require "graphql/field/resolve"

module GraphQL
  # {Field}s belong to {ObjectType}s and {InterfaceType}s.
  # They're usually created with the `field` helper. If you create it by hand, make sure {#name} is a String.
  # A field must have a return type, but if you want to defer the return type calculation until later,
  # you can pass a proc for the return type. That proc will be called when the schema is defined.
  # @example Lazy type resolution
  #   # If the field's type isn't defined yet, you can pass a proc
  #   field :city, -> { TypeForModelName.find("City") }
  # For complex field definition, you can pass a block to the `field` helper, eg `field :name do ... end`.
  # This block is equivalent to calling `GraphQL::Field.define { ... }`.
  # @example Defining a field with a block
  #   field :city, CityType do
  #     # field definition continues inside the block
  #   end
  # ## Resolve
  # Fields have `resolve` functions to determine their values at query-time.
  # The default implementation is to call a method on the object based on the field name.
  # @example Create a field which calls a method with the same name.
  #   GraphQL::ObjectType.define do
  #     field :name, types.String, "The name of this thing "
  #   end
  # You can specify a custom proc with the `resolve` helper.
  # There are some shortcuts for common `resolve` implementations:
  #   - Provide `property:` to call a method with a different name than the field name
  #   - Provide `hash_key:` to resolve the field by doing a key lookup, eg `obj[:my_hash_key]`
  # @example Create a field that calls a different method on the object
  #   GraphQL::ObjectType.define do
  #     # use the `property` keyword:
  #     field :firstName, types.String, property: :first_name
  #   end
  # @example Create a field looks up with `[hash_key]`
  #   GraphQL::ObjectType.define do
  #     # use the `hash_key` keyword:
  #     field :firstName, types.String, hash_key: :first_name
  #   end
  # ## Arguments
  # Fields can take inputs; they're called arguments. You can define them with the `argument` helper.
  # @example Create a field with an argument
  #   field :students, types[StudentType] do
  #     argument :grade, types.Int
  #     resolve -> (obj, args, ctx) {
  #       Student.where(grade: args[:grade])
  #     }
  #   end
  # They can have default values which will be provided to `resolve` if the query doesn't include a value.
  # @example Argument with a default value
  #   field :events, types[EventType] do
  #     # by default, don't include past events
  #     argument :includePast, types.Boolean, default_value: false
  #     resolve -> (obj, args, ctx) {
  #       args[:includePast] # => false if no value was provided in the query
  #       # ...
  #     }
  #   end
  # Only certain types maybe used for inputs:
  # - Scalars
  # - Enums
  # - Input Objects
  # - Lists of those types
  # Input types may also be non-null -- in that case, the query will fail
  # if the input is not present.
  # ## Complexity
  # Fields can have _complexity_ values which describe the computation cost of resolving the field.
  # You can provide the complexity as a constant with `complexity:` or as a proc, with the `complexity` helper.
  # @example Custom complexity values
  #   # Complexity can be a number or a proc.
  #   # Complexity can be defined with a keyword:
  #   field :expensive_calculation, !types.Int, complexity: 10
  #   # Or inside the block:
  #   field :expensive_calculation_2, !types.Int do
  #     complexity -> (ctx, args, child_complexity) { ctx[:current_user].staff? ? 0 : 10 }
  #   end
  # @example Calculating the complexity of a list field
  #   field :items, types[ItemType] do
  #     argument :limit, !types.Int
  #     # Mulitply the child complexity by the possible items on the list
  #     complexity -> (ctx, args, child_complexity) { child_complexity * args[:limit] }
  #   end
  # @example Creating a field, then assigning it to a type
  #   name_field = GraphQL::Field.define do
  #     name("Name")
  #     type(!types.String)
  #     description("The name of this thing")
  #     resolve -> (object, arguments, context) { }
  #   end
  #   NamedType = GraphQL::ObjectType.define do
  #     # The second argument may be a GraphQL::Field
  #     field :name, name_field
  #   end
  class Field
    include GraphQL::Define::InstanceDefinable
    accepts_definitions :name, :description, :resolve, :type, :property, :deprecation_reason, :complexity, :hash_key, :arguments, argument: GraphQL::Define::AssignArgument

    lazy_defined_attr_accessor :deprecation_reason, :description, :property, :hash_key

    # @return [<#call(obj, args,ctx)>] A proc-like object which can be called to return the field's value
    attr_reader :resolve_proc

    # @return [String] The name of this field on its {GraphQL::ObjectType} (or {GraphQL::InterfaceType})
    def name

    attr_writer :name

    # @return [Hash<String => GraphQL::Argument>] Map String argument names to their {GraphQL::Argument} implementations
    def arguments

    attr_writer :arguments

    # @return [Numeric, Proc] The complexity for this field (default: 1), as a constant or a proc like `-> (query_ctx, args, child_complexity) { } # Numeric`
    def complexity

    attr_writer :complexity

    def initialize
      @complexity = 1
      @arguments = {}
      @resolve_proc = build_default_resolver

    # Get a value for this field
    # @example resolving a field value
    #   field.resolve(obj, args, ctx)
    # @param object [Object] The object this field belongs to
    # @param arguments [Hash] Arguments declared in the query
    # @param context [GraphQL::Query::Context]
    def resolve(object, arguments, context)
      ensure_defined, arguments, context)

    def resolve=(resolve_proc)
      @resolve_proc = resolve_proc || build_default_resolver

    def type=(new_return_type)
      @clean_type = nil
      @dirty_type = new_return_type

    # Get the return type for this field.
    def type
      @clean_type ||= begin

    # You can only set a field's name _once_ -- this to prevent
    # passing the same {Field} to multiple `.field` calls.
    # This is important because {#name} may be used by {#resolve}.
    def name=(new_name)
      if @name.nil?
        @name = new_name
      elsif @name != new_name
        raise("Can't rename an already-named field. (Tried to rename \"#{@name}\" to \"#{new_name}\".) If you're passing a field with the `field:` argument, make sure it's an unused instance of GraphQL::Field.")

    # @param new_property [Symbol] A method to call to resolve this field. Overrides the existing resolve proc.
    def property=(new_property)
      @property = new_property
      self.resolve = nil # reset resolve proc

    # @param new_hash_key [Symbol] A key to access with `#[key]` to resolve this field. Overrides the existing resolve proc.
    def hash_key=(new_hash_key)
      @hash_key = new_hash_key
      self.resolve = nil # reset resolve proc

    def to_s
      "<Field name:#{name || "not-named"} desc:#{description} resolve:#{resolve_proc}>"


    def build_default_resolver