#ifndef BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_CLIENT_STRINGCONVERTER_H #define BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_CLIENT_STRINGCONVERTER_H /* ================================================================= Copyright (C) 2013 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ================================================================= */ #include #include #include #ifdef LINUX #include #endif #include #include namespace bzs { namespace db { namespace protocol { namespace tdap { namespace client { typedef int(*isMbcleadFunc)(unsigned int c); inline size_t charNumByteUtf8(const unsigned char *p, size_t isize, size_t num) { int n = 0; const unsigned char* end = p + isize; while (num && (p != end)) { --num; if ((*p & 0x80) == 0) { ++n; ++p; // 1byte string } else { for (unsigned char tmp = *p & 0xfc; (tmp & 0x80); tmp = tmp << 1) { ++n; if (++p == end) break; } } } return n; } inline size_t charNumByte(isMbcleadFunc func, const unsigned char* p, size_t isize, size_t num) { size_t n = 0; const unsigned char* end = p + isize; while (num && (p != end)) { if (func(*p)) { ++n; ++p; } ++p; ++n; --num; } return n; } /** Trim or fill fc charctor and return bytes that not include fill char bytes. */ inline size_t validateTrim(isMbcleadFunc func, unsigned char* src, size_t maxBytes, int fc) { unsigned char* p = src + maxBytes - 1; unsigned char* tmp = p; if (fc == -1) fc = 0x00; while (func(*tmp) && (--tmp>=src)); //if (func(*p) && (maxBytes>1) && !func(*(p-1))) if ((p-tmp) % 2) { *p = (unsigned char)fc; return maxBytes - 1; } return maxBytes; } /** UTF8 Version: Trim or fill fc charctor and return bytes that not include fill char bytes. */ inline size_t validateTrimUTF8(unsigned char* src, size_t maxBytes, int fc) { unsigned char* endpos = src + maxBytes; unsigned char* p = endpos - 1; if ((*p & 0x80) == 0) return maxBytes; //If multi byte string then first byte is 0xC0. while ((*p & 0xC0) != 0xC0) { if (--p < src) break; } size_t num = endpos - p; unsigned char tmp = *p; unsigned int num2 = 0; while (tmp & 0x80) { tmp = tmp << 1; ++num2; } if (num == num2) return maxBytes; memset(p, fc, endpos - p); return p - src; } inline int isMbcCP932(unsigned int c) {return ((c >= 0x81) && (c <= 0x9F)) || ((c >= 0xE0) && (c <= 0xFC)); } // Trim or fill fc charctor and return bytes. inline size_t charNumTrim(int codePage, char* src, size_t inputsize, size_t maxCharnum, int fc) { size_t size = inputsize; switch (codePage) { case CP_UTF8: size = charNumByteUtf8((unsigned char*)src, inputsize, maxCharnum); break; case 932: size = charNumByte(isMbcCP932, (unsigned char*)src, inputsize, maxCharnum); break; } if (size && (fc != -1)) memset(src + size, fc, inputsize - size); return size; } // Wide version: Trim or fill fc charctor and return wide char number.. inline size_t charNumTrim(int codePage, WCHAR* src, size_t inputsize, size_t maxCharnum, int fc) { WCHAR* end = src + inputsize; WCHAR* p = src; size_t n = 0; while (p != end) { if (IS_HIGH_SURROGATE(*p)) ++p; ++p; ++n; --maxCharnum; if (maxCharnum == 0) break; } return n; } // if invalid end charctor then fill fc char. And return charctor bytes. inline size_t validateTrim(int codePage, char* src, size_t maxlen, int fc) { switch (codePage) { case CP_UTF8: return validateTrimUTF8((unsigned char*)src, maxlen, fc); case 932: return validateTrim(isMbcCP932, (unsigned char*)src, maxlen, fc); } return maxlen; } // Wide Version if invalid end charctor then fill fc char. And return wide charctor number. inline size_t validateTrim(int codePage, WCHAR* src, size_t maxlen, int fc) { if (IS_HIGH_SURROGATE(src[maxlen - 1])) src[--maxlen] = 0x00; return maxlen; } #define CP_UTF16 1200 class stringConverter { unsigned int m_codePage; unsigned int m_exec_codePage; public: stringConverter(unsigned int src_codPage, unsigned int exec_codePage) : m_codePage(src_codPage), m_exec_codePage(exec_codePage) {} inline void setCodePage(unsigned int src_codPage) {m_codePage = src_codPage;} inline void setExecCodePage(unsigned int codPage) {m_exec_codePage = codPage;} inline unsigned int execCodePage() const {return m_exec_codePage;}; // wide to codepage. Result is no need Nullterminate. inline size_t convert(char* to, size_t tsize, const WCHAR* from, size_t fsize) { to[tsize - 1] = 0x00; size_t len = WideCharToMultiByte(m_codePage, (m_codePage == CP_UTF8) ? 0 : WC_COMPOSITECHECK, from, (int)fsize, to, (int)tsize, NULL, NULL); if (len == 0) return tsize - (to[tsize - 1] ? 0 : 1); return len; } inline size_t convert(WCHAR* to, size_t tsize, const char* from, size_t fsize) { to[tsize - 1] = 0x00; size_t len = MultiByteToWideChar(m_exec_codePage, (m_exec_codePage == CP_UTF8) ? 0 : MB_PRECOMPOSED, from, (int)fsize, to, (int)tsize); if (len == 0) return tsize - (to[tsize - 1] ? 0 : 1); return len; } inline size_t convert(WCHAR* to, size_t tsize, const WCHAR* from, size_t fsize) { assert(0); return fsize; } inline size_t convert(char* to, size_t tsize, const char* from, size_t fsize) { size_t size = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 size = MultiByteToWideChar(m_exec_codePage, (m_exec_codePage == CP_UTF8) ? 0 : MB_PRECOMPOSED, from, (int)fsize, NULL, (int)0); WCHAR* ws = new WCHAR[++size]; size = MultiByteToWideChar(m_exec_codePage, (m_exec_codePage == CP_UTF8) ? 0 : MB_PRECOMPOSED, from, (int)fsize, ws, (int)size); to[tsize - 1] = 0x00; size = WideCharToMultiByte(m_codePage, (m_codePage == CP_UTF8) ? 0 : WC_COMPOSITECHECK, ws, (int)size, to, (int)tsize, NULL, NULL); delete[]ws; if (size == 0) size = tsize - (to[tsize - 1] ? 0 : 1); #else if (m_exec_codePage == CP_UTF8) size = bzs::env::u8tombc(from, fsize, to, tsize); else size = bzs::env::mbctou8(from, fsize, to, tsize); #endif return size; } // codepage to wide. Result is need Nullterminate. inline size_t revert(WCHAR* to, size_t tsize, const char* from, size_t fsize) { return MultiByteToWideChar(m_codePage, (m_codePage == CP_UTF8) ? 0 : MB_PRECOMPOSED, from, (int)fsize, to, (int)tsize);} inline size_t revert(char* to, size_t tsize, const WCHAR* from, size_t fsize) { return WideCharToMultiByte(m_exec_codePage, (m_exec_codePage == CP_UTF8) ? 0 : WC_COMPOSITECHECK, from, (int)fsize, to, (int)tsize, NULL, NULL);} inline size_t revert(WCHAR* to, size_t tsize, const WCHAR* from, size_t fsize) { assert(0); return fsize; } inline size_t revert(char* to, size_t tsize, const char* from, size_t fsize) { size_t size = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 size = MultiByteToWideChar(m_codePage, (m_codePage == CP_UTF8) ? 0 : MB_PRECOMPOSED, from, (int)fsize, NULL, (int)0); WCHAR* ws = new WCHAR[++size]; size = MultiByteToWideChar(m_codePage, (m_codePage == CP_UTF8) ? 0 : MB_PRECOMPOSED, from, (int)fsize, ws, (int)size); size = WideCharToMultiByte(m_exec_codePage, (m_exec_codePage == CP_UTF8) ? 0 : WC_COMPOSITECHECK, ws, (int)size, to, (int)tsize, NULL, NULL); delete[]ws; #else if (m_exec_codePage == CP_UTF8) size = bzs::env::mbctou8(from, fsize, to, tsize); else size = bzs::env::u8tombc(from, fsize, to, tsize); #endif return size; } inline bool isNeedConvert() const {return (m_codePage != m_exec_codePage);} }; typedef stringConverter converter_type; class myCharStoreBase { fielddef& m_fd; public: inline myCharStoreBase(fielddef& fd) : m_fd(fd) {}; inline size_t maxStoreBytes() const {return m_fd.len;}; inline int padChar() const {return 0x20;}; inline int storeOffsetBytes() const {return 0;}; inline int maxCharNum() const {return m_fd.charNum();} inline bool isNeedReadCopy() const {return true;} }; typedef myCharStoreBase myWcharStore; typedef myCharStoreBase myCharStore; class myVarCharStoreBase { fielddef& m_fd; public: inline myVarCharStoreBase(fielddef& fd) : m_fd(fd) {}; inline size_t maxStoreBytes() const {return m_fd.len - m_fd.varLenBytes();}; inline int padChar() const {return -1;}; inline int storeOffsetBytes() const {return m_fd.varLenBytes();}; inline int maxCharNum() const {return m_fd.charNum();} inline bool isNeedReadCopy() const {return true;} }; typedef myVarCharStoreBase myWvarCharStore; typedef myVarCharStoreBase myVarCharStore; class myVarBinaryStoreBase { fielddef& m_fd; public: inline myVarBinaryStoreBase(fielddef& fd) : m_fd(fd) {}; inline size_t maxStoreBytes() const {return m_fd.len - m_fd.varLenBytes();}; inline int padChar() const {return -1;}; inline int storeOffsetBytes() const {return m_fd.varLenBytes();}; inline int maxCharNum() const {return -1;} inline bool isNeedReadCopy() const {return true;} }; typedef myVarBinaryStoreBase myWvarBinaryStore; typedef myVarBinaryStoreBase myVarBinaryStore; class myBinaryStoreBase { fielddef& m_fd; public: inline myBinaryStoreBase(fielddef& fd) : m_fd(fd) {}; inline size_t maxStoreBytes() const {return m_fd.len;}; inline int padChar() const {return 0;}; inline int storeOffsetBytes() const {return 0;}; inline int maxCharNum() const {return -1;} inline bool isNeedReadCopy() const {return true;} }; typedef myBinaryStoreBase myWbinaryStore; typedef myBinaryStoreBase myBinaryStore; class zstringStore { fielddef& m_fd; public: inline zstringStore(fielddef& fd) : m_fd(fd) {}; inline size_t maxStoreBytes() const {return m_fd.len - 1;}; inline int padChar() const {return 0;}; inline int storeOffsetBytes() const {return 0;}; inline int maxCharNum() const {return -1;} inline bool isNeedReadCopy() const {return false;} }; class wzstringStore { fielddef& m_fd; public: inline wzstringStore(fielddef& fd) : m_fd(fd) {}; inline size_t maxStoreBytes() const {return m_fd.len -sizeof(short);}; inline int padChar() const {return 0;}; inline int storeOffsetBytes() const {return 0;}; inline int maxCharNum() const {return -1;} inline bool isNeedReadCopy() const {return false;} }; class stringStoreBase { fielddef& m_fd; public: inline stringStoreBase(fielddef& fd) : m_fd(fd) {}; inline size_t maxStoreBytes() const {return m_fd.len;}; inline int padChar() const {return 0x20;}; inline int storeOffsetBytes() const {return 0;}; inline int maxCharNum() const {return -1;} inline bool isNeedReadCopy() const {return true;} }; typedef stringStoreBase wstringStore; typedef stringStoreBase stringStore; inline size_t strlen_t(const WCHAR* p) {return strlen16(p);} inline size_t strlen_t(const char* p) {return strlen(p);} inline void* memcpy_t(void *dest, const void *src, size_t count) {return memcpy(dest, src, count);} inline WCHAR* memcpy_t(WCHAR* dest, const WCHAR *src, size_t count) { return wmemcpy(dest, src, count);} inline void* memset_t(void *dest, int c, size_t count) {return memset(dest, c, count);} inline WCHAR* memset_t(WCHAR* dest, int c, size_t count) {return wmemset16(dest, (WCHAR)c, count);} template void store(char* ptr, const T* data, fielddef& fd, stringConverter* cv, bool usePad = true) { _SF sf(fd); size_t maxlen = sf.maxStoreBytes() / sizeof(store_type); size_t len = strlen_t(data); int offset = sf.storeOffsetBytes(); store_type* strPtr = (store_type*)(ptr + offset); if (len == 0) strPtr[0] = 0x00; else { // convert if ((typeid(T) != typeid(store_type)) || (cv->isNeedConvert() && (typeid(T) == typeid(char)))) len = cv->convert(strPtr, maxlen, data, len); else { len = std::min(maxlen, len); memcpy_t(strPtr, data, len); } } int fc = usePad ? sf.padChar() : -1; // Trim by max charctor number (not char type length) and invalid mbc lead byte. int maxCharnum = sf.maxCharNum(); if (maxCharnum != -1) len = charNumTrim(fd.codePage(), strPtr, len, maxCharnum, fc); else if (maxlen == len) len = validateTrim(fd.codePage(), strPtr, maxlen, fc); else strPtr[len] = 0x00; // fill after byte. if ((fc != -1) && (maxlen != len)) memset_t((store_type*)(strPtr + len), fc, (maxlen - len)); if (offset) { len *= sizeof(store_type); memcpy(ptr, &len, offset); } } template T* trim(T* src, T* end, int padChar) { while (src <= --end) { if (*end != padChar) break; *end = 0x00; } return src; } #pragma warn -8008 #pragma warn -8066 template const T* read(char* ptr, ::bzs::rtl::stringBuffer* strBufs, fielddef& fd, stringConverter* cv, bool isTrimPadChar = false) { _SF sf(fd); int offset = sf.storeOffsetBytes(); T* result = (T*)(ptr + offset); //convert size_t len; if ((typeid(T) != typeid(store_type)) || (cv->isNeedConvert() && (typeid(T) == typeid(char)))) { len = fd.dataLen((const uchar_td*)ptr) / sizeof(store_type); size_t olen = len * 2 * sizeof(store_type) + 1; // utf8へは2倍の可能性がある result = strBufs->getPtr(olen); len = cv->revert(result, olen, (const store_type*)(ptr + offset), len); } else if (sf.isNeedReadCopy()) { len = fd.dataLen((const uchar_td*)ptr); if (len == sf.maxStoreBytes()) { result = (T*)strBufs->getPtrA(len + 2); memcpy(result, ptr + offset, len); } len /= sizeof(store_type); } else return result; // zstring; result[len] = 0x00; if (sf.padChar() && isTrimPadChar) trim(result, result + len, sf.padChar()); return result; } #pragma warn .8008 #pragma warn .8066 template char* blobStore(char* ptr, const T* data, fielddef& fd, stringConverter* cv) { size_t len = strlen_t(data); int offset = fd.len - 8; char* p = NULL; size_t maxlen = (offset == 1) ? 255 : (offset == 2) ? USHRT_MAX : (offset == 3) ? USHRT_MAX * 255 : UINT_MAX; if (len != 0) { if ((typeid(T) != typeid(char)) || (cv->isNeedConvert() && (typeid(T) == typeid(char)))) { maxlen = std::min(maxlen, len * 2 * sizeof(T) + 1); p = new char[maxlen]; len = cv->convert(p, maxlen, data, len); } else { maxlen = std::min(maxlen, len + 1); p = new char[maxlen]; memcpy_t(p, data, len); } } memset(ptr, 0, fd.len); memcpy(ptr, &len, offset); if (p) memcpy(ptr + offset, &(p), sizeof(char*)); return p; } #pragma warn -8004 template const T* readBlob(char* ptr, ::bzs::rtl::stringBuffer* strBufs, fielddef& fd, stringConverter* cv) { int offset = fd.len - 8; T* result = (T*)(ptr + offset); char** pc = (char**)(ptr + fd.blobLenBytes()); if ((typeid(T) != typeid(char)) || (cv->isNeedConvert() && (typeid(T) == typeid(char)))) { size_t len = fd.blobDataLen((const uchar_td*)ptr); size_t olen = len * 2 + 1; result = strBufs->getPtr(olen); len = cv->revert(result, olen, *pc, len); result[len] = 0x00; } else result = (T*)*pc; return result; } #pragma warn .8004 }// namespace client }// namespace tdap }// namespace protocol }// namespace db }// namespace bzs #endif //BZS_DB_PROTOCOL_TDAP_CLIENT_STRINGCONVERTER_H