// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2010-2011 Strobe Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('render_delegates/render_delegate'); /** @class Renders and updates DOM representations of an image. Parameters -------------------------- Expects these properties on the data source: - image: An Image object which has completed loading If any of these are not present in the data source, the render delegate will throw an error. Optional Parameters: --------------------------- If present, these properties will be used. - imageValue: A String which represents the src or CSS class of the image - displayToolTip: A String which is rendered as a toolTip on the element - type: The type of image being rendered. One of: - SC.IMAGE_TYPE_NONE - SC.IMAGE_TYPE_URL - SC.IMAGE_TYPE_CSS_CLASS If not provided, SC.IMAGE_TYPE_URL is the default */ SC.BaseTheme.imageRenderDelegate = SC.RenderDelegate.create({ name: 'image', render: function(dataSource, context) { var image = dataSource.get('image'), imageValue = dataSource.get('imageValue'), type = dataSource.get('type') || SC.IMAGE_TYPE_URL, toolTip = dataSource.get('toolTip'); // Place the img within a div, so that we may scale & offset the img context = context.begin('img'); context.attr('src', image.src); if (imageValue && type === SC.IMAGE_TYPE_CSS_CLASS) { context.addClass(imageValue); this._last_class = imageValue; } if (toolTip) { context.attr('title', toolTip); context.attr('alt', toolTip); } // Adjust the layout of the img context.addStyle(this.imageStyles(dataSource)); context = context.end(); }, update: function(dataSource, jquery) { var image = dataSource.get('image'), imageValue = dataSource.get('imageValue'), toolTip = dataSource.get('toolTip'); jquery = jquery.find('img'); jquery.attr('src', image.src); if (imageValue !== this._last_class) jquery.setClass(this._last_class, NO); if (imageValue) { jquery.addClass(imageValue); this._last_class = imageValue; } if (toolTip) { jquery.attr('title', toolTip); jquery.attr('alt', toolTip); } // Adjust the layout of the img jquery.css(this.imageStyles(dataSource)); }, imageStyles: function(dataSource) { var innerFrame = dataSource.get('innerFrame'); return { 'position': 'absolute', 'left': Math.round(innerFrame.x), 'top': Math.round(innerFrame.y), 'width': Math.round(innerFrame.width), 'height': Math.round(innerFrame.height) }; } });