require 'pathname' require Pathname(__FILE__).dirname + 'spec_helper.rb' require 'ixtlan/controllers/texts_controller' require 'ixtlan/models/i18n_text' require 'ixtlan/models/word' require 'ixtlan/models/translation' describe "Ixtlan::Models::TextCollection" do len = 6 before(:all) do Controller.send(:include, Ixtlan::Controllers::TextsController) @controller = Ixtlan::Models::Locale.all.destroy! Ixtlan::Models::I18nText.all.destroy! (1..len).each do |i| locale = Ixtlan::Models::Locale.first_or_create(:id => 10 + len + i, :code => "c#{(96 +i).chr}") text = Ixtlan::Models::I18nText.create(:code => "code_#{i}", :text => "text_#{i}", :current_user => @controller.current_user, :locale => Ixtlan::Models::Locale.default, :updated_at =>, :updated_by => @controller.current_user) text.approve(:current_user => @controller.current_user) (1..len).each do |j| text = Ixtlan::Models::I18nText.create(:code => "code_#{i}", :text => "text_#{i}_#{j}", :current_user => @controller.current_user, :locale => locale, :updated_at =>, :updated_by => @controller.current_user) text.approve(:current_user => @controller.current_user) unless j == len end end end it "should have #{len} second latest approved" do set = Ixtlan::Models::I18nText.second_latest_approved set.size.should == len set.each do |t| t.version.should_not be_nil t.current.should be_false t.previous.should be_true end end it "should have #{len * 2} latest approved" do set = Ixtlan::Models::I18nText.latest_approved set.size.should == len * 2 set.each do |t| t.version.should_not be_nil t.current.should be_true t.previous.should be_false end end it "should have #{len} not approved" do set = Ixtlan::Models::I18nText.not_approved set.size.should == len set.each do |t| t.version.should be_nil t.current.should be_false t.previous.should be_false end end it "should have #{len * len} approved" do Ixtlan::Models::I18nText.approved.size.should == len * len end it "should have #{len * (len - 3)} old approved" do Ixtlan::Models::I18nText.all(:current => false, :previous => false, :version.not => nil).size.should == len * (len - 3) end it "should have right number of approved when filterd by locale " do locale = Ixtlan::Models::Locale.first_or_create(:code => "cb") Ixtlan::Models::I18nText.approved(:locale => locale).size.should == len - 1 Ixtlan::Models::I18nText.latest_approved(:locale => locale).size.should == 1 Ixtlan::Models::I18nText.not_approved(:locale => locale).size.should == 1 end it 'should setup the translation map' do locale = Ixtlan::Models::Locale.first_or_create(:code => "cb") map = Ixtlan::Models::Translation.map_for(:locale => locale) map.size.should == 1 map.values[0].to_xml.gsub(/ type='[a-z:]*'/, '').gsub(/[0-9-]+T[0-9:]+\+[0-9:]+/, 'date').should == "text_2_5text_2_4date1" end end