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The NARR data provides the “best-guess” analysis of atmospheric conditions for use in historical studies. The NARR domain covers all of North and Central America, much of the northeastern Pacific and northern Atlantic Oceans, including Alaska and Hawaii. Ten years of NARR data will be used (1 Jan 2000 – 31 Dec 2009).", "citation": { "title": "Very High-Resolution Dynamic Downscaling of Regional Climate and Hydrology", "date": [ { "date": "2000-01-21", "dateType": "publication" } ], "edition": "version 1.2.0", "responsibleParty": [ { "contactId": "1", "role": "originator" } ], "presentationForm": ["documentDigital"], "additionalIdentifier": { "isbn": "HB12365.214", "issn": "0ab4-dd983c01" } }, "processStep": [ { "stepId": "135bc", "description": "The NARR data will be used to initialize the WRF model. The NARR data cannot be used by the WRF directly. Instead, WRF-required initial data and lateral data will be created from the NARR data using the WRF Preprocessing System (WPS) utilities. In addition, the 32-km grid resolution of the NARR data will be objectively analyzed to the WRF 4-km grid. ", "rationale": "It had to be done!", "dateTime": "2013-08-13", "processor": [ { "contactId": "3", "role": "processor" } ] }, { "stepId": "135bd", "description": "The Hawaii Forest Bird Survey Vegetation Database includes data for over 40,400 vegetation plots that were sampled on the island of Hawaii in 1977. This database records with cover data that can be used for modeling their distribution abundance.", "rationale": "It had to be done!", "dateTime": "2013-08-13", "processor": [ { "contactId": "3", "role": "processor" } ] } ] }, { "description": "We got this dataset from those guys in Fairbanks." } ] } }, { "scope": "dataset", "lineage": { "statement": "This is that other dataset that you might have heard about.", "source": [ { "description": "This dataset came from somewhere. It was collected by so and so.", "citation": { "title": "Example_dataset_20111009_turner_v1-12.csv", "date": [ { "date": "2011-10-09", "dateType": "creation" } ] } } ] } }, { "scope": "series", "lineage": { "statement": "This series is made up of those datasets." } }, { "scope": "dataset", "lineage": { "statement": "This another ctd datas from the GAK1 location.", "processStep": [ { "description": "This is how this dataset was processed." } ] } }, { "scope": "dataset", "lineage": { "statement": "This series is made up of those datasets.", "source": [ { "description": "We got this dataset from those guys in Fairbanks." } ] } } ]