require 'rake' # Run the jasmine tests by running the jasmine:ci rake command and parses the output for failures. # The spec will fail if any jasmine tests fails. RSpec.describe "Jasmine" do it "expects all jasmine tests to pass" do load_rake_environment ["#{jasmine_path}/lib/jasmine/tasks/jasmine.rake"] # @rake.options.trace = true jasmine_out = run_task 'jasmine:ci' if jasmine_out.include? "0 failures" js_specs_count = Dir['spec/javascripts/**/*_spec.{js,coffee,}'].count puts "#{jasmine_out.match(/\n(.+) specs/)[1]} jasmine specs run (in #{js_specs_count} jasmine test files)" else puts "\n\n************************ Jasmine Output *************" puts jasmine_out puts "************************ Jasmine Output *************\n\n" end expect(jasmine_out).to include "0 failures" expect(jasmine_out).not_to include "\n0 specs" end end def jasmine_path Gem.loaded_specs['jasmine'].full_gem_path end