Gisele - A Process Analyzer Toolset SYNOPSIS gisele [--version] [--help] gisele [--ast | --graph] PROCESS_FILE OPTIONS --no-sugar Apply syntactic sugar removal --ast=[MODE] Compile as an abstract syntax tree (debug,ruby) --graph=[MODE] Compile as a workflow graph (dot) --glts=[MODE] Compile as guarded labeled transition system (dot) --help Show this help message --version Show version and exit DESCRIPTION The Gisele process analyzer toolset provides tools and technique to model and analyze complex process models such as care processes. When --no-sugar is specified, syntactic sugar is first removed before making any other transformation. For now, this rewrites all `if` statements as explicit `case` guarded commands. When --ast is used, the command parses the process file and prints its Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) on standard output. By default, this option prints the AST for manual debugging, that is with colors and extra information. Use --ast=ruby to get a ruby array for automatic processing. When --graph is used, the command parses the process file. It then converts the AST into a directed graph representing the process as a box-and-arrow workflow and outputs it on standard output. For now, the only output format available is dot (from graphviz). SystemExit