module Avo class BaseResource extend ActiveSupport::DescendantsTracker extend FieldsCollector extend HasContext attr_accessor :view attr_accessor :model attr_accessor :user attr_accessor :params class_attribute :id, default: :id class_attribute :title, default: :id class_attribute :search, default: [:id] class_attribute :includes, default: [] class_attribute :model_class class_attribute :translation_key class_attribute :default_view_type, default: :table class_attribute :devise_password_optional, default: false class_attribute :actions_loader class_attribute :filters_loader class_attribute :fields class_attribute :grid_loader class << self def grid(&block) grid_collector = grid_collector.instance_eval(&block) self.grid_loader = grid_collector end def action(action_class) self.actions_loader ||= self.actions_loader.use action_class end def filter(filter_class) self.filters_loader ||= self.filters_loader.use filter_class end end def hydrate(model: nil, view: nil, user: nil, params: nil) @view = view if view.present? @user = user if user.present? @params = params if params.present? if model.present? @model = model hydrate_model_with_default_values if @view == :new end self end def get_field_definitions return [] if self.class.fields.blank? do |field| field.hydrate(resource: self, panel_name: default_panel_name, user: user) end end def get_fields(panel: nil, reflection: nil) fields = do |field| field.send("show_on_#{@view.to_s}") end .select do |field| field.visible? end .select do |field| unless field.respond_to?(:foreign_key) && reflection.present? && reflection.respond_to?(:foreign_key) && reflection.foreign_key == field.foreign_key true end end if panel.present? fields = do |field| field.panel_name == panel end end fields = do |field| field.hydrate(model: @model, view: @view, resource: self) end fields end def get_grid_fields return if self.class.grid_loader.blank? self.class.grid_loader.hydrate(model: @model, view: @view, resource: self) end def get_filters return [] if self.class.filters_loader.blank? self.class.filters_loader.bag end def get_actions return [] if self.class.actions_loader.blank? self.class.actions_loader.bag end def default_panel_name return @params[:related_name].capitalize if @params[:related_name].present? case @view when :show I18n.t('avo.resource_details', item:, title: model_title).upcase_first when :edit I18n.t('avo.update_item', item:, title: model_title).upcase_first when :new I18n.t('avo.create_new_item', item: end end def panels panels = [ { name: default_panel_name, type: :fields, in_panel: true, } ] panels end def model_class return self.class.model_class if self.class.model_class.present? return @model.class if @model.present?'Resource').safe_constantize end def model_title return @model.send title if @model.present? name end def name return @name if @name.present? return I18n.t(@translation_key, count: 1).capitalize if @translation_key'Resource').titlecase end def singular_name name end def plural_name return I18n.t(@translation_key, count: 2).capitalize if @translation_key name.pluralize end def underscore_name return @name if @name.present? end def available_view_types view_types = [:table] view_types << :grid if get_grid_fields.present? view_types end def route_key model_class.model_name.route_key end def context self.class.context end def query_search(query: '', via_resource_name: , via_resource_id:, user:) # model_class = self.model db_query = AuthorizationService.apply_policy(user, model_class) if via_resource_name.present? related_model = App.get_resource_by_name(via_resource_name).model db_query = related_model.find(via_resource_id).public_send(self.plural_name.downcase) end new_query = [] [].flatten.each_with_index do |search_by, index| new_query.push 'or' if index != 0 new_query.push "text(#{search_by}) ILIKE '%#{query}%'" end db_query.where(new_query.join(' ')) end def attached_file_fields do |field| [Avo::Fields::FileField, Avo::Fields::FilesField].include? field.class end end def fill_model(model, params) # Map the received params to their actual fields fields_by_database_id = { |field| [field.database_id(model).to_s, field] }.to_h params.each do |key, value| field = fields_by_database_id[key] next unless field model = field.fill_field model, key, value end model end def authorization, model) end def file_hash content_to_be_hashed = '' # resource file hash resource_path = Rails.root.join('app', 'avo', 'resources', "#{name.underscore}.rb").to_s if File.file? resource_path content_to_be_hashed += end # policy file hash policy_path = Rails.root.join('app', 'policies', "#{name.underscore}_policy.rb").to_s if File.file? policy_path content_to_be_hashed += end Digest::MD5.hexdigest(content_to_be_hashed) end def cache_hash(parent_model) if parent_model.present? [self.model, self.file_hash, parent_model] else [self.model, self.file_hash] end end # For :new views we're hydrating the model with the values from the resource's default attribute. # We will not overwrite any attributes that come pre-filled in the model. def hydrate_model_with_default_values default_values = do |field| !field.computed end .map do |field| id = value = field.value if field.respond_to? :foreign_key id = field.foreign_key.to_sym reflection = @model._reflections[@params[:via_relation]] if reflection.present? && reflection.foreign_key.present? value = @params[:via_resource_id] end end [id, value] end .to_h .select do |id, value| value.present? end default_values.each do |id, value| if @model.send(id).nil? @model.send("#{id}=", value) end end end end end