Page Title <%=f.label :name, :required=>true,:style =>"display:none;", :class=>"control-label"%> <%=f.text_field :name, :class => "full-width"%>
<%=f.fields_for :spud_page_partials do |b|%>
<%=b.hidden_field :name,:class => "tab_name"%> <%=b.text_area :content,:class => "tinymce"%>

Advanced Settings (optional) <%if Spud::Cms.templates_enabled%>
<%=f.label :template_id, "Template", :class=>"control-label"%>
<%=f.select :template_id, options_for_select(SpudTemplate.all.collect{|tp| [tp.name,tp.id]},@page.template_id), {:include_blank => 'Default'},{:title => "", 'data-source' => page_parts_spud_admin_pages_path(:page => @page.id) }%> Use this to control the layout template to be used for this page if they are available.
<%=f.label :spud_page_id, "Parent Page", :class=>"control-label"%>
<%=f.select :spud_page_id,options_for_select(SpudPage.options_tree_for_page(:filter => @page),@page.spud_page_id),{:include_blank => 'None'},{:title => ""}%>
<%=f.label :url_name, "Perma Link",:disabled => true, :class=>"control-label"%>
<%=root_url%><%=f.text_field :url_name,:title => "",:size=>20%>
Meta Information (optional)

These fields are used to notify search engines about important keywords and the appropriate description to display in a search result.

<%=f.label :meta_keywords,"Keywords", :class=>"control-label"%>
<%=f.text_field :meta_keywords,:title => "",:style=>"width:600px;" %> A Comma seperated list of keywords for search engines. Keep it short (no more than 10 keywords)
<%=f.label :meta_description,"Description", :class=>"control-label"%>
<%=f.text_area :meta_description,:style =>"width:600px;height:40px;"%> A short description of the page. This is what appears on a search engines search result page.
<%=f.label :visibility, :class=>"control-label"%>
<%=f.select :visibility, [["Public",0],["Private",1]]%>
<%=f.label :published, :class=>"control-label"%>
<%=f.check_box :published%>
<%=f.label :notes,"Notes", :class=>"control-label"%>
<%=f.text_area :notes,:style =>"width:400px;height:40px;"%> Have a note to make about this page while you work? Place it here for later.