# # Author:: Sander Botman () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2013 Sander Botman. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'chef/knife' class Chef class Knife class GithubCompare < Knife deps do require 'chef/knife/github_base' include Chef::Knife::GithubBase require 'chef/knife/github_baselist' include Chef::Knife::GithubBaseList end banner "knife github compare [COOKBOOK] (options)" category "github" option :mismatch, :short => "-m", :long => "--mismatch", :description => "Only show cookbooks where versions mismatch", :boolean => true def run # validate base options from base module. validate_base_options # Display information if debug mode is on. display_debug_info # Gather all repo information from github. get_all_repos = get_all_repos(@github_organizations.reverse) # Get all chef cookbooks and versions. cookbooks = rest.get_rest("/cookbooks?num_version=1") #Get the github link git_link = get_repo_clone_link # Filter all repo information based on the tags that we can find if config[:fields] || config[:fieldlist] all_repos = get_all_repos config[:fields] = "name" if config[:fields].nil? || config[:fields].empty? else all_repos = {} if config[:all] get_all_repos.each { |k,v| cookbooks[k].nil? || cookbooks[k]['versions'].nil? ? version = "" : version = cookbooks[k]['versions'][0]['version'] all_repos[k] = { 'name' => k, 'latest_cb_tag' => version, 'git_url' => v[git_link], 'latest_gh_tag' => v['latest_tag'] } } else cookbooks.each { |k,v| get_all_repos[k].nil? || get_all_repos[k][git_link].nil? ? gh_url = ui.color("Cannot find cookbook!", :red) : gh_url = get_all_repos[k][git_link] get_all_repos[k].nil? || get_all_repos[k]['latest_tag'].nil? || get_all_repos[k]['latest_tag'].empty? ? gh_tag = ui.color("No tags!", :red) : gh_tag = get_all_repos[k]['latest_tag'] all_repos[k] = { 'name' => k, 'latest_cb_tag' => v['versions'][0]['version'], 'git_url' => gh_url, 'latest_gh_tag' => gh_tag } } end end # Filter only on the cookbook name if its given on the command line @cookbook_name = name_args.first unless name_args.empty? if @cookbook_name repos = all_repos.select { |k,v| v["name"] == @cookbook_name } else repos = all_repos end columns = [ 'name,Chef Store', 'latest_cb_tag,Tag', 'git_url,Github Store', 'latest_gh_tag,Tag' ] match = [ 'latest_cb_tag', 'latest_gh_tag' ] if repos.nil? || repos.empty? Chef::Log.error("No repositories found.") else display_info(repos, columns, match) end end end end end