require 'mustache/template' require 'mustache/context' # Mustache is the base class from which your Mustache subclasses # should inherit (though it can be used on its own). # # The typical Mustache workflow is as follows: # # * Create a Mustache subclass: class Stats < Mustache # * Create a template: stats.mustache # * Instantiate an instance: view = # * Render that instance: view.render # # You can skip the instantiation by calling `Stats.render` directly. # # While Mustache will do its best to load and render a template for # you, this process is completely customizable using a few options. # # All settings can be overriden at the class level. # # For example, going with the above example, we can use # `Stats.template_path = "/usr/local/templates"` to specify the path # Mustache uses to find templates. # # Here are the available options: # # * template_path # # The `template_path` setting determines the path Mustache uses when # looking for a template. By default it is "." # Setting it to /usr/local/templates, for example, means (given all # other settings are default) a Mustache subclass `Stats` will try to # load /usr/local/templates/stats.mustache # # * template_extension # # The `template_extension` is the extension Mustache uses when looking # for template files. By default it is "mustache" # # * template_file # # You can tell Mustache exactly which template to us with this # setting. It can be a relative or absolute path. # # * template # # Sometimes you want Mustache to render a string, not a file. In those # cases you may set the `template` setting. For example: # # >> Mustache.render("Hello {{planet}}", :planet => "World!") # => "Hello World!" # # The `template` setting is also available on instances. # # view = # view.template = "Hi, {{person}}!" # view[:person] = 'Mom' # view.render # => Hi, mom! # # * view_namespace # # To make life easy on those developing Mustache plugins for web frameworks or # other libraries, Mustache will attempt to load view classes (i.e. Mustache # subclasses) using the `view_class` class method. The `view_namespace` tells # Mustache under which constant view classes live. By default it is `Object`. # # * view_path # # Similar to `template_path`, the `view_path` option tells Mustache where to look # for files containing view classes when using the `view_class` method. # class Mustache # Instantiates an instance of this class and calls `render` with # the passed args. # # Returns a rendered String version of a template def self.render(*args) new.render(*args) end # Alias for `render` def self.to_html(*args) render(*args) end # Alias for `render` def self.to_text(*args) render(*args) end # Given a file name and an optional context, attempts to load and # render the file as a template. def self.render_file(name, context = {}) render(partial(name), context) end # Given a file name and an optional context, attempts to load and # render the file as a template. def render_file(name, context = {}) self.class.render_file(name, context) end # Given a name, attempts to read a file and return the contents as a # string. The file is not rendered, so it might contain # {{mustaches}}. # # Call `render` if you need to process it. def self.partial(name)"#{template_path}/#{name}.#{template_extension}") end # Override this in your subclass if you want to do fun things like # reading templates from a database. It will be rendered by the # context, so all you need to do is return a string. def partial(name) self.class.partial(name) end # The template path informs your Mustache subclass where to look for its # corresponding template. By default it's the current directory (".") def self.template_path @template_path ||= inheritable_config_for :template_path, '.' end def self.template_path=(path) @template_path = File.expand_path(path) @template = nil end # Alias for `template_path` def self.path template_path end # Alias for `template_path` def self.path=(path) self.template_path = path end # A Mustache template's default extension is 'mustache' def self.template_extension @template_extension ||= inheritable_config_for :template_extension, 'mustache' end def self.template_extension=(template_extension) @template_extension = template_extension @template = nil end # The template name is the Mustache template file without any # extension or other information. Defaults to `class_name`. def self.template_name @template_name || underscore end def self.template_name=(template_name) @template_name = template_name @template = nil end # The template file is the absolute path of the file Mustache will # use as its template. By default it's ./class_name.mustache def self.template_file @template_file || "#{path}/#{template_name}.#{template_extension}" end def self.template_file=(template_file) @template_file = template_file @template = nil end # The template is the actual string Mustache uses as its template. # There is a bit of magic here: what we get back is actually a # Mustache::Template object here, but you can still safely use # `template=` with a string. def self.template @template ||= templateify( end def self.template=(template) @template = templateify(template) end # The constant under which Mustache will look for views. By default it's # `Object`, but it might be nice to set it to something like `Hurl::Views` if # your app's main namespace is `Hurl`. def self.view_namespace @view_namespace ||= inheritable_config_for(:view_namespace, Object) end def self.view_namespace=(namespace) @view_namespace = namespace end # Mustache searches the view path for .rb files to require when asked to find a # view class. Defaults to "." def self.view_path @view_path ||= inheritable_config_for(:view_path, '.') end def self.view_path=(path) @view_path = path end # When given a symbol or string representing a class, will try to produce an # appropriate view class. # e.g. # Mustache.view_namespace = Hurl::Views # Mustache.view_class(:Partial) # => Hurl::Views::Partial def self.view_class(name) if name != classify(name.to_s) name = classify(name.to_s) end # Emptiness begets emptiness. if name.to_s == '' return Mustache end file_name = underscore(name) namespace = view_namespace if namespace.const_defined?(:Views) && namespace::Views.const_defined?(name) namespace::Views.const_get(name) elsif namespace.const_defined?(name) namespace.const_get(name) elsif File.exists?(file = "#{view_path}/#{file_name}.rb") require "#{file}".chomp('.rb') if namespace.const_defined?(:Views) namespace::Views.const_get(name) else namespace.const_get(name) end else Mustache end rescue NameError Mustache end # Should an exception be raised when we cannot find a corresponding method # or key in the current context? By default this is false to emulate ctemplate's # behavior, but it may be useful to enable when debugging or developing. # # If set to true and there is a context miss, `Mustache::ContextMiss` will # be raised. def self.raise_on_context_miss? @raise_on_context_miss end def self.raise_on_context_miss=(boolean) @raise_on_context_miss = boolean end # Has this template already been compiled? Compilation is somewhat # expensive so it may be useful to check this before attempting it. def self.compiled? @template.is_a? Template end # Has this instance or its class already compiled a template? def compiled? (@template && @template.is_a?(Template)) || self.class.compiled? end # template_partial => TemplatePartial def self.classify(underscored) underscored.split(/[-_]/).map do |part| part[0] = part[0].chr.upcase; part end.join end # TemplatePartial => template_partial # Takes a string but defaults to using the current class' name. def self.underscore(classified = name) classified = name if classified.to_s.empty? classified = if classified.to_s.empty? string = classified.dup.split('::').last string[0] = string[0].chr.downcase string.gsub(/[A-Z]/) { |s| "_#{s.downcase}"} end # Turns a string into a Mustache::Template. If passed a Template, # returns it. def self.templateify(obj) if obj.is_a?(Template) obj else end end # Return the value of the configuration setting on the superclass, or return # the default. # # attr_name - Symbol name of the attribute. It should match the instance variable. # default - Default value to use if the superclass does not respond. # # Returns the inherited or default configuration setting. def self.inheritable_config_for(attr_name, default) superclass.respond_to?(attr_name) ? superclass.send(attr_name) : default end def templateify(obj) self.class.templateify(obj) end # The template can be set at the instance level. def template @template ||= self.class.template end def template=(template) @template = templateify(template) end # Override this to provide custom escaping. # # class PersonView < Mustache # def escapeHTML(str) # my_html_escape_method(str) # end # end # # Returns a String def escapeHTML(str) CGI.escapeHTML(str) end # Instance level version of `Mustache.raise_on_context_miss?` def raise_on_context_miss? self.class.raise_on_context_miss? || @raise_on_context_miss end attr_writer :raise_on_context_miss # A helper method which gives access to the context at a given time. # Kind of a hack for now, but useful when you're in an iterating section # and want access to the hash currently being iterated over. def context @context ||= end # Context accessors. # # view = # view[:name] = "Jon" # view.template = "Hi, {{name}}!" # view.render # => "Hi, Jon!" def [](key) context[key.to_sym] end def []=(key, value) context[key.to_sym] = value end # Parses our fancy pants template file and returns normal file with # all special {{tags}} and {{#sections}}replaced{{/sections}}. # # data - A String template or a Hash context. If a Hash is given, # we'll try to figure out the template from the class. # ctx - A Hash context if `data` is a String template. # # Examples # # @view.render("Hi {{thing}}!", :thing => :world) # # View.template = "Hi {{thing}}!" # @view = # @view.render(:thing => :world) # # Returns a rendered String version of a template def render(data = template, ctx = {}) if data.is_a? Hash ctx = data tpl = templateify(template) elsif data.is_a? Symbol old_template_name = self.class.template_name self.class.template_name = data tpl = templateify(template) self.class.template_name = old_template_name else tpl = templateify(data) end return tpl.render(context) if ctx == {} begin context.push(ctx) tpl.render(context) ensure context.pop end end alias_method :to_html, :render alias_method :to_text, :render end