Some Description of a vApp Lease settings section 0 0 VApp startup section The list of logical networks The configuration parameters for logical networks Some Network Description false natRouted false 7200 7200 true true ipTranslation allowTraffic automatic vm1 0 automatic vm2 0 true vm-595 VIRTUAL_MACHINE Virtual hardware requirements Virtual Hardware Family 0 vm2 vmx-07 00:50:56:01:02:03 0 true Network1 PCNet32 ethernet adapter Network adapter 0 1 PCNet32 10 0 SCSI Controller SCSI Controller 0 2 lsilogicsas 6 0 Hard disk Hard disk 1 2000 2 17 0 IDE Controller IDE Controller 0 3 5 0 false CD/DVD Drive CD/DVD Drive 1 3002 3 15 hertz * 10^6 Number of Virtual CPUs 1 virtual CPU(s) 4 0 3 1 0 byte * 2^20 Memory Size 512 MB of memory 5 0 4 512 0 Specifies the operating system installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit) Specifies the available VM network connections 0 0 true 00:50:56:01:00:03 POOL Specifies Guest OS Customization Settings true false 2 false false true true password false vm2 vmware_RHEL5-U5-64-small_v02 vm-594 VIRTUAL_MACHINE Virtual hardware requirements Virtual Hardware Family 0 vm1 vmx-07 00:50:56:01:02:04 0 true Network1 PCNet32 ethernet adapter Network adapter 0 1 PCNet32 10 0 SCSI Controller SCSI Controller 0 2 lsilogicsas 6 0 Hard disk Hard disk 1 2000 2 17 0 IDE Controller IDE Controller 0 3 5 0 false CD/DVD Drive CD/DVD Drive 1 3002 3 15 hertz * 10^6 Number of Virtual CPUs 1 virtual CPU(s) 4 0 3 1 0 byte * 2^20 Memory Size 512 MB of memory 5 0 4 512 0 Specifies the operating system installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64-bit) Specifies the available VM network connections 0 0 true 00:50:56:01:02:04 POOL Specifies Guest OS Customization Settings true false 1 false false true true password false vm1 vmware_RHEL5-U5-64-small_v01