Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do namespace :thinking_sphinx do desc "Generate the Sphinx configuration file" task :configure, :roles => [:app, :worker] do rake "thinking_sphinx:configure" end desc "Index data" task :index, :roles => :worker do rake "thinking_sphinx:index" end desc "Start the Sphinx daemon" task :start, :roles => :worker do configure rake "thinking_sphinx:start" end desc "Stop the Sphinx daemon" task :stop, :roles => :worker do configure rake "thinking_sphinx:stop" end desc "Stop and then start the Sphinx daemon" task :restart, :roles => :worker do stop start end desc "Stop, re-index and then start the Sphinx daemon" task :rebuild, :roles => :worker do stop index start end desc "Add the shared folder for sphinx files for the production environment" task :shared_sphinx_folder, :roles => [:app, :worker] do run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/db/sphinx/production" end def rake(*tasks) rails_env = fetch(:rails_env, "production") rake = fetch(:rake, "rake") tasks.each do |t| run "if [ -d #{release_path} ]; then cd #{release_path}; else cd #{current_path}; fi; #{rake} RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} #{t}" end end end end