No active @#{tag} tasks found.") if found_items.zero? if opt[:new_item] date, title, note = format_input(opt[:new_item]) opt[:back] = date unless date.nil? note.add(opt[:note]) if opt[:note] title.tag!(tag) add_item(title.cap_first, opt[:section], { note: note, back: opt[:back] }) end write(@doing_file) end ## ## Delete a set of items from the main index ## ## @param items [Array] The items to delete ## @param force [Boolean] Force deletion without confirmation ## def delete_items(items, force: false) items.slice(0, 5).each { |i| puts i.to_pretty } unless force puts softpurple("+ #{items.size - 5} additional #{'item'.to_p(items.size - 5)}") if items.size > 5 && !force res = force ? true : Prompt.yn("Delete #{items.size} #{'item'.to_p(items.size)}?", default_response: 'y') return unless res items.each { |i| Hooks.trigger :post_entry_removed, self, @content.delete_item(i, single: items.count == 1) } # write(@doing_file) end ## ## Move entries from a section to Archive or other specified ## section ## ## @param section [String] The source section ## @param options [Hash] Options ## def archive(section = Doing.setting('current_section'), options) options ||= {} count = options[:keep] || 0 destination = options[:destination] || 'Archive' tags = options[:tags] || [] bool = options[:bool] || :and section = section[0] if section.is_a?(Array) && section.count == 1 section = choose_section if section.nil? || section.empty? || section.is_a?(String) && section =~ /choose/i archive_all = section =~ /^all$/i # && !(tags.nil? || tags.empty?) section = guess_section(section) unless archive_all @content.add_section(destination, log: true) # add_section(Section.new('Archive')) if destination =~ /^archive$/i && !@content.section?('Archive') destination = guess_section(destination) if @content.section?(destination) && (@content.section?(section) || archive_all) do_archive(section, destination, { count: count, tags: tags, bool: bool, search: options[:search], label: options[:label], before: options[:before], after: options[:after], from: options[:from] }) write(doing_file) else raise InvalidArgument, 'Either source or destination does not exist' end end ## ## Uses 'autotag' configuration to turn keywords into tags for time tracking. ## Does not repeat tags in a title, and only converts the first instance of an ## untagged keyword ## ## @param string [String] The text to tag ## def autotag(string) return unless string return string unless Doing.auto_tag original = string.dup text = string.dup current_tags = text.scan(/@\w+/).map { |t| t.sub(/^@/, '') } tagged = { whitelisted: [], synonyms: [], transformed: [], replaced: [] } Doing.setting('autotag.whitelist').each do |tag| next if text =~ /@#{tag}\b/i text.sub!(/(?<= |\A)(#{tag.strip})(?= |\Z)/i) do |m| m.downcase! unless tag =~ /[A-Z]/ tagged[:whitelisted].push(m) "@#{m}" end end Doing.setting('autotag.synonyms').each do |tag, v| v.each do |word| word = word.wildcard_to_rx next unless text =~ /\b#{word}\b/i unless current_tags.include?(tag) || tagged[:whitelisted].include?(tag) tagged[:synonyms].push(tag) tagged[:synonyms] = tagged[:synonyms].uniq end end end if Doing.setting('autotag.transform') Doing.setting('autotag.transform').each do |tag| next unless tag =~ /\S+:\S+/ if tag =~ /::/ rx, r = tag.split(/::/) else rx, r = tag.split(/:/) end flag_rx = %r{/([r]+)$} if r =~ flag_rx flags = r.match(flag_rx)[1].split(//) r.sub!(flag_rx, '') end r.gsub!(/\$/, '\\') rx.sub!(/^@?/, '@') regex = Regexp.new("(?<= |\\A)#{rx}(?= |\\Z)") text.sub!(regex) do m = Regexp.last_match new_tag = r m.to_a.slice(1, m.length - 1).each_with_index do |v, idx| next if v.nil? new_tag.gsub!("\\#{idx + 1}", v) end # Replace original tag if /r if flags&.include?('r') tagged[:replaced].concat(new_tag.split(/ /).map { |t| t.sub(/^@/, '') }) new_tag.split(/ /).map { |t| t.sub(/^@?/, '@') }.join(' ') else tagged[:transformed].concat(new_tag.split(/ /).map { |t| t.sub(/^@/, '') }) tagged[:transformed] = tagged[:transformed].uniq m[0] end end end end logger.debug('Autotag:', "whitelisted tags: #{tagged[:whitelisted].log_tags}") unless tagged[:whitelisted].empty? logger.debug('Autotag:', "synonyms: #{tagged[:synonyms].log_tags}") unless tagged[:synonyms].empty? logger.debug('Autotag:', "transforms: #{tagged[:transformed].log_tags}") unless tagged[:transformed].empty? logger.debug('Autotag:', "transform replaced: #{tagged[:replaced].log_tags}") unless tagged[:replaced].empty? tail_tags = tagged[:synonyms].concat(tagged[:transformed]) tail_tags.sort! tail_tags.uniq! text.add_tags!(tail_tags) unless tail_tags.empty? if text == original logger.debug('Autotag:', "no change to \"#{text.strip}\"") else new_tags = tagged[:whitelisted].concat(tail_tags).concat(tagged[:replaced]) logger.debug('Autotag:', "added #{new_tags.log_tags} to \"#{text.strip}\"") logger.count(:autotag, level: :info, count: 1, message: 'autotag updated %count %items') end text.dedup_tags end private ## ## Helper function, performs the actual archiving ## ## @param section [String] The source section ## @param destination [String] The destination ## section ## @param opt [Hash] Additional Options ## @api private def do_archive(section, destination, opt) opt ||= {} count = opt[:count] || 0 tags = opt[:tags] || [] bool = opt[:bool] || :and label = opt[:label] section = guess_section(section) destination = guess_section(destination) section_items = @content.in_section(section) max = section_items.count - count.to_i opt[:after] = opt[:from][0] if opt[:from] opt[:before] = opt[:from][1] if opt[:from] time_rx = /^(\d{1,2}+(:\d{1,2}+)?( *(am|pm))?|midnight|noon)$/ if opt[:before].is_a?(String) && opt[:before] =~ time_rx opt[:before] = opt[:before].chronify(guess: :end, future: false) end if opt[:after].is_a?(String) && opt[:after] =~ time_rx opt[:after] = opt[:after].chronify(guess: :begin, future: false) end counter = 0 @content.map do |item| break if counter >= max next if item.section.downcase == destination.downcase next if item.section.downcase != section.downcase && section != /^all$/i next if (opt[:before] && item.date > opt[:before]) || (opt[:after] && item.date < opt[:after]) next if (!tags.empty? && !item.tags?(tags, bool)) || (opt[:search] && !item.search(opt[:search].to_s)) counter += 1 old_item = item.clone item.move_to(destination, label: label, log: false) Hooks.trigger :post_entry_updated, self, item, old_item item end if counter.positive? logger.count(destination == 'Archive' ? :archived : :moved, level: :info, count: counter, message: "%count %items from #{section} to #{destination}") else logger.info('Skipped:', 'No items were moved') end end end end