# Changelog # Older versions can be found in the documentation changelogs. ## 2.1.2 ## * Updated NPM packages and improved Gulp workflow * Components * Grid * Fixed an issue where `.end` capping would not work correctly on collapsed columns * Modal, OffCanvas, Showcase * Fixed an issue where `stopScroll` would not work on mobile devices ## 2.1.1 ## * Components * Grid * Updated gutter to use adjacent CSS selectors instead of `:last-child` * OffCanvas * Changed `translate3d()` to `translate()` to add basic support for IE9 ## 2.1.0 ## This minor release includes flexbox functionality, RTL integration, improved BEM support, and much more. * Added the Flex component which supports flexbox based grids and layouts * Added right-to-left (RTL) support for all CSS and JS components * Added Travis CI integration for automatic build and testing * Added a Sass module exporting system * Improved BEM support on all JS components * Updated all JS templates to support functions for lazy-loaded rendering * Sass * Added `$text-direction` variable * Added `export()`, `ltr()`, and `rtl()` mixins * Added `gutter()` and `span-width()` functions * Renamed `$vendor-prefix` to `$namespace` * Renamed `remove-selector-char()` to `remove-selector()` * JavaScript * Toolkit * Added `isRTL` flag for detecting RTL support * Added `bemSeparators` property for customizing BEM separators * Added `bem()` function for generating BEM CSS class names * Added `buildTemplate()` function for converting strings into usable templates * Added `wrapperTemplate` option * Renamed `create()` function to `createPlugin()` * Renamed `vendor` property to `namespace` * Base * Removed the `runtime` property * Components * Component * Split the `Component` class into 3 classes with different roles: `Component` for embedded elements, `TemplateComponent` for templates rendered into elements, and `CompositeComponent` which is a collection of rendered elements * Moved `elements` and `nodes` properties to `CompositeComponent` * Moved `createElement()` method to `TemplateComponent` * Added `render()` for converting templates into elements * Removed the `created` property * Drop * Updated to extend the `CompositeComponent` * Added the menu and node as arguments to the `hiding` and `showing` events * Removed the `hideOpened` option (will happen automatically now) * Flex * Added `flex-span()` function * Added `flex-region()`, `flex-region-align()`, `flex-region-orientation()`, `flex-region-wrap()`, `flex-block()`, `flex-block-align()`, `flex-block-order()`, `flex-block-grow()`, and `flex-block-shrink()` mixins * Added 17 `$flex-*` variables * Flyout * Updated to extend the `CompositeComponent` * Added a `wrapperClass` option * Renamed the `current` property to `url` * Renamed the `menus` property to `elements` * Renamed the `.push-left` class to `.push-opposite` * Refactored `_buildMenu()` to handle the composite functionality * Removed the `isVisible()`, `_getMenu()`, and `_getTarget()` methods * Grid * Renamed `grid-gutter()` to `gutter()` * LazyLoad * Renamed the `elements` property to `items` * Modal * Updated to extend the `TemplateComponent` * Popover * Added a `wrapperClass` option * Removed the `elementHead` and `elementBody` properties * Responsive * Moved the `.fluid` class to the base CSS * Showcase * Updated to extend the `TemplateComponent` * Fixed a bug where captions would disappear * Fixed a bug where the blackout loader would not disappear * Toast * Updated to extend the `CompositeComponent` * Added a `wrapperClass` option * Renamed `template` to `wrapperTemplate` * Renamed `toastTemplate` to `template` * Tooltip * Updated to extend the `CompositeComponent` * Added a `wrapperClass` option * Updated to toggle `is-active` classes on the activating node * Added the title as a second argument to the `load` event * Removed the `elementHead` and `elementBody` properties * Removed the `reset()` method and runtime options * TypeAhead * Updated to extend the `TemplateComponent`