# Codily: Codificate your Fastly configuration __still in beta__ Codily allows you to manage your Fastly configuration in Ruby DSL! ## Installation ```ruby # Gemfile gem 'codily' ``` Or install it yourself as: $ gem install codily --pre ## Usage ``` Usage: codily [options] -a, --apply -e, --export -v, --version -f, --file PATH file to apply, or file path to save exported file (default to ./codily.rb on applying) -t, --target REGEXP Filter services by name to apply or export. -n, --dry-run Just displays the oprerations that would be performed, without actually running them. -D, --debug Debug mode -A, --activate Activate after apply -V, --target-version SVC_VER Choose version to export (format= service_name:version) This option can be used multiple time.. ``` ``` codily --help codily --export codily --export --target my-service codily --export --target my-service --target-version my-service:42 codily --export --file ./codily.rb codily --apply --file ./codily.rb codily --apply --file ./codily.rb --activate codily --apply --file ./codily.rb --dry-run codily --apply --file ./codily.rb --target my-service ``` You have to set api key in environment variable `FASTLY_API_KEY` ## Restrictions - Directors are not supported due to its deprecation ## DSL ### tl;dr It's easy to start by export existing configuration into DSL using `--export` option. ``` ruby service "foo" do backend "my backend" do address "example.com" end end ``` ### Loading file some attributes (e.g. tls certificates, tls keys, VCL content, response object content) supports loading value from a file. ``` ruby service "foo" do vcl "default" do main true content file: './my.vcl' end end ``` ### Referring other object (e.g. condition) Some attributes that refers other object (e.g. conditions), you can define referring object as like the following: ``` ruby service "foo" do response_object "method not allowed" do status "405" response "Method Not Allowed" content "405" content_type "text/plain" request_condition "request method is not GET, HEAD or FASTLYPURGE" do priority 10 statement '!(req.request == "GET" || req.request == "HEAD" || req.request == "FASTLYPURGE")' end end end # equals as follows: service "foo" do condition "request method is not GET, HEAD or FASTLYPURGE" do priority 10 statement '!(req.request == "GET" || req.request == "HEAD" || req.request == "FASTLYPURGE")' type "REQUEST" end response_object "method not allowed" do status "405" response "Method Not Allowed" content "405" content_type "text/plain" request_condition "request method is not GET, HEAD or FASTLYPURGE" end end ``` ### Full example Basically, all attributes are ``` ruby service "test.example.com" do backend "name" do address auto_loadbalance between_bytes_timeout client_cert comment connect_timeout error_threshold first_byte_timeout healthcheck hostname max_conn max_tls_version min_tls_version port request_condition service_id shield ssl_ca_cert ssl_cert_hostname ssl_check_cert ssl_ciphers ssl_client_cert ssl_client_key ssl_hostname ssl_sni_hostname use_ssl weight end cache_setting "name" do action stale_ttl ttl cache_condition "name" # cache_condition do # comment # priority # statement # end end condition "name" do comment priority statement end dictionary "name" domain "a.example.org" domain "a.example.org" do comment "" end gzip "name" do content_types %w(text/html) extensions %w(html) cache_condition "name" # cache_condition do # comment # priority # statement # end end header 'name' do action src dst ignore_if_set priority substitution type cache_condition request_condition response_condition end healthcheck 'name' do check_interval comment expected_response host http_version initial method path threshold timeout window end request_setting "name" do action bypass_busy_wait default_host force_miss force_ssl geo_headers hash_keys max_stale_age timer_support xff request_condition end response_object "name" do content content_type status response cache_condtiion request_condition end vcl "name" do content file: 'xxx' main true end settings( "general.default_ttl": 3600, ) end ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/sorah/codily. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).