$:.unshift(File.expand_path("../", __FILE__)) require "jets/version" require "jets/camelizer" require "active_support/core_ext/string" require "active_support/ordered_hash" require "colorize" require "fileutils" require "pp" # TODO: Remove pp after debugging require "memoist" module Jets # When we update Jets::RUBY_VERSION, need to update lambdagem/base.rb: def jets_ruby_version also RUBY_VERSION = "2.5.0" autoload :CLI, "jets/cli" autoload :Commands, "jets/commands" autoload :AwsInfo, "jets/aws_info" autoload :AwsServices, "jets/aws_services" autoload :Builders, 'jets/builders' autoload :Call, "jets/call" autoload :Cfn, 'jets/cfn' autoload :Controller, 'jets/controller' autoload :Erb, "jets/erb" autoload :Generator, "jets/generator" autoload :Job, 'jets/job' autoload :Lambda, 'jets/lambda' autoload :Naming, 'jets/naming' autoload :PolyFun, 'jets/poly_fun' autoload :Processors, 'jets/processors' autoload :Route, "jets/route" autoload :Router, "jets/router" autoload :Rule, 'jets/rule' autoload :Server, "jets/server" autoload :Application, "jets/application" autoload :Booter, 'jets/booter' autoload :Core, "jets/core" autoload :Dotenv, 'jets/dotenv' autoload :Klass, 'jets/klass' autoload :Util, "jets/util" autoload :Timing, "jets/timing" autoload :Preheat, "jets/preheat" extend Core # root, logger, etc autoload :RubyServer, "jets/ruby_server" autoload :IO, "jets/io" autoload :Logger, "jets/logger" autoload :Resource, "jets/resource" end require "jets/core_ext/kernel" $:.unshift(File.expand_path("../../vendor/lambdagem/lib", __FILE__)) require "lambdagem" require "gems" # lambdagem dependency # lazy loaded dependencies: depends what project. Mainly determined by Gemfile # and config files. if File.exist?("#{Jets.root}config/dynamodb.yml") $:.unshift(File.expand_path("../../vendor/dynomite/lib", __FILE__)) require "dynomite" end # Thanks: https://makandracards.com/makandra/42521-detecting-if-a-ruby-gem-is-loaded # TODO: move require "pg" into loader class and abstract to support more gems if File.exist?("#{Jets.root}config/database.yml") require "active_record" # Note: think this is only needed for specs # Apps require pg in their own Gemfile via bundler exists = File.exist?("/var/task/bundled/gems/ruby/2.5.0/gems/pg-0.21.0/lib/pg_ext.so") # Jets.logger.info("pg_ext.so exists #{exists.inspect}") require "pg" if Gem.loaded_specs.has_key?('pg') end