# this var holds whatever HTML has been parked # to make room for a loader # # cloneObject will make a copy of an object - not a copy of the reference # to some object! # # var obj1= {bla:'blabla',foo:'foofoo',etc:'etc'}; # var obj2= new cloneObject(obj1); # # 03-07-2015 (whd) not sure whether this method is OK!!!! # cp'ed from: http://scriptcult.com/subcategory_1/article_414-copy-or-clone-javascript-array-object # @cloneObject = (source) -> for i in source if typeof source[i] == 'source' this[i] = new cloneObject source[i] else this[i] = source[i] # it will be re-instated with releaseLoader loaded_html = "" loaded_element = "" # # set a loader - see http://materializecss.com/preloader.html # for examples # @setLoader = (elem,html) -> html ||= '
' loaded_element = $(elem) loaded_html = elem.html() elem.html(html) # # release the loader # @releaseLoader = (elem=null) -> elem ||= loaded_element $(elem).html(loaded_html) # # make sure fields with values do not have their labels obscuring your view # @setLabels = (selector) -> $(selector).each () -> try fld = '#'+$(this).attr('for') $(this).addClass('active') unless $(fld)[0].value.nil? catch #console.log this @tellResponse = (msg,anchor='.message_container',fade=15000,selector='.alert') -> $(anchor).prepend(msg) if fade>0 fadeItOut $(anchor).find(selector), 15000 @reportError = (msg) -> Materialize.toast( msg, 4500, 'red lighten-3') @closeSweetAlert = ($elem=null) -> try unless $elem == undefined $elem.show() swal.close() catch error $('.sweet-overlay').hide() $('.sweet-alert').hide() # # initializeSweetAlert # initializes the sweetalert prompt # @initializeSweetAlert = () -> try # console.log 'sweet alert initializing...' # sweetHTML = '



' # sweetWrap = document.createElement('div') # sweetWrap.innerHTML = sweetHTML # $(document.body).append(sweetWrap) # console.log 'sweetalert initialized!' catch error console.log 'sweetalert says: ' + error # # handleAttachLinks # allows for attaching/detaching resources from their parents - like: /admin/users/2/printers/3/attach.js # @handleAttachLinks = (e) -> e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $elem = $(e.currentTarget) request = $.ajax url: $elem.attr('href'), type: "get", dataType: 'html' .done (data) -> $( $elem[0].parentElement).html(data) .error (data) -> swal("Oops", "We couldn't connect to the server!", "error") return false # # handleActivateLinks # allows for activating/deactivating resources - like: /admin/users/2/activate # @handleActivateLinks = (e) -> e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $elem = $(e.currentTarget) request = $.ajax url: $elem.attr('href'), type: "get", dataType: 'html' .done (data) -> $( $elem[0].parentElement).html(data) .error (data) -> swal("Oops", "We couldn't connect to the server!", "error") return false # # handlePreferredLinks # allows for activating/deactivating resources - like: /admin/users/2/activate # @handlePreferredLinks = (e) -> e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $elem = $(e.currentTarget) request = $.ajax url: $elem.attr('href'), type: "get", dataType: 'html' .done (data) -> # here we have to write all the existing preferred ones $.when $('i.preferred').each (k,e) -> $e = $(e) $( $e[0].parentElement).html( data.replace /{{id}}/, $e.data('id')) # $( $elem[0].parentElement).html(data) .then $( $elem[0].parentElement).html('bookmark') .error (data) -> swal("Oops", "We couldn't connect to the server!", "error") return false # # handlePrintLinks # initializes the tags classed with '.print_post_link' to print a post # @handlePrintLinks = (e) -> e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $elem = $(e.currentTarget) loader = '
' loaded_element = $elem.closest('.loader_container') setLoader( loaded_element,loader ) printPost($elem) return false # # handleDeleteLinks # initializes the tags classed with '.delete_link' to verify deleting an issue # @handleDeleteLinks = (e) -> e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $elem = $(e.currentTarget) $elem.hide() $('.sweet-overlay').show() swal title: "Are you sure?", text: "Are you sure that you want to delete this photo?", type: "warning", animation: "slide-from-bottom", showLoaderOnConfirm: true, showCancelButton: true, closeOnConfirm: false, confirmButtonText: "Yes, delete it!", confirmButtonColor: "#ec6c62", (confirmed) -> if !confirmed closeSweetAlert($elem) else deletePost($elem) return false # # starting a search - and making some noise about it! # @searchKey = (e) -> if e.keyCode == 13 e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $elem = $('input.search-list') orderSearch(inputForm.action, $elem.val()) # # starting a search - and making some noise about it! # @searchClick = (e) -> e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() $elem = $('input.search-list') orderSearch(inputForm.action, $elem.val()) inputForm = null # # initializeForm # on pages with a FORM element - like show, new and edit # prepare the FORM element # @initializeForm = (f) -> inputForm = f # # Initialize SELECT's # $('select').each () -> # remove span.caret's from previous 'runs' - however that happens $(this).parent().parent().find('span.caret').remove() $(this).material_select() # # make labels on fields with content move out of the way # setLabels('.input-field label') $(document.body).on 'keydown.search', 'input.search-list', searchKey $(document.body).on 'click.search', 'form a.search-list[type="submit"]', searchClick # # Initialize INPUT TYPE='DATE' # # %input.datepicker{ type:"date" } # $('.datepicker').pickadate selectMonths: true, # Creates a dropdown to control month selectYears: 15 # Creates a dropdown of 15 years to control year # # setup a dropbox file upload # @prepareUpload = (e) -> if $('.dropbox').size() > 0 medium = new Medium() medium.initializeBindings() # # handleFABLinks # handles click on the fab_button # @handleFABLinks = (e) -> e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() elem = $(e.currentTarget) if elem.data('browser')=='new' window.open elem.data('url') return loader = '
' setLoader( $(elem).closest('.fixed-action-btn'),loader) oxremote = elem.data('oxremote') if (oxremote=='false' or oxremote==false) switch elem.data('method') when 'post', 'POST' # elem.closest('form').submit() $('form').submit() when 'put', 'PUT' console.log 'how do I put? add code in abstracted/app/assets/javascripts/initializers.js.coffee' when 'get', 'GET' window.location.href = elem.data('url') else jqxhr = $.ajax url: elem.data('url') || elem.attr('href') type: elem.data('method') || 'get' data: dataArgumentOn(elem) dataType: elem.data('type') || 'html' .done (data) -> releaseLoader() if elem.data('modal') $(elem.data('modal')).html(data).openModal() else $(document.body).append(data) .error (data) -> releaseLoader() $(document.body).append(data) return false # # fadeItOut will fade an element out with a preset or # supplied delay # @fadeItOut = (e,delay=3500) -> $(e).delay( delay ).fadeOut( 1000 ) # # dataArgumentOn constructs the data: argument on AJAX calls # from what ever data- attributes an element holds # # excemptions: data-id, data-remote, data-ajax, data-method, data-type and data-url # @dataArgumentOn = (elem) -> $(elem).data() # # closeNotice # will close the notice DIV @closeNotice = (e) -> fadeItOut $(e).closest('.alert') #.remove() # # PageOnLoad loads and initializes # fixed elements like SELECT's, Materialized's elements, et al. # @pageOnLoad = () -> # fileApiSupportCheck() # # make sure all eventhandlers are gone! $(document.body).unbind('click.close_notice') $(document.body).unbind('click.print') $(document.body).unbind('click.delete') $(document.body).unbind('click.fab') $(document.body).unbind('click.attach') $(document.body).unbind('click.activate') $(document.body).unbind('click.prefer') $(document.body).unbind('keydown.search') $(document.body).unbind('click.search') # # Initialize the 'hamburger' # $(".button-collapse").sideNav(); # # Prepare close-notice's for acting on clicks to remove div # $(document.body).on 'click.close_notice', 'a.close-notice', closeNotice # # Prepare print_link's # $(document.body).on 'click.print', 'a.print_post_link, a.print_item', handlePrintLinks # # Prepare delete_link's for acting on clicks to delete posts # $(document.body).on 'click.delete', 'a.delete_link, a.delete_item', handleDeleteLinks # # Add event on the FAB (fixed action button) # $(document.body).on 'click.fab', 'a.fab-button', handleFABLinks # # else # $form = $(e.currentTarget).closest('form') # data = $form.serialize() # jqxhr = $.ajax # url: $(e.currentTarget).data('url'), # type: $(e.currentTarget).data('method'), # data: data # .done (response) -> # $('body').html(response) # .fail (response) -> # console.log 'øv!' # # Initialize collapsible (uncomment the line below if you use the dropdown variation) # $('.collapsible').collapsible accordion : true # A setting that changes the collapsible behavior to expandable instead of the default accordion style # # If this page has FORM element(s) # $('form').first().map (k,f) -> initializeForm(f) prepareUpload(f) # # If this page has a resources_list # $('table.resources_table').map (k,t) -> console.log 'table ' + k $(document.body).on 'click.attach', 'a.attached, a.detached', handleAttachLinks $(document.body).on 'click.activate', 'a.activated, a.deactivated', handleActivateLinks $(document.body).on 'click.prefer', 'a.preferred, a.deferred', handlePreferredLinks scrollTable(t) # # Try to keep users from double-clicking submit's # # document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', disableMultipleSubmits, false); # # make drop-downs react nicely # $(".dropdown-button").dropdown() # # prepare for tabbed display of tabbed UL's # $('ul.tabs').tabs() $('.materialboxed').materialbox() try if ($('.sweet-alert').length<1) initializeSweetAlert() if ($('.sweet-alert').length>0) console.log 'sweet-alert initialized correctly!' #swal( 'pageOnLoad', 'pageOnLoad blev kaldt!', 'success') catch error console.log 'autch!' console.log error # try # # swal( 'pageOnLoad', 'pageOnLoad blev kaldt!', 'success') # # catch error # console.log 'ok - giving up' # console.log 'page loaded!' # # check to see iff this browser supperts the File APIs # @fileApiSupportCheck = () -> if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob) # All the File APIs are supported. console.log 'file APIs supported ' else document.getElementById('message_container').innerHTML = '
This browser does not support this application fully! Use latest Chrome - or advance cautiously!
'; # # PageOnChange really just calls a pageload - as of now 19-06-15 # fixed elements like SELECT's, Materialized's elements, et al. # # @pageOnChange = () -> # console.log 'page changed ' # pageOnLoad()