# frozen_string_literal: true module Hyrax module Workflow # Welcome intrepid developer. You have stumbled into some complex data # interactions. There are a lot of data collaborators regarding these tests. # I would love this to be more in isolation, but that is not in the cards as # there are at least 16 database tables interacting to ultimately answer the # following question: # # * What actions can a given user take on an entity? # # Could there be more efficient queries? Yes. However, the composition of # queries has proven to be a very powerful means of understanding and # exploring the problem. # # @note There is an indication of public or private api. The intent of this # is to differentiate what are methods that are the primary entry points # as understood as of the commit that has the @api tag. However, these are # public methods because they have been tested in isolation and are used # to help compose the `@api public` methods. # # @todo Refactor the large ABC methods in this module. module PermissionQuery module_function def entity_responsibilities @entity_responsibilities ||= Sipity::EntitySpecificResponsibility.arel_table end def workflow_responsibilities @workflow_responsibilities ||= Sipity::WorkflowResponsibility.arel_table end def workflow_roles @workflow_roles ||= Sipity::WorkflowRole.arel_table end # @api public # # For the given :user and :entity return only workflow actions that meet all of the following: # # * available for the :entity's workflow state # * permitted to be taken by one or more roles in which the user is assigned # either at the workflow level or the entity level. # # * Actions to which the user Only actions permitted to the user # # @param user [User] # @param entity [Object] an object that can be converted into a Sipity::Entity # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] def scope_permitted_workflow_actions_available_for_current_state(user:, entity:) workflow_actions_scope = scope_workflow_actions_available_for_current_state(entity: entity) workflow_state_actions_scope = scope_permitted_entity_workflow_state_actions(user: user, entity: entity) workflow_actions_scope.where( workflow_actions_scope.arel_table[:id].in( workflow_state_actions_scope.arel_table.project( workflow_state_actions_scope.arel_table[:workflow_action_id] ).where(workflow_state_actions_scope.arel.constraints.reduce(:+)) ) ) end # @api public # # Agents associated with the given :entity and how they are associated # with the given. # # @param entity [Object] that can be converted into a Sipity::Entity # @param role [Object] that can be converted into a Sipity::Role # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] augmented with # # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/MethodLength def scope_agents_associated_with_entity_and_role(entity:, role:) entity = Sipity::Entity(entity) role = Sipity::Role(role) agents = Sipity::Agent.arel_table agents_select_manager = agents.project( :*, Arel.sql("'#{Sipity::Agent::ENTITY_LEVEL_AGENT_RELATIONSHIP}'").as('agent_processing_relationship') ).where( agents[:id].in( entity_responsibilities.project(entity_responsibilities[:agent_id]).join(workflow_roles).on( workflow_roles[:id].eq(entity_responsibilities[:workflow_role_id]) ).where( entity_responsibilities[:entity_id].eq(entity.id).and( workflow_roles[:role_id].eq(role.id) ) ) ) ).union( agents.project( :*, Arel.sql("'#{Sipity::Agent::WORKFLOW_LEVEL_AGENT_RELATIONSHIP}'").as('agent_processing_relationship') ).where( agents[:id].in( workflow_responsibilities.project(workflow_responsibilities[:agent_id]).join(workflow_roles).on( workflow_roles[:id].eq(workflow_responsibilities[:workflow_role_id]) ).where( workflow_roles[:workflow_id].eq(entity.workflow_id).and( workflow_roles[:role_id].eq(role.id) ) ) ) ) ) # I would love to use the following: # `Agent.find_by_sql(agents_select_manager.to_sql)` # # However AREL is adding an opening and closing parenthesis to the query # statement. So I needed to massage that output, as follows: # # ```ruby # Agent.find_by_sql( # agents_select_manager.to_sql.sub(/\A\s*\(\s*(.*)\s*\)\s*\Z/,'\1') # ) # ``` # # Instead I'm taking an example from: # https://github.com/danshultz/mastering_active_record_sample_code/blob/a656c60ca7a2e27b5cd1aadbdf3bdc1814c37000/app/models/beer.rb#L77-L81 # # Note, I'm making a dynamic query with a result the same as the table # name of the model that I'm using. Sipity::Agent.from(agents.create_table_alias(agents_select_manager, agents.table_name)).all end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength # @api public # # Roles associated with the given :entity # @param entity [Object] that can be converted into a Sipity::Entity # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] def scope_roles_associated_with_the_given_entity(entity:) entity = Sipity::Entity(entity) return Sipity::Role.none unless entity Sipity::Role.where( Sipity::Role.arel_table[:id].in( workflow_roles.project(workflow_roles[:role_id]).where( workflow_roles[:workflow_id].eq(entity.workflow_id) ) ) ) end # @api public # # Is the user authorized to take the processing action on the given # entity? # # @param user [User] # @param entity an object that can be converted into a Sipity::Entity # @param action an object that can be converted into a Sipity::WorkflowAction#name # @return [Boolean] def authorized_for_processing?(user:, entity:, action:) action_name = Sipity::WorkflowAction.name_for(action) scope_permitted_workflow_actions_available_for_current_state(user: user, entity: entity) .find_by(Sipity::WorkflowAction.arel_table[:name].eq(action_name)).present? end # @api public # # An ActiveRecord::Relation scope that meets the following criteria: # # * All of the Processing Agents directly associated with the given :user # # @param user [User] # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] def scope_processing_agents_for(user:) return Sipity::Agent.none if user.blank? return Sipity::Agent.none unless user.persisted? user_agent = Sipity::Agent(user) group_agents = user.groups.map do |g| Sipity::Agent(Hyrax::Group.new(g)) end Sipity::Agent.where(id: group_agents + [user_agent]) end PermissionScope = Struct.new(:entity, :workflow) private_constant :PermissionScope # @api public # # An ActiveRecord::Relation scope that meets the following criteria: # # * Sipity::Entity in a state in which I have access to based on: # - The entity specific responsibility # - For which I've been assigned a role # - The workflow specific responsibility # - For which I've been assigned a role # # @param [User] user # # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] # # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength def scope_entities_for_the_user(user:, page: 1, per_page: nil, workflow_state_filter: nil) entities = Sipity::Entity.arel_table workflow_state_actions = Sipity::WorkflowStateAction.arel_table workflow_states = Sipity::WorkflowState.arel_table workflow_state_action_permissions = Sipity::WorkflowStateActionPermission.arel_table user_agent_scope = scope_processing_agents_for(user: user) user_agent_contraints = user_agent_scope.arel_table.project( user_agent_scope.arel_table[:id] ).where(user_agent_scope.arel.constraints) join_builder = lambda do |responsibility| entities.project( entities[:id] ).join(workflow_state_actions).on( workflow_state_actions[:originating_workflow_state_id].eq(entities[:workflow_state_id]) ).join(workflow_state_action_permissions).on( workflow_state_action_permissions[:workflow_state_action_id].eq(workflow_state_actions[:id]) ).join(workflow_states).on( workflow_states[:id].eq(workflow_state_actions[:originating_workflow_state_id]) ).join(responsibility).on( responsibility[:workflow_role_id].eq(workflow_state_action_permissions[:workflow_role_id]) ) end where_builder = ->(responsibility) { responsibility[:agent_id].in(user_agent_contraints) } entity_specific_joins = join_builder.call(entity_responsibilities) workflow_specific_joins = join_builder.call(workflow_responsibilities) entity_specific_where = where_builder.call(entity_responsibilities).and( entities[:id].eq(entity_responsibilities[:entity_id]) ) entity_specific_where = filter_by_workflow_state(entity_specific_where, workflow_states, workflow_state_filter) if workflow_state_filter workflow_specific_where = where_builder.call(workflow_responsibilities) workflow_specific_where = filter_by_workflow_state(workflow_specific_where, workflow_states, workflow_state_filter) if workflow_state_filter result = Sipity::Entity.where( entities[:id].in(entity_specific_joins.where(entity_specific_where)) .or(entities[:id].in(workflow_specific_joins.where(workflow_specific_where))) ) # Apply paging if provided if per_page.nil? result else result.page(page).per(per_page) end end # @api private # # Append a filter by workflow state name to the provided where builder. # If the filter begins with a !, it will filter to states not equal to the filter. def filter_by_workflow_state(where_builder, workflow_states, filter) if filter.start_with?('!') where_builder.and(workflow_states[:name].not_eq(filter[1..])) else where_builder.and(workflow_states[:name].eq(filter)) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength # @api public # # An ActiveRecord::Relation scope that meets the following criteria: # # * Users that are directly associated with the given entity through one or # more of the given roles within the entity's workflow # * Users that are indirectly associated with the given entity by group # and role. # # @param roles [Sipity::Role] # @param entity an object that can be converted into a Sipity::Entity # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] # # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength def scope_users_for_entity_and_roles(entity:, roles:) entity = Sipity::Entity(entity) role_ids = Array.wrap(roles).map { |role| Sipity::Role(role).id } user_polymorphic_type = ::User.base_class user_table = ::User.arel_table agent_table = Sipity::Agent.arel_table workflow_role_id_subquery = workflow_roles.project(workflow_roles[:id]).where( workflow_roles[:workflow_id].eq(entity.workflow_id).and(workflow_roles[:role_id].in(role_ids)) ) workflow_agent_id_subquery = workflow_responsibilities.project(workflow_responsibilities[:agent_id]).where( workflow_responsibilities[:workflow_role_id].in(workflow_role_id_subquery) ) entity_agent_id_subquery = entity_responsibilities.project(entity_responsibilities[:agent_id]).where( entity_responsibilities[:workflow_role_id].in(workflow_role_id_subquery) .and(entity_responsibilities[:entity_id].eq(entity.id)) ) # Default to "integer" for adapters like Postgres and Sqlite, but cast # to "signed" for Mysql. The type CAST causes a SQL syntax error for an # unsupported type depending on which adapter is being used. type = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name.casecmp("mysql2").zero? ? "signed" : "integer" cast = Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new "CAST", [agent_table[:proxy_for_id].as(type)] sub_query_for_user = agent_table.project(cast).where( agent_table[:id].in(workflow_agent_id_subquery) .or(agent_table[:id].in(entity_agent_id_subquery)) ).where( agent_table[:proxy_for_type].eq(user_polymorphic_type) ) ::User.where(user_table[:id].in(sub_query_for_user)) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength def user_emails_for_entity_and_roles(entity:, roles:) scope_users_for_entity_and_roles(entity: entity, roles: roles).pluck(:email) end # @api public # # For the given :user and :entity, return an ActiveRecord::Relation that, # if resolved, will be all of the assocated workflow roles for both the # workflow responsibilities and the entity specific responsibilities. # # @param user [User] # @param entity an object that can be converted into a Sipity::Entity # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] def scope_processing_workflow_roles_for_user_and_entity(user:, entity:) entity = Sipity::Entity(entity) workflow_scope = scope_processing_workflow_roles_for_user_and_workflow(user: user, workflow: entity.workflow) entity_specific_scope = scope_processing_workflow_roles_for_user_and_entity_specific(user: user, entity: entity) Sipity::WorkflowRole.where( workflow_scope.arel.constraints.reduce(:+).or(entity_specific_scope.arel.constraints.reduce(:+)) ) end # @api private # # For the given :user and :workflow, return an ActiveRecord::Relation that, # if resolved, will be all of the assocated workflow roles that are # assigned to directly to the workflow. # # @param user [User] # @param workflow [Sipity::Workflow] # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] def scope_processing_workflow_roles_for_user_and_workflow(user:, workflow:) agent_constraints = scope_processing_agents_for(user: user) workflow_role_subquery = workflow_roles[:id].in( workflow_responsibilities.project(workflow_responsibilities[:workflow_role_id]) .where( workflow_responsibilities[:agent_id].in( agent_constraints.arel_table.project( agent_constraints.arel_table[:id] ).where(agent_constraints.arel.constraints) ) ) ) Sipity::WorkflowRole.where( workflow_roles[:workflow_id].eq(workflow.id).and(workflow_role_subquery) ) end # @api private # # For the given :user and :entity, return an ActiveRecord::Relation that, # if resolved, will be all of the assocated workflow roles that are # assigned to specifically to the entity (and not the parent workflow). # # @param user [User] # @param entity an object that can be converted into a Sipity::Entity # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] def scope_processing_workflow_roles_for_user_and_entity_specific(user:, entity:) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength entity = Sipity::Entity(entity) agent_scope = scope_processing_agents_for(user: user) Sipity::WorkflowRole.where( workflow_roles[:id].in( entity_responsibilities.project(entity_responsibilities[:workflow_role_id]) .where( entity_responsibilities[:agent_id].in( agent_scope.arel_table.project( agent_scope.arel_table[:id] ).where( agent_scope.arel.constraints.reduce(:+).and(entity_responsibilities[:entity_id].eq(entity.id)) ) ) ) ) ) end # @api private # # For the given :user and :entity, return an ActiveRecord::Relation, # that if resolved, will be collection of # Sipity::WorkflowStateAction object to which the user has # permission to do something. # # An ActiveRecord::Relation scope that meets the following criteria: # # * The actions are available for the given entity's current state # * The actions are available for the given user based on their role. # Either: # - Directly via an agent associated with a user # - Indirectly via an agent associated with a group # # @param user [User] # @param entity an object that can be converted into a Sipity::Entity # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] # def scope_permitted_entity_workflow_state_actions(user:, entity:) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength entity = Sipity::Entity(entity) workflow_state_actions = Sipity::WorkflowStateAction permissions = Sipity::WorkflowStateActionPermission role_scope = scope_processing_workflow_roles_for_user_and_entity(user: user, entity: entity) workflow_state_actions.where( workflow_state_actions.arel_table[:originating_workflow_state_id].eq(entity.workflow_state_id).and( workflow_state_actions.arel_table[:id].in( permissions.arel_table.project( permissions.arel_table[:workflow_state_action_id] ).where( permissions.arel_table[:workflow_role_id].in( role_scope.arel_table.project(role_scope.arel_table[:id]).where( role_scope.arel.constraints.reduce(:+) ) ) ) ) ) ) end # @api public # # For the given :entity return an ActiveRecord::Relation that when # resolved will be only the workflow actions that: # # * Are available for the entity's workflow_state # # @param entity an object that can be converted into a Sipity::Entity # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] def scope_workflow_actions_for_current_state(entity:) entity = Sipity::Entity(entity) state_actions_table = Sipity::WorkflowStateAction.arel_table Sipity::WorkflowAction.where( Sipity::WorkflowAction.arel_table[:id].in( state_actions_table.project(state_actions_table[:workflow_action_id]) .where(state_actions_table[:originating_workflow_state_id].eq(entity.workflow_state_id)) ) ) end # @api private # # For the given :entity, return an ActiveRecord::Relation, that # if resolved, that lists all of the actions available for the entity and # its current state. # # * All actions that are associated with actions that do not have prerequsites # * All actions that have prerequisites and all of those prerequisites are complete # # @param entity an object that can be converted into a Sipity::Entity # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] def scope_workflow_actions_available_for_current_state(entity:) workflow_actions_for_current_state = scope_workflow_actions_for_current_state(entity: entity) Sipity::WorkflowAction.where(workflow_actions_for_current_state.arel.constraints.reduce(:+)) end end end end