require 'yaml' require 'vcr/structs' shared_examples_for "a header normalizer" do let(:instance) do with_headers('Some_Header' => 'value1', 'aNother' => ['a', 'b'], 'third' => [], 'fourth' => nil) end it 'ensures header keys are serialized to yaml as raw strings' do key = 'my-key' key.instance_variable_set(:@foo, 7) instance = with_headers(key => ['value1']) YAML.dump(instance.headers).should eq(YAML.dump('my-key' => ['value1'])) end it 'ensures header values are serialized to yaml as raw strings' do value = 'my-value' value.instance_variable_set(:@foo, 7) instance = with_headers('my-key' => [value]) YAML.dump(instance.headers).should eq(YAML.dump('my-key' => ['my-value'])) end it 'handles nested arrays' do accept_encoding = [["gzip", "1.0"], ["deflate", "1.0"], ["sdch", "1.0"]] instance = with_headers('accept-encoding' => accept_encoding) instance.headers['accept-encoding'].should eq(accept_encoding) end it 'handles nested arrays with floats' do accept_encoding = [["gzip", 1.0], ["deflate", 1.0], ["sdch", 1.0]] instance = with_headers('accept-encoding' => accept_encoding) instance.headers['accept-encoding'].should eq(accept_encoding) end end shared_examples_for "a body normalizer" do it "ensures the body is serialized to yaml as a raw string" do body = "My String" body.instance_variable_set(:@foo, 7) YAML.dump(instance(body).body).should eq(YAML.dump("My String")) end it 'converts nil to a blank string' do instance(nil).body.should eq("") end end module VCR describe HTTPInteraction do %w( uri method ).each do |attr| it "delegates :#{attr} to the request" do sig = mock('request') sig.should_receive(attr).and_return(:the_value) instance =, nil) instance.send(attr).should eq(:the_value) end end describe '#ignored?' do it 'returns false by default' do should_not be_ignored end it 'returns true when #ignore! has been called' do subject.ignore! should be_ignored end end describe "#recorded_at" do let(:now) { } it 'is initialized to the current time' do Time.stub(:now => now) eq(now) end end let(:status) {, "OK") } let(:response) {, { "foo" => ["bar"] }, "res body", "1.1") } let(:request) {, "", "req body", { "bar" => ["foo"] }) } let(:recorded_at) { Time.utc(2011, 5, 4, 12, 30) } let(:interaction) {, response, recorded_at) } describe ".from_hash" do let(:hash) do { 'request' => { 'method' => 'get', 'uri' => '', 'body' => 'req body', 'headers' => { "bar" => ["foo"] } }, 'response' => { 'status' => { 'code' => 200, 'message' => 'OK' }, 'headers' => { "foo" => ["bar"] }, 'body' => 'res body', 'http_version' => '1.1' }, 'recorded_at' => "Wed, 04 May 2011 12:30:00 GMT" } end it 'constructs an HTTP interaction from the given hash' do HTTPInteraction.from_hash(hash).should eq(interaction) end it 'initializes the recorded_at timestamp from the hash' do HTTPInteraction.from_hash(hash).recorded_at.should eq(recorded_at) end it 'uses a blank request when the hash lacks one' do hash.delete('request') i = HTTPInteraction.from_hash(hash) i.request.should eq( end it 'uses a blank response when the hash lacks one' do hash.delete('response') i = HTTPInteraction.from_hash(hash) i.response.should eq( end end describe "#to_hash" do let(:hash) { interaction.to_hash } it 'returns a nested hash containing all of the pertinent details' do hash.keys.should =~ %w[ request response recorded_at ] hash['recorded_at'].should eq(interaction.recorded_at.httpdate) hash['request'].should eq({ 'method' => 'get', 'uri' => '', 'body' => 'req body', 'headers' => { "bar" => ["foo"] } }) hash['response'].should eq({ 'status' => { 'code' => 200, 'message' => 'OK' }, 'headers' => { "foo" => ["bar"] }, 'body' => 'res body', 'http_version' => '1.1' }) end def assert_yielded_keys(hash, *keys) yielded_keys = [] hash.each { |k, v| yielded_keys << k } yielded_keys.should eq(keys) end it 'yields the entries in the expected order so the hash can be serialized in that order' do assert_yielded_keys hash, 'request', 'response', 'recorded_at' assert_yielded_keys hash['request'], 'method', 'uri', 'body', 'headers' assert_yielded_keys hash['response'], 'status', 'headers', 'body', 'http_version' assert_yielded_keys hash['response']['status'], 'code', 'message' end end describe '#filter!' do let(:response_status) {, "OK foo") } let(:body) { "The body foo this is (foo-Foo)" } let(:headers) do { 'x-http-foo' => ['bar23', '23foo'], 'x-http-bar' => ['foo23', '18'] } end let(:response) do response_status, headers.dup, body.dup, '1.1' ) end let(:request) do :get, '', body.dup, headers.dup ) end let(:interaction) {, response) } subject { interaction.filter!('foo', 'AAA') } it 'does nothing when given a blank argument' do expect { interaction.filter!(nil, 'AAA') interaction.filter!('foo', nil) interaction.filter!("", 'AAA') interaction.filter!('foo', "") }.not_to change { interaction } end [:request, :response].each do |part| it "replaces the sensitive text in the #{part} header keys and values" do subject.send(part).headers.should eq({ 'x-http-AAA' => ['bar23', '23AAA'], 'x-http-bar' => ['AAA23', '18'] }) end it "replaces the sensitive text in the #{part} body" do subject.send(part).body.should eq("The body AAA this is (AAA-Foo)") end end it 'replaces the sensitive text in the response status' do subject.response.status.message.should eq('OK AAA') end it 'replaces sensitive text in the request URI' do subject.request.uri.should eq('') end end end describe Request do describe '#method' do subject { } context 'when given no arguments' do it 'returns the HTTP method' do subject.method.should eq(:get) end end context 'when given an argument' do it 'returns the method object for the named method' do m = subject.method(:class) m.should be_a(Method) eq(described_class) end end end it_behaves_like 'a header normalizer' do def with_headers(headers), '', nil, headers) end end it_behaves_like 'a body normalizer' do def instance(body), '', body, {}) end end end describe Response do it_behaves_like 'a header normalizer' do def with_headers(headers), headers, nil, '1.1') end end it_behaves_like 'a body normalizer' do def instance(body), {}, body, '1.1') end end describe '#update_content_length_header' do %w[ content-length Content-Length ].each do |header| context "for the #{header} header" do define_method :instance do |body, content_length| headers = { 'content-type' => 'text' } headers.merge!(header => content_length) if content_length, headers, body) end it 'does nothing when the response lacks a content_length header' do inst = instance('the body', nil) expect { inst.update_content_length_header }.not_to change { inst.headers[header] } end it 'sets the content_length header to the response body length when the header is present' do inst = instance('the body', '3') expect { inst.update_content_length_header }.to change { inst.headers[header] }.from(['3']).to(['8']) end it 'sets the content_length header to 0 if the response body is nil' do inst = instance(nil, '3') expect { inst.update_content_length_header }.to change { inst.headers[header] }.from(['3']).to(['0']) end end end end end end