require 'test/unit' require 'stamina' module Stamina # Tests ADL parser class ADLTest < Test::Unit::TestCase # Tests ADL#parse on a valid dfa def test_can_parse_valid_empty_dfa fa = ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON 1 0 0 true false AUTOMATON assert_equal(1, fa.state_count) assert_equal(0, fa.edge_count) assert_equal(true, fa.states[0].initial?) assert_equal(false, fa.states[0].accepting?) assert_equal(true, fa.deterministic?) assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('+')) assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('+ a')) end # Tests ADL#parse on a valid dfa def test_can_parse_valid_small_dfa fa = ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON 3 4 0 true false 1 false false 2 false true 0 1 a 1 2 b 2 2 a 2 1 b AUTOMATON assert_equal(3, fa.state_count) assert_equal(4, fa.edge_count) fa.each_state {|s| assert_equal(s.index==0, s.initial?)} fa.each_state {|s| assert_equal(s.index==2, s.accepting?)} assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('+')) assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('+ a')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('+ a b')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('+ a b a')) assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('+ a b a b')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('+ a b a a a')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('+ a b a a a b b a')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('+ a b a a a b b a a a')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('+ a b a a a b b a a a b b a')) end # Tests that ADL#parse detects a missing state def test_detect_missing_header assert_raise(ADL::ParseError) do ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON 0 true false 1 false false 0 1 a 1 2 b 2 2 a 2 1 b AUTOMATON end assert_raise(ADL::ParseError) do ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON # 3 4 0 true false 1 false false 0 1 a 1 2 b 2 2 a 2 1 b AUTOMATON end end # Tests that ADL#parse detects a missing state def test_detect_missing_state assert_raise(ADL::ParseError) do ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON 3 4 0 true false 1 false false AUTOMATON end assert_raise(ADL::ParseError) do ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON 3 4 0 true false 1 false false 0 1 a 1 2 b 2 2 a 2 1 b AUTOMATON end assert_raise(ADL::ParseError) do ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON 3 4 0 true false 1 false false # 2 false true 0 1 a 1 2 b 2 2 a 2 1 b AUTOMATON end end # Tests that ADL#parse detects a missing edge def test_detect_missing_edge assert_raise(ADL::ParseError) do ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON 3 4 0 true false 1 false false 2 false true 0 1 a 2 2 a 2 1 b AUTOMATON end assert_raise(ADL::ParseError) do ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON 3 4 0 true false 1 false false 2 false true 0 1 a 1 2 b 2 2 a # 2 1 b AUTOMATON end end # Tests that ADL#parse detects a missing edge def test_detect_trailing_data assert_raise(ADL::ParseError) do fa = ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON 1 0 0 true false trailing here AUTOMATON end end # Tests that ADL#parse detects a missing edge def test_allows_comments_and_white_lines fa = nil assert_nothing_raised(ADL::ParseError) do fa = ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON # a header is always allowed, # with empty lines as well # 3 4 # state definitions may be introduced... 0 true false 1 false false # and perturbated 2 false true 0 1 a # edge introduction may be misplaced 1 2 b 2 2 a 2 1 b # and end of file may contain documentation as well # as empty lines: AUTOMATON end assert_equal(3, fa.state_count) assert_equal(4, fa.edge_count) fa.each_state {|s| assert_equal(s.index==0, s.initial?)} fa.each_state {|s| assert_equal(s.index==2, s.accepting?)} assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('+')) assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('+ a')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('+ a b')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('+ a b a')) assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('+ a b a b')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('+ a b a a a')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('+ a b a a a b b a')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('+ a b a a a b b a a a')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('+ a b a a a b b a a a b b a')) end # Tests ADL::parse on the documentation example def test_valid_adl_automaton_example fa = nil assert_nothing_raised(ADL::ParseError) do here = File.dirname(__FILE__) automaton_adl = File.join(here, '..', '..', 'example', 'adl', 'automaton.adl') fa = ADL::parse_automaton_file(automaton_adl) end # assert_nothing_raised assert_equal(5, fa.state_count) assert_equal(6, fa.edge_count) assert_equal(true, fa.parses?('? hello w o r l d')) assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('? hello w o r l d')) assert_equal(true, fa.rejects?('? hello w o r l d')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('? hello')) assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('? hello w')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('? hello w o')) assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('? hello w o r')) assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('? hello w o r l')) end # Tests ADL::parse on the documentation succint example def test_valid_adl_automaton_succint_example fa = nil assert_nothing_raised do fa = ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON # Some header comments: tool which has generated this automaton, # maybe a date or other tool options ... # here: 'this automaton accepts the a(ba)* regular language' 2 2 0 true false 1 false true 0 1 a 1 0 b AUTOMATON end assert_equal(2, fa.state_count) assert_equal(2, fa.edge_count) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('? a')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('? a b a')) assert_equal(true, fa.accepts?('? a b a b a')) assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('?')) assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('? a b')) assert_equal(false, fa.accepts?('? a b a b')) end # Checks that an initial state may arruve lately def test_parse_automaton_allows_late_initial_state fa = nil assert_nothing_raised do fa = ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON # Some header comments: tool which has generated this automaton, # maybe a date or other tool options ... # here: 'this automaton accepts the a(ba)* regular language' 2 2 0 false false 1 true true 0 1 a 1 0 b AUTOMATON end end # Tests parse_automaton on an automated randomly generated using jail def test_parse_automaton_on_jail_randdfa fa = nil assert_nothing_raised do fa = ADL::parse_automaton_file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'randdfa.adl')) end end # Tests an important security issue about parse_automaton def test_parse_automaton_does_not_executes_ruby_code begin assert_raise ADL::ParseError do ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON Kernel.exit(-1) AUTOMATON end rescue SystemExit assert false, 'SECURITY issue: ADL::parse_automaton executes ruby code' end begin assert_raise ADL::ParseError do ADL::parse_automaton_file(File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/exit.rb') end rescue SystemExit assert false, 'SECURITY issue: ADL::parse_automaton executes ruby code' end end # Tests ADL::parse_string def test_parse_string s = ADL::parse_string('?') assert_equal(true, InputString===s) assert_equal(false, s.positive?) assert_equal(false, s.negative?) assert_equal(true, s.unlabeled?) assert_equal(nil, s.label) assert_equal(true, s.empty?) assert_equal([], s.symbols) s = ADL::parse_string('+') assert_equal(true, InputString===s) assert_equal(true, s.positive?) assert_equal(true, s.label) assert_equal(true, s.empty?) assert_equal([], s.symbols) s = ADL::parse_string('-') assert_equal(true, InputString===s) assert_equal(false, s.positive?) assert_equal(false, s.label) assert_equal(true, s.empty?) assert_equal([], s.symbols) s = ADL::parse_string('? a') assert_equal(['a'], s.symbols) assert_equal(false, s.positive?) assert_equal(false, s.negative?) assert_equal(true, s.unlabeled?) assert_equal(nil, s.label) assert_equal(['a'], s.symbols) s = ADL::parse_string('+ a') assert_equal(['a'], s.symbols) assert_equal(true, s.positive?) s = ADL::parse_string('- a') assert_equal(['a'], s.symbols) assert_equal(false, s.positive?) s = ADL::parse_string('+ a b a b ') assert_equal(['a','b','a','b'], s.symbols) assert_equal(true, s.positive?) s = ADL::parse_string('- a b a c') assert_equal(['a','b','a','c'], s.symbols) assert_equal(false, s.positive?) end # Tests ADL::parse_sample def test_parse_sample sample = ADL::parse_sample <<-SAMPLE + a b a b a b # this is a comment, next is an empty line + + a b - a a ? a b # trailing comment allowed SAMPLE assert sample==Sample['+ a b a b a b', '+ a b', '- a a', '+', '? a b'] end # Tests that ADL::parse_sample accepts the empty sample def test_parse_sample_accepts_empty_sample samples = [ ADL::parse_sample(""), ADL::parse_sample("#"), ADL::parse_sample(<<-SAMPLE SAMPLE ), ADL::parse_sample(<<-SAMPLE # this is a comment, between two empty lines SAMPLE ) ] samples.each do |sample| assert end end # Tests that ADL::parse_sample accepts empty strings def test_parse_sample_accepts_empty_strings assert Sample['+'] == ADL::parse_sample('+') assert Sample['-'] == ADL::parse_sample('-') assert Sample['+'] == ADL::parse_sample(<<-SAMPLE + SAMPLE ) assert Sample['-'] == ADL::parse_sample(<<-SAMPLE - SAMPLE ) end # Tests validity of sample.adl file def test_valid_adl_sample_example here = File.dirname(__FILE__) sample_adl = File.join(here, '..', '..', 'example', 'adl', 'sample.adl') sample = ADL::parse_sample_file(sample_adl) expected = expected <<['a', 'b', 'a', 'b'], true) expected <<['a', 'a'], false) expected <<['a', 'b'], nil) expected <<[], true) expected <<['hello', 'world'], true) expected <<['h','e','l','l','o','w','o','r','l','d'], true) expected <<['helloworld'], true) expected <<['a','+','b','-','a','-','b','+a'], true) expected <<['#','a','#','b','a','b','#','and','all','these','words','are','symbols', 'too', '!!'],true) expected.each do |s| assert sample.include?(s), "|#{s}| from expected is included in sample" end sample.each do |s| assert expected.include?(s), "|#{s}| from sample is included in expected" end assert expected == sample end # Tests validity of sample.adl file def test_valid_adl_sample_succint_example sample = ADL::parse_sample <<-SAMPLE # Some header comments: tool which has generated this sample, # maybe a date or other tool options ... # here: 'this sample is caracteristic for the a(ba)* regular language' - + a - a b + a b a SAMPLE expected = expected <<[], false) expected <<['a'], true) expected <<['a','b'], false) expected <<['a','b','a'], true) assert expected==sample end # Tests an important security issue about parse_automaton def test_parse_sample_does_not_executes_ruby_code begin ADL::parse_sample <<-AUTOMATON + Kernel.exit(-1) AUTOMATON rescue SystemExit assert false, 'SECURITY issue: ADL::parse_automaton executes ruby code' end begin ADL::parse_sample_file(File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/exit.rb') rescue SystemExit assert false, 'SECURITY issue: ADL::parse_automaton executes ruby code' end end # tests that state IDs are loaded and can be used. def test_state_names fa = ADL::parse_automaton <<-AUTOMATON 3 4 A true false B false false C false true A B a B C b C C a C B b AUTOMATON ['A','B','C'].each do |statename| assert_equal statename,fa.get_state(statename)[:name] end assert_equal true,fa.get_state('A').initial? assert_equal false,fa.get_state('B').initial? assert_equal false,fa.get_state('C').initial? assert_equal false,fa.get_state('A').accepting? assert_equal false,fa.get_state('B').accepting? assert_equal true,fa.get_state('C').accepting? end def test_parsing_recognizes_failures assert_raise Stamina::ADL::ParseError do fa = ADL::parse_sample <<-EOF 3 4 A true false B false false C false true A B a B C b C C a C B b EOF end assert_raise Stamina::ADL::ParseError do sample = ADL::parse_automaton <<-EOF + a b a b a b # this is a comment, next is an empty line + + a b - a a a b # trailing comment allowed EOF end end end # class ADLTest end # module Stamina