require 'resolv' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[.. .. spec_helper]) describe Blather::Stream::Client do class MockServer; end module ServerMock def receive_data(data) @server ||= @server.receive_data data, self end end def mocked_server(times = nil, &block) @client ||= mock() @client.stubs(:unbind) unless @client.respond_to?(:unbind) @client.stubs(:post_init) unless @client.respond_to?(:post_init) @client.stubs(:jid=) unless @client.respond_to?(:jid=) MockServer.any_instance.expects(:receive_data).send(*(times ? [:times, times] : [:at_least, 1])).with &block EventMachine::run { EM.add_timer(0.5) { EM.stop if EM.reactor_running? } # Mocked server EventMachine::start_server '', 12345, ServerMock # Blather::Stream connection EM.connect('', 12345, Blather::Stream::Client, @client, @jid ||'n@d/r'), 'pass') { |c| @stream = c } } end it 'can be started' do client = mock() params = [client, 'n@d/r', 'pass', 'host', 1234] EM.expects(:connect).with do |*parms| parms[0].must_equal 'host' parms[1].must_equal 1234 parms[3].must_equal client parms[5].must_equal 'pass' parms[4].must_equal'n@d/r') end Blather::Stream::Client.start *params end it 'attempts to find the SRV record if a host is not provided' do dns = mock(:sort! => nil, :empty? => false) dns.expects(:each).yields(mock({ :target => 'd', :port => 5222 })) Resolv::DNS.expects(:open).yields(mock(:getresources => dns)) client = EM.expects(:connect).with do |*parms| parms[0].must_equal 'd' parms[1].must_equal 5222 parms[3].must_equal client parms[5].must_equal 'pass' parms[4].must_equal'n@d/r') end Blather::Stream::Client.start client, 'n@d/r', 'pass' end it 'will attempt as many connections as it takes' do dns = [mock(:target => 'd', :port => 5222), mock(:target => 'g', :port => 1234)] dns.stubs(:sort!) #ignore sorting Resolv::DNS.expects(:open).yields(mock(:getresources => dns)) client = EM.expects(:connect).with do |*parms| raise Blather::Stream::NoConnection if parms[0] == 'd' parms[0].must_equal 'g' parms[1].must_equal 1234 parms[3].must_equal client parms[5].must_equal 'pass' parms[4].must_equal'n@d/r') end Blather::Stream::Client.start client, 'n@d/r', 'pass' end it 'will not attempt to connect more often than necessary' do dns = [mock(:target => 'd', :port => 5222), mock()] dns.stubs(:sort!) #ignore sorting Resolv::DNS.expects(:open).yields(mock(:getresources => dns)) client = EM.expects(:connect).with do |*parms| parms[0].must_equal 'd' parms[1].must_equal 5222 parms[3].must_equal client parms[5].must_equal 'pass' parms[4].must_equal'n@d/r') end Blather::Stream::Client.start client, 'n@d/r', 'pass' end it 'can figure out the host to use based on the jid' do Resolv::DNS.expects(:open).yields(mock(:getresources => mock(:empty? => true))) client = params = [client, 'n@d/r', 'pass', nil, 5222] EM.expects(:connect).with do |*parms| parms[0].must_equal 'd' parms[1].must_equal 5222 parms[3].must_equal client parms[5].must_equal 'pass' parms[4].must_equal'n@d/r') end Blather::Stream::Client.start client, 'n@d/r', 'pass' end it 'starts the stream once the connection is complete' do mocked_server(1) { |val, _| EM.stop; val.must_match(/stream:stream/) } end it 'sends stanzas to the client when the stream is ready' do @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with do |n| EM.stop n.must_be_kind_of Blather::Stanza::Message end mocked_server(1) do |val, server| val.must_match(/stream:stream/) server.send_data "" server.send_data "Message!" end end it 'puts itself in the stopped state and calls @client.unbind when unbound' do @client = mock() @client.expects(:unbind).at_least_once started = false mocked_server(2) do |val, server| if !started started = true server.send_data "" server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) else EM.stop @stream.stopped?.must_equal false @stream.unbind @stream.stopped?.must_equal true end end end it 'will be in the negotiating state during feature negotiations' do state = nil @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with do |n| EM.stop state.must_equal(:negotiated) && @stream.negotiating?.must_equal(false) end mocked_server(2) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "" true when :started state = :negotiated @stream.negotiating?.must_equal true server.send_data "" server.send_data "Message!" true else EM.stop false end end end it 'stops when sent ' do state = nil mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :stopped server.send_data '' @stream.stopped?.must_equal false when :stopped EM.stop @stream.stopped?.must_equal true val.must_equal '' else EM.stop false end end end it 'sends client an error on stream:error' do @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with do |v| :conflict v.text.must_equal 'Already signed in' v.to_s.must_equal "Stream Error (conflict): #{v.text}" end state = nil mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :stopped server.send_data "" server.send_data "Already signed in" when :stopped EM.stop val.must_equal "" else EM.stop false end end end it 'skips features it is unable to handle' do state = nil mocked_server() do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started EM.stop val.must_match(/starttls/) else EM.stop false end end end it 'starts TLS when asked' do state = nil mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :tls @stream.expects(:start_tls) server.send_data "" val.must_match(/starttls/) when :tls EM.stop true else EM.stop false end end end it 'will fail if TLS negotiation fails' do state = nil @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with { |v| v.must_be_kind_of Blather::Stream::TLS::TLSFailure } mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :tls @stream.expects(:start_tls).never server.send_data "" val.must_match(/starttls/) when :tls EM.stop val.must_equal "" else EM.stop false end end end it 'will fail if a bad node comes through TLS negotiations' do state = nil @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with do |v| v.must_be_kind_of Blather::Stream::TLS::TLSFailure end mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :tls @stream.expects(:start_tls).never server.send_data "" val.must_match(/starttls/) when :tls EM.stop val.must_equal "" else EM.stop false end end end it 'connects via SASL MD5 when asked' do Time.any_instance.stubs(:to_f).returns(1.1) state = nil mocked_server(5) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "DIGEST-MD5" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :auth_sent server.send_data "cmVhbG09InNvbWVyZWFsbSIsbm9uY2U9Ik9BNk1HOXRFUUdtMmhoIixxb3A9ImF1dGgiLGNoYXJzZXQ9dXRmLTgsYWxnb3JpdGhtPW1kNS1zZXNzCg==" val.must_match(/auth.*DIGEST\-MD5/) when :auth_sent state = :response1_sent server.send_data "cnNwYXV0aD1lYTQwZjYwMzM1YzQyN2I1NTI3Yjg0ZGJhYmNkZmZmZAo=" val.must_equal('bm9uY2U9Ik9BNk1HOXRFUUdtMmhoIixjaGFyc2V0PXV0Zi04LHVzZXJuYW1lPSJuIixyZWFsbT0ic29tZXJlYWxtIixjbm9uY2U9Ijc3N2Q0NWJiYmNkZjUwZDQ5YzQyYzcwYWQ3YWNmNWZlIixuYz0wMDAwMDAwMSxxb3A9YXV0aCxkaWdlc3QtdXJpPSJ4bXBwL2QiLHJlc3BvbnNlPTZiNTlhY2Q1ZWJmZjhjZTA0NTYzMGFiMDU2Zjg3MTdm') when :response1_sent state = :response2_sent server.send_data "" val.must_match(%r{}) when :response2_sent EM.stop state = :complete val.must_match(/stream:stream/) else EM.stop false end end end it 'will connect via SSL PLAIN when asked' do state = nil mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "PLAIN" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :auth_sent server.send_data "" val.must_equal('bkBkAG4AcGFzcw==') when :auth_sent EM.stop state = :complete val.must_match(/stream:stream/) else EM.stop false end end end it 'will connect via SSL ANONYMOUS when asked' do state = nil mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "ANONYMOUS" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :auth_sent server.send_data "" val.must_equal('') when :auth_sent EM.stop state = :complete val.must_match(/stream:stream/) else EM.stop false end end end it 'connects via ANONYMOUS if the Blather::JID has a blank node' do state = nil @jid = '@d' mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "DIGEST-MD5PLAINANONYMOUS" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :auth_sent server.send_data "" val.must_equal('') when :auth_sent EM.stop state = :complete val.must_match(/stream:stream/) else EM.stop false end end end it 'fails if asked to connect via ANONYMOUS but the server does not support it' do state = nil @jid = '@d' @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with { |s| s.must_be_instance_of Blather::BlatherError } mocked_server(2) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "DIGEST-MD5PLAIN" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started EM.stop val.must_match(/stream:stream/) else EM.stop false end end end it 'tries each possible mechanism until it fails completely' do state = nil @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with do |n| n.must_be_kind_of(Blather::SASLError) :not_authorized end mocked_server(5) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "DIGEST-MD5PLAINANONYMOUS" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :failed_md5 server.send_data "" val.must_match(/mechanism="DIGEST-MD5"/) when :failed_md5 state = :failed_plain server.send_data "" val.must_match(/mechanism="PLAIN"/) when :failed_plain state = :failed_anon server.send_data "" val.must_match(/mechanism="ANONYMOUS"/) when :failed_anon EM.stop state = :complete val.must_match(/\/stream:stream/) else EM.stop false end end end it 'tries each mechanism until it succeeds' do state = nil mocked_server(4) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "DIGEST-MD5PLAINANONYMOUS" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :failed_md5 server.send_data "" val.must_match(/mechanism="DIGEST-MD5"/) when :failed_md5 state = :plain_sent server.send_data "" val.must_match(/mechanism="PLAIN"/) when :plain_sent EM.stop val.must_match(/stream:stream/) else EM.stop false end end end it 'will ignore methods it does not understand' do state = nil mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "CRAM-MD5PLAIN" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :auth_sent server.send_data "" val.must_equal('bkBkAG4AcGFzcw==') when :auth_sent EM.stop state = :complete val.must_match(/stream:stream/) else EM.stop false end end end =begin it 'sends client an error when an unknown mechanism is sent' do @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with { |v| v.must_be_kind_of(Blather::Stream::SASL::UnknownMechanism) } started = false mocked_server(2) do |val, server| if !started started = true server.send_data "" server.send_data "UNKNOWN" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) else EM.stop val.must_match(/failure(.*)invalid\-mechanism/) end end end =end %w[ aborted incorrect-encoding invalid-authzid invalid-mechanism mechanism-too-weak not-authorized temporary-auth-failure ].each do |error_type| it "fails on #{error_type}" do @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with do |n| error_type.gsub('-','_').to_sym end state = nil mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "PLAIN" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :auth_sent server.send_data "<#{error_type} />" val.must_equal('bkBkAG4AcGFzcw==') when :auth_sent EM.stop state = :complete val.must_match(/\/stream:stream/) else EM.stop false end end end end it 'fails when an unkown node comes through during SASL negotiation' do @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with do |n| n.must_be_instance_of Blather::UnknownResponse n.node.element_name.must_equal 'foo-bar' end state = nil mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "PLAIN" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :auth_sent server.send_data "" val.must_equal('bkBkAG4AcGFzcw==') when :auth_sent EM.stop state = :complete val.must_match(/\/stream:stream/) else EM.stop false end end end it 'will bind to a resource set by the server' do state = nil class Client; attr_accessor :jid; end @client = @jid ='n@d') mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :complete val =~ %r{]+id="([^"]+)"} server.send_data "#{@jid}/server_resource" server.send_data "" val.must_match(%r{}) when :complete EM.stop @client.jid.must_equal'n@d/server_resource') else EM.stop false end end end it 'will bind to a resource set by the client' do state = nil class Client; attr_accessor :jid; end @client = @jid ='n@d/r') mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :complete doc = parse_stanza val doc.xpath('/iq/bind_ns:bind/bind_ns:resource[.="r"]', :bind_ns => Blather::Stream::Resource::BIND_NS).wont_be_empty server.send_data "#{@jid}" server.send_data "" when :complete EM.stop @client.jid.must_equal'n@d/r') else EM.stop false end end end it 'will error out if the bind ID mismatches' do state = nil @jid ='n@d') @client = mock() mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :complete val =~ %r{]+id="([^"]+)"} @client.expects(:receive_data).with("BIND result ID mismatch. Expected: #{$1}. Received: #{$1}-bad") server.send_data "#{@jid}/server_resource" val.must_match(%r{}) when :complete EM.stop true else EM.stop false end end end it 'will return an error if resource binding errors out' do state = nil @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with do |n| :bad_request end mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :complete doc = parse_stanza val doc.xpath('/iq/bind_ns:bind/bind_ns:resource[.="r"]', :bind_ns => Blather::Stream::Resource::BIND_NS).wont_be_empty server.send_data "r" when :complete EM.stop val.must_match(/\/stream:stream/) else EM.stop false end end end it 'will return an error if an unkown node comes through during resouce binding' do state = nil @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with do |n| n.must_be_instance_of Blather::UnknownResponse n.node.element_name.must_equal 'foo-bar' end mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :complete doc = parse_stanza val doc.xpath('/iq/bind_ns:bind/bind_ns:resource[.="r"]', :bind_ns => Blather::Stream::Resource::BIND_NS).wont_be_empty server.send_data "" when :complete EM.stop val.must_match(/\/stream:stream/) else EM.stop false end end end it 'will establish a session if requested' do state = nil @client = mock() @client.expects(:post_init) mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :completed doc = parse_stanza val doc.find('/iq[@type="set" and @to="d"]/sess_ns:session', :sess_ns => Blather::Stream::Session::SESSION_NS).wont_be_empty server.send_data "" server.send_data "" when :completed EM.stop true else EM.stop false end end end it 'will return an error if session establishment errors out' do state = nil @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with do |n| :internal_server_error end mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :completed doc = parse_stanza val doc.find('/iq[@type="set" and @to="d"]/sess_ns:session', :sess_ns => Blather::Stream::Session::SESSION_NS).wont_be_empty server.send_data "" when :completed EM.stop val.must_match(/\/stream:stream/) else EM.stop false end end end it 'will return an error if an unknown node come through during session establishment' do state = nil @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with do |n| n.must_be_instance_of Blather::UnknownResponse n.node.element_name.must_equal 'foo-bar' end mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :completed doc = parse_stanza val doc.find('/iq[@type="set" and @to="d"]/sess_ns:session', :sess_ns => Blather::Stream::Session::SESSION_NS).wont_be_empty server.send_data '' when :completed EM.stop val.must_match(/\/stream:stream/) else EM.stop false end end end it 'sends client an error and reply to the server on parse error' do @client = mock() @client.expects(:receive_data).with do |v| v.must_be_kind_of Blather::ParseError v.message.must_match(/generate\-parse\-error/) end state = nil mocked_server(3) do |val, server| case state when nil state = :started server.send_data "" server.send_data "" val.must_match(/stream:stream/) when :started state = :parse_error server.send_data "" when :parse_error EM.stop val.must_equal "" else EM.stop false end end end it 'sends stanzas to the wire ensuring "from" is the full JID if set' do client = mock() client.stubs(:jid) client.stubs(:jid=) msg = '', 'body' msg.from = '' comp = nil, client, '', 'pass' comp.expects(:send_data).with { |s| s.must_match(/^]*from="node@jid\.com\/resource"/) } comp.send msg end it 'sends stanzas to the wire leaving "from" nil if not set' do client = mock() client.stubs(:jid) client.stubs(:jid=) msg = '', 'body' comp = nil, client, '', 'pass' comp.expects(:send_data).with { |s| s.wont_match(/^]*from=/); true } comp.send msg end end