• <%= form_remote_tag( :update => 'eltChoice_'+elt.id, :url => { :action => 'vote', :id => elt }, :before => visual_effect(:DropOut, 'eltChoice_'+elt.id, { :queue => 'end' }), :loaded => visual_effect(:Grow, 'eltChoice_'+elt.id, { :queue => 'end' })) %> <% if !elt.new_record? %> <%= render :partial => '/elt/choice', :locals => { :elt => elt } %> <% end %> <% cache :action => 'show', :id => elt.id do %> <% if displayTitle? elt and elt.created_on %> <%= elt.created_on.strftime('%d/%m/%y %H:%M') %> <% end %> <% if elt.person %> <<%= link_to elt.person.name, :controller => 'person', :action => 'show', :id => elt.person %>> <% elsif not displayTitle? elt %> <<%= ANONYMOUS_POSTER %>> <% end %> <% if displayTitle? elt %>

    <% if elt.new_record? %> <%= textilize_without_paragraph elt.subject.gsub(/\[.*\]/, '') %> <% else %> <%= link_to(textilize_without_paragraph(elt.subject.gsub(/\[.*\]/, '')), :controller => 'elt', :action => 'show', :id => elt) %> <% end %>

    <% end %> <%= format elt.body %> <% end %> <% @controller.expire_fragment( :action => 'show', :id => elt.id) if elt.new_record? %> <% if !elt.new_record? and elt.elts_count == 0 %> <%= link_to_remote('>>', { :update => 'eltNew_'+elt.id.to_s, :url => { :controller => 'elt', :action => 'new', :id => elt }, :loading => visual_effect(:SwitchOff, 'eltQuickAdd_'+elt.id.to_s), :loaded => visual_effect(:BlindDown, 'eltNew_'+elt.id.to_s)+ visual_effect(:BlindDown, 'eltSubsClose_'+elt.id.to_s)}, { :href => url_for(:controller => 'elt', :action => 'new', :id => @elt)}) %> <% end %> <% for att in elt.attachments %> <%= link_to image_tag('/attachment/file/'+att.file_relative_path), '/attachment/file/'+att.file_relative_path %> <% end %>   class="eltMore" id="eltMore_<%= elt.id %>"> <%= link_to_remote(elt.elts_count.to_s+' more', { :update => 'eltSubs_'+elt.id.to_s, :url => { :controller => 'elt', :action => 'list', :id => elt }, :loading => visual_effect(:SwitchOff, 'eltMore_'+elt.id.to_s), :loaded => visual_effect(:BlindDown, 'eltSubs_'+elt.id.to_s)+ visual_effect(:BlindDown, 'eltSubsClose_'+elt.id.to_s), :complete => "Behaviour.apply();" }, { :href => url_for(:controller => 'elt', :action => 'show', :id => elt) }) %> <%= link_to_remote('Add >>', { :update => 'eltNew_'+elt.id.to_s, :url => { :controller => 'elt', :action => 'new', :id => elt }, :loaded => visual_effect(:BlindDown, 'eltNew_'+elt.id.to_s)+ visual_effect(:BlindDown, 'eltSubsClose_'+elt.id.to_s)}, { :href => url_for(:controller => 'elt', :action => 'new', :id => elt)}) %> <%= end_form_tag %>
    0) or elt.elts_count == 1) %> id="eltSubsClose_<%= elt.id %>" title="<%= elt.created_on %>" class="eltSubsClose"> <%= link_to_function('<< Close', visual_effect(:BlindUp, 'eltSubs_'+elt.id)+ visual_effect(:BlindUp, 'eltNew_'+elt.id)+ visual_effect(:BlindUp, 'eltSubsClose_'+elt.id)+ visual_effect(:BlindDown, 'eltMore_'+elt.id)) %> <% if elt.person %> <%= link_to(elt.person.name, :controller => 'person', :action => 'show', :id => elt.person) %> <% elsif not displayTitle? elt %> <%= ANONYMOUS_POSTER %> <% end %> <%= link_to_remote('Add >>', { :update => 'eltNew_'+elt.id.to_s, :url => { :controller => 'elt', :action => 'new', :id => elt }, :loading => visual_effect(:BlindDown, 'eltNew_'+elt.id.to_s)+ visual_effect(:BlindDown, 'eltSubsClose_'+elt.id.to_s)}, { :href => url_for(:controller => 'elt', :action => 'new', :id => elt)}) %>