module Draper module Compatibility # Draper expects your `ApplicationController` to include `ActionView::Rendering`. The # `ApplicationController` generated by Rails 5 API-only applications (created with # `rails new --api`) don't by default. However, including `ActionView::Rendering` in # `ApplicatonController` breaks `render :json` due to `render_to_body` being overridden. # # This compatibility patch fixes the issue by restoring the original `render_to_body` # method after including `ActionView::Rendering`. Ultimately, including `ActionView::Rendering` # in an ActionController::API may not be supported functionality by Rails (see Rails issue # for more detail: This hack is meant to be a # temporary solution until we can find a way to not rely on the controller layer. module ApiOnly extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do alias :previous_render_to_body :render_to_body include ActionView::Rendering alias :render_to_body :previous_render_to_body end end end end