require_relative 'helper' class TestVitrineAssetCompiler < Test::Unit::TestCase include Rack::Test::Methods, VitrineTesting def app # overridden { |a| a.settings.set :root, @tempdir } end def test_compiles_coffeescript_to_js_when_addressed_by_js_extension write_public '' do | f | f.puts 'alert "rockage!"' end get '/nice.js' assert_not_nil last_response.headers['ETag'], 'Should set ETag for the compiled version' assert_equal 200, last_response.status assert_equal 'text/javascript;charset=utf-8', last_response.content_type assert_include last_response.body, 'alert("rockage!")', 'Should include the compiled function' assert_include last_response.body, '//# sourceMappingURL=/', 'Should include the reference to the source map' last_line = last_response.body.split("\n").pop assert_include last_line, 'sourceMappingURL' end def test_compiles_coffeescript_sourcemap FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join(@tempdir, 'public', 'js') write_public 'js/' do | f | f.puts 'alert "rockage!"' end # Sourcemap will only ever get requested AFTER the corresponding JS file get '/js/nice.js' assert last_response.ok? get '/js/' ref = {"version"=>3, "file"=>"", "sourceRoot"=>"", "sources"=>["/js/"], "names"=>[], "mappings"=>"AAAA;CAAA,CAAA,GAAA,KAAA;CAAA"} assert_equal ref, JSON.parse(last_response.body) end def test_invalid_coffeescript_creates_decent_error_alerts write_public '' do | f | f.puts 'function() { junked up }' end get '/faulty.js' assert_equal 200, last_response.status assert_equal 'text/javascript;charset=utf-8', last_response.content_type, "Should set JS content type" assert_equal 'private', last_response.headers['Cache-Control'], "Should be cache busting" assert_equal 'no-cache', last_response.headers['Pragma'], "Should be cache busting with Pragma: no-cache" assert_nil last_response.headers['ETag'], 'Should send no etag across' err = 'console.error("ExecJS::RuntimeError\n--> SyntaxError: :1:1: reserved word \"function\"")' assert_equal err, last_response.body end def test_caches_compiled_js_by_etag_and_responds_with_304_when_requested_again write_public '' do | f | f.puts 'alert "rockage!"' end get '/nice.js' assert_equal 200, last_response.status assert_not_nil last_response.headers['ETag'] etag = last_response.headers['ETag'] get '/nice.js', {}, rack_env = {'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' => etag} assert_equal 304, last_response.status end def test_compiles_scss_when_requested_as_css write_public '/les-styles-rococo/styles.scss' do | f | f.puts '.foo {' f.puts '.bar { font-size: 10px; }' f.puts '}' end get '/les-styles-rococo/styles.css' assert last_response.ok? assert_not_nil last_response.headers['ETag'], 'Should set ETag for the compiled version' assert_include last_response.body, '.foo .bar {' assert_include last_response.body, '*# sourceMappingURL=/les-styles-rococo/ */' get '/les-styles-rococo/' assert last_response.ok? assert_equal "application/json;charset=utf-8", last_response.content_type resp = {"file"=>"styles.css", "mappings"=>"AACA,SAAK;EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,IAAI", "names"=>[], "sources"=>["/les-styles-rococo/styles.scss"], "version"=>3 } assert_equal resp, JSON.parse(last_response.body) end def test_displays_decent_alerts_for_scss_errors write_public 'faulty.scss' do | f | f.puts '.foo {{ junkiness-factor: 24pem; }' end get '/faulty.css' assert_equal 200, last_response.status assert last_response.body.include?('body:before {'), 'Should include the generated element selector' assert last_response.body.include?('Sass::SyntaxError'), 'Should include the syntax error class' end end