require 'webrick' require 'json' require 'net/http' require 'rhcp/broker' require 'rhcp/request' require 'rhcp/rhcp_exception' include WEBrick module RHCP # TODO add some logging # The +HttpExporter+ connects to the RHCP::Broker and exports all commands # registered there via http, i.e. it servers requests to the URLs # # /rhcp/get_commands # /rhcp/get_lookup_values # /rhcp/execute # # All data is transferred in JSON format. class HttpExporter DEFAULT_PORT = 42000 DEFAULT_PREFIX = "rhcp" # by default, a new HttpExporter will create it's own +HTTPServer+ # on port 42000 - if you want to change this port, you can pass the port # to use as +port+ option. If you want to use an existing +HTTPServer+ # instance, you can pass it as +server+ option instead. # # Also, you can specify the prefix for the rhcp URLs using the +prefix+ # option - otherwise, all # rhcp actions will be exported at # /rhcp/get_commands # /rhcp/get_lookup_values # /rhcp/execute # If you change this, please be aware that all clients that want to connect # to this server need to be configured accordingly. def initialize(broker, options = @logger = RHCP::ModuleHelper::instance.logger @broker = broker # build your own server or use the one passed in as param port = options.has_key?(:port) ? options[:port] : DEFAULT_PORT if options.has_key?(:server) @server = options[:server] @logger.debug("using existing server #{@server}") else @logger.debug("opening own server on port #{port}") @server = :Port => port ) end @url_prefix = options.has_key?(:prefix) ? options[:prefix] : DEFAULT_PREFIX @server.mount_proc("/#{@url_prefix}/") {|req, res| res.body = "<HTML>hello (again)</HTML>" res['Content-Type'] = "text/html" } # TODO this path should probably be quite relative @server.mount "/#{@url_prefix}/info", HTTPServlet::FileHandler, "docroot" @server.mount "/#{@url_prefix}/info2", HTTPServlet::FileHandler, "qooxdoo_rhcp/build" @server.mount "/#{@url_prefix}/get_commands", GetCommandsServlet, @broker @server.mount "/#{@url_prefix}/get_lookup_values", GetLookupValuesServlet, @broker @server.mount "/#{@url_prefix}/execute", ExecuteServlet, @broker"http exporter has been initialized - once started, it will listen on port '#{port}' for URLs starting with prefix '#{@url_prefix}'") end class BaseServlet < HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet def initialize(server, broker) super(server) @broker = broker end def do_GET(req, res) res['Content-Type'] = "application/json" begin"executing #{req}") do_it(req, res)"finished executing #{req}") rescue RHCP::RhcpException => ex # TODO define error format (should we send back a JSON-ified response object here?) @logger.error("got an exception while executing request . #{ex}") res.status = 500 res.body = [ ex.to_s ].to_json() #puts ex #puts ex.backtrace.join("\n") end end # TODO is this a good idea? def do_POST(req, res) do_GET(req, res) end end class GetCommandsServlet < BaseServlet def do_it(req, res) commands = @broker.get_command_list puts "about to send back commands : #{commands.values.to_json()}" res.body = commands.values.to_json() end end class GetLookupValuesServlet < BaseServlet def do_it(req, res) partial_value = req.query.has_key?('partial') ? req.query['partial'] : '' command = @broker.get_command(req.query['command']) param = command.get_param(req.query['param']) lookup_values = param.get_lookup_values(partial_value) res.body = lookup_values.to_json() end end class ExecuteServlet < BaseServlet def do_it(req, res)"got an execute request : #{req}") # TODO filter "nocache" parameters from query string request = RHCP::Request.reconstruct_from_json(@broker, req.body) response = request.execute() @logger.debug("sending back response : #{response.to_json()}") res.body = response.to_json() end end def run @server.start end def start puts "about to start server..." @thread = { puts "in thread; starting server..." @server.start puts "in thread: continuing..." } end def stop puts "about to stop server" @server.stop puts "thread stopped" # TODO wait until after the server has ended - when this method exits, the server is still shutting down end end end