# encoding: utf-8 require 'map' require 'albacore/logging' require 'albacore/project' require 'albacore/paths' require 'albacore/tools' module Albacore module NugetModel class IdVersion attr_reader :id, :version def initialize id, version @id, @version = id, version end def to_s "#{id}@#{version}" end end class FileItem attr_reader :src, :target, :exclude def initialize src, target, excl src, target = Albacore::Paths.normalise_slashes(src), Albacore::Paths.normalise_slashes(target) @src, @target, @exclude = src, target, excl end def to_s "NugetModel::FileItem(src: #{@src}, target: #{@target}, exclude: #{@exclude}" end end # the nuget xml metadata element writer class Metadata include Logging def self.nuspec_field *syms syms.each do |sym| self.class_eval( %{def #{sym} @#{sym} end}) self.class_eval( %{def #{sym}= val @#{sym} = val @set_fields.add? :#{sym} end}) end end # REQUIRED: gets or sets the id of this package nuspec_field :id # REQUIRED: gets or sets the version of this package nuspec_field :version # The human-friendly title of the package displayed in the Manage NuGet # Packages dialog. If none is specified, the ID is used instead. nuspec_field :title # REQUIRED: gets or sets a comma-separated string of the authors of this # package nuspec_field :authors # REQUIRED: gets or sets the description of this package nuspec_field :description # gets or sets the summary of this package nuspec_field :summary # gets or sets the language that this package has been built with nuspec_field :language # gets or sets the project url for this package nuspec_field :project_url # A URL for the image to use as the icon for the package in the Manage # NuGet Packages dialog box. This should be a 32x32-pixel .png file that # has a transparent background. nuspec_field :icon_url # gets or sets the license url for this package nuspec_field :license_url # gets or sets the release notes for this build. nuspec_field :release_notes # gets or sets the owners of this package nuspec_field :owners # gets or sets whether this package requires a license acceptance from # the user hint: don't set it! nuspec_field :require_license_acceptance # gets or sets the copyright for this package nuspec_field :copyright # get or sets the tags for this package nuspec_field :tags # get the dependent nuget packages for this package nuspec_field :dependencies # gets the framework assemblies for this package nuspec_field :framework_assemblies # (v2.5 or above) Specifies the minimum version of the NuGet client that # can install this package. This requirement is enforced by both the # NuGet Visual Studio extension and nuget.exe program. nuspec_field :min_client_version # gets the field symbols that have been set attr_reader :set_fields # initialise a new package data object def initialize dependencies = nil, framework_assemblies = nil @set_fields = Set.new @dependencies = dependencies || Hash.new @framework_assemblies = framework_assemblies || Hash.new debug "creating new metadata with dependencies: #{dependencies} [nuget model: metadata]" unless dependencies.nil? debug "creating new metadata (same as prev) with fw asms: #{framework_assemblies} [nuget model: metadata]" unless framework_assemblies.nil? end # add a dependency to the package; id and version def add_dependency id, version @dependencies[id] = IdVersion.new id, version end # add a framework dependency for the package def add_framework_dependency id, version @framework_assemblies[id] = IdVersion.new id, version end def to_xml_builder # alt: new(encoding: 'utf-8') Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |x| x.metadata { @set_fields.each do |f| x.send(Metadata.pascal_case(f), send(f)) end x.dependencies { @dependencies.each { |k, d| x.dependency id: d.id, version: d.version } } if @frameworkAssemblies.respond_to? :each x.frameworkAssemblies { @framework_assemblies.each { |k, d| x.frameworkAssembly assemblyName: d.id, targetFramework: d.version } } end } end end # transform the data structure to the corresponding xml def to_xml to_xml_builder.to_xml end def merge_with other raise ArgumentError, 'other is nil' if other.nil? raise ArgumentError, 'other is wrong type' unless other.is_a? Metadata trace { "#{self} merging with #{other} [nuget model: metadata]" } deps = @dependencies.clone.merge(other.dependencies) fw_asms = @framework_assemblies.clone.merge(other.framework_assemblies) m_next = Metadata.new deps, fw_asms # set all my fields to the new instance @set_fields.each do |field| debug "setting field '#{field}' to be '#{send(field)}' [nuget model: metadata]" m_next.send(:"#{field}=", send(field)) end # set all other's fields to the new instance, overriding mine other.set_fields.each do |field| debug "setting field '#{field}' to be '#{send(field)}' [nuget model: metadata]" m_next.send(:"#{field}=", other.send(field)) end m_next end def to_s "NugetModel::Metadata(#{ @set_fields.map { |f| "#{f}=#{send(f)}" }.join(', ') })" end self.extend Logging def self.from_xml node m = Metadata.new node.children.reject { |n| n.text? }.each do |n| if n.name == 'dependencies' n.children.reject { |n| n.text? }.each do |dep| m.add_dependency dep['id'], dep['version'] end elsif n.name == 'frameworkDependencies' n.children.reject { |n| n.text? }.each do |dep| m.add_framework_dependency dep['id'], dep['version'] end else # just set the property m.send(:"#{underscore n.name}=", n.inner_text) end end m end def self.pascal_case str str = str.to_s unless str.respond_to? :split str = str.split('_').inject([]){ |buffer,e| buffer.push(buffer.empty? ? e : e.capitalize) }.join :"#{str}" end def self.underscore str str.gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase end end # the nuget package element writer class Package include Logging # the metadata corresponds to the metadata element of the nuspec attr_accessor :metadata # the files is something enumerable that corresponds to the file # elements inside '//package/files'. attr_accessor :files # creates a new nuspec package instance def initialize metadata = nil, files = nil @metadata = metadata || Metadata.new @files = files || [] end # add a file to the instance def add_file src, target, exclude = nil @files << FileItem.new(src, target, exclude) self end # remove the file denoted by src def remove_file src src = src.src if src.respond_to? :src # if passed an OpenStruct e.g. trace { "remove_file: removing file '#{src}' [nuget model: package]" } @files = @files.reject { |f| f.src == src } end # do something with the metadata. # returns the #self Package instance def with_metadata &block yield @metadata if block_given? self end # gets the current package as a xml builder def to_xml_builder md = Nokogiri::XML(@metadata.to_xml).at_css('metadata').to_xml Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new(encoding: 'utf-8') do |x| x.package(xmlns: 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2010/07/nuspec.xsd') { x << md #x.__send__ :insert, md.at_css("metadata") # x << md.at_css("metadata").to_xml(indent: 4) unless @files.empty? x.files { @files.each do |f| if f.exclude x.file src: f.src, target: f.target, exclude: f.exclude else x.file src: f.src, target: f.target end end } end } end end # gets the current package as a xml node def to_xml to_xml_builder.to_xml end # creates a new Package/Metadata by overriding data in this instance with # data from passed instance def merge_with other m_next = @metadata.merge_with other.metadata files_res = {} # my files @files.each { |f| files_res[f.src] = f } # overrides other.files.each { |f| files_res[f.src] = f } # result f_next = files_res.collect { |k, v| v } Package.new m_next, f_next end def to_s "NugetModel::Package(files: #{@files.map(&:to_s)}, metadata: #{ @metadata.to_s })" end # gimme some logging looove self.extend Logging # read the nuget specification from a nuspec file def self.from_xml xml ns = { ng: 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/packaging/2010/07/nuspec.xsd' } parser = Nokogiri::XML(xml) meta = Metadata.from_xml(parser.xpath('.//ng:metadata', ns)) files = parser. xpath('.//ng:files', ns). children. reject { |n| n.text? or n['src'].nil? }. collect { |n| FileItem.new n['src'], n['target'], n['exclude'] } Package.new meta, files end # read the nuget specification from a xxproj file (e.g. csproj, fsproj) def self.from_xxproj_file file, *opts proj = Albacore::Project.new file from_xxproj proj, *opts end # Read the nuget specification from a xxproj instance (e.g. csproj, fsproj) # Options: # - symbols # - dotnet_version # Specifies the version to use for constructing the nuspec's lib folder # - known_projects # - configuration # - project_dependencies # Specifies whether to follow the project dependencies. See nuget_model_spec.rb # for examples of usage of this property. # - nuget_dependencies def self.from_xxproj proj, *opts opts = Map.options(opts || {}). apply({ symbols: false, dotnet_version: 'net45', known_projects: Set.new, configuration: 'Debug', project_dependencies: true, verify_files: false, nuget_dependencies: true, framework_dependencies: true }) trace { "#from_xxproj proj: '#{proj}' opts: #{opts} [nuget model: package]" } version = opts.get :version package = Package.new package.metadata.id = proj.id if proj.id package.metadata.title = proj.name if proj.name package.metadata.version = version if version package.metadata.authors = proj.authors if proj.authors package.metadata.release_notes = Albacore::Tools.git_release_notes if opts.get :nuget_dependencies trace "adding nuget dependencies for id #{proj.id}" # add declared packages as dependencies proj.declared_packages.each do |p| debug "adding package dependency: #{proj.id} => #{p.id} at #{p.version} [nuget model: package]" package.metadata.add_dependency p.id, p.version end end if opts.get :project_dependencies # add declared projects as dependencies proj. declared_projects. keep_if { |p| opts.get(:known_projects).include? p.id }. each do |p| debug "adding project dependency: #{proj.id} => #{p.id} at #{version} [nuget model: package]" package.metadata.add_dependency p.id, version end end fd = opts.get :framework_dependencies if fd && fd.respond_to?(:each) fd.each { |n, p| package.metadata.add_framework_dependency p.id, p.version } end output = get_output_path proj, opts target_lib = %W[lib #{opts.get(:dotnet_version)}].join(Albacore::Paths.separator) if opts.get :symbols compile_files = proj.included_files.keep_if { |f| f.item_name == "compile" } debug "add compiled files: #{compile_files} [nuget model: package]" compile_files.each do |f| target = %W[src #{Albacore::Paths.normalise_slashes(f.include)}].join(Albacore::Paths.separator) package.add_file f.include, target end debug "add dll and pdb files [nuget model: package]" package.add_file(Albacore::Paths.normalise_slashes(output + proj.asmname + '.pdb'), target_lib) package.add_file(Albacore::Paths.normalise_slashes(output + proj.asmname + '.dll.mdb'), target_lib) package.add_file(Albacore::Paths.normalise_slashes(output + proj.asmname + '.dll'), target_lib) else # add *.{dll,xml,config} %w[dll xml config pdb dll.mdb].each do |ext| file = %W{#{output} #{proj.asmname}.#{ext}}. map { |f| f.gsub /\\$/, '' }. map { |f| Albacore::Paths.normalise_slashes f }. join(Albacore::Paths.separator) debug "adding binary file #{file} [nuget model: package]" package.add_file file, target_lib end end if opts.get :verify_files package.files.each do |file| file_path = File.expand_path file.src, proj.proj_path_base unless File.exists? file_path info "while building nuspec for proj id: #{proj.id}, file: #{file_path} => #{file.target} not found, removing from nuspec [nuget model: package]" package.remove_file file.src trace { "files: #{package.files.map { |f| f.src }.inspect} [nuget model: package]" } end end end package end def self.get_output_path proj, opts try = proj.try_output_path(opts.get(:configuration)) return try if try warn 'using fallback output path' proj.fallback_output_path end end end end