/* =================================================================
 Copyright (C) 2000-2016 BizStation Corp All rights reserved.

 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 GNU General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
 02111-1307, USA.
 ================================================================= */

#include <bzs/db/protocol/tdap/tdapSchema.h>
#include "export.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>

#if (__BCPLUSPLUS__ || _MSC_VER)
#include "trdclcppautolink.h"

namespace bzs
namespace db
namespace protocol
namespace tdap
namespace client
extern DLLLIB bool g_enableAutoReconnect;

class dbdef;
class nstable;

/** @cond INTERNAL */
DLLLIB void setBtrvEntryPoint(BTRCALLID_PTR p);
DLLLIB void setTrnsctdEntryPoint(BTRCALLID_PTR p);
DLLLIB BTRCALLID_PTR getTrnsctdEntryPoint();
/** @endcond */

#pragma pack(push, 1)
#define GTID_SIZE       64
#define BINLOGPOS_SIZE  192
struct DLLLIB binlogPos
    friend class nsdatabase;
    unsigned long long pos;
    char type;
    char filename[BINLOGNAME_SIZE];
    char gtid_buf[GTID_SIZE];
    struct bpimple* m_impl;
    void setGtid(const char* p);
    const char* gtid;
    binlogPos(const binlogPos& r);
    binlogPos& operator=(const binlogPos& r);


#pragma pack(pop)

class DLLLIB nsdatabase
    friend class nstable;
    friend class dbdef;
/** @cond INTERNAL */
    friend bool reconnectSharedConnection(const void* ptr);
/** @endcond */
    struct nsdbimpl* m_nsimpl;
    nsdatabase(const nsdatabase&);
    static unsigned int m_execCodepage;
    bool doReopenTables();
    BTRCALLID_PTR m_btrcallid;
    short m_stat;
    static const char* toServerUri(char* buf, int buflen, const _TCHAR* src,
                                   bool trd);
    short tdapEx(ushort_td op, void* posb, void* data, uint_td* datalen,
                        void* keybuf, keylen_td keylen, char_td keyNum);

    inline short tdap(ushort_td op, void* posb, void* data, uint_td* datalen,
                            void* keybuf, keylen_td keylen, char_td keyNum)
        return m_btrcallid(op, posb, data, datalen, keybuf, keylen, keyNum,

    virtual bool setUri(const _TCHAR* uri);
    void reset();
    void resetSnapshot();
    nstable** tables();
    nsdatabase* clone() const;
    nsdatabase& operator=(const nsdatabase&);
    virtual ~nsdatabase();
    void unregisterTable(nstable* tb);
    void registerTable(nstable* tb);
    bool findTable(nstable* tb);
    void addref();
    void internalRelease() { nsdatabase::release(); }
    void doReconnect(nstable* tb);
    void setAssociate();
    bool checkAssociate();
    virtual bool doReopenDatabaseSchema(){ return true; }
    virtual void* getExtendBufferForOpen(uint_td& size){ return NULL; };
    virtual void release();
    int refCount() const;

    inline BTRCALLID_PTR btrvFunc() { return m_btrcallid; }
    int enableTrn() const;
    short stat() const;
    uchar_td* clientID() const;
    short openTableCount() const;
    _TCHAR* uri() const;
    bool uriMode() const;
    short lockWaitCount() const;
    short lockWaitTime() const;
    bool localSharing() const;

    void setLockWaitCount(short v);
    void setLockWaitTime(short v);
    void setLocalSharing(bool v);

    void createTable(fileSpec* pfs, uint_td len, const _TCHAR* uri,
                     short_td mode = -1);
    virtual void dropTable(const _TCHAR* uri);
    void rename(const _TCHAR* oldUri, const _TCHAR* newUri);
    void swapTablename(const _TCHAR* uri1, const _TCHAR* uri2);
    void beginTrn(short bias = SINGLELOCK_NOGAP +
                               NOWAIT_WRITE); // NoWit SingleLock
    void endTrn();
    void abortTrn();
    void beginSnapshot(short bias = CONSISTENT_READ, binlogPos* bpos=NULL);
    void endSnapshot();
    ushort_td trxIsolationServer() const ;
    ushort_td trxLockWaitTimeoutServer() const ;
    short_td tdapErr(HWND hWnd, _TCHAR* retbuf = NULL);
    inline _TCHAR* statMsg(_TCHAR* retbuf)
        tdapErr(0, retbuf);
        return retbuf;
    bool useLongFilename();
    void setUseLongFilename(bool value);
    void getBtrVersion(btrVersions* versions, uchar_td* posblk);
    bool setUseTransactd();
    bool isTransactdUri(const _TCHAR* uri);
    bool isUseTransactd() const;
    void readDatabaseDirectory(_TCHAR* retbuf, uchar_td len);
    bool connect(const _TCHAR* uri, bool newConnection = false);
    bool disconnect(const _TCHAR* uri = _T(""));
    bool disconnectForReconnectTest(); //for connection brokn emulate
	bool reconnect();
    bool isReconnected() const;
    bool isAssociate() const;
    virtual bool isOpened() const { return false;}
    char* getCreateViewSql(const _TCHAR* name, char* retbuf, uint_td* size);

    static const int maxtables = 150;
    static bool trnsactionFlushWaitStatus();
    static void setExecCodePage(unsigned int codepage);
    static unsigned int execCodePage();
    static inline bool enableAutoReconnect(){ return g_enableAutoReconnect;}
    static inline void setEnableAutoReconnect(bool v){ g_enableAutoReconnect = v;}
    static bool registerHaNameResolver(HANAME_RESOLVER_PTR func);
    /** @cond INTERNAL */
    void setTestPtrIgnore(bool v);
    bool isTestPtrIgnore() const;
    static WIN_TPOOL_SHUTDOWN_PTR getWinTPoolShutdownFunc();
    static bool testTablePtr(nstable* ptr);
    static void setCheckTablePtr(bool v);
    /** @endcond */

} // namespace client
} // namespace tdap
} // namespace protocol
} // namespace db
} // namespace bzs