require 'delegate' require 'acpc_poker_types/board_cards' require 'acpc_poker_types/hand' require 'acpc_poker_types/rank' require 'acpc_poker_types/suit' require 'acpc_poker_types/poker_action' require 'acpc_poker_types/hand_player' require 'acpc_poker_types/hand_player_group' module AcpcPokerTypes module Indices refine Array do def inject_with_index(init) i = 0 inject(init) do |accum, elem| yield accum, elem, i if block_given? i += 1 accum end end def indices(elem_to_find=nil) if elem_to_find indices { |elem| elem == elem_to_find } else inject_with_index([]) do |array, elem, i| array << i if yield elem array end end end end end end using AcpcPokerTypes::Indices module AcpcPokerTypes # Model to parse and manage information from a given match state string. class MatchState < DelegateClass(String) # @return [Integer] The position relative to the dealer of the player that # received the match state string, indexed from 0, modulo the # number of players. # @example The player immediately to the left of the dealer has # +position_relative_to_dealer+ == 0 # @example The dealer has # +position_relative_to_dealer+ == - 1 attr_reader :position_relative_to_dealer # @return [Integer] The hand number. attr_reader :hand_number # @return [String] The ACPC string created by the given betting sequence. attr_reader :betting_sequence_string attr_reader :hands_string attr_reader :community_cards_string # @return [String] Label for match state strings. LABEL = 'MATCHSTATE' COMMUNITY_CARD_SEPARATOR = '/' BETTING_SEQUENCE_SEPARATOR = COMMUNITY_CARD_SEPARATOR HAND_SEPARATOR = '|' class << self; alias_method(:parse, :new) end # Receives a match state string from the given +connection+. # @param [#gets] connection The connection from which a match state string should be received. # @return [MatchState] The match state string that was received from the +connection+ or +nil+ if none could be received. def self.receive(connection) MatchState.parse connection.gets end # Builds a match state string from its given component parts. # # @param [#to_s] position_relative_to_dealer The position relative to the dealer. # @param [#to_s] hand_number The hand number. # @param [#to_s] betting_sequence The betting sequence. # @param [#to_s] all_hole_cards All the hole cards visible. # @param [#to_s, #empty?] board_cards All the community cards on the board. # @return [String] The constructed match state string. def self.build_match_state_string( position_relative_to_dealer, hand_number, betting_sequence, all_hole_cards, board_cards ) string = "#{LABEL}:#{position_relative_to_dealer}:#{hand_number}:#{betting_sequence}:#{all_hole_cards}" string << "/#{board_cards.to_s}" if board_cards && !board_cards.empty? string end # @param [String] raw_match_state A raw match state string to be parsed. # @raise IncompleteMatchState def initialize(raw_match_state) if raw_match_state.match( /#{LABEL}:(\d+):(\d+):([^:]*):([^#{COMMUNITY_CARD_SEPARATOR}]+)#{COMMUNITY_CARD_SEPARATOR}*([^\s:]*)/ ) @position_relative_to_dealer = $1.to_i @hand_number = $2.to_i @betting_sequence_string = $3 @hands_string = $4 @community_cards_string = $5 end @min_wager_by = nil super to_s end # @return [String] The MatchState in raw text form. def to_str @str ||= MatchState.build_match_state_string( @position_relative_to_dealer, @hand_number, @betting_sequence_string, @hands_string, @community_cards_string ) end # @see to_str alias_method :to_s, :to_str # @param [MatchState] another_match_state A match state string to compare against this one. # @return [Boolean] +true+ if this match state string is equivalent to +another_match_state+, +false+ otherwise. def ==(another_match_state) another_match_state.to_s == to_s end # @return [Array] The list of hole card hands for each player. def all_hands @all_hands ||= -> do lcl_hole_card_hands = all_string_hands(@hands_string).map do |string_hand| Hand.from_acpc string_hand end while lcl_hole_card_hands.length < number_of_players lcl_hole_card_hands.push end lcl_hole_card_hands end # @return [Array>] The sequence of betting actions. def betting_sequence @betting_sequence ||= if @betting_sequence_string.empty? [[]] else sequence = @betting_sequence_string.split( BETTING_SEQUENCE_SEPARATOR ).map do |betting_string_per_round| actions_from_acpc_characters(betting_string_per_round).map do |action| end end # Adjust the number of rounds if the last action was the last action in the round while sequence.length <= round sequence << [] end sequence end end # @return [BoardCards] All visible community cards on the board. def community_cards @community_cards ||= -> do lcl_community_cards = all_sets_of_community_cards(@community_cards_string).map do |cards_per_round| end ) if lcl_community_cards.round < @community_cards_string.count(COMMUNITY_CARD_SEPARATOR) lcl_community_cards.next_round! end lcl_community_cards end # @return [Integer] The zero indexed current round number. def round @round ||= @betting_sequence_string.count BETTING_SEQUENCE_SEPARATOR end # @return [Hand] The user's hand. # @example An ace of diamonds and a 4 of clubs is represented as # 'Ad4c' def hand @hand ||= all_hands[@position_relative_to_dealer] end # @return [Array] The list of opponent hole card hands. # @example If there are two opponents, one with AhKs and the other with QdJc, then # list_of_opponents_hole_cards == [AhKs:Hand, QdJc:Hand] def opponent_hands @opponent_hands ||= -> do hands = all_hands.dup hands.delete_at @position_relative_to_dealer hands end # @return [Boolean] Reports whether or not it is the first state of the first round. def first_state_of_first_round? return @first_state_of_first_round unless @first_state_of_first_round.nil? @first_state_of_first_round = @betting_sequence_string.empty? end def first_state_of_round? return @first_state_of_round unless @first_state_of_round.nil? @first_state_of_round = @betting_sequence_string[-1] == BETTING_SEQUENCE_SEPARATOR end # @return [Integer] The number of players in this match. def number_of_players @number_of_players ||= @hands_string.count(HAND_SEPARATOR) + 1 end # @return [PokerAction] The last action taken. def last_action @last_action ||= if @betting_sequence_string.match( /([^#{BETTING_SEQUENCE_SEPARATOR}])#{BETTING_SEQUENCE_SEPARATOR}*$/ )$1) else nil end end # @return [Integer] The number of actions in the current round. def number_of_actions_this_round @number_of_actions_this_round ||= betting_sequence[round].length end # @return [Integer] The number of actions in the current hand. def number_of_actions_this_hand @number_of_actions_this_hand ||= betting_sequence.inject(0) do |sum, sequence_per_round| sum += sequence_per_round.length end end def round_in_which_last_action_taken @round_in_which_last_action_taken ||= if first_state_of_first_round? nil else if @betting_sequence_string[-1] == BETTING_SEQUENCE_SEPARATOR round - 1 else round end end end # @param stacks [Array<#to_f>] # @param blinds [Array<#to_f>] # @return [HandPlayerGroup] The state of the players in this hand at the # when the hand began. def players_at_hand_start(stacks, blinds) all_hands, stacks, blinds end # @param game_def [GameDefinition] # @return [HandPlayerGroup] The current state of the players. def every_action(game_def) @players = players_at_hand_start game_def.chip_stacks, game_def.blinds @next_to_act = game_def.first_player_positions.first @player_acting_sequence = [] @min_wager_by = game_def.min_wagers.first walk_over_betting_sequence!(game_def) distribute_chips!(game_def) if hand_ended?(game_def) @players end def next_to_act(game_def) every_action(game_def) unless @next_to_act @next_to_act end def players(game_def) @players ||= every_action(game_def) end def player_acting_sequence(game_def) every_action(game_def) unless @player_acting_sequence @player_acting_sequence end # @return [Boolean] +true+ if the hand has ended, +false+ otherwise. def hand_ended?(game_def) return @hand_ended unless @hand_ended.nil? @hand_ended = reached_showdown? || players(game_def).count { |player| player.folded? } >= number_of_players - 1 end def reached_showdown? opponents_cards_visible? end def opponents_cards_visible? return @opponents_cards_visible unless @opponents_cards_visible.nil? @opponents_cards_visible = all_hands.count { |h| !h.empty? } > 1 # At least one opponent hand visible end def pot(game_def) @pot ||= players(game_def).map { |player| player.contributions }.flatten.inject(:+) end # @return [ChipStack] Minimum wager by. def min_wager_by(game_def) every_action(game_def) unless @min_wager_by @min_wager_by end # @return [Array] The legal actions for the next player to act. def legal_actions(game_def) players(game_def).legal_actions( next_to_act(game_def), round, game_def, min_wager_by(game_def) ) end private def walk_over_betting_sequence!(game_def) last_round = -1 betting_sequence.each_with_index do |actions_per_round, current_round| @min_wager_by = game_def.min_wagers[current_round] @next_to_act = @players.position_of_first_active_player( game_def.first_player_positions[current_round] ) @player_acting_sequence << [] last_round = current_round walk_over_actions!(actions_per_round, game_def, last_round, current_round) end self end def walk_over_actions!(actions_per_round, game_def, last_round, current_round) actions_per_round.each do |action| @player_acting_sequence.last << @next_to_act acting_player_position = @player_acting_sequence.last.last @next_to_act = @players.next_to_act(@next_to_act) cost = @players.action_cost( acting_player_position, action, game_def.min_wagers[current_round] ) action = action.to_s( pot_gained_chips: @players.inject(0) { |sum, player| sum += player.contributions[current_round].to_i } > 0, player_sees_wager: @players.amount_to_call(acting_player_position) > 0 ), cost: cost ) adjust_min_wager!(action, acting_player_position) @players[acting_player_position].append_action!(action, current_round) yield action, current_round, acting_player_position if block_given? end self end # Distribute chips to all winning players def distribute_chips!(game_def) return self if pot(game_def) <= 0 # @todo This only works for Doyle's game where there are no side-pots. if 1 == players(game_def).count { |player| !player.folded? } players(game_def).select { |player| !player.folded? }.first.winnings = pot(game_def) else hand_strengths = players(game_def).map do |player| if player.folded? -1 else + player.hand).to_poker_hand_strength end end winning_players = hand_strengths.indices(hand_strengths.max) amount_each_player_wins = pot(game_def)/winning_players.length.to_r winning_players.each do |player_index| @players[player_index].winnings = amount_each_player_wins end end self end def all_string_hands(string_of_card_sets) all_sets_of_cards(string_of_card_sets, HAND_SEPARATOR) end def all_sets_of_community_cards(string_of_card_sets) all_sets_of_cards(string_of_card_sets, COMMUNITY_CARD_SEPARATOR) end def all_sets_of_cards(string_of_card_sets, divider) string_of_card_sets.split(divider) end def actions_from_acpc_characters(action_sequence) action_sequence.scan(/[^#{BETTING_SEQUENCE_SEPARATOR}\d]\d*/) end def adjust_min_wager!(action, acting_player_position) return self unless PokerAction::MODIFIABLE_ACTIONS.include?(action.action) wager_size = action.cost.to_f - @players.amount_to_call(acting_player_position) ) return self unless wager_size > @min_wager_by @min_wager_by = wager_size self end end end