var console = console || { log:function(){}, warn:function(){}, error:function(){} }; // Convert from device-independent px to device px. var get_device_px = function(px) { return (Application.client.ios || navigator.userAgent.match(/Intel Mac/i)) ? px : (window.outerWidth / 320) * px; }; var get_viewport_dims = function(){ var dim = { 'width': (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.offsetWidth), 'height': (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.offsetHeight) }; return dim; }; // Take a query string and return and object. String.prototype.toParameters = function() { if (this.indexOf('=') == -1) { return this; } var params = {}; this.split("&").forEach(function(pair) { var s = pair.split("="); params[decodeURIComponent(s[0].replace(/\+/g, ' '))] = decodeURIComponent(s[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); }); return params; } // Replace values in a string, e.g. `"foo {boo}".format({boo: 'hoo'}) = 'foo hoo'`. // // @param {Object} object String.prototype.format = function(hash, translate_key) { translate_key = translate_key || false; var s = this; for (var key in hash) { var re = new RegExp('\\{' + (key) + '\\}','gm'); s = s.replace(re, hash[key]); } return s; } // Capitalize the first character of a string. String.prototype.capitalize = function() { return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.substr(1).toLowerCase(); } // Sets the object to which `this` refers to. Function.prototype.bind = function() { if (arguments.length < 2 && typeof arguments[0] == "undefined") return this; var __method = this, args = $A(arguments), object = args.shift(); return function() { return __method.apply(object, args.concat($A(arguments))); } } // Take a DOM node collection and return an `Array` function $A(arraylike) { if (!arraylike) return []; var length = arraylike.length || 0, results = new Array(length); while (length--) results[length] = arraylike[length]; return results; } // Takes an object and returns the type. function type_of(v) { if (typeof(v) == "object") { if (v === null) return "null"; if (v.constructor == (new Array).constructor) return "array"; if (v.constructor == (new Date).constructor) return "date"; if (v.constructor == (new RegExp).constructor) return "regex"; return "object"; } return typeof(v); } function macrojungle(tmpl) { // This is kind of stupid. // But at least it's only written once. var html = $('#tmp').empty().microjungle(tmpl).html(); // If we don't actually want to get any html back (just a string), // we wrap the string in string and then remove // the tags here. return html.replace(/<(\/){0,1}tmp>/g, ''); } // Convert from device-independent px to device px. var get_device_px = function(px) { return (Application.client.ios || navigator.userAgent.match(/Intel Mac/i)) ? px : (window.outerWidth / 320) * px; }; var get_viewport_dims = function(){ var dim = { 'width': (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.offsetWidth), 'height': (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.offsetHeight) }; return dim; }; // A dumb method to flip Plural => Singular. String.prototype.singularize = function() { return this.slice(0, -1); }; String.prototype.contains = function(str){ return (this.indexOf(str) !== -1) ? true : false; }; // zepto/querySelector, understandably, can't deal with periods in the id attr. String.prototype.dotToBar = function() { return this.replace(/\./g,"_"); }; String.prototype.barToDot = function() { return this.replace(/_/g, '.'); }; // ====================== // = Element Prototypes = // ====================== // highlight changes Element.prototype.hilite = function() { var el = this; $(el).addClass('hilite'); // the 3rd param is the context. does not work in IE but we don't care. cstuart 2010-03-18 window.setTimeout(function() { $(el).removeClass('hilite'); }, 2200, el); }; // ===================== // = Number Prototypes = // ===================== Number.prototype.isInt = function() { return this % 1 === 0; }; // ===================== // = Utility Functions = // ===================== // Takes an object and returns the type. // var type_of = function(v) { // if (typeof(v) == "object") { // if (v === null) return "null"; // if (v.constructor == (new Array).constructor) return "array"; // if (v.constructor == (new Date).constructor) return "date"; // if (v.constructor == (new RegExp).constructor) return "regex"; // if (v.constructor == (new String).constructor) return "string"; // if (v.constructor == (new Number).constructor) return "number"; // return "object"; // } // return typeof(v); // }; $.fixImage = function(elem, src) { if (!elem.fixed) { elem.src = src; } else { = 'hidden'; } elem.fixed = true; }; var macrojungle = function(tmpl) { // This is kind of stupid. // But at least it's only written once. var html = $('#tmp').empty().microjungle(tmpl).html(); // If we don't actually want to get any html back (just a string), // we wrap the string in string and then remove // the tags here. return html.replace(/<(\/){0,1}tmp>/g, ''); };