cdocutils.nodes document q)q}q(U nametypesq}q(Xthe tex2jax preprocessorqNXconfigure-tex2jaxqKuUsubstitution_defsq}q Uparse_messagesq ]q Ucurrent_sourceq NU decorationq NUautofootnote_startqKUnameidsq}q(hUthe-tex2jax-preprocessorqhUconfigure-tex2jaxquUchildrenq]q(cdocutils.nodes target q)q}q(U rawsourceqX.. _configure-tex2jax:qUparentqhUsourceqcdocutils.nodes reprunicode qXY/Data/Code/JavaScript/MathJax/Code/SourceForge/trunk/mathjax/docs/rst/options/tex2jax.rstqq}qbUtagnameq Utargetq!U attributesq"}q#(Uidsq$]q%Ubackrefsq&]q'Udupnamesq(]q)Uclassesq*]q+Unamesq,]q-Urefidq.huUlineq/KUdocumentq0hh]q1ubcdocutils.nodes section q2)q3}q4(hUhhhhUexpect_referenced_by_nameq5}q6hhsh Usectionq7h"}q8(h(]q9h*]q:h&]q;h$]q<(hheh,]q=(hheuh/Kh0hUexpect_referenced_by_idq>}q?hhsh]q@(cdocutils.nodes title qA)qB}qC(hXThe tex2jax PreprocessorqDhh3hhh UtitleqEh"}qF(h(]qGh*]qHh&]qIh$]qJh,]qKuh/Kh0hh]qLcdocutils.nodes Text qMXThe tex2jax PreprocessorqNqO}qP(hhDhhBubaubcdocutils.nodes paragraph qQ)qR}qS(hXDThe options below control the operation of the `tex2jax` preprocessor that is run when you include ``"tex2jax.js"`` in the `extensions` array of your configuration. They are listed with their default values. To set any of these options, include a ``tex2jax`` section in your :meth:`MathJax.Hub.Config()` call. For exampleqThh3hhh U paragraphqUh"}qV(h(]qWh*]qXh&]qYh$]qZh,]q[uh/Kh0hh]q\(hMX/The options below control the operation of the q]q^}q_(hX/The options below control the operation of the q`hhRubcdocutils.nodes title_reference qa)qb}qc(hX `tex2jax`qdh"}qe(h(]qfh*]qgh&]qhh$]qih,]qjuhhRh]qkhMXtex2jaxqlqm}qn(hUhhbubah Utitle_referenceqoubhMX+ preprocessor that is run when you include qpqq}qr(hX+ preprocessor that is run when you include qshhRubcdocutils.nodes literal qt)qu}qv(hX``"tex2jax.js"``qwh"}qx(h(]qyh*]qzh&]q{h$]q|h,]q}uhhRh]q~hMX "tex2jax.js"qq}q(hUhhuubah UliteralqubhMX in the qq}q(hX in the qhhRubha)q}q(hX `extensions`qh"}q(h(]qh*]qh&]qh$]qh,]quhhRh]qhMX extensionsqq}q(hUhhubah houbhMXr array of your configuration. They are listed with their default values. To set any of these options, include a qq}q(hXr array of your configuration. They are listed with their default values. To set any of these options, include a qhhRubht)q}q(hX ``tex2jax``qh"}q(h(]qh*]qh&]qh$]qh,]quhhRh]qhMXtex2jaxqq}q(hUhhubah hubhMX section in your qq}q(hX section in your qhhRubcsphinx.addnodes pending_xref q)q}q(hX:meth:`MathJax.Hub.Config()`qhhRh U pending_xrefqh"}q(UreftypeqXmethqU reftargetqXMathJax.Hub.ConfigqU refdomainqXpyqh$]qh&]qU refexplicitqh(]qh*]qh,]qUrefdocqUoptions/tex2jaxqUpy:classqNU py:moduleqNuh/Kh]qht)q}q(hhh"}q(h(]qh*]q(UxrefqhXpy-methqeh&]qh$]qh,]quhhh]qhMXMathJax.Hub.Config()q˅q}q(hUhhubah hubaubhMX call. For exampleq΅q}q(hX call. For exampleqhhRubeubcdocutils.nodes literal_block q)q}q(hXVMathJax.Hub.Config({ tex2jax: { inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)'] ] } });qhh3hhh U literal_blockqh"}q(Ulinenosq؉UlanguageqX javascriptqU xml:spaceqUpreserveqh$]qh&]qh(]qh*]qh,]quh/Kh0hh]qhMXVMathJax.Hub.Config({ tex2jax: { inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)'] ] } });qㅁq}q(hUhhubaubhQ)q}q(hXGwould set the ``inlineMath`` delimiters for the `tex2jax` preprocessor.qhh3hhh hUh"}q(h(]qh*]qh&]qh$]qh,]quh/Kh0hh]q(hMXwould set the qq}q(hXwould set the qhhubht)q}q(hX``inlineMath``qh"}q(h(]qh*]qh&]qh$]qh,]quhhh]qhMX inlineMathqq}r(hUhhubah hubhMX delimiters for the rr}r(hX delimiters for the rhhubha)r}r(hX `tex2jax`rh"}r(h(]r h*]r h&]r h$]r h,]r uhhh]rhMXtex2jaxrr}r(hUhjubah houbhMX preprocessor.rr}r(hX preprocessor.rhhubeubcsphinx.addnodes index r)r}r(hUhh3hhh Uindexrh"}r(h$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rUentriesr ]r!uh/Nh0hh]r"ubcsphinx.addnodes desc r#)r$}r%(hUhh3hhh Udescr&h"}r'(Unoindexr(Udomainr)Uh$]r*h&]r+h(]r,h*]r-h,]r.Uobjtyper/Xdescriber0Udesctyper1j0uh/Nh0hh]r2(csphinx.addnodes desc_signature r3)r4}r5(hX element: nullr6hj$hhh Udesc_signaturer7h"}r8(h$]r9h&]r:h(]r;h*]r<h,]r=Ufirstr>uh/Kh0hh]r?csphinx.addnodes desc_name r@)rA}rB(hj6hj4hhh U desc_namerCh"}rD(h(]rEh*]rFh&]rGh$]rHh,]rIuh/Kh0hh]rJhMX element: nullrKrL}rM(hUhjAubaubaubcsphinx.addnodes desc_content rN)rO}rP(hUhj$hhh U desc_contentrQh"}rR(h(]rSh*]rTh&]rUh$]rVh,]rWuh/Kh0hh]rXhQ)rY}rZ(hXdThe id name of the element that should be processed by `tex2jax`. The default is the whole document.r[hjOhhh hUh"}r\(h(]r]h*]r^h&]r_h$]r`h,]rauh/Kh0hh]rb(hMX7The id name of the element that should be processed by rcrd}re(hX7The id name of the element that should be processed by rfhjYubha)rg}rh(hX `tex2jax`rih"}rj(h(]rkh*]rlh&]rmh$]rnh,]rouhjYh]rphMXtex2jaxrqrr}rs(hUhjgubah houbhMX$. The default is the whole document.rtru}rv(hX$. The default is the whole document.rwhjYubeubaubeubj)rx}ry(hUhh3hhh jh"}rz(h$]r{h&]r|h(]r}h*]r~h,]rUentriesr]ruh/Nh0hh]rubj#)r}r(hUhh3hhh j&h"}r(j(j)Uh$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rj/Xdescriberj1juh/Nh0hh]r(j3)r}r(hXinlineMath: [['\(','\)']]rhjhhh j7h"}r(h$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rj>uh/K3h0hh]rj@)r}r(hjhjhhh jCh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/K3h0hh]rhMXinlineMath: [['\(','\)']]rr}r(hUhjubaubaubjN)r}r(hUhjhhh jQh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/K3h0hh]r(hQ)r}r(hXArray of pairs of strings that are to be used as in-line math delimters. The first in each pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter. You can have as many pairs as you want. For example,rhjhhh hUh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/K h0hh]rhMXArray of pairs of strings that are to be used as in-line math delimters. The first in each pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter. You can have as many pairs as you want. For example,rr}r(hjhjubaubh)r}r(hX(inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)'] ]rhjhhh hh"}r(h؉hX javascriptrhhh$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]ruh/K(h0hh]rhMX(inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)'] ]rr}r(hUhjubaubhQ)r}r(hX(would cause `tex2jax` to look for ``$...$`` and ``\(...\)`` as delimiters for inline mathematics. (Note that the single dollar signs are not enabled by default because they are used too frequently in normal text, so if you want to use them for math delimiters, you must specify them explicitly.)rhjhhh hUh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/K)h0hh]r(hMX would cause rr}r(hX would cause rhjubha)r}r(hX `tex2jax`rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMXtex2jaxrr}r(hUhjubah houbhMX to look for rr}r(hX to look for rhjubht)r}r(hX ``$...$``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMX$...$rr}r(hUhjubah hubhMX and rr}r(hX and rhjubht)r}r(hX ``\(...\)``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMX\(...\)rr}r(hUhjubah hubhMX as delimiters for inline mathematics. (Note that the single dollar signs are not enabled by default because they are used too frequently in normal text, so if you want to use them for math delimiters, you must specify them explicitly.)rr}r(hX as delimiters for inline mathematics. (Note that the single dollar signs are not enabled by default because they are used too frequently in normal text, so if you want to use them for math delimiters, you must specify them explicitly.)rhjubeubhQ)r}r (hXNote that the delimiters can't look like HTML tags (i.e., can't include the less-than sign), as these would be turned into tags by the browser before MathJax has the chance to run. You can only include text, not tags, as your math delimiters.r hjhhh hUh"}r (h(]r h*]r h&]rh$]rh,]ruh/K/h0hh]rhMXNote that the delimiters can't look like HTML tags (i.e., can't include the less-than sign), as these would be turned into tags by the browser before MathJax has the chance to run. You can only include text, not tags, as your math delimiters.rr}r(hj hjubaubeubeubj)r}r(hUhh3hhh jh"}r(h$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rUentriesr]ruh/Nh0hh]rubj#)r }r!(hUhh3hhh j&h"}r"(j(j)Uh$]r#h&]r$h(]r%h*]r&h,]r'j/Xdescriber(j1j(uh/Nh0hh]r)(j3)r*}r+(hX)displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], ['\[','\]'] ]r,hj hhh j7h"}r-(h$]r.h&]r/h(]r0h*]r1h,]r2j>uh/K?h0hh]r3j@)r4}r5(hj,hj*hhh jCh"}r6(h(]r7h*]r8h&]r9h$]r:h,]r;uh/K?h0hh]r<hMX)displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], ['\[','\]'] ]r=r>}r?(hUhj4ubaubaubjN)r@}rA(hUhj hhh jQh"}rB(h(]rCh*]rDh&]rEh$]rFh,]rGuh/K?h0hh]rH(hQ)rI}rJ(hXArray of pairs of strings that are to be used as delimters for displayed equations. The first in each pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter. You can have as many pairs as you want.rKhj@hhh hUh"}rL(h(]rMh*]rNh&]rOh$]rPh,]rQuh/K6h0hh]rRhMXArray of pairs of strings that are to be used as delimters for displayed equations. The first in each pair is the initial delimiter and the second is the terminal delimiter. You can have as many pairs as you want.rSrT}rU(hjKhjIubaubhQ)rV}rW(hXNote that the delimiters can't look like HTML tags (i.e., can't include the less-than sign), as these would be turned into tags by the browser before MathJax has the chance to run. You can only include text, not tags, as your math delimiters.rXhj@hhh hUh"}rY(h(]rZh*]r[h&]r\h$]r]h,]r^uh/K;h0hh]r_hMXNote that the delimiters can't look like HTML tags (i.e., can't include the less-than sign), as these would be turned into tags by the browser before MathJax has the chance to run. You can only include text, not tags, as your math delimiters.r`ra}rb(hjXhjVubaubeubeubj)rc}rd(hUhh3hhh jh"}re(h$]rfh&]rgh(]rhh*]rih,]rjUentriesrk]rluh/Nh0hh]rmubj#)rn}ro(hUhh3hhh j&h"}rp(j(j)Uh$]rqh&]rrh(]rsh*]rth,]ruj/Xdescribervj1jvuh/Nh0hh]rw(j3)rx}ry(hXprocessEscapes: falserzhjnhhh j7h"}r{(h$]r|h&]r}h(]r~h*]rh,]rj>uh/KIh0hh]rj@)r}r(hjzhjxhhh jCh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/KIh0hh]rhMXprocessEscapes: falserr}r(hUhjubaubaubjN)r}r(hUhjnhhh jQh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/KIh0hh]rhQ)r}r(hXWhen set to ``true``, you may use ``\$`` to represent a literal dollar sign, rather than using it as a math delimiter. When ``false``, ``\$`` will not be altered, and the dollar sign may be considered part of a math delimiter. Typically this is set to ``true`` if you enable the ``$ ... $`` in-line delimiters, so you can type ``\$`` and `tex2jax` will convert it to a regular dollar sign in the rendered document.rhjhhh hUh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/KBh0hh]r(hMX When set to rr}r(hX When set to rhjubht)r}r(hX``true``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMXtruerr}r(hUhjubah hubhMX, you may use rr}r(hX, you may use rhjubht)r}r(hX``\$``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMX\$rr}r(hUhjubah hubhMXU to represent a literal dollar sign, rather than using it as a math delimiter. When rr}r(hXU to represent a literal dollar sign, rather than using it as a math delimiter. When rhjubht)r}r(hX ``false``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMXfalserr}r(hUhjubah hubhMX, rr}r(hX, rhjubht)r}r(hX``\$``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMX\$rr}r(hUhjubah hubhMXp will not be altered, and the dollar sign may be considered part of a math delimiter. Typically this is set to rr}r(hXp will not be altered, and the dollar sign may be considered part of a math delimiter. Typically this is set to rhjubht)r}r(hX``true``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMXtruerr}r(hUhjubah hubhMX if you enable the rr}r(hX if you enable the rhjubht)r}r(hX ``$ ... $``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMX$ ... $rr}r(hUhjubah hubhMX% in-line delimiters, so you can type rr}r (hX% in-line delimiters, so you can type r hjubht)r }r (hX``\$``r h"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMX\$rr}r(hUhj ubah hubhMX and rr}r(hX and rhjubha)r}r(hX `tex2jax`rh"}r(h(]r h*]r!h&]r"h$]r#h,]r$uhjh]r%hMXtex2jaxr&r'}r((hUhjubah houbhMXC will convert it to a regular dollar sign in the rendered document.r)r*}r+(hXC will convert it to a regular dollar sign in the rendered document.r,hjubeubaubeubj)r-}r.(hUhh3hhh jh"}r/(h$]r0h&]r1h(]r2h*]r3h,]r4Uentriesr5]r6uh/Nh0hh]r7ubj#)r8}r9(hUhh3hhh j&h"}r:(j(j)Uh$]r;h&]r<h(]r=h*]r>h,]r?j/Xdescriber@j1j@uh/Nh0hh]rA(j3)rB}rC(hXprocessEnvironments: truerDhj8hhh j7h"}rE(h$]rFh&]rGh(]rHh*]rIh,]rJj>uh/KQh0hh]rKj@)rL}rM(hjDhjBhhh jCh"}rN(h(]rOh*]rPh&]rQh$]rRh,]rSuh/KQh0hh]rThMXprocessEnvironments: truerUrV}rW(hUhjLubaubaubjN)rX}rY(hUhj8hhh jQh"}rZ(h(]r[h*]r\h&]r]h$]r^h,]r_uh/KQh0hh]r`hQ)ra}rb(hXWhen ``true``, `tex2jax` looks not only for the in-line and display math delimters, but also for LaTeX environments (``\begin{something}...\end{something}``) and marks them for processing by MathJax. When ``false``, LaTeX environments will not be processed outside of math mode.rchjXhhh hUh"}rd(h(]reh*]rfh&]rgh$]rhh,]riuh/KLh0hh]rj(hMXWhen rkrl}rm(hXWhen rnhjaubht)ro}rp(hX``true``rqh"}rr(h(]rsh*]rth&]ruh$]rvh,]rwuhjah]rxhMXtrueryrz}r{(hUhjoubah hubhMX, r|r}}r~(hX, rhjaubha)r}r(hX `tex2jax`rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjah]rhMXtex2jaxrr}r(hUhjubah houbhMX] looks not only for the in-line and display math delimters, but also for LaTeX environments (rr}r(hX] looks not only for the in-line and display math delimters, but also for LaTeX environments (rhjaubht)r}r(hX'``\begin{something}...\end{something}``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjah]rhMX#\begin{something}...\end{something}rr}r(hUhjubah hubhMX2) and marks them for processing by MathJax. When rr}r(hX2) and marks them for processing by MathJax. When rhjaubht)r}r(hX ``false``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjah]rhMXfalserr}r(hUhjubah hubhMX@, LaTeX environments will not be processed outside of math mode.rr}r(hX@, LaTeX environments will not be processed outside of math mode.rhjaubeubaubeubj)r}r(hUhh3hhh jh"}r(h$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rUentriesr]ruh/Nh0hh]rubj#)r}r(hUhh3hhh j&h"}r(j(j)Uh$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rj/Xdescriberj1juh/Nh0hh]r(j3)r}r(hXpreview: "TeX"rhjhhh j7h"}r(h$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rj>uh/Kjh0hh]rj@)r}r(hjhjhhh jCh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/Kjh0hh]rhMXpreview: "TeX"rr}r(hUhjubaubaubjN)r}r(hUhjhhh jQh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/Kjh0hh]r(hQ)r}r(hX$This controls whether `tex2jax` inserts ``MathJax_Preview`` spans to make a preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates in-line or display mathematics in the page. The default is ``"TeX"``, which means use the TeX code as the preview (which will be visible until it is processed by MathJax). Set to ``"none"`` to prevent previews from being inserted (the math will simply disappear until it is typeset). Set to an array containing the description of an HTML snippet in order to use the same preview for all equations on the page.rhjhhh hUh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/KTh0hh]r(hMXThis controls whether rr}r(hXThis controls whether rhjubha)r}r(hX `tex2jax`rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMXtex2jaxrr}r(hUhjubah houbhMX inserts rr}r(hX inserts rhjubht)r}r(hX``MathJax_Preview``rh"}r (h(]r h*]r h&]r h$]r h,]ruhjh]rhMXMathJax_Previewrr}r(hUhjubah hubhMX spans to make a preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates in-line or display mathematics in the page. The default is rr}r(hX spans to make a preview available, and what preview to use, when it locates in-line or display mathematics in the page. The default is rhjubht)r}r(hX ``"TeX"``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]r hMX"TeX"r!r"}r#(hUhjubah hubhMXp, which means use the TeX code as the preview (which will be visible until it is processed by MathJax). Set to r$r%}r&(hXp, which means use the TeX code as the preview (which will be visible until it is processed by MathJax). Set to r'hjubht)r(}r)(hX ``"none"``r*h"}r+(h(]r,h*]r-h&]r.h$]r/h,]r0uhjh]r1hMX"none"r2r3}r4(hUhj(ubah hubhMX to prevent previews from being inserted (the math will simply disappear until it is typeset). Set to an array containing the description of an HTML snippet in order to use the same preview for all equations on the page.r5r6}r7(hX to prevent previews from being inserted (the math will simply disappear until it is typeset). Set to an array containing the description of an HTML snippet in order to use the same preview for all equations on the page.r8hjubeubhQ)r9}r:(hX Examples:r;hjhhh hUh"}r<(h(]r=h*]r>h&]r?h$]r@h,]rAuh/K^h0hh]rBhMX Examples:rCrD}rE(hj;hj9ubaubh)rF}rG(hXDpreview: ["[math]"], // insert the text "[math]" as the previewrHhjhhh hh"}rI(h؉hX javascriptrJhhh$]rKh&]rLh(]rMh*]rNh,]rOuh/Kch0hh]rPhMXDpreview: ["[math]"], // insert the text "[math]" as the previewrQrR}rS(hUhjFubaubh)rT}rU(hXQpreview: [["img",{src: "/images/mypic.jpg"}]], // insert an image as the previewrVhjhhh hh"}rW(h؉hX javascriptrXhhh$]rYh&]rZh(]r[h*]r\h,]r]uh/Kgh0hh]r^hMXQpreview: [["img",{src: "/images/mypic.jpg"}]], // insert an image as the previewr_r`}ra(hUhjTubaubhQ)rb}rc(hXrSee the :ref:`description of HTML snippets ` for details on how to represent HTML code in this way.rdhjhhh hUh"}re(h(]rfh*]rgh&]rhh$]rih,]rjuh/Khh0hh]rk(hMXSee the rlrm}rn(hXSee the rohjbubh)rp}rq(hX3:ref:`description of HTML snippets `rrhjbh hh"}rs(UreftypertXrefruhX html-snippetsrvU refdomainrwXstdrxh$]ryh&]rzU refexplicitr{h(]r|h*]r}h,]r~hhuh/Khh]rcdocutils.nodes emphasis r)r}r(hjrh"}r(h(]rh*]r(hjxXstd-refreh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjph]rhMXdescription of HTML snippetsrr}r(hUhjubah UemphasisrubaubhMX7 for details on how to represent HTML code in this way.rr}r(hX7 for details on how to represent HTML code in this way.rhjbubeubeubeubj)r}r(hUhh3hhh jh"}r(h$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rUentriesr]ruh/Nh0hh]rubj#)r}r(hUhh3hhh j&h"}r(j(j)Uh$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rj/Xdescriberj1juh/Nh0hh]r(j3)r}r(hX?skipTags: ["script","noscript","style","textarea","pre","code"]rhjhhh j7h"}r(h$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rj>uh/Krh0hh]rj@)r}r(hjhjhhh jCh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/Krh0hh]rhMX?skipTags: ["script","noscript","style","textarea","pre","code"]rr}r(hUhjubaubaubjN)r}r(hUhjhhh jQh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/Krh0hh]rhQ)r}r(hX This array lists the names of the tags whose contents should not be processed by `tex2jax` (other than to look for ignore/process classes as listed below). You can add to (or remove from) this list to prevent MathJax from processing mathematics in specific contexts.rhjhhh hUh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/Kmh0hh]r(hMXQThis array lists the names of the tags whose contents should not be processed by rr}r(hXQThis array lists the names of the tags whose contents should not be processed by rhjubha)r}r(hX `tex2jax`rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMXtex2jaxrr}r(hUhjubah houbhMX (other than to look for ignore/process classes as listed below). You can add to (or remove from) this list to prevent MathJax from processing mathematics in specific contexts.rr}r(hX (other than to look for ignore/process classes as listed below). You can add to (or remove from) this list to prevent MathJax from processing mathematics in specific contexts.rhjubeubaubeubj)r}r(hUhh3hhh jh"}r(h$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rUentriesr]ruh/Nh0hh]rubj#)r}r(hUhh3hhh j&h"}r(j(j)Uh$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rj/Xdescriberj1juh/Nh0hh]r(j3)r}r(hXignoreClass: "tex2jax_ignore"rhjhhh j7h"}r(h$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rj>uh/K~h0hh]rj@)r}r(hjhjhhh jCh"}r(h(]rh*]r h&]r h$]r h,]r uh/K~h0hh]r hMXignoreClass: "tex2jax_ignore"rr}r(hUhjubaubaubjN)r}r(hUhjhhh jQh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/K~h0hh]rhQ)r}r(hXThis is the class name used to mark elements whose contents should not be processed by tex2jax (other than to look for the ``processClass`` pattern below). Note that this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any `regexp` special characters. The pattern is automatically preceeded by ``'(^| )('`` and followed by ``')( |$)'``, so your pattern will have to match full words in the class name. Assigning an element this class name will prevent `tex2jax` from processing its contents.rhjhhh hUh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]r h$]r!h,]r"uh/Kuh0hh]r#(hMX{This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents should not be processed by tex2jax (other than to look for the r$r%}r&(hX{This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents should not be processed by tex2jax (other than to look for the r'hjubht)r(}r)(hX``processClass``r*h"}r+(h(]r,h*]r-h&]r.h$]r/h,]r0uhjh]r1hMX processClassr2r3}r4(hUhj(ubah hubhMXb pattern below). Note that this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any r5r6}r7(hXb pattern below). Note that this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any r8hjubha)r9}r:(hX`regexp`r;h"}r<(h(]r=h*]r>h&]r?h$]r@h,]rAuhjh]rBhMXregexprCrD}rE(hUhj9ubah houbhMX@ special characters. The pattern is automatically preceeded by rFrG}rH(hX@ special characters. The pattern is automatically preceeded by rIhjubht)rJ}rK(hX ``'(^| )('``rLh"}rM(h(]rNh*]rOh&]rPh$]rQh,]rRuhjh]rShMX'(^| )('rTrU}rV(hUhjJubah hubhMX and followed by rWrX}rY(hX and followed by rZhjubht)r[}r\(hX ``')( |$)'``r]h"}r^(h(]r_h*]r`h&]rah$]rbh,]rcuhjh]rdhMX')( |$)'rerf}rg(hUhj[ubah hubhMXv, so your pattern will have to match full words in the class name. Assigning an element this class name will prevent rhri}rj(hXv, so your pattern will have to match full words in the class name. Assigning an element this class name will prevent rkhjubha)rl}rm(hX `tex2jax`rnh"}ro(h(]rph*]rqh&]rrh$]rsh,]rtuhjh]ruhMXtex2jaxrvrw}rx(hUhjlubah houbhMX from processing its contents.ryrz}r{(hX from processing its contents.r|hjubeubaubeubj)r}}r~(hUhh3hhh jh"}r(h$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rUentriesr]ruh/Nh0hh]rubj#)r}r(hUhh3hhh j&h"}r(j(j)Uh$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rj/Xdescriberj1juh/Nh0hh]r(j3)r}r(hXprocessClass: "tex2jax_process"rhjhhh j7h"}r(h$]rh&]rh(]rh*]rh,]rj>uh/Kh0hh]rj@)r}r(hjhjhhh jCh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/Kh0hh]rhMXprocessClass: "tex2jax_process"rr}r(hUhjubaubaubjN)r}r(hUhjhhh jQh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/Kh0hh]rhQ)r}r(hX This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents *should* be processed by `tex2jax`. This is used to turn on processing within tags that have been marked as ignored or skipped above. Note that this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any `regexp` special characters. The pattern is automatically preceeded by ``'(^| )('`` and followed by ``')( |$)'``, so your pattern will have to match full words in the class name. Use this to restart processing within an element that has been marked as ignored above.rhjhhh hUh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruh/Kh0hh]r(hMX<This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents rr}r(hX<This is the class name used to mark elements whose contents rhjubj)r}r(hX*should*rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMXshouldrr}r(hUhjubah jubhMX be processed by rr}r(hX be processed by rhjubha)r}r(hX `tex2jax`rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMXtex2jaxrr}r(hUhjubah houbhMX. This is used to turn on processing within tags that have been marked as ignored or skipped above. Note that this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any rr}r(hX. This is used to turn on processing within tags that have been marked as ignored or skipped above. Note that this is a regular expression, and so you need to be sure to quote any rhjubha)r}r(hX`regexp`rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMXregexprr}r(hUhjubah houbhMX@ special characters. The pattern is automatically preceeded by rr}r(hX@ special characters. The pattern is automatically preceeded by rhjubht)r}r(hX ``'(^| )('``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]rh$]rh,]ruhjh]rhMX'(^| )('rr}r(hUhjubah hubhMX and followed by rr}r(hX and followed by rhjubht)r}r(hX ``')( |$)'``rh"}r(h(]rh*]rh&]r h$]r h,]r uhjh]r hMX')( |$)'r r}r(hUhjubah hubhMX, so your pattern will have to match full words in the class name. Use this to restart processing within an element that has been marked as ignored above.rr}r(hX, so your pattern will have to match full words in the class name. Use this to restart processing within an element that has been marked as ignored above.rhjubeubaubeubeubehUU transformerrNU footnote_refsr}rUrefnamesr}rUsymbol_footnotesr]rUautofootnote_refsr]rUsymbol_footnote_refsr]rU citationsr]r h0hU current_liner!NUtransform_messagesr"]r#cdocutils.nodes system_message r$)r%}r&(hUh"}r'(h(]r(Ulevelr)Kh$]r*h&]r+Usourcer,hh*]r-h,]r.Uliner/KUtyper0UINFOr1uh]r2hQ)r3}r4(hUh"}r5(h(]r6h*]r7h&]r8h$]r9h,]r:uhj%h]r;hMX7Hyperlink target "configure-tex2jax" is not referenced.r<r=}r>(hUhj3ubah hUubah Usystem_messager?ubaUreporterr@NUid_startrAKU autofootnotesrB]rCU citation_refsrD}rEUindirect_targetsrF]rGUsettingsrH(cdocutils.frontend Values rIorJ}rK(Ufootnote_backlinksrLKUrecord_dependenciesrMNU rfc_base_urlrNU tracebackrPKUpep_referencesrQNUstrip_commentsrRNU toc_backlinksrSUentryrTU language_coderUUenrVU datestamprWNU report_levelrXKU _destinationrYNU halt_levelrZKU strip_classesr[NhENUerror_encoding_error_handlerr\Ubackslashreplacer]Udebugr^NUembed_stylesheetr_Uoutput_encoding_error_handlerr`UstrictraU sectnum_xformrbKUdump_transformsrcNU docinfo_xformrdKUwarning_streamreNUpep_file_url_templaterfUpep-%04drgUexit_status_levelrhKUconfigriNUstrict_visitorrjNUcloak_email_addressesrkUtrim_footnote_reference_spacerlUenvrmNUdump_pseudo_xmlrnNUexpose_internalsroNUsectsubtitle_xformrpU source_linkrqNUrfc_referencesrrNUoutput_encodingrsUutf-8rtU source_urlruNUinput_encodingrvU utf-8-sigrwU_disable_configrxNU id_prefixryUU tab_widthrzKUerror_encodingr{UUTF-8r|U_sourcer}UY/Data/Code/JavaScript/MathJax/Code/SourceForge/trunk/mathjax/docs/rst/options/tex2jax.rstr~U generatorrNUdump_internalsrNU pep_base_urlrU _config_filesr]rUfile_insertion_enabledrKU raw_enabledrKU dump_settingsrNubUsymbol_footnote_startrKUidsr}r(hh3hh3uUsubstitution_namesr}rh h0h"}r(h(]rh$]rh&]rUsourcerhh*]rh,]ruU footnotesr]rUrefidsr}rh]rhasub.