module Locomotive module Steam module Liquid module Drops class ContentEntryCollection < ::Liquid::Drop delegate :first, :last, :each, :each_with_index, :empty?, :any?, to: :collection def initialize(content_type, repository = nil) @content_type = content_type @repository = repository end def all do |entry| entry.to_liquid.tap do |drop| if drop && drop.respond_to?(:context=) drop.context = @context end end end end def count repository.count(conditions) end alias :size :count alias :length :count def public_submission_url services.url_builder.public_submission_url_for(@content_type) end def api Locomotive::Common::Logger.warn "[Liquid template] the api for content_types has been deprecated and replaced by public_submission_url instead." { 'create' => public_submission_url } end def before_method(meth) if (meth.to_s =~ /^group_by_(.+)$/) == 0 repository.group_by_select_option(@content_type, $1) elsif (meth.to_s =~ /^(.+)_options$/) == 0 content_type_repository.select_options(@content_type, $1) else Locomotive::Common::Logger.warn "[Liquid template] trying to call #{meth} on a content_type object" nil end end protected def slice(index, length) repository.all(conditions) { offset(index).limit(length) } end def collection @collection ||= repository.all(conditions) end def conditions _slug = (@context['with_scope_content_type'] ||= @content_type.slug) _slug == @content_type.slug ? @context['with_scope'] : {} end def services @context.registers[:services] end def content_type_repository services.repositories.content_type end def repository @repository || services.repositories.content_entry.with(@content_type) end end end end end end