class UIAlertView # UIAlertView.alert("title", # message: "help!", # # The first button is considered the 'cancel' button, for the purposes of # # whether the cancel or success handler gets called # buttons: %w"Cancel OK No-way", # cancel: proc{ puts "nevermind" }, # success: proc{ |pressed| puts "pressed: #{pressed}" }, # ) def self.alert(title, options={}, &block) # create the delegate delegate = delegate.on_success = options[:success] || block delegate.on_cancel = options[:cancel] delegate.send(:retain) args = [title] # initWithTitle: args << options[:message] # message: args << delegate # delegate: buttons = options[:buttons] || [] if buttons.empty? # cancelButtonTitle: is first, so check for cancel buttons << "Cancel" if options[:cancel] # otherButtonTitles: buttons << "OK" if options[:success] or buttons.empty? elsif buttons.length == 1 and options[:cancel] raise "If you only have one button, use a :success handler, not :cancel (and definitely not BOTH)" end # the button titles. These are passed to the success handler. delegate.buttons = buttons # uses localized buttons in the actual alert args.concat({ |s| s.localized }) args << nil # otherButtonTitles:..., nil alert = self.alloc alert.send(:"initWithTitle:message:delegate:cancelButtonTitle:otherButtonTitles:", *args) alert end private def dummy self.initWithTitle(nil, message:nil, delegate:nil, cancelButtonTitle:nil, otherButtonTitles:nil) end end module SugarCube class AlertViewDelegate attr_accessor :buttons attr_accessor :on_cancel attr_accessor :on_success def alertView(alert, didDismissWithButtonIndex:index) if index == 0 && on_cancel elsif on_success if on_success.arity == 0 else button = buttons[index] end end self.send(:autorelease) end end end