resque-web ========== [![Gem Version](]( [![Build Status](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![Code Climate](]( [![Coverage Status](]( A Rails-based frontend to the [Resque]( job queue system. This provides a similar interface to the existing Sinatra application that comes bundled with Resque, but deploys like a Rails application and leverages Rails conventions for factoring things like controllers, helpers, and views. # NOTICE Note this is NOT the old sinatra interface that comes with Resque 1-x. This is a new project based on rails. If you have any issues with old web server, please file an issue on the [resque]( project. Note that the sinatra web interface will be gone in Resque 2.0 and this is meant to be the replacement. More documentation coming soon! ## Starting Resque web is built as a rails engine. Add it to your gemfile. ```Ruby gem 'resque-web', require: 'resque_web' ``` Mount it in your config/routes.rb. ```Ruby require "resque_web" MyApp::Application.routes.draw do mount ResqueWeb::Engine => "/resque_web" end ``` If `RAILS_RESQUE_REDIS` is set in `ENV` and is not the empty string, this gem will set `Resque.redis` equal to `ENV['RAILS_RESQUE_REDIS']` in an initializer. For info on configuring Resque itself (and accepted values of `Resque.redis`) see [the Configuration section of the Resque README]( ## Security You almost certainly want to limit access when using resque-web in production. Using [routes constraints]( is one way to achieve this: ```ruby # config/routes.rb resque_web_constraint = lambda { |request| request.remote_ip == '' } constraints resque_web_constraint do mount ResqueWeb::Engine => "/resque_web" end ``` Another example of a route constraint using the current user when using Devise or another warden based authentication system: ```ruby # config/routes.rb resque_web_constraint = lambda do |request| current_user = request.env['warden'].user current_user.present? && current_user.respond_to?(:is_admin?) && current_user.is_admin? end constraints resque_web_constraint do mount ResqueWeb::Engine => "/resque_web" end ``` ### HTTP Basic Authentication HTTP Basic Authentication is supported out of the box. Simply set the environment variables `RESQUE_WEB_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_USER` and `RESQUE_WEB_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD` to turn it on. If you're using Resque with Heroku run `heroku config:set RESQUE_WEB_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_USER=user RESQUE_WEB_HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD=secret` to get ResqueWeb secured. ## Plugins In the past with the sinatra app it was fairly simple to just monkey-patch the server to add more functionality/tabs. With this rails version you have to write an engine under a specific namespace. Read more in ## Screenshot ![Screenshot]( ## Developing We use [Appraisal]( to test gem across multiple rails version. To run tests locally you need to install generic dependencies and dependencies for each appraisal version by running: ``` bundle install appraisal install ``` And then you can use following command for testing lib with latest rails version 5.0: ``` appraisal rails50 rake test ``` If you want to run tests for all rails version like Travis do check out this library: (WWTD)[].