require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') context "Dataset" do setup do @dataset ="db") end specify "should accept database and opts in initialize" do db = 'db' opts = {:from => :test} d =, opts) d.db.should be(db) d.opts.should be(opts) d = d.db.should be(db) d.opts.should be_a_kind_of(Hash) d.opts.should == {} end specify "should provide clone_merge for chainability." do d1 = @dataset.clone_merge(:from => :test) d1.class.should == @dataset.class d1.should_not == @dataset d1.db.should be(@dataset.db) d1.opts[:from].should == :test @dataset.opts[:from].should be_nil d2 = d1.clone_merge(:order => :name) d2.class.should == @dataset.class d2.should_not == d1 d2.should_not == @dataset d2.db.should be(@dataset.db) d2.opts[:from].should == :test d2.opts[:order].should == :name d1.opts[:order].should be_nil end specify "should include Enumerable" do Sequel::Dataset.included_modules.should include(Enumerable) end specify "should raise NotImplementedError for the dataset interface methods" do proc {@dataset.fetch_rows('abc')}.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) proc {@dataset.insert(1, 2, 3)}.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) proc {@dataset.update(:name => 'abc')}.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) proc {@dataset.delete}.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) end end context "Dataset#clone_merge" do setup do @dataset = end specify "should return a clone self" do clone = @dataset.clone_merge({}) clone.class.should == @dataset.class clone.db.should == @dataset.db clone.opts.should == @dataset.opts end specify "should merge the specified options" do clone = @dataset.clone_merge(1 => 2) clone.opts.should == {1 => 2, :from => [:items]} end specify "should overwrite existing options" do clone = @dataset.clone_merge(:from => [:other]) clone.opts.should == {:from => [:other]} end specify "should create a clone with a deep copy of options" do clone = @dataset.clone_merge(:from => [:other]) @dataset.opts[:from].should == [:items] clone.opts[:from].should == [:other] end specify "should return an object with the same modules included" do m = do def __xyz__; "xyz"; end end @dataset.extend(m) @dataset.clone_merge({}).should respond_to(:__xyz__) end end context "A simple dataset" do setup do @dataset = end specify "should format a select statement" do @dataset.select_sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test' end specify "should format a delete statement" do @dataset.delete_sql.should == 'DELETE FROM test' end specify "should format an insert statement with default values" do @dataset.insert_sql.should == 'INSERT INTO test DEFAULT VALUES;' end specify "should format an insert statement with hash" do @dataset.insert_sql(:name => 'wxyz', :price => 342). should match(/INSERT INTO test \(name, price\) VALUES \('wxyz', 342\)|INSERT INTO test \(price, name\) VALUES \(342, 'wxyz'\)/) end specify "should format an insert statement with sub-query" do @sub = => 2) @dataset.insert_sql(@sub).should == \ "INSERT INTO test (SELECT * FROM something WHERE (x = 2))" end specify "should format an insert statement with array" do @dataset.insert_sql('a', 2, 6.5).should == "INSERT INTO test VALUES ('a', 2, 6.5);" end specify "should format an update statement" do @dataset.update_sql(:name => 'abc').should == "UPDATE test SET name = 'abc'" end specify "should be able to return rows for arbitrary SQL" do @dataset.select_sql(:sql => 'xxx yyy zzz').should == "xxx yyy zzz" end end context "A dataset with multiple tables in its FROM clause" do setup do @dataset =, :t2) end specify "should raise on #update_sql" do proc {@dataset.update_sql(:a=>1)}.should raise_error end specify "should raise on #delete_sql" do proc {@dataset.delete_sql}.should raise_error end specify "should generate a select query FROM all specified tables" do @dataset.select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM t1, t2" end end context "Dataset#where" do setup do @dataset = @d1 = @dataset.where(:region => 'Asia') @d2 = @dataset.where('(region = ?)', 'Asia') @d3 = @dataset.where("(a = 1)") end specify "should work with hashes" do @dataset.where(:name => 'xyz', :price => 342).select_sql. should match(/WHERE \(name = 'xyz'\) AND \(price = 342\)|WHERE \(price = 342\) AND \(name = 'xyz'\)/) end specify "should work with arrays (ala ActiveRecord)" do @dataset.where('price < ? AND id in (?)', 100, [1, 2, 3]).select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE price < 100 AND id in (1, 2, 3)" end specify "should work with strings (custom SQL expressions)" do @dataset.where('(a = 1 AND b = 2)').select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (a = 1 AND b = 2)" end specify "should affect select, delete and update statements" do @d1.select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (region = 'Asia')" @d1.delete_sql.should == "DELETE FROM test WHERE (region = 'Asia')" @d1.update_sql(:GDP => 0).should == "UPDATE test SET GDP = 0 WHERE (region = 'Asia')" @d2.select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (region = 'Asia')" @d2.delete_sql.should == "DELETE FROM test WHERE (region = 'Asia')" @d2.update_sql(:GDP => 0).should == "UPDATE test SET GDP = 0 WHERE (region = 'Asia')" @d3.select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (a = 1)" @d3.delete_sql.should == "DELETE FROM test WHERE (a = 1)" @d3.update_sql(:GDP => 0).should == "UPDATE test SET GDP = 0 WHERE (a = 1)" end specify "should be composable using AND operator (for scoping)" do # hashes are merged, no problem @d1.where(:size => 'big').select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (region = 'Asia') AND (size = 'big')" # hash and string @d1.where('population > 1000').select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (region = 'Asia') AND (population > 1000)" @d1.where('(a > 1) OR (b < 2)').select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (region = 'Asia') AND ((a > 1) OR (b < 2))" # hash and array @d1.where('(GDP > ?)', 1000).select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (region = 'Asia') AND (GDP > 1000)" # array and array @d2.where('(GDP > ?)', 1000).select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (region = 'Asia') AND (GDP > 1000)" # array and hash @d2.where(:name => ['Japan', 'China']).select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (region = 'Asia') AND (name IN ('Japan', 'China'))" # array and string @d2.where('GDP > ?').select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (region = 'Asia') AND (GDP > ?)" # string and string @d3.where('b = 2').select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (a = 1) AND (b = 2)" # string and hash @d3.where(:c => 3).select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (a = 1) AND (c = 3)" # string and array @d3.where('(d = ?)', 4).select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (a = 1) AND (d = 4)" # string and proc expr @d3.where {:e < 5}.select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (a = 1) AND (e < 5)" end specify "should raise if the dataset is grouped" do proc { => 1)}.should raise_error end specify "should accept ranges" do @dataset.filter(:id => 4..7).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (id >= 4 AND id <= 7)' @dataset.filter(:id => 4...7).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (id >= 4 AND id < 7)' @dataset.filter {:id == (4..7)}.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (id >= 4 AND id <= 7)' @dataset.filter {}.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (id >= 4 AND id <= 7)' end specify "should accept nil" do @dataset.filter(:owner_id => nil).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (owner_id IS NULL)' @dataset.filter{:owner_id.nil?}.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (owner_id IS NULL)' end specify "should accept a subquery" do # select all countries that have GDP greater than the average for Asia @dataset.filter('gdp > ?', == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE gdp > (SELECT avg(gdp) FROM test WHERE (region = 'Asia'))" @dataset.filter(:id => == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (id IN (SELECT id FROM test WHERE (region = 'Asia')))" end specify "should accept a subquery for an EXISTS clause" do a = @dataset.filter {:price < 100} @dataset.filter(a.exists).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM test WHERE (price < 100))' end specify "should accept proc expressions" do d = @dataset.filter {:gdp > d}.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (gdp > (SELECT avg(gdp) FROM test WHERE (region = 'Asia')))" @dataset.filter {}.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (id >= 4 AND id <= 7)' @dataset.filter {:c == 3}.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (c = 3)' @dataset.filter {:id == :items__id}.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (id =' @dataset.filter {:a < 1}.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (a < 1)' @dataset.filter {:a != 1}.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (NOT (a = 1))' @dataset.filter {:a >= 1 && :b <= 2}.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ((a >= 1) AND (b <= 2))' @dataset.filter { 'ABC%'}.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (c LIKE 'ABC%')" @dataset.filter { 'ABC%'}.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (c LIKE 'ABC%')" end end context "Dataset#or" do setup do @dataset = @d1 = @dataset.where(:x => 1) end specify "should raise if no filter exists" do proc {@dataset.or(:a => 1)}.should raise_error(SequelError) end specify "should add an alternative expression to the where clause" do @d1.or(:y => 2).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (x = 1) OR (y = 2)' end specify "should accept all forms of filters" do # probably not exhaustive, but good enough @d1.or('(y > ?)', 2).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (x = 1) OR (y > 2)' (@d1.or {:yy > 3}).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (x = 1) OR (yy > 3)' end specify "should correctly add parens to give predictable results" do @d1.filter(:y => 2).or(:z => 3).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ((x = 1) AND (y = 2)) OR (z = 3)' @d1.or(:y => 2).filter(:z => 3).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ((x = 1) OR (y = 2)) AND (z = 3)' end end context "Dataset#and" do setup do @dataset = @d1 = @dataset.where(:x => 1) end specify "should raise if no filter exists" do proc {@dataset.and(:a => 1)}.should raise_error(SequelError) end specify "should add an alternative expression to the where clause" do @d1.and(:y => 2).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (x = 1) AND (y = 2)' end specify "should accept all forms of filters" do # probably not exhaustive, but good enough @d1.and('(y > ?)', 2).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (x = 1) AND (y > 2)' (@d1.and {:yy > 3}).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (x = 1) AND (yy > 3)' end specify "should correctly add parens to give predictable results" do @d1.or(:y => 2).and(:z => 3).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ((x = 1) OR (y = 2)) AND (z = 3)' @d1.and(:y => 2).or(:z => 3).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ((x = 1) AND (y = 2)) OR (z = 3)' end end context "Dataset#exclude" do setup do @dataset = end specify "should correctly include the NOT operator when one condition is given" do @dataset.exclude(:region=>'Asia').select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (NOT (region = 'Asia'))" end specify "should take multiple conditions as a hash and express the logic correctly in SQL" do @dataset.exclude(:region => 'Asia', :name => 'Japan').select_sql. should match(Regexp.union(/WHERE \(NOT \(\(region = 'Asia'\) AND \(name = 'Japan'\)\)\)/, /WHERE \(NOT \(\(name = 'Japan'\) AND \(region = 'Asia'\)\)\)/)) end specify "should parenthesize a single string condition correctly" do @dataset.exclude("region = 'Asia' AND name = 'Japan'").select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (NOT (region = 'Asia' AND name = 'Japan'))" end specify "should parenthesize an array condition correctly" do @dataset.exclude('region = ? AND name = ?', 'Asia', 'Japan').select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (NOT (region = 'Asia' AND name = 'Japan'))" end specify "should corrently parenthesize when it is used twice" do @dataset.exclude(:region => 'Asia').exclude(:name => 'Japan').select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test WHERE (NOT (region = 'Asia')) AND (NOT (name = 'Japan'))" end specify "should support proc expressions" do @dataset.exclude {:id == (6...12)}.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE (NOT ((id >= 6 AND id < 12)))' end end context "Dataset#having" do setup do @dataset = @grouped =, :population.SUM, :gdp.AVG) @d1 = @grouped.having('sum(population) > 10') @d2 = @grouped.having(:region => 'Asia') @fields = "region, sum(population), avg(gdp)" end specify "should raise if the dataset is not grouped" do proc {@dataset.having('avg(gdp) > 10')}.should raise_error end specify "should affect select statements" do @d1.select_sql.should == "SELECT #{@fields} FROM test GROUP BY region HAVING sum(population) > 10" end specify "should support proc expressions" do @grouped.having {:sum[:population] > 10}.sql.should == "SELECT #{@fields} FROM test GROUP BY region HAVING (sum(population) > 10)" end end context "a grouped dataset" do setup do @dataset = end specify "should raise when trying to generate an update statement" do proc {@dataset.update_sql(:id => 0)}.should raise_error end specify "should raise when trying to generate a delete statement" do proc {@dataset.delete_sql}.should raise_error end specify "should specify the grouping in generated select statement" do @dataset.select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test GROUP BY type_id" end end context "Dataset#group_by" do setup do @dataset = end specify "should raise when trying to generate an update statement" do proc {@dataset.update_sql(:id => 0)}.should raise_error end specify "should raise when trying to generate a delete statement" do proc {@dataset.delete_sql}.should raise_error end specify "should specify the grouping in generated select statement" do @dataset.select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM test GROUP BY type_id" end end context "Dataset#literal" do setup do @dataset = end specify "should escape strings properly" do @dataset.literal('abc').should == "'abc'" @dataset.literal('a"x"bc').should == "'a\"x\"bc'" @dataset.literal("a'bc").should == "'a''bc'" @dataset.literal("a''bc").should == "'a''''bc'" end specify "should literalize numbers properly" do @dataset.literal(1).should == "1" @dataset.literal(1.5).should == "1.5" end specify "should literalize nil as NULL" do @dataset.literal(nil).should == "NULL" end specify "should literalize an array properly" do @dataset.literal([]).should == "NULL" @dataset.literal([1, 'abc', 3]).should == "1, 'abc', 3" @dataset.literal([1, "a'b''c", 3]).should == "1, 'a''b''''c', 3" end specify "should literalize symbols as column references" do @dataset.literal(:name).should == "name" @dataset.literal(:items__name).should == "" end specify "should raise an error for unsupported types" do proc {@dataset.literal({})}.should raise_error end specify "should literalize datasets as subqueries" do d = @dataset.from(:test) d.literal(d).should == "(#{d.sql})" end specify "should literalize Time properly" do t = s = t.strftime("TIMESTAMP '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'") @dataset.literal(t).should == s end specify "should literalize Date properly" do d = s = d.strftime("DATE '%Y-%m-%d'") @dataset.literal(d).should == s end specify "should not literalize expression strings" do @dataset.literal('col1 + 2'.expr).should == 'col1 + 2' @dataset.update_sql(:a => 'a + 2'.expr).should == 'UPDATE test SET a = a + 2' end end context "Dataset#from" do setup do @dataset = end specify "should accept a Dataset" do proc {@dataset.from(@dataset)}.should_not raise_error end specify "should format a Dataset as a subquery if it has had options set" do @dataset.from(@dataset.from(:a).where(:a=>1)).select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM a WHERE (a = 1))" end specify "should use the relevant table name if given a simple dataset" do @dataset.from(@dataset.from(:a)).select_sql.should == "SELECT * FROM a" end specify "should raise if no source is given" do proc {@dataset.from(@dataset.from).select_sql}.should raise_error(SequelError) end end context "Dataset#select" do setup do @d = end specify "should accept variable arity" do == 'SELECT name FROM test', :b, :test__c).sql.should == 'SELECT a, b, test.c FROM test' end specify "should accept mixed types (strings and symbols)" do'aaa').sql.should == 'SELECT aaa FROM test', 'b').sql.should == 'SELECT a, b FROM test', 'test.d AS e').sql.should == 'SELECT, test.d AS e FROM test''test.d AS e', :test__cc).sql.should == 'SELECT test.d AS e, FROM test' # symbol helpers == 'SELECT test.* FROM test' == 'SELECT AS n FROM test' == 'SELECT AS n FROM test' end specify "should use the wildcard if no arguments are given" do == 'SELECT * FROM test' end specify "should accept a hash for AS values" do => 'n', :__ggh => 'age').sql.should =~ /SELECT ((name AS n, __ggh AS age)|(__ggh AS age, name AS n)) FROM test/ end specify "should overrun the previous select option" do, :b, :c).select.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test' == 'SELECT name FROM test' end end context "Dataset#order" do setup do @dataset = end specify "should include an ORDER BY clause in the select statement" do @dataset.order(:name).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY name' end specify "should accept multiple arguments" do @dataset.order(:name, :price.DESC).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY name, price DESC' end specify "should overrun a previous ordering" do @dataset.order(:name).order(:stamp).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY stamp' end specify "should accept a string" do @dataset.order('dada ASC').sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY dada ASC' end end context "Dataset#order_by" do setup do @dataset = end specify "should include an ORDER BY clause in the select statement" do @dataset.order_by(:name).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY name' end specify "should accept multiple arguments" do @dataset.order_by(:name, :price.DESC).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY name, price DESC' end specify "should overrun a previous ordering" do @dataset.order_by(:name).order(:stamp).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY stamp' end specify "should accept a string" do @dataset.order_by('dada ASC').sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY dada ASC' end end context "Dataset#reverse_order" do setup do @dataset = end specify "should use DESC as default order" do @dataset.reverse_order(:name).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY name DESC' end specify "should invert the order given" do @dataset.reverse_order(:name.DESC).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY name' end specify "should accept multiple arguments" do @dataset.reverse_order(:name, :price.DESC).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY name DESC, price' end specify "should reverse a previous ordering if no arguments are given" do @dataset.order(:name).reverse_order.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY name DESC' @dataset.order('clumsy DESC, fool').reverse_order.sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY clumsy, fool DESC' end end context "Dataset#limit" do setup do @dataset = end specify "should include a LIMIT clause in the select statement" do @dataset.limit(10).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test LIMIT 10' end specify "should accept ranges" do @dataset.limit(3..7).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test LIMIT 5 OFFSET 3' @dataset.limit(3...7).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test LIMIT 4 OFFSET 3' end specify "should include an offset if a second argument is given" do @dataset.limit(6, 10).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM test LIMIT 6 OFFSET 10' end end context "Dataset#naked" do setup do @d1 =, {1 => 2, 3 => 4}) @d2 =, {1 => 2, 3 => 4}).set_model(Object) end specify "should return a clone with :naked option set" do naked = @d1.naked naked.opts[:naked].should be_true end specify "should remove any existing reference to a model class" do naked = @d2.naked naked.opts[:models].should be_nil end end context "Dataset#qualified_field_name" do setup do @dataset = end specify "should return the same if already qualified" do @dataset.qualified_field_name('test.a', :items).should == 'test.a' @dataset.qualified_field_name(:ccc__b, :items).should == 'ccc.b' end specify "should qualify the field with the supplied table name" do @dataset.qualified_field_name('a', :items).should == 'items.a' @dataset.qualified_field_name(:b1, :items).should == 'items.b1' end end class DummyDataset < Sequel::Dataset VALUES = [ {:a => 1, :b => 2}, {:a => 3, :b => 4}, {:a => 5, :b => 6} ] def fetch_rows(sql, &block) VALUES.each(&block) end end context "Dataset#map" do setup do @d = end specify "should provide the usual functionality if no argument is given" do {|n| n[:a] + n[:b]}.should == [3, 7, 11] end specify "should map using #[fieldname] if fieldname is given" do == [1, 3, 5] end specify "should return the complete dataset values if nothing is given" do == DummyDataset::VALUES end end context "Dataset#to_hash" do setup do @d = end specify "should provide a hash with the first field as key and the second as value" do @d.to_hash(:a, :b).should == {1 => 2, 3 => 4, 5 => 6} @d.to_hash(:b, :a).should == {2 => 1, 4 => 3, 6 => 5} end end context "Dataset#uniq" do setup do @dataset = end specify "should include DISTINCT clause in statement" do @dataset.uniq.sql.should == 'SELECT DISTINCT name FROM test' end specify "should be aliased by Dataset#distinct" do @dataset.distinct.sql.should == 'SELECT DISTINCT name FROM test' end end context "Dataset#count" do setup do @c = do def self.sql @@sql end def fetch_rows(sql) @@sql = sql yield({1 => 1}) end end @dataset = end specify "should format SQL propertly" do @dataset.count.should == 1 @c.sql.should == 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test' end specify "should be aliased by #size" do @dataset.size.should == 1 end specify "should include the where clause if it's there" do @dataset.filter {:abc < 30}.count.should == 1 @c.sql.should == 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test WHERE (abc < 30)' end end context "Dataset#empty?" do specify "should return true if #count == 0" do @c = do def count 0 end end @dataset = @dataset.empty?.should be_true @c = do def count 1 end end @dataset = @dataset.empty?.should be_false end end context "Dataset#join_table" do setup do @d = end specify "should format the JOIN clause properly" do @d.join_table(:left_outer, :categories, :category_id => :id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items LEFT OUTER JOIN categories ON (categories.category_id =' end specify "should include WHERE clause if applicable" do @d.filter {:price < 100}.join_table(:right_outer, :categories, :category_id => :id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items RIGHT OUTER JOIN categories ON (categories.category_id = WHERE (price < 100)' end specify "should include ORDER BY clause if applicable" do @d.order(:stamp).join_table(:full_outer, :categories, :category_id => :id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items FULL OUTER JOIN categories ON (categories.category_id = ORDER BY stamp' end specify "should support multiple joins" do @d.join_table(:inner, :b, :items_id).join_table(:left_outer, :c, :b_id => :b__id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items INNER JOIN b ON (b.items_id = LEFT OUTER JOIN c ON (c.b_id =' end specify "should use id as implicit relation primary key if ommited" do @d.join_table(:left_outer, :categories, :category_id).sql.should == @d.join_table(:left_outer, :categories, :category_id => :id).sql # when doing multiple joins, id should be qualified using the last joined table @d.join_table(:right_outer, :b, :items_id).join_table(:full_outer, :c, :b_id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items RIGHT OUTER JOIN b ON (b.items_id = FULL OUTER JOIN c ON (c.b_id =' end specify "should support left outer joins" do @d.join_table(:left_outer, :categories, :category_id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items LEFT OUTER JOIN categories ON (categories.category_id =' @d.left_outer_join(:categories, :category_id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items LEFT OUTER JOIN categories ON (categories.category_id =' end specify "should support right outer joins" do @d.join_table(:right_outer, :categories, :category_id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items RIGHT OUTER JOIN categories ON (categories.category_id =' @d.right_outer_join(:categories, :category_id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items RIGHT OUTER JOIN categories ON (categories.category_id =' end specify "should support full outer joins" do @d.join_table(:full_outer, :categories, :category_id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items FULL OUTER JOIN categories ON (categories.category_id =' @d.full_outer_join(:categories, :category_id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items FULL OUTER JOIN categories ON (categories.category_id =' end specify "should support inner joins" do @d.join_table(:inner, :categories, :category_id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items INNER JOIN categories ON (categories.category_id =' @d.inner_join(:categories, :category_id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items INNER JOIN categories ON (categories.category_id =' end specify "should default to an inner join" do @d.join_table(nil, :categories, :category_id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items INNER JOIN categories ON (categories.category_id =' @d.join(:categories, :category_id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM items INNER JOIN categories ON (categories.category_id =' end specify "should raise if an invalid join type is specified" do proc {@d.join_table(:invalid, :a, :b)}.should raise_error(SequelError) end specify "should treat aliased tables correctly" do @d.from('stats s').join('players p', :id => :player_id).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM stats s INNER JOIN players p ON ( = s.player_id)' end end context "Dataset#[]=" do setup do c = do def last_sql @@last_sql end def update(*args) @@last_sql = update_sql(*args) end end @d = end specify "should perform an update on the specified filter" do @d[:a => 1] = {:x => 3} @d.last_sql.should == 'UPDATE items SET x = 3 WHERE (a = 1)' end end context "Dataset#insert_multiple" do setup do c = do attr_reader :inserts def insert(arg) @inserts ||= [] @inserts << arg end end @d = end specify "should insert all items in the supplied array" do @d.insert_multiple [:aa, 5, 3, {1 => 2}] @d.inserts.should == [:aa, 5, 3, {1 => 2}] end specify "should pass array items through the supplied block if given" do a = ["inevitable", "hello", "the ticking clock"] @d.insert_multiple(a) {|i| i.gsub('l', 'r')} @d.inserts.should == ["inevitabre", "herro", "the ticking crock"] end end context "Dataset aggregate methods" do setup do c = do def fetch_rows(sql) yield({1 => sql}) end end @d = end specify "should include min" do @d.min(:a).should == 'SELECT min(a) AS v FROM test' end specify "should include max" do @d.max(:b).should == 'SELECT max(b) AS v FROM test' end specify "should include sum" do @d.sum(:c).should == 'SELECT sum(c) AS v FROM test' end specify "should include avg" do @d.avg(:d).should == 'SELECT avg(d) AS v FROM test' end specify "should accept qualified fields" do @d.avg(:test__bc).should == 'SELECT avg(test.bc) AS v FROM test' end end context "Dataset#first" do setup do @c = do @@last_dataset = nil @@last_opts = nil def self.last_dataset @@last_dataset end def self.last_opts @@last_opts end def single_record(opts = nil) @@last_opts = @opts.merge(opts || {}) {:a => 1, :b => 2} end def all @@last_dataset = self [{:a => 1, :b => 2}] * @opts[:limit] end end @d = end specify "should return the first matching record if a hash is specified" do @d.first(:z => 26).should == {:a => 1, :b => 2} @c.last_opts[:where].should == ('(z = 26)') @d.first('z = ?', 15) @c.last_opts[:where].should == ('z = 15') end specify "should return a single record if no argument is given" do @d.first.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2} end specify "should set the limit according to the given number" do @d.first @c.last_opts[:limit].should == 1 i = rand(10) + 10 @d.first(i) @c.last_dataset.opts[:limit].should == i end specify "should return an array with the records if argument is greater than 1" do i = rand(10) + 10 r = @d.first(i) r.should be_a_kind_of(Array) r.size.should == i r.each {|row| row.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2}} end end context "Dataset#last" do setup do @c = do @@last_dataset = nil def self.last_dataset @@last_dataset end def single_record(opts = nil) @@last_dataset = clone_merge(opts) if opts {:a => 1, :b => 2} end def all @@last_dataset = self [{:a => 1, :b => 2}] * @opts[:limit] end end @d = end specify "should raise if no order is given" do proc {@d.last}.should raise_error(SequelError) proc {@d.last(2)}.should raise_error(SequelError) proc {@d.order(:a).last}.should_not raise_error proc {@d.order(:a).last(2)}.should_not raise_error end specify "should invert the order" do @d.order(:a).last @c.last_dataset.opts[:order].should == ['a DESC'] @d.order(:b.DESC).last @c.last_dataset.opts[:order].should == ['b'] @d.order(:c, :d).last @c.last_dataset.opts[:order].should == ['c DESC', 'd DESC'] @d.order(:e.DESC, :f).last @c.last_dataset.opts[:order].should == ['e', 'f DESC'] end specify "should return the first matching record if a hash is specified" do @d.order(:a).last(:z => 26).should == {:a => 1, :b => 2} @c.last_dataset.opts[:where].should == ('(z = 26)') @d.order(:a).last('z = ?', 15) @c.last_dataset.opts[:where].should == ('z = 15') end specify "should return a single record if no argument is given" do @d.order(:a).last.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2} end specify "should set the limit according to the given number" do i = rand(10) + 10 r = @d.order(:a).last(i) @c.last_dataset.opts[:limit].should == i end specify "should return an array with the records if argument is greater than 1" do i = rand(10) + 10 r = @d.order(:a).last(i) r.should be_a_kind_of(Array) r.size.should == i r.each {|row| row.should == {:a => 1, :b => 2}} end end context "Dataset set operations" do setup do @a = => 1) @b = => 2) end specify "should support UNION and UNION ALL" do @a.union(@b).sql.should == \ "SELECT * FROM a WHERE (z = 1) UNION SELECT * FROM b WHERE (z = 2)" @b.union(@a, true).sql.should == \ "SELECT * FROM b WHERE (z = 2) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM a WHERE (z = 1)" end specify "should support INTERSECT and INTERSECT ALL" do @a.intersect(@b).sql.should == \ "SELECT * FROM a WHERE (z = 1) INTERSECT SELECT * FROM b WHERE (z = 2)" @b.intersect(@a, true).sql.should == \ "SELECT * FROM b WHERE (z = 2) INTERSECT ALL SELECT * FROM a WHERE (z = 1)" end specify "should support EXCEPT and EXCEPT ALL" do @a.except(@b).sql.should == \ "SELECT * FROM a WHERE (z = 1) EXCEPT SELECT * FROM b WHERE (z = 2)" @b.except(@a, true).sql.should == \ "SELECT * FROM b WHERE (z = 2) EXCEPT ALL SELECT * FROM a WHERE (z = 1)" end end context "Dataset#[]" do setup do @c = do @@last_dataset = nil def self.last_dataset @@last_dataset end def single_record(opts = nil) @@last_dataset = opts ? clone_merge(opts) : self {1 => 2, 3 => 4} end end @d = end specify "should return a single record filtered according to the given conditions" do @d[:name => 'didi'].should == {1 => 2, 3 => 4} @c.last_dataset.opts[:where].should == "(name = 'didi')" @d[:id => 5..45].should == {1 => 2, 3 => 4} @c.last_dataset.opts[:where].should == "(id >= 5 AND id <= 45)" end end context "Dataset#single_record" do setup do @c = do def fetch_rows(sql) yield sql end end @cc = do def fetch_rows(sql); end end @d = @e = end specify "should call each and return the first record" do @d.single_record.should == 'SELECT * FROM test' end specify "should pass opts to each" do @d.single_record(:limit => 3).should == 'SELECT * FROM test LIMIT 3' end specify "should return nil if no record is present" do @e.single_record.should be_nil end end context "Dataset#single_value" do setup do @c = do def fetch_rows(sql) yield({1 => sql}) end end @d = end specify "should call each and return the first value of the first record" do @d.single_value.should == 'SELECT * FROM test' end specify "should pass opts to each" do @d.single_value(:limit => 3).should == 'SELECT * FROM test LIMIT 3' end end context "Dataset#set_row_proc" do setup do @c = do def fetch_rows(sql, &block) # yield a hash with kind as the 1 bit of a number (1..10).each {|i|{:kind => i[0]})} end end @dataset = end specify "should cause dataset to pass all rows through the filter" do @dataset.set_row_proc {|h| h[:der] = h[:kind] + 2; h} rows = @dataset.all rows.size.should == 10 rows.each {|r| r[:der].should == (r[:kind] + 2)} end specify "should be copied over when dataset is cloned" do @dataset.set_row_proc {|h| h[:der] = h[:kind] + 2; h} @dataset.filter(:a => 1).first.should == {:kind => 1, :der => 3} end end context "Dataset#set_model" do setup do @c = do def fetch_rows(sql, &block) # yield a hash with kind as the 1 bit of a number (1..10).each {|i|{:kind => i[0]})} end end @dataset = @m = do attr_accessor :c, :args def initialize(c, *args); @c = c; @args = args; end def ==(o); (@c == o.c) && (@args = o.args); end end end specify "should clear the models hash and restore the stock #each if nil is specified" do @dataset.set_model(@m) @dataset.set_model(nil) @dataset.first.should == {:kind => 1} @dataset.model_classes.should be_nil end specify "should clear the models hash and restore the stock #each if nothing is specified" do @dataset.set_model(@m) @dataset.set_model(nil) @dataset.first.should == {:kind => 1} @dataset.model_classes.should be_nil end specify "should alter #each to provide model instances" do @dataset.first.should == {:kind => 1} @dataset.set_model(@m) @dataset.first.should =={:kind => 1}) end specify "should extend the dataset with a #destroy method" do @dataset.should_not respond_to(:destroy) @dataset.set_model(@m) @dataset.should respond_to(:destroy) end specify "should set opts[:naked] to nil" do @dataset.opts[:naked] = true @dataset.set_model(@m) @dataset.opts[:naked].should be_nil end specify "should send additional arguments to the models' initialize method" do @dataset.set_model(@m, 7, 6, 5) @dataset.first.should =={:kind => 1}, 7, 6, 5) end specify "should provide support for polymorphic model instantiation" do @m1 = @m2 = @dataset.set_model(:kind, 0 => @m1, 1 => @m2) @dataset.opts[:polymorphic_key].should == :kind all = @dataset.all all[0].class.should == @m2 all[1].class.should == @m1 all[2].class.should == @m2 all[3].class.should == @m1 #... # denude model @dataset.set_model(nil) @dataset.first.should == {:kind => 1} end specify "should send additional arguments for polymorphic models as well" do @m1 = @m2 = @dataset.set_model(:kind, {0 => @m1, 1 => @m2}, :hey => :wow) all = @dataset.all all[0].class.should == @m2; all[0].args.should == [{:hey => :wow}] all[1].class.should == @m1; all[1].args.should == [{:hey => :wow}] all[2].class.should == @m2; all[2].args.should == [{:hey => :wow}] all[3].class.should == @m1; all[3].args.should == [{:hey => :wow}] end specify "should raise for invalid parameters" do proc {@dataset.set_model('kind')}.should raise_error(SequelError) proc {@dataset.set_model(0)}.should raise_error(SequelError) proc {@dataset.set_model(:kind)}.should raise_error(SequelError) # no hash given end end context "Dataset#model_classes" do setup do @c = do # # We don't need that for now # def fetch_rows(sql, &block) # (1..10).each(&block) # end end @dataset = @m = do attr_accessor :c def initialize(c); @c = c; end def ==(o); @c == o.c; end end end specify "should return nil for a naked dataset" do @dataset.model_classes.should == nil end specify "should return a {nil => model_class} hash for a model dataset" do @dataset.set_model(@m) @dataset.model_classes.should == {nil => @m} end specify "should return the polymorphic hash for a polymorphic model dataset" do @m1 = @m2 = @dataset.set_model(:key, 0 => @m1, 1 => @m2) @dataset.model_classes.should == {0 => @m1, 1 => @m2} end end context "Dataset#polymorphic_key" do setup do @c = do # # We don't need this for now # def fetch_rows(sql, &block) # (1..10).each(&block) # end end @dataset = @m = do attr_accessor :c def initialize(c); @c = c; end def ==(o); @c == o.c; end end end specify "should return nil for a naked dataset" do @dataset.polymorphic_key.should be_nil end specify "should return the polymorphic key" do @dataset.set_model(:id, nil => @m) @dataset.polymorphic_key.should == :id end end context "A model dataset" do setup do @c = do def fetch_rows(sql, &block) (1..10).each(&block) end end @dataset = @m = do attr_accessor :c def initialize(c); @c = c; end def ==(o); @c == o.c; end end @dataset.set_model(@m) end specify "should supply naked records if the naked option is specified" do @dataset.each {|r| r.class.should == @m} @dataset.each(:naked => true) {|r| r.class.should == Fixnum} end end context "A polymorphic model dataset" do setup do @c = do def fetch_rows(sql, &block) (1..10).each {|i| => i[0])} end end @dataset = @m = do attr_accessor :c def initialize(c); @c = c; end def ==(o); @c == o.c; end end end specify "should use a nil key in the polymorphic hash to specify the default model class" do @m2 = @dataset.set_model(:bit, nil => @m, 1 => @m2) all = @dataset.all all[0].class.should == @m2 all[1].class.should == @m all[2].class.should == @m2 all[3].class.should == @m #... end specify "should raise SequelError if no suitable class is found in the polymorphic hash" do @m2 = @dataset.set_model(:bit, 1 => @m2) proc {@dataset.all}.should raise_error(SequelError) end specify "should supply naked records if the naked option is specified" do @dataset.set_model(:bit, nil => @m) @dataset.each(:naked => true) {|r| r.class.should == Hash} end end context "Dataset#destroy" do setup do db = m = do def transaction; yield; end end db.extend(m) DESTROYED = [] @m = do def initialize(c) @c = c end attr_accessor :c def ==(o) @c == o.c end def destroy DESTROYED << self end end MODELS = [,] c = do def fetch_rows(sql, &block) (12..13).each(&block) end end @d = @d.set_model(@m) end specify "should destroy raise for every model in the dataset" do count = @d.destroy count.should == 2 DESTROYED.should == MODELS end end context "Dataset#<<" do setup do @d = @d.meta_def(:insert) do 1234567890 end end specify "should call #insert" do (@d << {:name => 1}).should == 1234567890 end end context "A paginated dataset" do setup do @d = @d.meta_def(:count) {153} @paginated = @d.paginate(1, 20) end specify "should set the limit and offset options correctly" do @paginated.opts[:limit].should == 20 @paginated.opts[:offset].should == 0 end specify "should set the page count correctly" do @paginated.page_count.should == 8 @d.paginate(1, 50).page_count.should == 4 end specify "should set the current page number correctly" do @paginated.current_page.should == 1 @d.paginate(3, 50).current_page.should == 3 end specify "should return the next page number or nil if we're on the last" do @paginated.next_page.should == 2 @d.paginate(4, 50).next_page.should be_nil end specify "should return the previous page number or nil if we're on the last" do @paginated.prev_page.should be_nil @d.paginate(4, 50).prev_page.should == 3 end specify "should return the page range" do @paginated.page_range.should == (1..8) @d.paginate(4, 50).page_range.should == (1..4) end specify "should return the record range for the current page" do @paginated.current_page_record_range.should == (1..20) @d.paginate(4, 50).current_page_record_range.should == (151..153) @d.paginate(5, 50).current_page_record_range.should == (0..0) end specify "should return the record count for the current page" do @paginated.current_page_record_count.should == 20 @d.paginate(3, 50).current_page_record_count.should == 50 @d.paginate(4, 50).current_page_record_count.should == 3 @d.paginate(5, 50).current_page_record_count.should == 0 end end context "Dataset#columns" do setup do @dataset = @dataset.meta_def(:columns=) {|c| @columns = c} @dataset.meta_def(:first) {@columns = select_sql(nil)} end specify "should return the value of @columns" do @dataset.columns = [:a, :b, :c] @dataset.columns.should == [:a, :b, :c] end specify "should call first if @columns is nil" do @dataset.columns = nil @dataset.columns.should == 'SELECT * FROM items' @dataset.opts[:from] = [:nana] @dataset.columns.should == 'SELECT * FROM items' end end require 'stringio' context "Dataset#print" do setup do @output = @orig_stdout = $stdout $stdout = @output @dataset = end teardown do $stdout = @orig_stdout end specify "should print out a table with the values" do @dataset.print(:a, :b) @output.rewind == \ "+-+-+\n|a|b|\n+-+-+\n|1|2|\n|3|4|\n|5|6|\n+-+-+\n" end specify "should default to the dataset's columns" do @dataset.meta_def(:columns) {[:a, :b]} @dataset.print @output.rewind == \ "+-+-+\n|a|b|\n+-+-+\n|1|2|\n|3|4|\n|5|6|\n+-+-+\n" end end context "Dataset#multi_insert" do setup do @dbc = do attr_reader :sqls def execute(sql) @sqls ||= [] @sqls << sql end def transaction @sqls ||= [] @sqls << 'BEGIN;' yield @sqls << 'COMMIT;' end end @db = @ds = @list = [{:name => 'abc'}, {:name => 'def'}, {:name => 'ghi'}] end specify "should join all inserts into a single SQL string" do @ds.multi_insert(@list) @db.sqls.should == [ 'BEGIN;', "INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES ('abc');", "INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES ('def');", "INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES ('ghi');", 'COMMIT;' ] end specify "should accept the commit_every option for commiting every x records" do @ds.multi_insert(@list, :commit_every => 2) @db.sqls.should == [ 'BEGIN;', "INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES ('abc');", "INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES ('def');", 'COMMIT;', 'BEGIN;', "INSERT INTO items (name) VALUES ('ghi');", 'COMMIT;' ] end end context "Dataset#query" do setup do @d = end specify "should support #from" do q = @d.query {from :xxx} q.class.should == @d.class q.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM xxx" end specify "should support #select" do q = @d.query do select :a, :b___mongo from :yyy end q.class.should == @d.class q.sql.should == "SELECT a, b AS mongo FROM yyy" end specify "should support #where" do q = @d.query do from :zzz where {:x + 2 > :y + 3} end q.class.should == @d.class q.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM zzz WHERE ((x + 2) > (y + 3))" q = @d.from(:zzz).query do where {:x > 1 && :y > 2} end q.class.should == @d.class q.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM zzz WHERE ((x > 1) AND (y > 2))" q = @d.from(:zzz).query do where :x => 33 end q.class.should == @d.class q.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM zzz WHERE (x = 33)" end specify "should support #group_by and #having" do q = @d.query do from :abc group_by :id having {:x >= 2} end q.class.should == @d.class q.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM abc GROUP BY id HAVING (x >= 2)" end specify "should support #order, #order_by" do q = @d.query do from :xyz order_by :stamp end q.class.should == @d.class q.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM xyz ORDER BY stamp" end specify "should raise on non-chainable method calls" do proc {@d.query {count}}.should raise_error(SequelError) end specify "should raise on each, insert, update, delete" do proc {@d.query {each}}.should raise_error(SequelError) proc {@d.query {insert(:x => 1)}}.should raise_error(SequelError) proc {@d.query {update(:x => 1)}}.should raise_error(SequelError) proc {@d.query {delete}}.should raise_error(SequelError) end end context "Dataset" do setup do @d = end specify "should support self-changing select!" do!(:y) @d.sql.should == "SELECT y FROM x" end specify "should support self-changing from!" do @d.from!(:y) @d.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM y" end specify "should support self-changing order!" do @d.order!(:y) @d.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM x ORDER BY y" end specify "should support self-changing filter!" do @d.filter!(:y => 1) @d.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM x WHERE (y = 1)" end specify "should support self-changing filter! with block" do @d.filter! {:y == 2} @d.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM x WHERE (y = 2)" end specify "should raise for ! methods that don't return a dataset" do proc {@d.opts!}.should raise_error(NameError) end specify "should raise for missing methods" do proc {@d.xuyz}.should raise_error(NameError) proc {!}.should raise_error(NameError) proc {}.should raise_error(NameError) end specify "should support chaining of bang methods" do @d.order!(:y) @d.filter!(:y => 1) @d.sql.should == "SELECT * FROM x WHERE (y = 1) ORDER BY y" end end context "Dataset#transform" do setup do @c = do attr_accessor :raw attr_accessor :sql def fetch_rows(sql, &block) block[@raw] end def insert(v) @sql = insert_sql(v) end def update(v) @sql = update_sql(v) end end @ds = @ds.transform(:x => [ proc {|v| Marshal.load(v)}, proc {|v| Marshal.dump(v)} ]) end specify "should change the dataset to transform values loaded from the database" do @ds.raw = {:x => Marshal.dump([1, 2, 3]), :y => 'hello'} @ds.first.should == {:x => [1, 2, 3], :y => 'hello'} end specify "should change the dataset to transform values saved to the database" do @ds.insert(:x => :toast) @ds.sql.should == "INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES ('#{Marshal.dump(:toast)}');" @ds.insert(:y => 'butter') @ds.sql.should == "INSERT INTO items (y) VALUES ('butter');" @ds.update(:x => ['dream']) @ds.sql.should == "UPDATE items SET x = '#{Marshal.dump(['dream'])}'" end specify "should be transferred to cloned datasets" do @ds2 = @ds.filter(:a => 1) @ds2.raw = {:x => Marshal.dump([1, 2, 3]), :y => 'hello'} @ds2.first.should == {:x => [1, 2, 3], :y => 'hello'} @ds2.insert(:x => :toast) @ds2.sql.should == "INSERT INTO items (x) VALUES ('#{Marshal.dump(:toast)}');" end specify "should work correctly together with set_row_proc" do @ds.set_row_proc {|r| r[:z] = r[:x] * 2; r} @ds.raw = {:x => Marshal.dump("wow"), :y => 'hello'} @ds.first.should == {:x => "wow", :y => 'hello', :z => "wowwow"} f = nil @ds.raw = {:x => Marshal.dump("wow"), :y => 'hello'} @ds.each(:naked => true) {|r| f = r} f.should == {:x => "wow", :y => 'hello'} end end